685 resultados para Reading (Early childhood)


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This document contains a multitude of resources for career education available to Iowans from many sources.


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La pràctica terapèutica en l'àmbit de la petita infància: detecció, avaluació i intervenció psicològica en nens des de la perspectiva psicoanalítica.


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Iowa Elementary Teachers handbook, vol. 13


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Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia (PPRD) is a genetic, non-inflammatory arthropathy caused by recessive loss of function mutations in WISP3 (Wnt1-inducible signaling pathway protein 3; MIM 603400), encoding for a signaling protein. The disease is clinically silent at birth and in infancy. It manifests between the age of 3 and 6 years with joint pain and progressive joint stiffness. Affected children are referred to pediatric rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons; however, signs of inflammation are absent and anti-inflammatory treatment is of little help. Bony enlargement at the interphalangeal joints progresses leading to camptodactyly. Spine involvement develops in late childhood and adolescence leading to short trunk with thoracolumbar kyphosis. Adult height is usually below the 3rd percentile. Radiographic signs are relatively mild. Platyspondyly develops in late childhood and can be the first clue to the diagnosis. Enlargement of the phalangeal metaphyses develops subtly and is usually recognizable by 10 years. The femoral heads are large and the acetabulum forms a distinct "lip" overriding the femoral head. There is a progressive narrowing of all articular spaces as articular cartilage is lost. Medical management of PPRD remains symptomatic and relies on pain medication. Hip joint replacement surgery in early adulthood is effective in reducing pain and maintaining mobility and can be recommended. Subsequent knee joint replacement is a further option. Mutation analysis of WISP3 allowed the confirmation of the diagnosis in 63 out of 64 typical cases in our series. Intronic mutations in WISP3 leading to splicing aberrations can be detected only in cDNA from fibroblasts and therefore a skin biopsy is indicated when genomic analysis fails to reveal mutations in individuals with otherwise typical signs and symptoms. In spite of the first symptoms appearing in early childhood, the diagnosis of PPRD is most often made only in the second decade and affected children often receive unnecessary anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive treatments. Increasing awareness of PPRD appears to be essential to allow for a timely diagnosis. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Glutaric aciduria type-I (GA-I) and methylmalonic aciduria (MMA-uria) are two neurometabolic diseases manifesting in neonatal period and early childhood. They belong to the group of organic acidurias and are caused by defects in the catabolism of amino acids, leading to massive accumulation of toxic metabolites in the body and severe brain injury. Therapeutic strategies are mainly based on reversing catabolic state during metabolic crisis and dietary protein restriction that both aim to prevent extra production of toxic metabolites. Specific and neuroprotective treatments are missing because the mechanisms of brain damage in these diseases are only poorly understood. The principal objective of my work was to develop in vitro models for both diseases aiming at elucidation of toxic effects of the main metabolites accumulating in GA-I (glutaric acid (GA) and 3-hydroxy glutaric acid (3-OHGA)) and MMA-uria (methylmalonic acid (MMA), propionic acid (PA) and 2-methylcitric acid (2-MCA)) on developing brain cells, and to study the cellular pathways targeted by these deleterious effects in order to find new therapeutic potentials. We used re-aggregated embryonic rat brain cells in organotypic 3D cultures, which were exposed to toxic metabolites at different developing stages of the cultures. In parallel, we studied the cellular localization of the defected enzyme in GA-I, glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH), in the brain and peripheral tissues of rats in adulthood and during embryonic development. GCDH expression: GCDH showed a strong neuronal expression in embryonic central and peripheral nervous system. In the adult brain, GCDH expression was exclusively neuronal with the strongest signal in cerebral cortex and Purkinje cells. GCDH expression was homogenous in embryonic peripheral organs with high levels in intestinal mucosa at late stages. Strong GCDH expression was also observed in liver and intestinal mucosa and with lower intensity in muscles, convoluted renal tubules and renal collecting tubes in adult peripheral organs. GA-I and MMA-uria in vitro models: 3-OHGA (for GA-I) and 2-MCA (for MMA-uria) showed the most deleterious effects at early stages of the cultures with morphological and biochemical alterations and induction of cell death. 3-OHGA and 2-MCA caused astrocytic cell suffering reflected by astrocytic fiber loss and swelling and retardation in oligodendrocytic maturation and/or differentiation. High ammonium increase concomitant with glutamine decrease was observed in these cultures. Neurons were not substantially affected. Our studies revealed that brain-cell generated ammonia may play a role in the neuropathogenesis of these diseases. Thus, developing neuroprotective strategies that target ammonium toxicity in the brain of GA-I and MMA-uria patients might be important according to our findings. -- L'acidurie glutarique de type I (GA-I) et l'acidurie méthylmalonique (MMA-urie) sont deux maladies neurométaboliques se manifestant durant la période néonatale ou la petite enfance, et qui appartiennent aux aciduries organiques. Elles sont causées par des défauts dans le catabolisme des acides aminés, conduisant à une accumulation des métabolites toxiques dans le corps et aussi des lésions cérébrales sévères. Le traitement est limité à une prise en charge d'urgence pendant la crise métabolique et à une diète restreinte en protéines naturelles. Des traitements spécifiques, neuroprotecteurs manquent principalement parce que les mécanismes conduisant aux lésions cérébrales dans ces maladies sont peu connus. L'objectif principal de mon travail était d'élucider les effets toxiques des métabolites accumulés dans GA-I (l'acide glutarique (GA) et l'acide 3-hydroxyglutarique (3-OHGA)) et MMA-uria (l'acide méthylmalonique (MMA), l'acide propionique (PA) et l'acide 2-méthylcitrique(2-MCA) sur les cellules du cerveau ainsi que les voies cellulaires impliquées, dans le but de trouver de potentielles nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Nous avons utilisé un modèle in vitro de cultures 3D de cellules de cerveau d'embryons de rat (en développement) en les exposant aux métabolites toxiques à différents stades de développement des cultures. En parallèle, nous avons étudié la localisation cellulaire de l'enzyme déficiente dans GA-I, la CoA-glutarly déshydrogénase (GCDH), dans le cerveau et les organes périphériques des rats adultes et pendant le développement embryonnaire. L'expression de GCDH: GCDH a montré une expression neuronale forte dans le système nerveux chez l'embryon et le cerveau adulte. L'expression était homogène dans les organes périphériques avec une forte expression dans l'intestin. Les modèles in vitro de GA-I et MMA-uria : 3-OHGA en modèle GA-I et 2-MCA en modèle MMA-uria ont montré les effets délétères les plus importants avec des altérations morphologiques des cellules et biochimiques dans le milieu de culture et l'induction de mort cellulaire non-apoptotique (3-OHGA) ou apoptotique (2-MCA). 3-OHGA et 2-MCA ont provoqué une souffrance astrocytaire avec perte des fibres et gonflement et un retard de maturation et/ou de différentiation des oligodendrocytes. Une augmentation importante d'ammonium avec une diminution concomitante de glutamine a été observée dans les cultures. Les neurones n'étaient pas vraiment affectés. Nos études ont révélé que l'ammonium généré par les cellules cérébrales pourrait jouer un rôle dans la neuropathogenèse de ces deux maladies. Par conséquent, développer des stratégies neuroprotectrices ciblant la toxicité de l'ammonium dans le cerveau des patients atteints de GA-I ou MMA-urie pourrait être très important selon nos résultats.


