779 resultados para Satisfação total no trabalho - Total job satisfaction


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Gestão de Organizações de Economia Social, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2016


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This study developed and tested a model of job uncertainty for survivors and victims of downsizing. Data were collected from three samples of employees in a public hospital, each representing three phases of the downsizing process: immediately before the announcement of the redeployment of staff, during the implementation of the downsizing, and towards the end of the official change programme. As predicted, levels of job uncertainty and personal control had a direct relationship with emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction, In addition, there was evidence to suggest that personal control mediated the relationship between job uncertainty and employee adjustment, a pattern of results that varied across each of the three phases of the change event. From the perspective of the organization's overall climate, it was found that levels of job uncertainty, personal control and job satisfaction improved and/or stabilized over the downsizing process. During the implementation phase, survivors experienced higher levels of personal control than victims, but both groups of employees reported similar levels of job uncertainty. We discuss the implications of our results for strategically managing uncertainty during and after organizational change.


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Increasingly, retailers nowadays have to focus on service marketing strategies and tactics to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Delivering high levels of service quality becomes crucial for long-term success. Since customers' perception of service quality depends very much on the interaction between the customer and the employee, this study analyzes the link between employee and customer satisfaction in more detail. Moreover, based on three different theories that prior research has used, it investigates whether or not the level of customer contact is a determinant of the existence or the intensity of the employee–customer satisfaction link. Analysis of dyadic data from 53,645 customers and 1659 employees across 99 outlets of a large German Do-It-Yourself (DIY)-retailer shows that employee job satisfaction affects customer satisfaction even for employee groups that are not in direct interaction with customers, although effects seem to be slightly stronger for high interaction groups. Implications for research and management are discussed.


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Just-in-time (JIT) production systems are increasingly being seen as a vital way for manufacturing organizations to enhance their competitiveness. A number of commentators have suggested that this will simplify jobs and reduce employee well-being. This paper presents a conceptual framework for interpreting the effects of JIT and reports findings from a study of the impact of JIT on the content of workers'jobs and on job satisfaction and psychological strain. The introduction of JIT led to a reduction in control over work timing, an increase in production pressure, and a drop in job satisfaction. Contrary to claims in the literature, no changes were found in control over work methods, other aspects of cognitive demands and skill use, and in psychological strain. The study shows that JIT can be implemented without radical changes in job content or adverse impact in terms of employee strain, and the implications of these findings are discussed.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of the quality of senior management leadership on social support and job design, whose main effects on strains, and moderating effects on work stressors-to-strains relationships were assessed. Design/methodology/approach: A survey involving distribution of questionnaires was carried out on a random sample of health care employees in acute hospital practice in the UK. The sample comprised 65,142 respondents. The work stressors tested were quantitative overload and hostile environment, whereas strains were measured through job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Structural equation modelling and moderated regression analyses were used in the analysis. Findings: Quality of senior management leadership explained 75 per cent and 94 per cent of the variance of social support and job design respectively, whereas work stressors explained 51 per cent of the variance of strains. Social support and job design predicted job satisfaction and turnover intentions, as well as moderated significantly the relationships between quantitative workload/hostility and job satisfaction/turnover intentions. Research limitations/implications: The findings are useful to management and to health employees working in acute/specialist hospitals. Further research could be done in other counties to take into account cultural differences and variations in health systems. The limitations included self-reported data and percept-percept bias due to same source data collection. Practical implications: The quality of senior management leaders in hospitals has an impact on the social environment, the support given to health employees, their job design, as well as work stressors and strains perceived. Originality/value: The study argues in favour of effective senior management leadership of hospitals, as well as ensuring adequate support structures and job design. The findings may be useful to health policy makers and human resources managers. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Five models delineating the person-situation fit controversy were developed and tested. Hypotheses were tested to determine the linkages between vision congruence, empowerment, locus of control, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee performance. Vision was defined as a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization.^ Data were collected from 213 employees in a major flower import company. Participants were from various organizational levels and ethnic backgrounds. The data collection procedure consisted of three parts. First, a profile analysis instrument was used which was developed employing a Q-sort based technique, to measure the vision congruence between the CEO and each employee. Second, employees completed a survey instrument which included scales measuring empowerment, locus of control, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and social desirability. Third, supervisor performance ratings were gathered from employee files. Data analysis consisted of using Kendall's tau to measure the correlation between CEO's and each employee's vision. Path analyses were conducted using the EQS structural equation program to test five theoretical models for goodness-of-fit. Regression analysis was employed to test whether locus of control acted as a moderator variable.^ The results showed that vision congruence is significantly related to job satisfaction and employee commitment, and perceived empowerment acts as an intervening variable affecting employee outcomes. The study also found that people with an internal locus of control were more likely to feel empowered than were those with external beliefs. Implications of these findings for both researchers and practitioners are discussed and suggestions for future research directions are provided. ^


