990 resultados para PROERD -Programa Educacional de Resistência às Drogas e à Violência


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Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) é um dos principais agentes de infecções associadas a serviços de saúde em todo o mundo. No Brasil, há a predominância de um clone de MRSA multirresistente denominando clone epidêmico brasileiro (CEB). Entretanto, novos clones nãomultirresistentes com alta virulência têm sido descritos em infecções comunitárias e hospitalares. O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar a caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de cepas de MRSA isoladas na cidade do Natal/RN. Inicialmente avaliamos 60 amostras de S. aureus quanto a resistência à meticilina através de diferentes técnicas fenotípicas, utilizando a detecção do gene mecA por PCR como padrão. O antibiograma de todas as cepas foi realizado utilizando 12 antimicrobianos conforme descrito pelo CLSI. As cepas de MRSA foram caracterizadas geneticamente através da tipagem do cassete cromossômico estafilocócico mec (SCCmec) e da eletroforese em campo elétrico alternado (PFGE). Dos 60 S. aureus estudados, 45 foram resistentes à meticilina. Observamos que para algumas cepas de MRSA os testes de triagem em ágar com 6μg/mL de oxacilina e difusão em meio sólido com oxacilina-1μg apresentaram dificuldades na sua interpretação. No entanto, todas as 45 amostras de MRSA, foram facilmente detectadas pelos testes com o disco de cefoxitina-30μg e pesquisa da PBP2a. A análise molecular das cepas de MRSA mostrou 8 padrões distintos de PFGE (A-H), com predominância do padrão A (73%), relacionado ao CEB. Estas carreavam o SCCmec tipo IIIA, e apresentaram uma considerável variedade de subtipos (A1-A16). Cinco cepas de MRSA portando SCCmec IV também foram xiv identificadas, três delas relacionadas geneticamente ao clone USA800 (Padrão B). Destas cinco, três (2 padrão F e 1 padrão B) foram altamente susceptíveis as drogas testadas, entretanto, dois outros isolados, padrão B, apresentaram multirresistência. As amostras restantes pertenciam a padrões de PFGE distintos dos clones internacionais predominantes em nosso continente. Para realização deste projeto de pesquisa, a metodologia exigiu a interação com pesquisadores de áreas como: infectologia, microbiologia e biologia molecular. Portanto, esta dissertação apresentou um caráter de multidisciplinaridade e transdiciplinaridade no seu desenvolvimento


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Cinquenta amostras de camarão fresco e refrigerado (Litopenaeus vannamei) foram coletadas em diferentes pontos de comercialização na cidade de Natal RN. As amostras foram maceradas em um gral estéril e 25 gramas semeadas em 225mL de APA contendo 1% de NaCl e 25g em 225mL de CL incubadas a 35ºC - 24 horas. O crescimento em APA foi semeado em placas de Ágar TCBS, incubadas a 35ºC-24h para isolamento de Vibrio e Aeromonas. O crescimento do CL foi semeado em Agar EAM, para isolamento de coliformes. Dos 102 isolados, 91 (89,2%) pertenciam ao gênero Vibrio e 11 (10,8%) ao gênero Aeromonas, com predominância de V. cholerae não O1/não O139, V. alginolyticus, V. carchariae e V. parahaemolyticus K- e A. veronii biogrupo sobria , A. jandaei, A. schubertii, A. veronii biogrupo veronii e A. hydrophila. A menor eficiência entre os antimicrobianos foi da AMP (57,8% de resistência) seguida da AMK (29,4%) e TCY (21,6%). As 39 cepas de Vibrio e Aeromonas multirresistentes se distribuíram em 10 perfis distintos, sendo que um revelou cinco marcos (AMP, CHL, NIT, SXT e TCY) em um isolado de V. carchariae de camarão, adquirido em supermercados. O índice MAR, nas 39 cepas variou de 0,28 a 0,42, sugerindo que são de risco na transferência e difusão da resistência na cadeia alimentar. Após a cura plasmidial pelo tratamento com AO de 24 cepas multirresistentes e com resistência intermediária de víbrio e aeromonas escolhidas aleatoriamente, 13 perderam totalmente a resistência e 7 perderam parcialmente, sendo que o maior percentual de perda da resistência ocorreu nas cepas de V. cholerae não O1 e não O139 (6 cepas), se concentrando nos marcos de resistência a AMP (13), AMK (11), TCY(8) e CIP(3). Os resultados da conjugação realizada entre amostras de Vibrio xvi curadas e a E. coli K12C600 demonstraram que 78,5% das culturas de Vibrio testadas revelaram capacidade de transferência para o gene que confere resistência a AMP e 28,5% para a TCY. Dos coliformes, E. coli foi a mais frequente, seguida de Citrobacter spp, isoladas em 40,3% e 27,5% das amostras respectivamente. AMP foi o antimicrobiano menos eficaz, seguido de TCY. As 11 cepas multirresistentes se distribuíram em 9 perfis distintos, um deles constituído de cinco marcos (AMP, NIT, TCY, CHL, SXT), albergados em uma cepa de Klebsiella spp, oriunda de camarão adquirido em supermercado, similar ao resultado obtido em V. carchariae. Conclui-se que, os camarões marinhos frescos e refrigerados, comercializados em Natal-RN evidenciaram contaminação com coliformes, víbrios e aeromonas multirresistentes a antimicrobianos comumente utilizados na terapia médica e veterinária, e que, possivelmente, a transferência de genes de resistência entre bactérias se constitui um sério problema de saúde pública