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Seizures associated with fever are a common pediatric problem, affecting about 2-7 % of children between 3 months and 5 years of age. Differentiation of febrile seizures from acute symptomatic seizures secondary to central nervous system infections or seizures associated with fever in children with epilepsy is essential to provide appropriate treatment and follow-up care. Here, we tested the hypothesis that children who exhibit simple febrile seizures during early childhood, but do not develop epileptic seizures later in life, might preferentially carry the ApoE2 allele of the gene coding for the apolipoprotein E. We did not find any differences in the distribution of ApoE alleles or genotypes between individuals who exhibited simple febrile seizures (n = 93) and age-matched, typically developing subjects (n = 80). We found that the observed allele and genotype frequencies did not deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which suggests that the frequencies of ApoE alleles and genotypes are stable in the Swiss population from which our samples were derived. Across both groups of subjects (n = 173), we found an ApoE2 allele frequency of 0.064, an ApoE3 frequency of 0.829 and an ApoE4 frequency of 0.107. Our findings are consistent with previous reports of the distribution of ApoE polymorphism for European subjects free of any neurological disorders, and show that the different alleles of the gene coding for the apolipoprotein E are not associated with the occurrence of simple febrile seizures.


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Autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is a rare genetic bone disease with genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, sometimes translating into delayed diagnosis and treatment. In particular, cases of intermediate severity often constitute a diagnostic challenge and represent good candidates for exome sequencing. Here, we describe the tortuous path to identification of the molecular defect in two siblings, in which osteopetrosis diagnosed in early childhood followed a milder course, allowing them to reach the adult age in relatively good conditions with no specific therapy. No clearly pathogenic mutation was identified either with standard amplification and resequencing protocols or with exome sequencing analysis. While evaluating the possible impact of a 3'UTR variant on the TCIRG1 expression, we found a novel single nucleotide change buried in the middle of intron 15 of the TCIRG1 gene, about 150 nucleotides away from the closest canonical splice site. By sequencing a number of independent cDNA clones covering exons 14 to 17, we demonstrated that this mutation reduced splicing efficiency but did not completely abrogate the production of the normal transcript. Prompted by this finding, we sequenced the same genomic region in 33 patients from our unresolved ARO cohort and found three additional novel single nucleotide changes in a similar location and with a predicted disruptive effect on splicing, further confirmed in one of them at the transcript level. Overall, we identified an intronic region in TCIRG1 that seems to be particularly prone to splicing mutations, allowing the production of a small amount of protein sufficient to reduce the severity of the phenotype usually associated with TCIRG1 defects. On this basis, we would recommend including TCIRG1 not only in the molecular work-up of severe infantile osteopetrosis but also in intermediate cases and carefully evaluating the possible effects of intronic changes. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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Opinnäytetyömme liittyy MONIKU -Sosiaalinen vahvistaminen pääkaupunkiseudun monikulttuurisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa- hankkeeseen. Työmme käsittelee kasvatuskumppanuutta somalinkielisten äitien kokemana. Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Keräsimme aineiston haastattelemalla kuutta somalinkielistä äitiä kolmesta Helsingin päiväkodista. Käytimme haastattelumenetelmänä yksilöhaastattelua. Kaikki haastattelut olivat puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja, joiden teemat käsittelivät Davis Hiltonin kumppanuusmallia. Tuloksien mukaan somalinkieliset äidit olivat tyytyväisiä suomalaiseen päivähoitoon. Kumppanuusmal-liin liittyvät ominaisuudet, kuten avoin ja rehellinen vuorovaikutus sekä luottamus, olivat sujuvan yhteistyön perusedellytyksiä. Äidit pitivät tärkeänä, että heidän kulttuuria ja uskontoa kunnioitetaan ottamalla heidän toiveensa huomioon lapsen kasvatukseen liittyvissä asioissa. Monikulttuurisessa päivähoidossa kieliongelmat luovat haasteita kommunikaatiolle ja tätä kautta myös kumppanuussuh-teelle. Päiväkodin työntekijöiden ja äitien välinen kumppanuussuhde toteutui kuitenkin hyvin ottaen huomioon yhteisen kielen puuttumisen. Äidit kokivat tulkin käytön tärkeäksi varsinkin päivähoidon aloitus- ja kasvatuskeskusteluissa. Tulosten perusteella äidit toivoivatkin enemmän tulkin avulla käytäviä keskusteluita. Äitien mukaan hyvän yhteistyön perusedellytykset ovat yhteisymmärrys ja kunnioitus. Yhteistyön laatua voidaan parantaa muun muassa lisäämällä tulkin käyttöä, somalinkielisiä työntekijöitä ja koulutusta. Lähes jokaisen haastateltavan päiväkodissa on somalinkielinen työntekijä, joka lisää luottamusta ja tukee maahanmuuttajataustaisen lapsen omaa kulttuuri-identiteettiä ja äidinkieltä. Myös henkilökunnan monikulttuuriseen koulutukseen tulisi kiinnittää huomiota aikaisempaa enemmän.


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Amb el present treball es vol aprofundir en la manera que influeix l’organització d’espais, d’ambients i les característiques dels materials en el procés educatiu. A partir d’una recerca teòrica en base les necessitats educatives de la societat actual, les necessitats evolutives dels infants, i en base a l’observació i anàlisi d’escoles reggianes i catalanes referents que tenen en compte com a agent educador l’espai, els ambients i els materials, es volen reunir quines són les característiques bàsiques de l’organització dels espais, ambients i materials per garantir una educació de qualitat a l’etapa infantil (3-6).


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La música com a eina d’inclusió i cohesió de grup de tots els alumnes d’una mateixa aula constitueix el títol del meu Treball Final de Grau. Amb aquesta recerca he volgut conèixer la importància de la música per l’educació i els beneficis que aporta als nens i nenes d’Educació Infantil. També he aprofundit en la inclusió escolar, ja que la música per si mateixa pot reduir barreres pel que fa a la participació i a l’aprenentatge de tots els alumnes. A partir de tota la recerca bibliogràfica, he realitzat entrevistes a diferents professionals de l’educació per tal de valorar la visió que hi ha avui en dia sobre el tractament de la música a les escoles. Així mateix, s’ha portat a terme una intervenció educativa basada amb pràctiques musicals per tal de corroborar si la música contribueix favorablement a la inclusió i cohesió de grup. Finalment, s’han relacionat conceptes i s’han extret conclusions sobre el paper de la música en relació a la inclusió educativa.