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The present study tested a nomological net of work engagement that was derived from its extant research. Two of the main work engagement models that have been presented and empirically tested in the literature, the JD-R model and Kahn's model, were integrated to test the effects that job features and personal characteristics can have on work engagement through the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety, and availability. In this study, safety refers to psychological perceptions of safety and not workplace safety behaviors. The job features that were tested in this model included person-job fit, autonomy, co-worker relations, supervisor support, procedural justice, and interactional justice, while the personal characteristics consisted of self-consciousness, self-efficacy, extraversion, and neuroticism. Thirty-four hypotheses and a conceptual model were tested in order to establish the viability of this nomological net of work engagement in which it was expected that meaningfulness would mediate the relationships between job features and work engagement, safety would mediate the relationships that job features and personal characteristics have with work engagement, and availability (physical, emotional, and cognitive resources) would mediate the relationships that personal characteristics have with work engagement. Furthermore, analyses were run in order to determine the factor structure of work engagement, assess whether or not it exhibits differential validity from organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and confirm that it is positively related to the outcome variable of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The final sample consisted of 500 workers from an online labor market who responded to a questionnaire composed of measures of all constructs included in this study. Findings show that work engagement is best represented as a three-factor construct, composed of vigor, dedication and absorption. Furthermore, support was found for the distinction of work engagement from the related constructs of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. With regard to the proposed model, meaningfulness proved to be the strongest predictor of work engagement. Results show that it partially mediates the relationships that all job features have with work engagement. Safety proved to be a partial mediator of the relationships that autonomy, co-worker relations, supervisor support, procedural justice, interactional justice, and self-efficacy have with work engagement, and fully mediate the relationship between neuroticism and work engagement. Findings also show that availability partially mediates the positive relationships that extraversion and self-efficacy have with work engagement, and fully mediates the negative relationship that neuroticism has with work engagement. Finally, a positive relationship was found between work engagement and OCB. Research and organizational implications are discussed.


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The present study tested a nomological net of work engagement that was derived from its extant research. Two of the main work engagement models that have been presented and empirically tested in the literature, the JD-R model and Kahn’s model, were integrated to test the effects that job features and personal characteristics can have on work engagement through the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety, and availability. In this study, safety refers to psychological perceptions of safety and not workplace safety behaviors. The job features that were tested in this model included person-job fit, autonomy, co-worker relations, supervisor support, procedural justice, and interactional justice, while the personal characteristics consisted of self-consciousness, self-efficacy, extraversion, and neuroticism. Thirty-four hypotheses and a conceptual model were tested in order to establish the viability of this nomological net of work engagement in which it was expected that meaningfulness would mediate the relationships between job features and work engagement, safety would mediate the relationships that job features and personal characteristics have with work engagement, and availability (physical, emotional, and cognitive resources) would mediate the relationships that personal characteristics have with work engagement. Furthermore, analyses were run in order to determine the factor structure of work engagement, assess whether or not it exhibits differential validity from organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and confirm that it is positively related to the outcome variable of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The final sample consisted of 500 workers from an online labor market who responded to a questionnaire composed of measures of all constructs included in this study. Findings show that work engagement is best represented as a three-factor construct, composed of vigor, dedication and absorption. Furthermore, support was found for the distinction of work engagement from the related constructs of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. With regard to the proposed model, meaningfulness proved to be the strongest predictor of work engagement. Results show that it partially mediates the relationships that all job features have with work engagement. Safety proved to be a partial mediator of the relationships that autonomy, co-worker relations, supervisor support, procedural justice, interactional justice, and self-efficacy have with work engagement, and fully mediate the relationship between neuroticism and work engagement. Findings also show that availability partially mediates the positive relationships that extraversion and self-efficacy have with work engagement, and fully mediates the negative relationship that neuroticism has with work engagement. Finally, a positive relationship was found between work engagement and OCB. Research and organizational implications are discussed.


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As novas possibilidades de comunicação também oferecem novas oportunidades para a formação, análise e avaliação da investigação. Cientistas e investigadores usam com frequência as aplicações baseadas na web em investigação. Praticamente em todas as áreas de investigação, as ferramentas digitais converteram-se em indispensáveis; o aparecimento de novos paradigmas como o acesso aberto, as métricas alternativas e as redes sociais são um importante exemplo de como estas mudanças afetaram a forma como os estudiosos pensam no futuro das publicações académicas. Estes acontecimentos criaram novas possibilidades e novos desafios na avaliação da qualidade da investigação, ao nível dos investigadores individuais e do desenvolvimento profissional. É a este nível que a biblioteca desempenha um papel indispensável na formação de competências e habilidades informativas que se repercutirá na valorização social do profissional, na sua satisfação profissional e, em última instância, na qualidade da própria instituição. Destacam-se os aspetos mais relevantes nos novos paradigmas de comunicação e difusão científica e, a esse respeito, recomendam-se as ações mais adequadas.


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A ideia de escola inclusiva é uma realidade com a qual todos se confrontam nos dias de hoje. Esta ajuda a promover o desenvolvimento das pessoas com e sem necessidades educativas especiais, tendo demonstrado ser um grande benefício para todos. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender qual a satisfação dos docentes face à inclusão dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, na Região Autónoma da Madeira, bem como compreender a atitude e perspetiva dos educadores de infância e professores dos ensinos básico e secundário em relação a esta problemática. Na realização deste estudo, utilizou-se um inquérito por questionário para a recolha de dados, recorrendo a uma metodologia de cariz quantitativo. Os resultados desta investigação concluem que os docentes apresentam valores baixos a médios, no que se refere à sua satisfação profissional face à inclusão. Observou-se que os docentes mais novos demonstraram uma maior satisfação. Verifica-se também que os docentes do sexo masculino revelaram estar mais satisfeitos do que os do sexo feminino. Finalmente, constatou-se que os docentes com menos tempo de serviço estão mais satisfeitos do que os que possuem mais tempo de serviço. No que diz respeito às atitudes, verificamos que os professores concordaram que os docentes mais jovens, os que têm menos tempo de serviço e os do sexo feminino possuem atitudes mais favoráveis face à inclusão das crianças com NEE.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el Síndrome de Burnout y la Calidad de Vida Laboral en el personal asistencial en una institución de salud de segundo nivel ubicada en Bogotá, y observar si existe relación entre estos constructos. Se aplicó el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach [MBI] y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Profesional [CVP-35] a 62 participantes, pertenecientes a distintos campos del área de la salud. Los resultados indicaron que el 38,7% de los participantes presentaron severidad alta y moderada del síndrome, no obstante, con un nivel de realización personal alto, que unido a la fuerte motivación intrínseca encontrada, constituye un factor protector ante la alta carga laboral y el escaso apoyo directivo. El cansancio emocional correlacionó directamente con la carga laboral e inversamente con la motivación intrínseca. Se resalta la importancia de una eficiente gestión en las organizaciones de salud y la necesidad de una dirección más centrada en las personas a fin de garantizar su bienestar, lo que redundará en su calidad de vida y en la atención ofrecida.


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La capacidad de gestión del personal se ha convertido en un imperativo para las organizaciones modernas. Por tanto se vienen introduciendo temas como la administración en valores y el engagement de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, la relación entre estos dos aún no ha sido estudiada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto que tiene el grado de articulación y reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales y personales y organizacionales sobre los niveles de engagement de los empleados. Para esta investigación se utilizó una muestra constituida por 54 trabajadores de una organización del sector salud de la ciudad de Bogotá a quienes les fueron aplicadas dos escalas: el Inventario para Medir la Articulación entre la Persona y la Organización (Inventario APO) y Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES). Como principal resultado se obtuvo que de las tres dimensiones consideradas predictoras del engagement, solamente el reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo.


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O estudo realizado analisa as experiências e vivências profissionais dos inspetores da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica, tomando como pano de fundo a perspetiva de que o quotidiano da ação dos atores se configura como uma estruturação e ou restruturação de esquemas de desempenho específicos, mediada pela permanente criação e estabilização de alianças e negociações entre os atores. A partir duma abordagem qualitativa sobre as orientações profissionais, o sentido e a direção da satisfação profissional e as tendências das condições materiais e sociais das suas práticas quotidianas profissionais, conclui essencialmente o seguinte: por um lado, os entrevistados privilegiam uma nova ordem de modelo profissional para o seu grupo, com maiores margens de liberdade e ou de autonomia, e, por outro lado, os inspetores da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica vivem num dilema identitário, face às dificuldades de reconhecimento social da sua profissão como órgão de polícia criminal especializada; Authorithy for the Food and Economy Security and his Inspectors: a sociological analysis of professional group identity dilemmas Abstract: The study analyzes the professional experiences of ASAE inspectors, using as theoretical perspetive that actors everyday action is configured as a structuring and or restructuring of specific performance schemes, mediated by permanent creation and stabilization alliances and negotiations between the actors. Through a qualitative approach to professional guidance, job satisfaction meaning and direction, and trends about the material and social conditions of professional daily practices, I essentially concludes that: on the one hand, respondents are favor a new order of professional model for their group, with higher margins and freedom or autonomy, and, on the other hand, ASAE inspectors are living an identity dilemma, given the difficulties of social recognition of their profession as specialized criminal police corps.


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Between the 1970s and the 1990s the level and type of emotionality in the Commonwealth Employment Service (the Australian national employment service) altered. Within a context of changing economic conditions and concomitant work intensification, it is argued that untenable working conditions resulted in new recruits adopting a coping strategy that led to the use rather than the suppression of emotions. The use of emotions provided workers with job satisfaction and greater control over service interactions. Management subsequently commandeered the use of emotions to complement the introduction of private sector management techniques and service delivery reforms, regaining control over worker-client interactions.