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A prática regular de exercício físico possibilita redução dos efeitos das disfunções hormonais e envelhecimento biológico natural que promovem desajustes hemodinâmicos, vasculares e músculo-esqueléticos, principalmente na população feminina no período pós-menopausa. Nesta fase da vida, o exercício aquático representa mais do que uma forma de ajuste funcional, é uma forma de manutenção de independência para as atividades da vida diária (AVD s) e melhoria na qualidade de vida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações adquiridas pela prática regular de um programa de exercício aquático concorrente de intensidade moderada no nível de óxido nítrico (ON), no índice de resistividade arterial (IR), no perfil lipídico, na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida de idosas. A amostra foi formada por idosas (60 a 80 anos) selecionadas por randomização, por sorteio simples divididas em grupo controle e grupo de intervenção as quais foram submetidas a um programa de exercícios aquáticos proposto inicialmente em projeto piloto, por 12 semanas (n=34) e o ensaio clínico teve duração de 16 semanas (n=40). Foi coletada amostra sanguínea das idosas e avaliado o perfil lipídico pelo método enzimático com kit Labtest e o ON por medida indireta a partir da concentração de nitrito no sobrenadante das células em cultura em leitor de ELISA. A avaliação das artérias carótidas e vertebrais foi feita utilizando o método de ultra-som Doopler. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por quatro testes que simulam atividades da vida diária que são: caminhar 10 metros (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC) e o de levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV). No estudo piloto foi avaliado o índice geral de autonomia funcional (IG) e a qualidade de vida através do questionário WHOQOL-100. Empregou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas nos fatores grupo (GH e GC) e tempo (pré e pós-teste) para as comparações intra e intergrupos nas variáveis seguida do post hoc de Scheffé. Utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson e adotado o valor de p<0,05 para a significância estatística. Houve aumento do ON circulante, redução nos índices de resistividade arterial, melhoria significativa nos níveis de colesterol e triglicérides e ganho na capacidade funcional das idosas após a intervenção. Existiu correlação inversa entre a resistividade da artéria vertebral direita (VERTD) e níveis de ON e entre a VERTD e os níveis plasmáticos de HDL, assim como entre estes e o teste C10m nas idosas em estudo. Não houve modificações significativas na qualidade de vida das idosas. Em conclusão, o programa de exercício proposto foi capaz de oferecer melhorias funcionais, aumentar o nível de óxido nítrico circulante, diminuindo a resistência arterial promovendo modificações no perfil lipídico de idosas


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of an aerobic exercise program on the internal right carotid resistive index (IRCRI) and the functional autonomy levels of elderly women. The sample was composed of 25 elderly sedentary women, aged between 60 and 75 years, allocated into two groups: an experimental group consisting of 14 women submitted to aerobic treatment and a control group (n=11). Carotid artery resistance assessment was conducted using Doppler ultrasound and functional autonomy by the following tests: 10m walk (10mW), rising from a sitting position (RSP), rising from a chair and moving about the house (RCMH), rising from the ventral decubitus position (RVDP) and putting on and removing a t-shirt (PRTS). Aerobic training consisted of walking 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, for 3 months. To control the intensity of the walk, the index of perceived exertion was used, with standardized Borg scale values corresponding to 13-15 points, characterized as slightly tiring exercise with training heart rate (TRH) between 50% and 80% of heart rate reserve (HRR). Repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. Compared to the control, the experimental group obtained a statistically significant decrease in right internal carotid resistance (p = 0.021) and a significant increase in the following tests: 10mW (p=0.000), RSP (p=0.035) and RCMH (p=0.016). These results suggest that engaging in aerobic exercises was effective in decreasing IRCRI and improving functional autonomy inelderly women


