970 resultados para SPOTS


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PIXE (Particle Induce X-ray Emission spectrometry) was used for analysing stem bark and stem wood of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Silver birch. Thick samples were irradiated, in laboratory atmosphere, with 3 MeV protons and the beam current was measured indirectly using a photo multiplicator (PM) tube. Both point scans and bulk analyses were performed with the 1 mm diameter proton beam. In bulk analyses, whole bark and sectors of discs of the stem wood were dry ashed at 550 ˚C. The ashes were homogenised by shaking and prepared to target pellets for PIXE analyses. This procedure generated representative samples to be analysed, but the enrichment also enabled quantification of some additional trace elements. The ash contents obtained as a product of the sample preparation procedure also showed to be of great importance in the evaluation of results in environmental studies. Spot scans from the pith of pine wood outwards, showed clearly highest concentrations of manganese, calcium and zinc in the first spot irradiated, or 2-3 times higher than in the surrounding wood. For stem wood from the crown part of a pine this higher concentration level was found in the first four spots/mms, including the pith and the two following growth rings. Zinc showed increasing concentrations outwards in sapwood of the pine stem, with the over-all lowest concentrations in the inner half of the sapwood. This could indicate emigration of this element from sapwood being under transformation to heartwood. Point scans across sapwood of pine and spruce showed more distinct variations in concentrations relative to hearth wood. Higher concentrations of e.g. zinc, calcium and manganese were found in earlywood than in denser latewood. Very high concentrations of iron and copper were also seen for some earlywood increments. The ash content of stem bark is up to and order higher than for the stem wood. However, when the elemental concentration in ashes of bark and wood of the same disc were compared, these are very similar – this when trees are growing at spots with no anthropogenic contamination from the atmosphere. The largest difference was obtained for calcium which appeared at two times high concentrations in ashes of bark than in ashes of the wood (ratio of 2). Pine bark is often used in monitoring of atmospheric pollution, where concentrations in bark samples are compared. Here an alternative approach is suggested: Bark and the underlying stem wood of a pine trees are dry ashed and analysed. The elemental concentration in the bark ash is then compared to the concentration of the same element in the wood ash. Comparing bark to wood includes a normalisation for the varying availability of an element from the soil at different sites. When this comparison is done for the ashes of the materials, a normalisation is also obtained for the general and locally different enrichment of inorganic elements from wood to bark. Already a ratio >2 between the concentration in the bark ash and the concentration in the wood ash could indicate atmospheric pollution. For monitoring where bark is used, this way of “inwards” comparison is suggested - instead of comparing to results from analyses of bark from other trees (read reference areas), growing at sites with different soil and, locally, different climate conditions. This approach also enables evaluation of atmospheric pollution from sampling of only relative few individual trees –preferable during forest felling.


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The Cerrado has been the main source of firewood and charcoal in Brazil, but despite being one of the hot spots for conservation of the world's biodiversity, neither plantations of native species nor sustainable management has been adopted in the region. The aim of this work was to investigate the biomass distribution and the potential for energy production of the cerrado species. The study was conducted in a cerrado sensu stricto site at the Água Limpa Farm (15º 56'14'' S and 47º 46'08'' W) in the Cerrado Biosphere Reserve. An area of 63.54ha was divided in 20 x 50m plots and, a random sample consisting of ten of these plots, representing 1.56% of the study-site, was assessed. All woody individuals from 5 cm diameter at 30 cm above ground level were identified and measured. Each individual was felled, the twigs thinner than 3cm were discarded while the larger branches and the trunks, both with bark, were weighted separately. After that, 2.5cm transverse sections of the trunk with bark were taken at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the length. A similar sample was also taken at the base of each branch. A total of 47 species in 35 genera and 24 families were found, with an average density of 673 individuals per ha. The diameter distribution showed a reversed-J shape with 67% of the individuals up to 13cm, while the maximum diameter was 32.30cm. Seven species represented 72% of the total biomass. In general, the species with higher production per tree were among those with higher production per ha. This content was distributed by diameter classes, reaching a maximum of 2.5ton/ha between 9 to 13cm and then, decreasing to 0.96 ton/ha between 29 to 33cm diameter. Carbon sequestering was 6.2ton/ha (until the actual stage of cerrado) based on an average 50% carbon content in the dry matter. The heat combustion of the wood varied from 18,903kj/kg to 20,888kj/kg with an average of 19,942kj/kg. The smaller diameter classes fix more carbon due to the large number of small plants per ha. But, for a species that reached larger dimensions and contained individuals in all diameter classes, Vochysia thyrsoidea, one can verify an increase in carbon fixation from 1.41 kg/ha in the first class (5 to 9cm) to 138,3kg/ha in the last (25 to 33cm). That indicates that it is possible to select species that reach larger size with a higher capacity of carbon accumulation per plant. The species that reached larger dimensions, with a production per tree above average and had high calorific power values were Dalbergia miscolobium, Pterodon pubescens and Sclerolobium paniculatum. These species have potential for use in fuelwood plantations and sustainable management.


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Henkilöstö on yrityksen menestyksen kulmakivi. Henkilöstön suorittaessa oikeita asioita yritys voi saavuttaa tavoitteensa. Suorituskykyperusteisella palkitsemisella taataan oikeudenmukainen ja kannustava palkitseminen. Tämän vuoksi tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan suorituskyvyn johtamista ja erilaisia palkitsemismuotoja sekä edellisten johtamista prosessina. Case-tutkimuksena listattuja teoreettisia aihealueita sovelletaan reaalimaailman yrityksessä. Kohdeyrityksessä suoritetaan myös lomakekysely, jolla mahdollistetaan henkilöstön mukaanotto kehitystoimintaan. Palkitseminen on yrityksen keino kannustaa henkilöstöä tehokkuuteen. Palkitsemisen tulee olla mahdollisimman yksinkertaista ja sen on ohjattava yrityksen tavoitteita edesauttaviin suoritteisiin. Palkitsemismuotoja ovat aineeton ja taloudellinen palkitseminen. Palkitsemisen lähtökohtana ovat tavoitteet ja näille asetettavat mittarit, joilla resursseja ohjataan. Esimiehet mahdollistavat tavoitteiden saavuttamisen, jonka vuoksi heitä on koulutettava suorituskyvyn johtamiseen ja palkitsemiseen. Tällöin yrityksen tavoitteet jalkautuvat läpi yrityksen. Osallistamalla henkilöstö palkitsemisen suunnitteluun, palkitsemisesta on saatavissa kannustava ja oikeudenmukainen. Arvioinnissa ja kyselytutkimuksessa kohdeyrityksen suurimmiksi ongelmakohdiksi nousivat viestintä, esimiestoiminta, seuranta, epäoikeudenmukaisuus ja toiminnan kehittymättömyys. Kehitysehdotus kattaa edellisiä ongelmakohtia korjaavia toimenpiteitä, jolloin kohdeyrityksen palkitsemisesta on saatavissa toiminnan ohella kehittyvä, kannustava ja toimintaa ohjaava kokonaisuus.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää erään liikkuvia työkoneita valmistavan yrityksen osavalmistuksen tuotannonohjausta. Ohjauksen kehittämisessä otettiin huomioon myös tehtaan liityntäpinnat, eli koko tilaus- toimitusketju. Tuotannonohjauksesta oli tavoitteena kehittää visuaalinen ja mahdollisimman itseohjautuva. Työssä on selvitetty osavalmistuksen nykytilanne ja ohjauksen ongelmakohdat. Kappaleiden valmistamiseen käytettävät vaiheajat tarkastettiin ja tutkittiin tehtaalla valmistettavien merkittävien osien kohdalta. Osasta tuotteista selvitettiin myös tuotteiden valmistuksen läpäisyajat konkreettisten seurantalomakkeiden avulla. Yritykselle soveltuvin ohjausmallin runko etsittiin työn tavoitteen ja toimintaympäristön kautta. Lopulta parhaaksi valitun ohjausmallin toimivuus varmistettiin tietokoneavusteisen simuloinnin avulla. Toiminnan tehostamiseksi työssä on annettu idea myös kuinka tehtaan layoutia olisi hyvä muuttaa. Ohjausmallin käytännön toteutuksesta on työssä annettu esimerkki. Esimerkissä on huomioitu millaista visuaalista ratkaisua olisi parasta käyttää ohjauksen itseohjautuvuuden lisäämiseksi. Työssä annettu myös ideoita kuinka osien varastointia ja kotiinkutsujen tekemistä olisi hyvä parantaa sekä miten saldotietoja saisi mahdollisesti helpommin ylläpidettäväksi.


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The objective of this master’s thesis was to find means and measures by which an industrial manufacturing company could find cost-competitive solutions in a price-driven market situation. Initially, it was essential to find individual high customer value spots from the offering. The study addressed this in an innovative way by providing the desired information for the entire range of offering. The research was carried out using the constructivist approach method. Firstly, the project and solution marketing literature was reviewed in order to establish an overview of the processes and strategies involved. This information was then used in conjunction with the company’s specific offering data to conduct a construction. This construction can be used in various functions within the target company to streamline and optimize the specifications into so-called “preferred offers”. The study also presents channels and methods with which to exploit the construction in practice in the target company. The study aimed to bring concrete improvements in competitiveness and profitability. One result of this study was the creation of a training material for internal use. This material is now used in several countries to inform and present to the staff the cost-competitive aspects of the target company’s offering.


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A conversão de áreas naturais para a produção agrícola e exploração imobiliária levou a uma redução considerável das áreas florestais do bioma Mata Atlântica no último século. Dados oficiais apontam redução de 71% das florestas contidas nesse bioma, sendo um indicativo preocupante, uma vez que é reconhecida mundialmente como o quinto dos 34 hot spots do planeta, abrigando alta biodiversidade e elevado grau de endemismo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução da fragmentação florestal do bioma Mata Atlântica no Município de Caxias do Sul, RS, calibrando um modelo dinâmico espacial desse processo e simulando um cenário futuro para o ano 2021. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi utilizada uma série temporal de imagens do satélite Landsat 5 referentes aos anos 1985, 2004 e 2011, dados do relevo e também informações pedológicas. Os resultados indicaram aumento da cobertura florestal nativa de 1985 a 2011 (incremento de 36%) e também do cenário simulado (2021) de 20% de áreas florestais. Esse aumento da cobertura florestal na área avaliada está possivelmente associado ao êxodo rural, maior rigor na aplicação da legislação ambiental e fiscalização rígida por parte do órgão ambiental. Essa informação apresenta relevância na tomada de decisão no que tange à gestão e fiscalização dos recursos florestais.


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Banana is the most consumed fruit in the world and Brazil is the second largest producer. Despite its global position, Brazil has an average of 40% losses during the post-harvest period. So, this experiment aimed at evaluating the efficiency of post-harvest treatments to improve the storage of banana cultivars cv. 'Prata', 'Maçã' and 'Nanica'. The fruits were acquired at CEASA with green peel, and were submitted to six different treatments: T- immersion in drinking water for 3 minutes (control), H3 - hot water (50 °C for 3 minutes), H8 - hot water (50 °C for 8 minutes), HP - immersion in hypochlorite 0.2% for 3 minutes, OS - immersion in soybean oil 10% for 3 minutes, and OM - immersion in mineral oil 10% for 3 minutes. The fruits were stored at room temperature at about 21 °C for 14 days and evaluated in three periods (1, 7 and 14 days) comparing peel color, flesh/peel ratio, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, and pH. The fruits of cv. 'Prata' and 'Maçã' submitted to the treatments H3, H8 and HP ripened at the same time as the control for peel color, which showed increased soluble solids, flesh/peel ratio, acidity and a decrease in pH. On the other hand, the cv. 'Nanica' did not respond significantly different when compared to the applied treatments and the control. The fruits treated with OM and OS were kept green for a longer time for the cultivars 'Prata' and 'Nanica', but there were some changes on peel color due dark spots in 'Prata' banana and a softening aspect in 'Nanica', indicating some level of toxicity of these treatments. Fruits of the 'Maçã' cultivar continued green with the application of mineral oil, without toxicity symptoms. In conclusion, the treatments applied did not show any advantage for storage of these fruits.


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Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan suurnopeustekniikan eri sovelluksissa ilmeneviä roottoreihin liittyviä rakenteellisia vaatimuksia ja haasteita. Tässä yhteydessä suurnopeustekniikalla tarkoitetaan järjestelyä, jossa sähkökone (moottori, generaattori) ja toimilaite (turbiini, kompressori, puhallin) on kytketty ilman vaihdetta suoraan mekaanisesti yhteen ja jossa yhteisen roottorin pyörimisnopeus on selvästi suurempi kuin 50/60 hertsin verkosta syötetyn kaksinapaisen vaihtovirtasähkökoneen tahtinopeus. Tyypillistä suurnopeuskoneen roottorille on suuri tehotiheys ja suuri mekaaninen kuormitus. Siksi esimerkiksi sähkökoneen jäähdytys on entistä haasteellisempaa kasvavien rautahäviöiden ja pienempien lämmönsiirtopinta-alojen vuoksi. Tämän työn tavoitteet voidaan jakaa kolmeen osaan:  Yhdistetyn sähkö- ja turbokoneen roottorin mekaanisen rakenteen tarkastelu, jonka tavoitteena on pienentää lämmönkehitystä ja tehostaa kriittisten kohtien jäähdytystä. Tähän liittyy sähkömagneettisten häviöiden keskittäminen jäähdytyksen kannalta edullisiin kohtiin  Yhdistetyn sähkö- ja turbokoneen roottorin mekaanisen rakenteen tarkastelu kriittisten ominaistaajuuksien kannalta  Yhdistetyn sähkö- ja turbokoneen roottorin mekaanisen rakenteen analysointi lujuustekniseltä kannalta. Tähän liittyvät mm. erilaiset ahdistussovitteet ja niiden säilyminen korkeilla pyörimisnopeuksilla sekä niiden roottoria jäykistävä vaikutus ja lämmön johtuminen kyseisissä liitospinnoissa. Tämän työn tieteellinen uutuusarvo on nimenomaan yhdistetyn sähkö- ja turbokoneen roottorin rakenteen analysointi ottamalla samanaikaisesti huomioon kaikki edellä mainitut näkökohdat: jäähtyminen erityisen kuumissa kohdissa, sähköisten häviöiden alentaminen ja niiden jakautuman huomioon ottaminen, roottorin jäykkyyden maksimointi, lujuusrasitusten hallinta ja rakenteen mekaaninen stabiliteetti sekä lämpöteknisten ylimenovastusten tarkastelu.


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Lanthanum lutetium oxide (LaLuO3) thin films were investigated considering their perspective application for industrial microelectronics. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques permitted to visualize the surface topography and study the electric properties. This work compared both the material properties (charge behavior for samples of 6 nm and 25 nm width) and the applied SPM modes. Particularly, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize local potential difference with high lateral resolution. Measurements showed the difference in morphology, chargeability and charge dissipation time for both samples. The polarity effect was detected for this material for the first time. Lateral spreading of the charged spots indicate the diffusive mechanism to be predominant in charge dissipation. This allowed to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mobility. Using simple electrostatic model it was found that charge is partly leaking into the interface oxide layer.


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This thesis summarizes studies of a class of white dwarfs (WDs) called DQ WDs. White dwarfs are the remnants of ordinary stars like our Sun that have run out of nuclear fuel. WDs are classified according to the composition of their atmosphere and DQ WDs have an atmosphere made of helium and carbon. The carbon comes in either atomic or molecular form and in some cases the strong spectral absorption features cover the entire optical wavelength region. The research presented here utilizes spectropolarimetry, which is an observational technique that combines spectroscopy and polarization. Separately these allow to study the composition of a target and the inhomogeneous distribution of matter in the target. Put together they form a powerful tool to probe the physical properties in the atmosphere of a star. It is espacially good for detecting magnetic fields. The papers in this thesis describe efforts to do a survey of DQ white dwarfs with spectropolarimetry in order to search for magnetic fields in them. Paper I describes the discovery of a new magnetic cool DQ white dwarf, GJ841B. Initial modeling of molecular features on DQ WDs showed inconsistencies with observations. The first possible solution to this problem was stellar spots on these WDs. To investigate the matter, two DQ WDs were monitored for photometric variability that could arise from the presence of such spots. Paper II summarizes this short campaign and reports the negative results. Paper III reports observations of the rest of the objects in our survey. The paper includes the discovery of polarization from another cool DQ white dwarf, bringing the total of known magnetic cool DQs to three. Unfortunately the model used in this thesis cannot, in its present state, be used to model these objects nor are the observations of high enough spectroscopic resolution to do so.


