998 resultados para Participação feminina no mercado de trabalho
The National Program for Youth Inclusion (ProJovem) has been created in 2005 in order to break the reproductive cycle of social inequality, through the improvement of the basic education and the professional qualification. Therefore, our objective is to discuss how the categories youth-work are inserted and implemented on ProJovem Integrado , which could be translated as Integrated , in Natal/RN. In 2008, ProJovem is has started to be executed based in four modalities: (1) Teenagers Socio-Educational Service, (2) Urban, (3) Worker and (4) Countryside Land Knowledge, aiming to serve a population from 15 to 29 years old who were seldom helped by specifics policies so far. In order to implement this research, three semi-structured interviews have been made, as well as observations at the program units and analysis of the official documents. In Natal, the operating modalities are: ProJovem Urban, which three units, divided in two districts of the city; the ProJovem Teenagers , which has ten units on Natal s four administrative regions; and ProJovem Worker , which were still structuring its courses until the beginning of the data collection. The data has been qualitatively analyzed through the Marxian Theory, tied to the Constant Comparative Method. The referred approach, based on the Grounded Theory, enables the understanding of the phenomenon s meanings through the perspective of the participants. The neighborhoods in which ProJovem s units are inserted has been characterized as well the Program s target. The results have been presented in three blocks: a) the modality s structure, which includes the implementation, functioning and operationalization of the activities; b) management of the modality s management, concerned to the main difficulties, expectations and functions; and c) the relation youth-work at the modalities. About the objectives and qualification and insertion goals, there is incongruence at the offer of occupational arches. We have observed that offered occupations are historically subservient and precarious. Hence they do not promote significant changes on the students career paths by usually inserting them into informal jobs or underemployments. Besides that, the professional qualification is very incipient. For that reason, it does not go with the necessary requirements to enable the youngster to enter the work world. It is considered that other researches are necessary to for better understanding of the remaining aspects of the relation youth-work
The present study analyses the variability of the meaning of the work among young people on the transition from university to professional life, divided according to: university levels, knowledge area and graduation course. A hundred seventeen young people answered the questionaries structured on the components of the meaning of work. Semi-structured interviews were also made with parts of the sample about the themes related to the meaning of work on this way the information of the questionaries became complete. The answers of the interviews were studied through the analysis of the thematic contents. The results of such analysis and the answers of the questionaries were registered on the data base SPSS for Windows. The results of the statistic analysis made indicated that: (1) the centrality of work and the articulations among stronger spheres do not present variability according to level, area or course; (2) the course makes more difference values factors and descriptives factors than area and level; (3) the hierarchy of values presents variability according to area and the descriptive hierarchy presents variability according to course; (4) the level makes more difference specific attributes of the meaning of the work than area and course; (5) the standards of the meaning of work do not present variability according to level, area and course, but present variability according to type of the work market evaluation and planning the future work. In summary, the meaning of work present variability according to level, area and course of the young people, when studied in facets, except for the work centrality
This study aid to understand the work conditions of street vendors located on the sidewalks of two malls in Brazil Northeast Natal / RN - Both malls Natal Shopping and Via Direta, to analyze their inclusion in the informal economy and to study the supposed autonomy provided by work as self-employment in its both aspects economic and social analyzing the importance on the condition of "masters of their own business" has for the street vendors, as an alternative to not submission to the figure of the boss, that represents the exploitation of one class over another. The theoretical and methodological aspects that support this study was aimed in discussion on the restructuring of production, considering its effects on the world of work, pointing to unemployment as one of the potencies element of excluded processes that exciting workers to engage in the informal market. Informality is presented as a survival strategy and as integrating part of the reproduction of capital. This research was conducted under a critical perspective, whish has been utilized quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of this study format questions that provided during the research process the socio-economic characterization of workers, main cause of this study, and how street vendors expres their status of workers as self-employed for their work, and the perception that they have on their form of inclusion in the informal market.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Incluye Bibliografía
Prólogo de Alicia Bárcena
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O Brasil está atualmente participando das negociações para aprofundamento e/ou realização de diversos acordos de livre comércio - Mercosul, ALCA, União Européia, Comunidade Andina, África do Sul, etc. A composição do comércio brasileiro difere bastante entre estes parceiros. Enquanto a pauta de exportações do Brasil para a América Latina, por exemplo, se caracteriza por um maior peso de produtos manufaturados e um maior grau de elaboração, no outro extremo, tem-se uma pauta de exportações para a Europa concentrada em bens primários ou pouco elaborados. Pelo lado das importações, também existem diferenças segundo as regiões de origem, ainda que menos acentuadas do que para as exportações. Estas diferenças na composição dos fluxos de comércio, assim como a diferente cobertura dos acordos em negociação abrem perspectivas diferentes destes acordos em termos de impacto sobre o mercado de trabalho. Este trabalho utilizou o cálculo do conteúdo em trabalho do comércio para fazer uma avaliação dos impactos dos acordos comerciais sobre o emprego e o mercado de trabalho no Brasil, distinguindo os efeitos segundo o grau de qualificação dos trabalhadores. Segundo os presentes cálculos, o Brasil é um exportador líquido de trabalho: o saldo de trabalho embutido nas exportações e importações corresponde a 4,8% do emprego total da economia brasileira. Do lado das exportações, o trabalho embutido corresponde a 11,9% do emprego total e, do lado das importações, esta parcela é de 7,1%. Embora o Brasil seja exportador líquido de todas as categorias de trabalho, a contribuição mais significativa para o saldo total de empregos é da categoria de trabalhadores pouco qualificados (que possuem de 0 a 7 anos de estudo). A contribuição da categoria de qualificação intermediária é pequena e a de maior qualificação, quase nula (os saldos em termos de trabalho embutido nas exportações líquidas representam, respectivamente, 2% e 01% do emprego total de cada categoria). Estes resultados ilustram um resultado conhecido da teoria de comércio internacional segundo o qual a liberalização gera ganhos diferentes segundo os agentes, obrigando os elaboradores de política econômica a arbitrarem entre ganhadores e perdedores e criando, possivelmente, mecanismos de transferências para compensar as perdas. De maneira mais concreta, fica evidente que, se for considerada a quantidade de emprego como critério para avaliação dos acordos comerciais, é possível que o efeito dos acordos sobre o emprego total seja pequeno ou até mesmo negativo. E que, a arbitragem deverá ser feita entre qual tipo de trabalho promover ou proteger.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB