1000 resultados para Projetos de Pesquisa


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In the midst of growing preservationist awareness, regarding methods of architectural intervention of buildings with a recognized heritage value, there are numerous approaches on how the original heritage value can be protected. However, can these intervention projects be differentiated? Is it possible to identify how they differ (if in fact they do) from an architectural project not related to preservation? Although there are numerous theoretical studies regarding methods utilized in architectonical projects, there appear to be a lack of studies focused on an architectural intervention exclusively focused on areas or edifications that have a recognized heritage value, thereby requiring a reflection on which methodological procedures in an architectonical project serve the purpose of the preservation of the historical aspects. This discussion is of even greater importance because, at the national level, some recent discussions on this type of architectural design seem arbitrary and lack methodological rigor. Therefore, this research attempts to focus equally on the theoretical-methodological practices of preservation as well as the architectural project methods. In an attempt to address these aspects, the focus of this research centers on the case studies of the intervention projects of the maritime passenger terminal of Natal (Terminal Marítimo de Passageriros de Natal), the old government hall (Palacio do Governo - EDTAM) and the old central hotel (Hotel Central) which are situated in the area known as the historic downtown of the city of Natal, within the federal heritage protection polygon. The analyses of these is intended to identify what methodological procedures were recorded in the final product (in the graphical representation of the architectural design and other documents) delivered to IPHAN / RN, the body responsible for review and approval of these architectural projects, noting whether such procedures appear, in some way, in the final product, and if an understanding of the complexity of preservation is evident. The analyses of these projects corroborate the hypothesis that there are unique characteristics, which must be addressed in the intervention project for preservation when compared to new project design. The main characteristic to be addressed is related to the very nature of the project. It is inherent in the dialectical relationship between the need to preserve (the identified heritage values) and the need to modernize (making adaptations to contemporary life). This relationship, denominated in this dissertation as "radical restraint", must, or at least should, guide the actions in the project as well as the technical analyses of the preservationist organization. However, this radical restriction appears more evident in the guidelines put forth by legislators than in the decisions of designers. These legislators require the presentation of documents, aimed at identifying and contextualizing intervention (Ordinance No. 420 of December 22, 2010), that grant (or should grant) assistance in the decision making process. It was evident in the analyses of these documents that there existed a disconnect between the documents produced and the decisions made in the project. This fact can be seen in the total absence of dialogue about theoretical-methodological preservationist principles, which, in our view, is an essential element of the methodological procedures of the intervention project needed to guide the legislative and project design discussions.


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This research analyses the individual trajectories of quilombola women from Boa Vista dos Negros, next to the Parelhas city – in the region of Seridó-RN. To this study, our focus (youth and generation) is important to access the feminine universe, the intimacy of home, approaching issues related to the work and to understand family configurations. We aim to perceive the existence of individual projects based on the experiences of three black women generations from distinct family groups. In order to develop this research, the method used is routine and life history analyzes, semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and personal contact due to their participation in the PROEXT/SESU-MEC extension program. The feminine experiences of “hard work” in the agriculture or in the “street”, coping and struggles by the subaltern relationship in their routine as housecleaners create questions related to life experiences and social stigmatizations. The relevancy of this work is to reveal feminine universe into familiar and professional relationships, analyzing individual trajectories, evaluating the social status of women along their lives. In this sense, these narratives of feminine experiences allows the description of the quilombola routine, the life projects of these three women generations, as well as it allows to analyse the changes occurred since the end of the XX century, in particular related to the familiar arrangements.


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This research analyses the individual trajectories of quilombola women from Boa Vista dos Negros, next to the Parelhas city – in the region of Seridó-RN. To this study, our focus (youth and generation) is important to access the feminine universe, the intimacy of home, approaching issues related to the work and to understand family configurations. We aim to perceive the existence of individual projects based on the experiences of three black women generations from distinct family groups. In order to develop this research, the method used is routine and life history analyzes, semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and personal contact due to their participation in the PROEXT/SESU-MEC extension program. The feminine experiences of “hard work” in the agriculture or in the “street”, coping and struggles by the subaltern relationship in their routine as housecleaners create questions related to life experiences and social stigmatizations. The relevancy of this work is to reveal feminine universe into familiar and professional relationships, analyzing individual trajectories, evaluating the social status of women along their lives. In this sense, these narratives of feminine experiences allows the description of the quilombola routine, the life projects of these three women generations, as well as it allows to analyse the changes occurred since the end of the XX century, in particular related to the familiar arrangements.