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Vivim immersos en l’era digital i els infants, des del moment que neixen i formen part d’aquest món, entren en contacte amb les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació. Aquesta recerca pretén descriure i analitzar l’experiència que tenen, els infants entre tres i sis anys, d’una escola que aglutina poblacions de diferents nuclis, amb les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació, tant en l’àmbit familiar com en l’escolar. Els resultats, fruït d’un estudi de cas, ajuden a entendre quins usos informals i formals fan els infants amb les TIC, quina actitud mostren vers aquestes i altres aspectes relacionats. L’estudi serveix de punt de partida per als mestres que es dediquen a l’Educació Infantil i desitgen incorporar les TIC a les escoles.


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El objetivo de este estudio es identificar factores que contribuyen a mantener un enfoque básicamente instrumental para enseñar los sistemas externos de representación matemáticos y lingüísticos en las primeras edades de escolarización. En el estudio han participado 123 maestros de Educación Infantil de diversos centros escolares públicos de Andalucía, Asturias, Cataluña y Navarra que han asistido a cursos de formación permanente del profesorado. El análisis cualitativo realizado se basa en grupos de discusión a partir de tópicos. Los resultados evidencian la influencia de diversos factores: el currículo de Educación Infantil; las concepciones del profesorado; las presiones entre etapas educativas; y, finalmente, la presión social. La identificación de los factores asociados a una enseñanza instrumental de los sistemas externos de representación puede entenderse como un tipo de información relevante acerca de las condiciones de la enseñanza de estos sistemas que, además, pueden servir de base para reconstruir las prácticas educativas


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This article first performs a review of the account that has had early childhood education, and the training of early childhood education teachers in particular, in diferent Spanish education laws since the arrival of democracy; and second instead describes a realistic training model has proven effective to promote professional skills of teachers in early childhood education


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El tema central d'aquest Treball Final de Grau és el joc i les seves potencialitats com a eina inclusiva. El objectiu de la recerca és conèixer la importància que té el joc en l'educació infantil i indagar sobre las possibilitats que aporta a la inclusió de nens i nenes amb necessitats educatives especials. El treball es divideix en diferents apartats. Inicialment, es fa una recerca teòrica sobre com el joc col·labora en l’educació dels infants a nivell acadèmic i transversal i sobre els beneficis de l’activitat lúdica en els alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials. A continuació, es realitza un estudi de cas d’un infant amb certes necessitats dins d’un context escolar i s’analitza la funció el joc com el mecanisme d’ajuda per incloure’l dins d’un grup. L’estudi es porta a terme mitjançant l’observació de l’infant a l’escola i de entrevistes realitzades amb diferents persones del seu entorn. Per últim, es presenta una anàlisi de les dades recollides amb l’objectiu d’extreure conclusions sobre com el joc pot ser una eina per incloure els infants amb necessitats educatives especials dins d’un grup-classe.


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Sense of coherence in adolescence: measuring, predictive factors, consequences The aim of this study was to explore the stability of sense of coherence (SOC) in adolescence and the associations between childhood psychological symptoms and SOC in adolescence. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to explore whether the 13-item SOC scale for adults is applicable to adolescents 12 years of age and to determine which factors are associated with perceived health and SOC. Data relating to SOC and factors associated with perceived health and SOC were collected in class in a cross-sectional setting by self-administered questionnaires in all publicly funded elementary schools (N=35) of Turku. A total of 1 231 (83%) of 1 481 12-year-old schoolchildren participated in the study. The data was, with appropriated authority consent, anonymously completed with marks in mathematics, native and first foreign language at the end of sixth class. The examination of stability of SOC in adolescence and the associations between childhood psychological symptoms and SOC was based on data of a prospective population-based mail survey. The source population originated in 11 health authority areas of the Province of Turku and Pori. The study was carried out by using questionnaires at child’s ages of 3, 12, 15, and 18 years. Acceptably completed questionnaires were returned by 1 086 (84%) parents at the child’s age of 3, at the age of 12 by 70% adolescents and parents, at the age of 15, by 66% adolescents and 58% parents, and at the age of 18, by 61.5% adolescents and 61% parents. The results of the study showed that childhood behavioural problems from the age of 3 years predicted poor SOC at the age of 18 years. A poor SOC was associated with psychological symptoms and behavioural problems in adolescence. Contrary to assumptions in Antonovsky’s theory, there was no significant change in SOC between the ages of 15 to 18 years, and the stability of SOC did not depend on initial SOC. Slight fluctuation in SOC scores was seen at the individual level. When studied cross-sectionally, in 12-year-old schoolchildren, insufficient physical exercise, less than excellent marks in mathematics, weak SOC, insufficient social support from teachers, and perceived various problems in class climate associated with perception of poor health. Identification of behavioural problems in early childhood helps to identify the children at risk of ill-being and poor SOC in adolescence since problems seem to persist unchanged until adolescence. The 13-item SOC scale aimed at adults is applicable to adolescents of 12 years of age or older and the SOC scale is a useful tool in identifying adolescents in need of supportive interventions.