888 resultados para Small-medium sized enterprises


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Drawing on survey data from 150 small and medium-sized Chinese enterprises, this article examines whether the political participation of entrepreneurs and other members of the firm improves the chances of obtaining preferential treatment from government authorities. Entrepreneurs that


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Using a new dataset of 1539 Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises this article investigates the firm-level determinants of capital structure and tests them against the predictions of financial theory. Firm size and profitability are both found to be related to leverage as posited by pecking-order theory. In contrast little support is found for the predicted relationship between asset structure and leverage. These findings are discussed in relationship to their Chinese cultural context. The managerial and policy implications of the research are then explored.


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Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors which determine the adoption of best HR practices in Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Design/methodology/approach – Regression analysis was utilized to analyse survey data obtained from 345 enterprises operating across China in a wide range of industrial sectors.
Findings – Enterprises with greater resources in terms of their size, their relationships with external organizations, their cooperation with foreign partners and the human capital of their CEO were found to be more likely to adopt best HR practices. Contrary to the findings of the existing literature no relationship was found of a relationship between family ownership and the use of best HR practices.
Research limitations/implications – The cross-sectional design is an obvious limitation of the study. Other limitations relate to the generalizability of the study findings outside the context in which the research was undertaken, and the use of convenience sampling.
Practical implications – Enterprises should consider building strategic relationships with external organizations and developing cooperation with foreign partners as a way of leveraging human resource expertise at a limited cost.
Originality/value – This is the first study to examine how differences in the resource endowments of Chinese SMEs influence their adoption of best HR practices.


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New national infrastructure initiatives such as the National Broadband Network (NBN) allow small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Australia to have greater access to cost effective Cloud computing. However, the ability of Cloud computing to store data remotely and share services in a dynamic environment brings with it security and privacy concerns. Evaluating these concerns is critical to address the Cloud computing underutilisation issue and leverage the benefits of costly NBN investment. This paper examines the influence of privacy and security factors on Cloud adoption by Australian SMEs in metropolitan and regional area. Data were collected from 150 Australian SMEs (specifically, 79 metropolitan SMEs and 71 regional SMEs) and structural equation modelling was used for the analysis. The findings reveal that privacy and security factors do not significantly influence the decision-making of Australian SMEs in the adoption of Cloud computing. Moreover, the results indicate that Cloud computing adoption is not influenced by the geographical location (i.e., metropolitan or regional location) of the SMEs. The findings extend the current understanding of Cloud computing adoption by Australian SMEs. The results will be useful to SMEs, Cloud service providers and policy makers devising Cloud security and privacy policies.


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Over the past two decades there has been a profusion of empirical studies of organizational design and its relationship to efficiency, productivity and flexibility of an organization. In parallel, there has been a wide range of studies about innovation management in different kind of industries and firms. However, with some exceptions, the organizational and innovation management bodies of literature tend to examine the issues of organizational design and innovation management individually, mainly in the context of large firms operating at the technological frontier. There seems to be a scarcity of empirical studies that bring together organizational design and innovation and examine them empirically and over time in the context of small and medium sized enterprises. This dissertation seeks to provide a small contribution in that direction. This dissertation examines the dynamic relationship between organizational design and innovation. This relationship is examined on the basis of a single-case design in a medium sized mechanical engineering company in Germany. The covered time period ranges from 1958 until 2009, although the actual focus falls on the recent past. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive field work. The main findings are: 1. There is always a bundle of organizational dimensions which impacts innovation. These main organizational design dimensions are: (1) Strategy & Leadership, (2) Resources & Capabilities, (3) Structure, (4) Culture, (5) Networks & Partnerships, (6) Processes and (7) Knowledge Management. However, the importance of the different organizational design dimensions changes over time. While for example for the production of simple, standardized parts, a simple organizational design was appropriate, the company needed to have a more advanced organizational design in order to be able to produce customized, complex parts with high quality. Hence the technological maturity of a company is related to its organizational maturity. 2. The introduction of innovations of the analyzed company were highly dependent on organizational conditions which enabled their introduction. The results of the long term case study show, that some innovations would not have been introduced successfully if the organizational elements like for example training and qualification, the build of network and partnerships or the acquisition of appropriate resources and capabilities, were not in place. Hence it can be concluded, that organizational design is an enabling factor for innovation. These findings contribute to advance our understanding of the complex relationship between organizational design and innovation. This highlights the growing importance of a comprehensive, innovation stimulating organizational design of companies. The results suggest to managers that innovation is not only dependent on a single organizational factor but on the appropriate, comprehensive design of the organization. Hence manager should consider to review regularly the design of their organizations in order to maintain a innovation stimulating environment.