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Abstract:Trematodes belonging to the family Eucotylidae, including Tanaisia(Paratanaisia)bragaiSantos, 1934are parasites of the kidney and ureter that affect several species of domestic and wild birds. Tanaisia bragaiis considered a low pathogenic parasite, but high worm burdens may determine clinical complications, including signs of apathy, weight loss, diarrhea and death. This paper describes the first report of infection by T. bragai in peacocks (Pavo cristatus), which constitutes a new host record and offers data on the lesions associated to this parasitism, although the degree of pathogenicity and parasite load may be considered mild. These birds did not exhibit clinical signs of parasitism. The macroscopic exam revealed discreet yellow spots on the liver. In the histological sections of the kidney, specimens of T. bragai were found in the collecting ducts, which were markedly dilated, with a thickened wall. Other findings included a mild inflammatory reaction in the wall of the ducts (but sometimes absent), flattening of lining epithelial cells and small, multifocal points of calcification around the collecting ducts. The microscopic examination of the parasites revealed trematodes with an elongated body, well-developed sub terminal oral sucker, pharynx present, short esophagus, cecum somewhat undulating or not, with blind end, testes symmetrical, equatorial, irregular in shape or slightly lobed, vitelline fields extending in both pre-ovarian and post ovarian fields, uterus very long, intercecal or sometimes overlapping the cecum and containing large quantities of eggs. The present findings suggest the need for further diagnostic studies on the prevalence of this trematode in peacocks as well as pathologic studies for the determination of the potential pathogenicity of this parasite in this species of bird. Moreover, infected peacocks could serve as carriers of T. bragai to be transferred to other bird species, thereby contributing to the dispersion of the parasite.


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Lactofen is a diphenylether herbicide recommended to control broad-leaved weeds in soybean (Glycine max) fields and its mechanism of action is the inhibition of protoporphyrinogen-IX oxidase (Protox), which acts in the chlorophyll biosynthesis. This inhibition results in an accumulation of protoporphyrin-IX, which leads to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause oxidative stress. Consequently, spots, wrinkling and leaf burn may occur, resulting in a transitory crop growth interruption. However, nitric oxide (NO) acts as an antioxidant in direct ROS scavenging. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify, through phytometric and biochemical evaluations, the protective effect of NO in soybean plants treated with the herbicide lactofen. Soybean plants were pre-treated with different levels of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO-donor substance, and then sprayed with 168 g a.i. ha-1 lactofen. Pre-treatment with SNP was beneficial because NO decreased the injury symptoms caused by lactofen in young leaflets and kept low the soluble sugar levels. Nevertheless, NO caused slower plant growth, which indicates that further studies are needed in order to elucidate the action mechanisms of NO in signaling the stress caused by lactofen in soybean crop.