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbico sobre o índice de resistência da artéria carótida interna direita (IRCID) e os níveis de autonomia funcional de mulheres idosas. A amostra foi constituída por 25 idosas sedentárias, com idade entre 60 e 75 anos, divididas em dois grupos: grupo experimental com 14 idosas submetidas ao treinamento aeróbico e grupo controle (n=11). A avaliação da resistência da artéria carótida foi realizada pelo método de ultrasom Doppler e a autonomia funcional pelos testes: caminhar 10m (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar-se da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC), levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV) e vestir e tirar a camisa (VTC). O treinamento aeróbico foi realizado na forma de caminhada, 30 minutos por dia, 3 vezes por semana, durante 3 meses. Para o controle da intensidade da caminhada foi utilizado o índice de esforço percebido, com valores padronizados pela escala de Borg onde a intensidade deveria corresponder a uma faixa entre os valores 13 a 15 pontos, correspondente a uma situação orgânica derivada de um exercício compreendido como ligeiramente cansativo e a frequência cardíaca de treino (FCT) entre 50% a 80% da frequência cardíaca de reserva. Para analise estatística foi utilizado a ANOVA de medidas repetidas. O grupo experimental quando comparados com o grupo controle obteve uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa na resistência da artéria carótida interna direita (p=0,021), e um aumento significativo nos testes: C10m (p=0,000), LPS (p=0,035) e no LCLC (p=0,016). Estes resultados sugerem que a prática de exercícios físicos aeróbicos foi eficaz em diminuir o IRCID e melhorar os níveis de autonomia funcional em mulheres idosa


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As substâncias entorpecentes acompanham a humanidade desde o início da civilização. No entanto, várias delas foram consideradas proscritas ao longo do tempo. Seu combate foi inaugurado na comunidade internacional a partir do começo do século XX. No início, tinha o condão eminentemente moral, porquanto a proibição encerrava, por princípio, a proteção da ética ameaçada pelo padrão desviado do consumo de estupefacientes. Na década de 1970, a guerra contra as drogas, expressão cunhada nesse período, evoluiu para se tornar o meio pelo qual o consumo seria mitigado. Dez anos mais tarde, ante à impossibilidade de sucumbir o narcotráfico, passou a ser um fim em si mesma o novo argumento para os esforços militares dos Estados Unidos da América. A criminalização das substâncias entorpecentes consideradas ilícitas é fundamento jurídico da guerra contra as drogas. Esse modelo proibicionista encontra argumento no direito penal do inimigo, segundo o qual o Estado pode, em situações que exponham a coletividade a grave perigo, negar à determinada categoria de criminosos (os inimigos) as garantias inerentes ao direito penal, cabendo-lhes apenas a coação estatal. Mesmo tendo consumido trilhões de dólares, encarcerado aos milhões e custado a vida de milhares de pessoas, pode-se dizer que a guerra contra as drogas não reduziu a oferta e o consumo de substâncias entorpecentes consideradas ilícitas, nem mitigou os danos delas decorrentes pelo contrário, tornou-se um problema de segurança pública. Assim, impõe-se a verificação da constitucionalidade da norma penal que fundamenta a guerra contra as drogas, sob ponderação do princípio da proporcionalidade. Referido postulado cobra que a norma seja adequada, cumprindo a finalidade pretendida, necessária, não havendo meio menos gravoso à obtenção do mesmo fim, e proporcional, estrito senso, que a sanção imposta ao indivíduo seja equivalente ao dano que se quis prevenir. Em matéria penal há de se incluir um outro elemento, a ponderar se as consequências da proibição em matéria penal, por si só, são mais graves que os consectários dos fatos que se pretendem proibir - exige-se que a lei seja socialmente menos ofensiva. A norma penal que fundamenta a guerra contra as drogas não se mostrou hábil a mitigar os danos sociais delas decorrentes sendo, por isso, inadequada. Existem meios alternativos à criminalização mais eficientes à esse objetivo, pelo que se faz desnecessária. Na medida em que estupefacientes mais nocivos à coletividade são considerados lícitos, a criminalização de drogas menos danosas se mostra desproporcional. E, uma vez que dela resultam graves danos à sociedade, não atende ao critério da menor ofensividade social. É, portanto, inconstitucional