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Soft skills and teamwork practices were identi ed as the main de ciencies of recent graduates in computer courses. This issue led to a realization of a qualitative research aimed at investigating the challenges faced by professors of those courses in conducting, monitoring and assessing collaborative software development projects. Di erent challenges were reported by teachers, including di culties in the assessment of students both in the collective and individual levels. In this context, a quantitative research was conducted with the aim to map soft skill of students to a set of indicators that can be extracted from software repositories using data mining techniques. These indicators are aimed at measuring soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving and the pace of communication. Then, a peer assessment approach was applied in a collaborative software development course of the software engineering major at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research presents a correlation study between the students' soft skills scores and indicators based on mining software repositories. This study contributes: (i) in the presentation of professors' perception of the di culties and opportunities for improving management and monitoring practices in collaborative software development projects; (ii) in investigating relationships between soft skills and activities performed by students using software repositories; (iii) in encouraging the development of soft skills and the use of software repositories among software engineering students; (iv) in contributing to the state of the art of three important areas of software engineering, namely software engineering education, educational data mining and human aspects of software engineering.


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Soft skills and teamwork practices were identi ed as the main de ciencies of recent graduates in computer courses. This issue led to a realization of a qualitative research aimed at investigating the challenges faced by professors of those courses in conducting, monitoring and assessing collaborative software development projects. Di erent challenges were reported by teachers, including di culties in the assessment of students both in the collective and individual levels. In this context, a quantitative research was conducted with the aim to map soft skill of students to a set of indicators that can be extracted from software repositories using data mining techniques. These indicators are aimed at measuring soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving and the pace of communication. Then, a peer assessment approach was applied in a collaborative software development course of the software engineering major at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research presents a correlation study between the students' soft skills scores and indicators based on mining software repositories. This study contributes: (i) in the presentation of professors' perception of the di culties and opportunities for improving management and monitoring practices in collaborative software development projects; (ii) in investigating relationships between soft skills and activities performed by students using software repositories; (iii) in encouraging the development of soft skills and the use of software repositories among software engineering students; (iv) in contributing to the state of the art of three important areas of software engineering, namely software engineering education, educational data mining and human aspects of software engineering.


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This research aims to investigate the use of Project based learning as a method for teaching music in Elementary Schools located in Natal, RN. Its main objective is to analyze how this method is used during the classes of music at school context and which are its implications to the process of music learning acquirement. The specific objectives comprise: gathering the music teachers in preschool that work with project based learning as a method for their classes; identifying how the theory meets their practice; and analyzing how project based learning contributes to the learning process of music within schools. The main scholars adopted as theoretical reference were Boutinet (2002), Hernández (1998; 200), Antunes (2001), Cavalcante (2009), from Education area; and Penna (2008), Fonterrada (2008), Queiroz (2012), regarding Musical Education. Such choice was made in views of identifying the relationship and how project based pedagogy associates to the current Brazil school curriculum. For data collection, mixed methodological strategies were used, of qualitative and quantitative approaches that are complementary for better meeting the research needs. By applying a questionnaire, it was sought to identify the music schools and teachers who reported working with project based learning. Based on these results were selected two schools, one private school and one public school to perform a participant observation in two groups following the development of music classes based on project based learning, and the information were recorded in a diary of audio and video recordings. The results of this work show that the Project Education is a methodology frequently used by music teachers from Natal/ RN contributing to the integration of content and subjects and engages students in activities awakening interest and contributing to the development of music education at school. However, it was identified that many of the conceptions of the teachers about projects are confused by ambiguities from the use of the term in different areas and in various theoretical perspectives as well as the lack of publications that address the music education through the project based learning. It is hoped that this study provides discussions and research about the project based learning applied to music education in elementary school.


