949 resultados para Signaling Pathways


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SRC family kinases play essential roles in a variety of cellular functions, including proliferation, survival, differentiation, and apoptosis. The activities of these kinases are regulated by intramolecular interactions and by heterologous binding partners that modulate the transition between active and inactive structural conformations. p130(CAS) (CAS) binds directly to both the SH2 and SH3 domains of c-SRC and therefore has the potential to structurally alter and activate this kinase. In this report, we demonstrate that overexpression of full-length CAS in COS-1 cells induces c-SRC-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple endogenous cellular proteins. A carboxy-terminal fragment of CAS (CAS-CT), which contains the c-SRC binding site, was sufficient to induce c-SRC-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity, as measured by tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin, paxillin, and, to a lesser extent, focal adhesion kinase. A single amino acid substitution located in the binding site for the SRC SH3 domain of CAS-CT disrupted CAS-CT's interaction with c-SRC and inhibited its ability to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and paxillin. Murine C3H10T1/2 fibroblasts that expressed elevated levels of tyrosine phosphorylated CAS and c-SRC-CAS complexes exhibited an enhanced ability to form colonies in soft agar and to proliferate in the absence of serum or growth factors. CAS-CT fully substituted for CAS in mediating growth in soft agar but was less effective in promoting serum-independent growth. These data suggest that CAS plays an important role in regulating specific signaling pathways governing cell growth and/or survival, in part through its ability to interact with and modulate the activity of c-SRC.


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Although, ionizing radiation (IR) has been implicated to cause stress in endoplasmic reticulum (ER), how ER stress signaling and major ER stress sensors modulate cellular response to IR is unclear. Protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) is an ER transmembrane protein which initiates unfolded protein response (UPR) or ER stress signaling when ER homeostasis is disturbed. Here, we report that down-regulation of PERK resulted in increased clonogenic survival, enhanced DNA repair and reduced apoptosis in irradiated cancer cells. Our study demonstrated that PERK has a role in sensitizing cancer cells to IR. 


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Nematode neuropeptide systems comprise an exceptionally complex array of similar to 250 peptidic signaling molecules that operate within a structurally simple nervous system of similar to 300 neurons. A relatively complete picture of the neuropeptide complement is available for Caenorhabditis elegans, with 30 flp, 38 ins and 43 nlp genes having been documented; accumulating evidence indicates similar complexity in parasitic nematodes from clades I, III, IV and V. In contrast, the picture for parasitic platyhelminths is less clear, with the limited peptide sequence data available providing concrete evidence for only FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP) and neuropeptide F (NPF) signaling systems, each of which only comprises one or two peptides. With the completion of the Schmidtea meditteranea and Schistosoma mansoni genome projects and expressed sequence tag datasets for other flatworm parasites becoming available, the time is ripe for a detailed reanalysis of neuropeptide signaling in flatworms. Although the actual neuropeptides provide limited obvious value as targets for chemotherapeutic-based control strategies, they do highlight the signaling systems present in these helminths and provide tools for the discovery of more amenable targets such as neuropeptide receptors or neuropeptide processing enzymes. Also, they offer opportunities to evaluate the potential of their associated signaling pathways as targets through RNA interference (RNAi)-based, target validation strategies. Currently, within both helminth phyla, the flp signaling systems appear to merit further investigation as they are intrinsically linked with motor function, a proven target for successful anti-parasitics; it is clear that some nematode NLPs also play a role in motor function and could have similar appeal. At this time, it is unclear if flatworm NPF and nematode INS peptides operate in pathways that have utility for parasite control. Clearly, RNAi-based validation could be a starting point for scoring potential target pathways within neuropeptide signaling for parasiticide discovery programs. Also, recent successes in the application of in planta-based RNAi control strategies for plant parasitic nematodes reveal a strategy whereby neuropeptide encoding genes could become targets for parasite control. The possibility of developing these approaches for the control of animal and human parasites is intriguing, but will require significant advances in the delivery of RNAi-triggers.


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Vaccination procedures within the cattle industry are important disease control tools to minimize economic and welfare burdens associated with respiratory pathogens. However, new vaccine, antigen and carrier technologies are required to combat emerging viral strains and enhance the efficacy of respiratory vaccines, particularly at the point of pathogen entry. New technologies, specifically metabolomic profiling, could be applied to identify metabolite immune-correlates representative of immune protection following vaccination aiding in the design and screening of vaccine candidates. This study for the first time demonstrates the ability of untargeted UPLC-MS metabolomic profiling to identify metabolite immune correlates characteristic of immune responses following mucosal vaccination in calves. Male Holstein Friesian calves were vaccinated with Pfizer Rispoval® PI3 + RSV intranasal vaccine and metabolomic profiling of post-vaccination plasma revealed 12 metabolites whose peak intensities differed significantly from controls. Plasma levels of glycocholic acid, N-[(3α,5β,12α)-3,12-Dihydroxy-7,24-dioxocholan-24-yl]glycine, uric acid and biliverdin were found to be significantly elevated in vaccinated animals following secondary vaccine administration, whereas hippuric acid significantly decreased. In contrast, significant upregulation of taurodeoxycholic acid and propionylcarnitine levels were confined to primary vaccine administration. Assessment of such metabolite markers may provide greater information on the immune pathways stimulated from vaccine formulations and benchmarking early metabolomic responses to highly immunogenic vaccine formulations could provide a means for rapidly assessing new vaccine formulations. Furthermore, the identification of metabolic systemic immune response markers which relate to specific cell signaling pathways of the immune system could allow for targeted vaccine design to stimulate key pathways which can be assessed at the metabolic level.


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Prostate cancer development and progression are associated with alterations in expression and function of elements of cytokine networks, some of which can activate multiple signaling pathways. Protein inhibitor of activated signal transducers and activators of transcription (PIAS)1, a regulator of cytokine signaling, may be implicated in the modulation of cellular events during carcinogenesis. This study was designed to investigate the functional significance of PIAS1 in models of human prostate cancer. We demonstrate for the first time that PIAS1 protein expression is significantly higher in malignant areas of clinical prostate cancer specimens than in normal tissues, thus suggesting a growth-promoting role for PIAS1. Expression of PIAS1 was observed in the majority of tested prostate cancer cell lines. In addition, we investigated the mechanism by which PIAS1 might promote prostate cancer and found that down-regulation of PIAS1 leads to decreased proliferation and colony formation ability of prostate cancer cell lines. This decrease correlates with cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase, which is mediated by increased expression of p21(CIP1/WAF1). Furthermore, PIAS1 overexpression positively influences cell cycle progression and thereby stimulates proliferation, which can be mechanistically explained by a decrease in the levels of cellular p21. Taken together, our data reveal an important new role for PIAS1 in the regulation of cell proliferation in prostate cancer.


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NAD is essential for cellular metabolism and has a key role in various signaling pathways in human cells. To ensure proper control of vital reactions, NAD must be permanently resynthesized. Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid as well as nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinic acid riboside (NAR) are the major precursors for NAD biosynthesis in humans. In this study, we explored whether the ribosides NR and NAR can be generated in human cells. We demonstrate that purified, recombinant human cytosolic 5'-nucleotidases (5'-NTs) CN-II and CN-III, but not CN-IA, can dephosphorylate the mononucleotides nicotinamide mononucleotide and nicotinic acid mononucleotide (NAMN) and thus catalyze NR and NAR formation in vitro. Similar to their counterpart from yeast, Sdt1, the human 5'-NTs require high (millimolar) concentrations of nicotinamide mononucleotide or NAMN for efficient catalysis. Overexpression of FLAG-tagged CN-II and CN-III in HEK293 and HepG2 cells resulted in the formation and release of NAR. However, NAR accumulation in the culture medium of these cells was only detectable under conditions that led to increased NAMN production from nicotinic acid. The amount of NAR released from cells engineered for increased NAMN production was sufficient to maintain viability of surrounding cells unable to use any other NAD precursor. Moreover, we found that untransfected HeLa cells produce and release sufficient amounts of NAR and NR under normal culture conditions. Collectively, our results indicate that cytosolic 5'-NTs participate in the conversion of NAD precursors and establish NR and NAR as integral constituents of human NAD metabolism. In addition, they point to the possibility that different cell types might facilitate each other's NAD supply by providing alternative precursors.