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This research has been implanted on thematic area education, politic and culture, based on line research and cultures practices aducatives histories approaches and literaries. on this situations, be involved around the kind of relations investigating about history cultural perspective, the thematic: woman, violence, body and education in women s daily victims of fisic, sexual and psychological violence. The research period happens end of 20th century beginning of 21th, specially between the 1999 until 2002. The survey shows influence of sexually device above body to reveal the root of violence in kinds of relations, be present in lifehistory of women aggressors the prisoners women and the women who permits aggressions the victims who accuse in the police station of woman. to preserv her privacy, i have been utilized in my register book pseudonym by flowers, to everyone. i have been defended my theory by familyrelations, be constitued in micro powerspaces and learn about sex, under the influence of violence in kinds of relations, creating negative bodywoman. shows bodyconceptions and sexuality by light thinking of the French philosopher Mr. Foucault Michel, in his opinion sexuality is a mechanisms by power, it is present on circular form at the society from all the institutions. I have been run over of Erich Fromm s lover theory. Those are fontain of newspapers, Police Protests, the prisoners women statement and the women who permits aggressions that them accuse aggressors of hers. I also utilize as fontain the Brazilian Penal Coole. At last I have decide about the flowers-women´s history, they have discourse who divulge the really importance of body as privileged by wisdom and truths, it was translated by own subjectivity, learned educations relacions, repetead in family breast and be responsible of the actions at signature in the presence of society. These relacions, were twice think and was problematic, their will be bring seeds of social transformations


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Este trabajo de pesquisa posee um carácter histórico y documental, teniendo como objetivo la Associação Cultural Ipapetinguense fundada em el año de 1936, por la dedicación de los hombres de la élite ganadera se congregarem para la lectura de los periódicos existentes en aquella época en la villa de Itatinga, actualmente la ciudad de Itapetinga (BA). Conocer la ACI, representó evidenciar sus proyectos direccionados para la cultura y la enseñanza, desde su comienzo hasta el año de 1961, analizando los conocimientos vinculados en esos proyectos. Entre los mismos, examiamos detalladamente a Biblioteca Dr. Orlando Bahia y las iniciativas realizadas para la enseñanza: la Escola da ACI, el Curso de Ciências, Letras e Artes, el Ginásio Alfredo Dutra y la Escola Normal Juvino Oliveira, desde el punto de vista de los conocimientos socializados en estas acciones. Entendemos que estos saberes fueron sembrados por la lectura de los libros da la Biblioteca Dr. Orlando Bahia, lo que nos hizo analizar el acervo de la misma, para así percibir que estos libros fueroan los testigos de los conocimientos de los maestros en quel período de la história de la educación en Itapetinga. Ellos fueron y todavia son, no sólo, los portadores de los contenidos y de los saberes enseñados, mas los reveladores de un proyeto de la emancipación educativa y política para la villa de Itapetinga. Estudiar la história de la Associação Cultural Itapetinguense, sus proyetos dedicados para la cultura y para la educación nos ofreció la posibilidad de conocer la villa de Itapetinga y su trayectoria económica y social, su desarrollo cultural y el camino recorrido en su emancipación educativa y política. De esta manera, las acciones culturales y educativas impulsionadas por la ACI y direccionadas hacia la villa fueroan la posibilidad del progreso, del esclarecimiento y confirmación de uma élite en el ámbito económico y social local y de aumento en el ámbito de los conocimientos y de la educación formal del pueblo en su sentido amplio. Las fuentes citadas para la pesquisa fueron, fundamentalmente, los libros de las actas y los estatutos de la ACI, periódicos locales, y libros de registros de préstamo de la Biblioteca Dr. Orlando Bahia, además de todas las comunicaciones orales em las charlas realizadas


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The work aims to investigate some of the educational actions developed in the differentiated Tapeba schools (CE), in their pedagogical practices. The reading of these practices as ritual of ethnic cultural resistance is accomplished by the approach of studies of experience and performance in the anthropology, as well as, the analytical perspective suggested by the dramaturgy ideas and social drama. So, taking a critical approach of the school, that conceives it, while time space privileged of possibilities of political social change, this work searches to notice the means of achievement of a differentiated education. I aim at, with that, to observe the ritual moments and performáticos of the pedagogic practices of Tapeba while important political-symbolic expressions of your collective experiences, looking at the process of construction of legitimacy of the school differentiated as scenery of creation of pedagogic rituals of resistance. Then, the Cultural Fair, Tapeba Indian Games, the Walking of Tapeba Indian`s Day and Carnauba Party by one side and the Cultural Classes, by another, promote a re-thinking on the experiences of Tapeba ethnicity, distinguishing also, in this process of identity affirmation, the political pedagogical role fulfilled by land re-taking. Finally, this work makes clear that Tapeba prove to be individuals with rights and at the same time they want to legitimate their differentiated school practices, Tapeba construct the meaning of their social actions in the educative and in other aspects of their communitarian living as well


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The scope of this study directs an investigation in search of how the blind person learns knowledge at school mediated by the image in context of an inclusive education and how it can be (or is) triggered by the adaptation of images to the tactile seizure of the blind person and his correlative process of reading. To achieve this intent we choose a qualitative approach of research and opted for the modality of case study, based on the empirical field of a public school in the city of Cruzeta, RN and as a the main subject a congenitally blind female student enrolled in high school there, focusing, often, on the discipline of geography in its words mapping. Our procedures for construction of data are directly involved to the documentary analysis of open reflective interview and observation. The base guiding theory of our assessments is located in the current understanding about the human psychological development of its educational process inside an inclusive perspective, of contemporary conceptions about the visual disability as well of image as a cultural product. Accordingly, the human person is a concrete subject, whose development is deeply marked by the culture, historically built by human society. This subject regardless of his specific features, grasping the world in an interactive and immediate way, internalising and producing culture. In this thinking, we believe that the blind person perceives in multiple senses the stimuli of his environment and acts in the world toward his integration into the social environment. The image as a product of culture, historically and socially determined, appears as a sign conventionally used as an icon that in itself concentrates knowledge of which the student who does not realize visually himself and his surroundings cannot be excluded. In this direction, the inclusive educational process must build conditions of access to knowledge for all students without distinction, including access to the interpretation of the images originally intended for the seizure strictly visual to other perceptive models. Based in this theory and adopting principles of content analysis, we circulated inside the interpretation of the data constructed from the analysis of documents, from the subject speeches, from records of the observation made in the classroom and other notes of the field daily. In the search for pictures on the school contents, adapted to the tactile seizure of blind student, was seen little and not systematic in practice and teaching at the school. It showed us the itinerary of the student life marked by a succession of supports, most of the time inappropriate and pioneers in cooling the construction of her autonomy. It also showed us the tensions and contradictions of a school environment, supposedly inclusive, that stumbles in search of its intent, in the attitudinal and cumulative barriers brought, because of its aggravating maintenance. These findings arose of crossing data around of a categorization that gives importance to 1) Concepts regarding the school inclusion, 2) Elements of the school organization, educational proposal and teaching practice, 3) Meaning of the visual image as the object of knowledge, 4) Perception in multiple senses and 5) Development and learning of the blind person before impositions of the social environment. In light of these findings we infer that it must be guaranteed to the disabled person removal of the attitudinal barriers that are against his full development and the construction of his autonomy. In that sense, should be given opportunity to the student with visual disability, similarly to all students, not only access to school, but also the dynamics of a school life efficient, that means the seizure of knowledge in all its modalities, including the imagery. To that end, there is a need of the continued training of teachers, construction of a support network in response to all needs of students, and the opportunity to development of reading skills beyond a perspective eminently focused in the sight


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This work aims at developing an evaluation of the implementation of the Program Escola Ativa as a public policy for rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Seridó RN (1998 2009) focusing on the following dimensions: school s physical environment, training, follow up, and didactic usage of the methodology. In order to develop this research we refer to the literature that analyzes the cycle of policies (FREY, 2000). In this approach, evaluation represents an important step in the process of analyzing the implementation of public policies, as a way of measuring up their performance, as well as a guide for realignments and redefinitions (PRESSMAN; WILDAVSKY, 1998). In order to accomplish this function, the evaluator of policies must be acquainted with scientific concepts and methods that consist of describing, interpreting and analyzing the policies in the governmental sphere (MENY; THOENIG, 1992; LIMA JÚNIOR, 1978). In this perspective, we intend to investigate whether in its proposition of minimizing the blanks in the Brazilian educational system, the implementation of the Program would be contributing to the improvement of the political-pedagogical practices in the rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Seridó RN. In order to do this research, we have developed a theoretical-methodological matrix made of analysis dimensions, variables, indicators and instruments, such as literary revision, documental analysis, semi-structured interviews with four teachers and three supervisors that work and/or have worked in Escola Ativa in that town in the period comprised among 1998 2009, besides notes taken from field observation and photographs from four rural schools with combined grade classrooms. With this research we have identified that the Program, at a national level, has gone through different phases in its implementation process, for the town was not ready to fully take the responsibilities of the autonomous expansion, in 2002. From that period on, the execution of Escola Ativa has suffered several discontinuities, such as the lack of professional training and supervising. It is also noted that the methodology contributes to the dynamization of the didactic-pedagogical activities and promotes the cooperation and autonomy of the students in the organization and the applicability of the components of the curriculum, especially of Governo Estudantil and Cantinhos de Aprendizagem. Although the directions of the Program (BRASIL, 2005) point out that Escola Ativa has among its principles social transformation, we identified that, isolated, the initiative is not capable of promoting the changes that the rural schools need, namely investments in the physical, material, pedagogical and technological infra-structure, besides the estimation and a career plan for the teachers. In a general draft of the results of this research, we realized that some aspects presented about the peculiarities of Escola Ativa in Jardim do Seridó as a governmental Program, reinforce the need for the public policies to be evaluated, in order to confront critic and operationally the planning with the practice, revising action, whenever necessary


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The educational reform of the 90 s was tainted by the objectives of the fiscal adjustments, resulting in the redefinition of the state s role in the financing and offering of teaching services, and bringing about a shuffling of the responsibility between the public and private sectors to promote education to young people and adults. The 90 s also highlighted the proliferation of providers and the multiplication of Educational Programs for Youths and Adults (EJA), implemented through partnerships between governmental and nongovernmental agencies. During this period of time, the agenda of educational responsibilities concerning analphabetism was organized in a process of decentralized of the state, with the following political, social, and economic objectives: to reduce the public deficit, increasing public savings and the financial capacity of the state to concentrate resources in areas considered indispensable to direct intervention; to increase the efficiency of the social services moffered or funded by the state, giving citizens more at a lower cost, and spreading services to more remote areas, expanding access to reach those most in need; to increase the participation of citizens in public management, stimulating communitarian acts as well as developing efforts towards the effective coordination of public figures in the implementation of associated social services. Thus, Assistance Programs co-financed by the government try to deal with the problem of analphabetism. Within the sphere of the 90 s educational policy decentralization, we come to see how the agenda dedicated to the reduction of analphabetism was formed by the Solidarity Alphabetization Program (PAS). Between 1997 and 2003, the latter agenda s decentralizing proposal was integrated in the management partnership for the operationalization of tasks and resources faced with the execution of the formal objectives. In this study, we identify the dimensions of the implantation and progress of the tasks carried out by PAS, in the municipality of Lagoa de Pedras/RN. However, we consider these Programs to assist in the process without guaranteeing the reduction of the causes or substituting the responsibility of the system once the monetary resources for program maintenance provided by the partners is exhausted


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This study attempts to investigate the school administration in the Department of Education of Rio Grande de Norte, in the period 1924 to 1928, in the context of conservative modernization in its management, implemented by Nestor Lima dos Santos. Addresses the trends of administrative Nestor Santos Lima and sequence of these variables so that we can correlate and monitor the development of various economic, social, cultural and political, to show how influenced and even determined the direction of education, not only the state of RN, but throughout the country. For this purpose, it is the recapitulation of the history of life, experiences of work and travel reports of this important figure, including administrative concepts, aiming to identify the school administration, introduced by him in the 1920s, as those who received influence of characters that included the social and historical context of the time, reconstituting the ways following the education. It was developed by Nestor shares in Lima on the administration of public schools, their way of management, and can see how was the process of modernization of education in Rio Grande do Norte state and how it followed the rapid changes, experienced by Brazil, during this period. Show up on the design aspects of modernizing Nestor Lima in the Department of Education, the Director General of Administrative Acts, the internal record of school groups, Isolated Schools, Schools rudimentary and the newly created Board of Education, highlighting the Internal Rules of Council but the General Regulations of the Department of Education. This work also highlights the proposed administrative Nestor of Lima, while educational model of an operating system of the organization, training and education, which is present in the area of production of discourse, through body practice, characteristic of the record established levels of policy development and implementation of educational instruction in all state. Key-words: school administration. Conservative modernization. Public Education