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Identidade, cultura e tecnologia são os temas centrais desta dissertação. Quando esses três elementos se encontram, diversas oportunidades e possibilidades são oferecidas aos indivíduos. O site Omelete, objeto de pesquisa escolhido, é resultado de um projeto elaborado por amigos, fãs de histórias em quadrinhos e games, que não encontravam informações suficientes sobre seus temas favoritos e decidiram criar um blog para compartilhar conteúdos sobre cultura pop e satisfazer suas curiosidades e vontades. Hoje, o que nasceu como blog é considerado o maior veículo online sobre cultura pop do Brasil. O objetivo da dissertação foi verificar as características do objeto e do contexto em que se encontra e quais fatores o colocaram em sua posição atual. Para isso, primeiro fizemos uma revisão de literatura para estabelecer as bases teóricas da dissertação. Depois, categorizamos o conteúdo publicado no site sobre a Comic-Con International: San Diego durante um período determinado e analisamos os dados obtidos. Por último, descrevemos o evento Comic Con Experience, organizado pelo Omelete e pela Chiaroscuro, e averiguamos as informações colhidas desde a revisão de literatura até a experiência pessoal na convenção. A sociedade na qual vivemos permite o surgimento, o desenvolvimento e a manutenção de tribos e culturas variadas. É uma sociedade em que a tecnologia oferece ferramentas para as pessoas poderem se comunicar, compartilhar informações e interagir com internautas com interesses semelhantes, como o consumo dos mesmos produtos culturais. Essas ações são responsáveis pela formação da identidade dos indivíduos e dos grupos a que pertencem. De forma participativa, os grupos constroem conhecimento e fortalecem a inteligência coletiva.


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A gestão de projetos tem ganho preponderância nas organizações ao longo dos últimos anos. As abordagens organizativas de gestão de projetos, ao contrário das tradicionais, permitem integrar esforços complexos e reduzir o nível de burocracia, dando respostas mais efetivas e adequadas às elevadas exigências dos clientes, que frequentemente se traduzem em solicitações de alterações no decorrer da execução dos projetos. Face ao exposto e tendo em consideração que o core business da empresa facilitadora do estágio curricular do Mestrado em Gestão da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTG) do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) é a Capgemini Portugal, que se dedica à prestação de serviços de Consultoria, Tecnologia e Outsourcing e adota o modelo de gestão de projetos, atribuindo especial atenção à gestão de alterações, como área chave para o desenvolvimento de projetos bem-sucedidos, o presente relatório de estágio abordará essa temática. Assim, com base na observação participativa e na execução de tarefas de estágio na Capgemini Portugal, entre o mês de setembro de 2015 e o mês de janeiro de 2016, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso sobre a aplicação do modelo de gestão de projetos na empresa, particularmente no processo de gestão de alterações. Adicionalmente, foi sugerida uma proposta com soluções de melhoria baseadas em abordagens de referência. Para o efeito, foi realizada uma revisão da bibliografia publicada sobre gestão de projetos, que serviu de suporte à realização de um estudo empírico baseado na aplicação da metodologia de trabalho científico indutivo. Assim, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo de natureza qualitativa, onde a recolha de dados foi efetuada por observação participativa, de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, da análise de documentos facilitados pela empresa e de conteúdos de páginas da internet. Concluiu-se que o tratamento de alterações num projeto é um processo crucial da gestão de projetos e deve ser abordado com extrema minúcia. A Capgemini detém uma metodologia própria de gestão de projetos que lhe permite monitorizar e controlar todos os fatores associados a um projeto.


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A presente pesquisa consiste num trabalho exploratório de análise dos aspetos específicos da gestão de projetos de desenvolvimento de software de Patient Relationship Management (PRM), tendo em vista contribuir para a definição, no futuro, de um framework específico. Uma revisão de literatura sistemática permitiu concluir a inexistência de referências neste âmbito inseridas, tendo-se procurado suprir esta lacuna através da realização de um estudo de caso suportado em três entrevistas a peritos de reconhecida competência. As conclusões remetem para a necessidade e pertinência de um framework de gestão de projetos de desenvolvimento de software de PRM, evidenciando também um controlo do projeto de reduzida complexidade. Propõe-se e discute-se, neste aspeto, a utilização do sistema de controlo Balanced Scorecard. Esta pesquisa fornece um importante contributo para o conhecimento, compreensão e orientação da gestão e da tomada de decisão subjacentes a projetos de PRM no setor da saúde.