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The calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cell (NFAT) pathway represents a crucial transducer of cellular function. There is increasing evidence placing the sarcolemmal calcium pump, or plasma membrane calcium/calmodulin ATPase pump (PMCA), as a potential modulator of signal transduction pathways. We demonstrate a novel interaction between PMCA and the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase, calcineurin, in mammalian cells. The interaction domains were located to the catalytic domain of PMCA4b and the catalytic domain of the calcineurin A subunit. Endogenous calcineurin activity, assessed by measuring the transcriptional activity of its best characterized substrate, NFAT, was significantly inhibited by 60% in the presence of ectopic PMCA4b. This inhibition was notably reversed by the co-expression of the PMCA4b interaction domain, demonstrating the functional significance of this interaction. PMCA4b was, however, unable to confer its inhibitory effect in the presence of a calcium/calmodulin-independent constitutively active mutant calcineurin A suggesting a calcium/calmodulin-dependent mechanism. The modulatory function of PMCA4b is further supported by the observation that endogenous calcineurin moves from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane when PMCA4b is overexpressed. We suggest recruitment by PMCA4b of calcineurin to a low calcium environment as a possible explanation for these findings. In summary, our results offer strong evidence for a novel functional interaction between PMCA and calcineurin, suggesting a role for PMCA as a negative modulator of calcineurin-mediated signaling pathways in mammalian cells. This study reinforces the emerging role of PMCA as a molecular organizer and regulator of signaling transduction pathways.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se esclarecer o papel que a progesterona e os seus metabolitos exercem no sistema nervoso central. Nos últimos anos, com a descoberta da síntese local de esteróides no cérebro, a progesterona, assim como outras hormonas sexuais, ganharam uma relevância crescente em fenómenos tais como plasticidade neuronal e neuroprotecção. Ainda que já se comece a entender o papel de muitas hormonas no cérebro, tal como o estrogénio, o papel da progesterona continua menos conhecido. Deste modo, o nosso trabalho centrou-se na elucidação dos efeitos da progesterona em fenómenos de sobrevivência celular, plasticidade neuronal/sináptica. Graças à colaboração com um grupo pioneiro em estudos sobre hormonas sexuais neuroactivas, o presente trabalho fornece uma importante contribuição ao entendimento do papel desta hormona no sistema nervoso central. Este trabalho fornece novos dados, relativamente ao papel da progesterona e dos seus metabolitos reduzidos na regulação de vias de sinalização associadas com sobrevivência celular, tal como Akt/PI3K e ERK. Também é analisado o efeito do tratamento hormonal na expressão e estado de fosforilação da proteína Tau, sendo ainda motivo de estudo cinases e fosfatases envolvidas nestes mecanismos.