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A pesquisa aqui relatada teve por objetivo caracterizar os processos de internacionalização de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras. A análise de uma amostra de 52 PMEs brasileiras exportadoras mostrou que a expansão internacional dessas empresas tem características peculiares e, em muitos aspectos, destoantes do que é descrito na literatura internacional sobre a internacionalização de PMEs. A interpretação dada aqui a esses resultados leva a uma nova compreensão deste fenômeno e levanta questões inéditas para investigação ulterior.


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Os ativos intangíveis tornaram-se a principal fonte de competitividade para as empresas operantes na Economia do Conhecimento. Entretanto, ativos intangíveis são de difícil mensuração, colocando desafios para investidores e bancos que, expostos a uma maior assimetria de informação, tendem a requerer retornos significativos, para aportar capital em Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) inovadoras, quando o fazem. O setor de Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC) se desenvolveu concomitantemente à crescente importância dos ativos intangíveis na economia. Trata-se de um importante segmento de intermediação financeira composto por organizações desenhadas para lidar com elevada assimetria de informação. Neste trabalho, dez dessas organizações, atuantes no mercado brasileiro, foram entrevistadas. O objetivo é descrever o processo de seleção de investimentos, os critérios e os indicadores utilizados por tais organizações para identificar e mensurar os ativos intangíveis. O método usualmente adotado por essas organizações para a valoração (valuation) das PMEs inovadoras também é estudado. Resultados sugerem que as organizações de PE/VC utilizam técnicas sofisticadas para avaliar propostas de investimento, com critérios e indicadores específicos para se medir as principais classes de ativos intangíveis de uma empresa. Entretanto, tais ativos não são avaliados individualmente. A informação obtida é utilizada para se compreender a origem dos fluxos de caixa projetados e os principais fatores de risco. Por sua vez, tais elementos são combinados pelo método do fluxo de caixa descontado para se estimar o valor da empresa. Graças à extensa experiência dos gestores de PE/VC com PMEs inovadoras, acredita-se que o estudo das práticas deste segmento traz importantes reflexões para a recente discussão em torno dos ativos intangíveis


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The increase in the importance of intangibles in business competitiveness has made investment selection more challenging to investors that, under high information asymmetry, tend to charge higher premiums to provide capital or simply deny it. Private Equity and Venture Capital (PE/VC) organizations developed contemporarily with the increase in the relevance of intangible assets in the economy. They form a specialized breed of financial intermediaries that are better prepared to deal with information asymmetry. This paper is the result of ten interviews with PE/VC organizations in Brazil. Its objective is to describe the selection process, criteria and indicators used by these organizations to identify and measure intangible assets, as well as the methods used to valuate prospective investments. Results show that PE/VC organizations rely on sophisticated methods to assess investment proposals, with specific criteria and indicators to assess the main classes of intangible assets. However, no value is given to these assets individually. The information gathered is used to understand the sources of cash flows and risks, which are then combined by discounted cash flow methods to estimate firm's value. Due to PE/VC organizations extensive experience with innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), we believe that shedding light on how PE/VC organizations deal with intangible assets brings important insights to the intangible assets debate.


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Pesquisa em foco: Fostering linkages between transnational corporations and small to medium-sized enterprises in Brazil - 2011. Pesquisadores: Delane Botelho e Milber Fernandes Morais Bourguignon


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The objective of this work consists of considering a script so that operating companies in the telecommunications sector, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, can reach excellency in its operations and get, thus, conditions to compete with companies consolidated in its niche of market. The proposal intends to lead the enterprises to a level of qualification of processes that to become them apt to adopt the Six Sigma method as part of its culture. From the analysis of the essential processes of the sector, methods and tools will be suggested for guarantee the continuous improvement of these processes, without forgetting the internal peculiarities of each company