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Neste artigo apresentamos o delineamento metodológico de uma experiênciade pesquisa com o método de pesquisa-açao junto aos recursos humanos de um convênio do Programa Segundo Tempo do Governo Federal do Brasil, a qual se constituiu parte de um trabalho de dissertaçao de mestrado apresentado ao Programa de Pós Graduaçao em Educaçao Física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Neste artigo apresentamos o delineamento metodológico de uma experiênciade pesquisa com o método de pesquisa-açao junto aos recursos humanos de um convênio do Programa Segundo Tempo do Governo Federal do Brasil, a qual se constituiu parte de um trabalho de dissertaçao de mestrado apresentado ao Programa de Pós Graduaçao em Educaçao Física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Neste artigo apresentamos o delineamento metodológico de uma experiênciade pesquisa com o método de pesquisa-açao junto aos recursos humanos de um convênio do Programa Segundo Tempo do Governo Federal do Brasil, a qual se constituiu parte de um trabalho de dissertaçao de mestrado apresentado ao Programa de Pós Graduaçao em Educaçao Física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; SOUZA NETO, Plácido Antônio de. O impacto da utilização de design patterns nas métricas e estimativas de projetos de software: a utilização de padrões tem alguma influência nas estimativas?. Revista da FARN, Natal, v. 4, p. 63-74, 2006


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A necessidade de alinhar objetivos e estratégias da organização à execução dos portfólios, programas e projetos não é uma tarefa trivial. Muitas vezes, os projetos de TI são entregues com tecnologia revolucionária, no entanto, não em aderência plena às necessidades do negócio. O modelo de negócio (MN) pode ser visto como ferramenta conceitual essencial para capturar, compartilhar e criar uma visão comum do modelo da organização. O presente estudo buscou identificar o nível de maturidade do alinhamento dos projetos de tecnologia da informação (TI) aos modelos de negócio nas organizações no Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratório-descritiva de natureza quantitativa com utilização do método levantamento de campo (survey). Responderam ao questionário 327 profissionais atuantes em projetos de TI de fevereiro a abril de 2012. Foram aplicadas técnicas estatísticas descritivas e univariadas, como a distribuição das frequências percentuais, além da análise multivariada, especificamente a técnica exploratória de Análise de Componentes Principais para Dados Categóricos (CATPCA). Em resposta ao objetivo principal desta pesquisa, obteve-se um escore de 3,42, classificado como nível de maturidade ‘3-estabilizado/ focado’, isto indica o início da utilização da TI de forma estratégica nos negócios. A análise dos resultados também demonstrou que a formalização de uma sistemática de gestão de projetos de TI é um processo em solidificação crescente dentro das organizações, a estrutura organizacional funcional ainda é a mais praticada, embora a estrutura ‘projetizada’ tenha conquistado seu espaço, apresentando-se na segunda posição. O escritório de projetos lidera como sendo a área que seleciona, prioriza e monitora projetos. Por meio de testes de hipóteses, verificou-se que o escritório de projetos e a estrutura organizacional ‘projetizada’ são aspectos positivos e significativos no alinhamento dos projetos de TI aos modelos de negócios.


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Ethics on scientific research is approached and often discussed in several areas of knowledge connected to health. In the Administration area there are very few studies which approach the topic of ethics on research. The present paper tried to fill in this gap in the production of knowledge about the topic, investigating how the ethical principles found in the literature and in the codes of conduct are noticed and taken into account in Administration research activities developed by acting researchers in Administration Post Graduation Programs. Theoretically speaking, the study was based mainly on the approaches by Creswell (2007) and Bell and Bryman (2007), which discuss the research ethical principles. Methodologically speaking it was all about an exploratory kind of study, with qualitative research approach. Upon data collection, personal interviews were made aiming at its depth and focus groups were formed. The first stage had interviews with four experienced researchers who took part on a teaching and researching event and on the second stage we used the focus group technique. The focus groups were done in four college institutions along with the post graduation programs in Administration in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco, in Brazil. The results suggest the existence of general principles and parameters for the scientific research recommended in the literature and on official resolution. However, in the Administration area, there are only a few recommendations of good practices when it comes to submitting articles for scientific publications but we found no guidance with ethical principles and parameters which cover all the activities in the scientific research and which specifically meet the research particularities in Administration. The main ethical dilemma pointed by the researchers refers to ethical questions which arise at the time of data collection and on disclosing the results. Most researchers do not know the guidelines and the ethical norms on ethics about research that we have in our country neither do they send in their projects to the research ethics committee. When dilemma arises, they decide the ethical question based on their values and common sense. These elements confirm the thesis that the researcher s procedure in the research activities in Administration is predominantly signed by personal values or by common sense and less by ethical principles, whether by not knowing the normative instruments related to ethics or by disagreeing with any disciplining rules on ethical behavior in the research