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A Doença de Alzheimer (AD) é a maior doença neurodegenerativa a nível mundial, e a principal causa de demência na população idosa. O processamento da proteína precursora de amilóide (APP) pelas β- e g- secretases origina o peptídeo Aβ, que agrega em oligómeros neurotóxicos e em placas senis. Estes são eventos-chave na patogénese da DA que levam à rutura da neurotransmissão sináptica, morte neuronal e inflamação neuronal do hipocampo e córtex cerebral, causando perda de memória disfunção cognitiva geral. Apesar dos grandes avanços no conhecimento do papel do processamento da APP na DA, a sua função fisiológica ainda não foi totalmente elucidada. Os mapas de interações proteína-proteína (PPI) humanos têm desempenhado um papel importante na investigação biomédica, em particular no estudo de vias de sinalização e de doenças humanas. O método dois-híbrido em levedura (YTH) consiste numa plataforma para a produção rápida de redes de PPI em larga-escala. Neste trabalho foram realizados vários rastreios YTH com o objetivo de identificar proteínas específicas de cérebro humano que interagissem com a APP, ou com o seu domínio intracelular (AICD), tanto o tipo selvagem como com os mutantes Y687F, que mimetizam o estado desfosforilado do resíduo Tyr-687. De facto, a endocitose da APP e a produção de Aβ estão dependentes do estado de fosforilação da Tyr-687. Os rastreios YTH permitiram assim obter de redes proteínas que interagem com a APP, utilizando como “isco” a APP, APPY687F e AICDY687F. Os clones positivos foram isolados e identificados através de sequenciação do cDNA. A maior parte dos clones identificados, 118, correspondia a sequências que codificam para proteínas conhecidas, resultando em 31 proteínas distintas. A análise de proteómica funcional das proteínas identificadas neste estudo e em dois projetos anteriores (AICDY687E, que mimetiza a fosforilação, e AICD tipo selvagem), permitiram avaliar a relevância da fosforilação da Tyr-687. Três clones provenientes do rastreio YTH com a APPY687F foram identificados como um novo transcrito da proteína Fe65, resultante de splicing alternativo, a Fe65E3a (GenBank Accession: EF103274), que codifica para a isoforma p60Fe65. A p60Fe65 está enriquecida no cérebro e os seus níveis aumentam durante a diferenciação neuronal de células PC12, evidenciando o potencial papel que poderá desempenhar na patologia da DA. A RanBP9 é uma proteína nuclear e citoplasmática envolvida em diversas vias de sinalização celulares. Neste trabalho caracterizou-se a nova interação entre a RanBP9 e o AICD, que pode ser regulada pela fosforilação da Tyr-687. Adicionalmente, foi identificada uma nova interação entre a RanBP9 e a acetiltransferase de histonas Tip60. Demonstrou-se ainda que a RanBP9 tem um efeito de regulação inibitório na transcrição mediada por AICD, através da interação com a Tip60, afastando o AICD dos locais de transcrição ativos. O estudo do interactoma da APP/AICD, modelado pela fosforilação da Tyr-687, revela que a APP poderá estar envolvida em novas vias celulares, contribuindo não só para o conhecimento do papel fisiológico da APP, como também auxilia a revelar as vias que levam à agregação de Aβ e neurodegeneração. A potencial relevância deste trabalho relaciona-se com a descoberta de algumas interações proteicas/vias de sinalização que podem que podem ser relevantes para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas na DA.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a member of the class of phospholipids, and is distributed among all cells of mammalians, playing important roles in diverse biological processes, including blood clotting and apoptosis. When externalized, PS is a ligand that is recognized on apoptotic cells. It has been considered that before externalization PS is oxidized and oxPS enhance the recognition by macrophages receptors, however the knowledge about oxidation of PS is still limited. PS, like others phospholipids, has two fatty acyl chains and one polar head group, in this case is the amino acid serine. The modifications in PS structure can occur by oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acyl chains and by glycation of the polar head group, due to free amine group, thus increasing the susceptibility to oxidative events. The main goal of this work was to characterize and identify oxidized and glycoxidized PS, contributing to the knowledge of the biological role of oxidation products of PS, as well as of glycated PS, in immune and inflammatory processes. To achieve this goal, PS standards (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho- L-serine (POPS), 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DPPS), 1- palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PLPS) and 1-palmitoyl-2- arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PAPS)) and glycated PS (PAPS and POPS) were induced to oxidize in model systems, using different oxidant reagents: HO• and 2,2'-azobis-2-methyl-propanimidamide dihydrochloride (AAPH) . The detailed structural characterization of the oxidative products was performed by ESI-MS and MS/MS coupled to separation techniques such as off line TLC-MS and on line LC-MS, in order to obtained better characterization of the larger number of PS and glycated PS oxidation products. The results obtained in this work allowed to identify several oxidation products of PS and glycated PS with modifications in unsaturated fatty acyl chain. Also, oxidation products formed due to structural changes in the serine polar head with formation of terminal acetamide, terminal hydroperoxyacetaldehyde.and terminal acetic acid (glycerophosphacetic acid, GPAA) were identified. The mass spectrometric specific fragmentation pathway of each type of oxidation product was determined using different mass spectrometry approaches. Based on the identified fragmentation pathways, targeted lipidomic analysis was performed to detect oxidation products modified in serine polar head in HaCaT cell line treated with AAPH. The GPAA was detected in HaCaT cells treated with AAPH to induce oxidative stress, thus confirming that modifications in PS polar head is possible to occur in biological systems. Furthermore, it was found that glycated PS species are more prone to oxidative modifications when compared with non glycated PS. During oxidation of glycated PS, besides the oxidation in acyl chains, new oxidation products due to oxidation of the glucose moiety were identified, including PS advanced glycation end products (PSAGES). To investigate if UVA oxidative stress exerted changes in the lipidome of melanoma cell lines, particularly in PS profile, a lipidomic analysis was performed. The lipid profile was obtained using HILIC-LC-MS and GC-MS analysis of the total lipid extracts obtained from human melanoma cell line (SKMEL- 28) after UVA irradiation at 0, 2 and 24 hours. The results did not showed significant differences in PS content. At molecular level, only PS (18:0:18:1) decreased at the moment of irradiation. The most significant changes in phospholipids content occurred in phosphatidylcholines (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) classes, with an increase of mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), similarly as observed for the fatty acid analysis. Overall, these data indicate that the observed membrane lipid changes associated with lipogenesis after UVA exposure may be correlated with malignant transformations associated with cancer development and progression. Despite of UVA radiation is associated with oxidative damage, in this work was not possible observe oxidation phospholipids. The anti/pro-inflammatory properties of the oxidized PLPS (oxPLPS) versus non-oxidized PLPS were tested on LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. The modulation of intracellular signaling pathways such as NF-kB and MAPK cascades by oxPLPS and PS was also examined in this study. The results obtained from evaluation of anti/pro-inflammatory properties showed that neither PLPS or oxPLPS species activated the macrophages. Moreover only oxidized PLS were found to significantly inhibit NO production and iNOS and il1β gene transcription induced by LPS. The analysis at molecular level showed that this was the result of the attenuation of LPS-induced c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p65 NF-kB nuclear translocation. Overall these data suggest that oxPLPS, but not native PLPS, mitigates pro-inflammatory signaling in macrophages, contributing to containment of inflammation during apoptotic cell engulfment. The results obtained in this work provides new information on the modifications of PS, facilitating the identification of oxidized species in complex samples, namely under physiopathologic conditions and also contributes to a better understanding of the role of oxPS and PS in the inflammatory response, in the apoptotic process and other biological functions.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecofisiologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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Bone is constantly being molded and shaped by the action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. A proper equilibrium between both cell types metabolic activities is required to ensure an adequate skeletal tissue structure, and it involves resorption of old bone and formation of new bone tissue. It is reported that treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can elicit alterations in skeletal structure, in particular in bone mineral density. Nevertheless, the knowledge regarding the effects of AEDs on bone cells are still scarce. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of five different AEDs on human osteoclastic, osteoblastic and co-cultured cells. Osteoclastic cell cultures were established from precursor cells isolated from human peripheral blood and were characterized for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, number of TRAP+ multinucleated cells, presence of cells with actin rings and expressing vitronectin and calcitonin receptors and apoptosis rate. Also, the involvement of several signaling pathways on the cellular response was addressed. Osteoblastic cell cultures were obtained from femur heads of patients (25-45 years old) undergoing orthopaedic surgery procedures and were then studied for cellular proliferation/viability, ALP activity, histochemical staining of ALP and apoptosis rate. Also the expression of osteoblast-related genes and the involvement of some osteoblastogenesis-related signalling pathways on cellular response were addressed. For co-cultured cells, osteoblastic cells were firstly seeded and cultured. After that, PBMC were added to the osteoblastic cells and co-cultures were evaluated using the same osteoclast and osteoblast parameters mentioned above for the corresponding isolated cell. Cell-cultures were maintained in the absence (control) or in the presence of different AEDs (carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate and valproic acid). All the tested drugs were able to affect osteoclastic and osteoblastic cells development, although with different profiles on their osteoclastogenic and osteoblastogenic modulation properties. Globally, the tendency was to inhibit the process. Furthermore, the signaling pathways involved in the process also seemed to be differently affected by the AEDs, suggesting that the different drugs may affect osteoclastogenesis and/or osteoblastogenesis through different mechanisms. In conclusion, the present study showed that the different AEDs had the ability to directly and indirectly modulate bone cells differentiation, shedding new light towards a better understanding of how these drugs can affect bone tissue.