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Life on earth is based on sunlight, which is captured in chemical form by photosynthetic reactions. In the chloroplasts of plants, light reactions of photosynthesis take place at thylakoid membranes, whereas carbon assimilation reactions occur in the soluble stroma. The products of linear electron transfer (LET), highly-energetic ATP molecules, and reducing power in the form of NADPH molecules, are further used in the fixation of inorganic CO2 molecules into organic sugars. Ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) catalyzes the last of the light reactions by transferring electrons from ferredoxin (FD) to NADP+. In addition to LET, FNR has been suggested to play a role in cyclic electron transfer (CET), which produces ATP without the accumulation of reducing equivalents. CET is proposed to occur via two putative routes, the PGR5- route and the NDH-route. In this thesis, the leaf-type FNR (LFNR) isoforms LFNR1 and LFNR2 of a model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana, were characterized. The physiological roles of LFNRs were investigated using single and double mutant plants. The viability of the single mutants indicates functionality of both isoforms, with neither appearing to play a specific role in CET. The more severe phenotype of low-temperature adapted fnr2 plants compared to both wild-type (WT) and fnr1 plants suggests a specific role for LFNR2 under unfavorable growth conditions. The more severe phenotype of the fnr1 x fnr2 (F1 generation) plants compared to single mutants reflects down-regulated photosynthetic capacity, whereas slightly higher excitation pressure indicates mild over-excitation of electron transfer chain (ETC). However, induction of CET and various photoprotective mechanisms enable adaptation of fnr1 x fnr2 plants to scarcity of LFNR. The fnr1 fnr2 plants (F2 generation), without detectable levels of LFNR, were viable only under heterotrophic conditions. Moreover, drought stress induced acceleration of the rate of P700 + re-reduction in darkness was accompanied by a concomitant up-regulation of the PGR5-route specific components, PGR5 and PGRL1, demonstrating the induction of CET via the PGR5-route. The up-regulation of relative transcriptional expression of the FD1 gene indicates that the FD1 isoform may have a specific function in CET, while no such role could be defined for either of the LFNR isoforms. Both the membrane-bound and soluble LFNR1 and LFNR2 each appear as two distinct spots after 2D-PAGE with different isoelectric points (pIs), indicating the existence of post-translational modifications (PTMs) which do not determine the membrane attachment of LFNR. The possibility of phosphorylation and glycosylation PTMs were excluded, but all four LFNR forms were shown to contain acetylated lysine residues as well as alternative N-termini. N-terminal acetylation was shown to shift the pI of both LFNRs to be more acidic. In addition, all four LFNR forms were demonstrated to interact both with FD1 and FD2 in vitro


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin vääntökuormitettua hitsattua koteloprofiilipuomia. Vääntökuormitus aiheuttaa koteloprofiiliin vinouttavan voimasysteemin, joka aiheuttaa kotelopalkkiin sekä poikittaisia taivutusjännityksiä että pitkittäisiä jännityksiä. Vinoutumisen aiheuttamia lisära-situksia on tutkittu analyyttisesti BEF-analogian avulla sekä elementtimenetelmää apuna käyttäen. Lisäksi vääntökuormitus aiheuttaa puomiin estetyn väännön jännityksiä. Väsymiskestoikää tutkittiin laboratoriossa suoritettujen väsytyskokeiden avulla sekä las-kennallisesti. Kestoikälaskennassa käytettiin tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmää hitsin juuren puolen väsymisen arvioinnissa sekä hot spot- jännityksen menetelmää hitsin rajavii-van väsymisen arvioinnissa. Teholliset lovijännitykset sekä hot spot jännitykset ovat määri-tetty elementtimenetelmän avulla. Laboratoriokokeiden ja elementtimenetelmä laskennan perusteella saatiin rakenteen kes-toiän kannalta kriittiset detaljit määritettyä. Kriittiset detaljit sijaitsevat puomin päädyn rakenteissa. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että kriittisten detaljien rakenteellisilla ja valmis-tusteknisillä ratkaisuilla on merkittävä vaikutus lopullisen tuotteen väsymiskestoikään.


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Inselbergs are isolated rock outcrops that rise abruptly above the surrounding plains. Granitic and gneissic inselbergs are geologically and geomorphologically old and occur throughout a broad spectrum of climatic zones. They form microclimatically and edaphically dry growth sites that support a highly specialized vegetation. Based on physiognomic criteria a number of habitat types can be distinguished that are widespread on inselbergs (e.g. ephemeral flush vegetation, monocotyledonous mats, rock pools). Three hot spots of global inselberg plant diversity can be identified which are both rich in species and endemics: a) southeastern Brazil, b) Madagascar and c) southwestern Australia.