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Glioma is the most frequent form of malignant brain tumor in the adults and childhood. There is a global tendency toward a higher incidence of gliomas in highly developed and industrialized countries. Simultaneously obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in such developed countries. It has been highly accepted that obesity may play an important role in the biology of several types of cancer. We have developed an in vitro method for the understanding of the influence of obesity on glioma mouse cells (Gl261). 3T3-L1 mouse pre-adipocytes were induced to the maturity. The conditioned medium was harvested and used into the Gl261 cultures. Using two-dimension electrophoresis it was analyzed the proteome content of Gl261 in the presence of conditioned medium (CGl) and in its absence (NCGl). The differently expressed spots were collected and analyzed by means of mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF-MS). Significantly expression pattern changes were observed in eleven proteins and enzymes. RFC1, KIF5C, ANXA2, N-RAP, RACK1 and citrate synthase were overexpressed or only present in the CGl. Contrariwise, STI1, hnRNPs and phosphoglycerate kinase 1 were significantly underexpressed in CGl. Aldose reductase and carbonic anhydrase were expressed only in NCGl. Our results show that obesity remodels the physiological and metabolic behavior of glioma cancer cells. Also, proteins found differently expressed are implicated in several signaling pathways that control matrix remodeling, proliferation, progression, migration and invasion. In general our results support the idea that obesity may increase glioma malignancy, however, some interesting paradox finding were also reported and discussed.