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Study of Teacher Education Policy: a reading from the analysis of Programa Especial de Formação de Professores para a Educação Básica Proeb - aims to analyze the initial teacher training developed by the Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA. Proeb is a policy of in-service training of teachers, formulated and implemented in the context of current educational policies for basic education. This work assumes that the guidelines developed in the last decades of the twentieth century are linked to international organizations that spread in Latin America continent a homogeneous model of training which has as main features to be held in service through the mode the distance and the school as a leading locus. In Brazil, these guidelines are supported on the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education No. 9.394/96 and Report 09/2001, which deals with the Syllabus Guidelines for the formation of Basic Education Teachers. To carry out the study was taken as reference, the syllabus developed for the deployment of Proeb from 1998 to 2002, specifically the proposal operationalized in the Degree Course of Mathematics in the city of Vitória do Mearim in Maranhão. To conduct the study, it was used literature as a way to deepen understanding, clarify and aim the conceptual aspect of the object researched. The documental research was consisted in the analysis of legal documents concerning the reform of education policies, teacher training and pedagogical project Proeb/UFMA and, finally, the semi-structured interviews were used to allow a better understanding of the subjects involved with research. The data analysis has shown that the curriculum designed to operationalize the course of undergraduate mathematics Proeb/UFMA, despite having guidelines that point to the separation of theory/practice dichotomy and establish as a principle work as an educational principle, has an disciplinary curriculum organization that reinforces the instrumental view of the syllabus, not enabling in practice, the execution of their initial proposal. Concerning to the view of graduates on the course, they highlight the weaknesses of the course, but also evidence that it has allowed an improvement of initial training, through the disciplines of the common core syllabus of courses and special training. It is possible seeing in graduates words, that the course have had repercussions in their teaching and improving their integration into the labor market and in the community of Vitória do Mearim. Overall, these developments have indicated evidence of teacher professionalization, although they are incipient. The work has shown that for the professionalization of teachers is introduced, the syllabus of undergraduate teacher education must overcome the traditional view of syllabus and implement contextualized curricula in a multidisciplinary approach involving, in equal proportions, the general education and training specific course. Accordingly, it is believed in need to review the role of the University in the formative process, as well as recovering as part of educational policies, the omnilateral size of teacher education


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This research work is focused to show the changes in educational administration from the agreements between the Mossoró / RN and the Ayrton Senna Institute IAS, for education provision. Nowadays, the partnership policy is a constitutive element of the reform of the Brazilian State, which dropped its action on social policies and to strengthen its regulatory role, encouraging private participation in planning, preparation and implementation of public policies, new printing setting the political-social. In this context, the 10 Note Management Programme, developed by the IAS, is part of the neoliberal logic of modernization of public school systems, focusing on results and developing strategies for control and regulation of schools work and its efficiency, effectiveness and greater productivity. The 10 Note focuses on two dimensions: the management of learning and teaching in networking, in a managerial perspective to overcome the culture of failure (expressed as age-grade, dropout and repetition rates in) and implantation of culture of success (as measured in the improvement of the indices). To understanding the process, we have delimited as the object of study, the process of implementing them mentioned program in the city, which its objective is to analyze implications for the school community from the perspective of democratic management, adopting the dimensions of autonomy and participation in institutional processes as a criterion of analysis. From a methodological point of view, the survey was conducted from a literature review and documentary about educational policy developed in the country since the 1990´s, seeking to understand, in a dialectical perspective, the political dimensions of teaching, training and performance of the subjects involved in the school work. Besides the empirical observation, it was also used semi-structured interviews with a methodological tool for gathering information and opinions about the partnership and the implementation of the 10 Note Management Program in the county. The interviewee participants were ex-former education managers, coordinators, school managers, secretaries and teachers. Regarding the dimensions inside the analysis (autonomy and participation), the research led to the conclusion: that GEED, under the guidance of IAS promoted regulation of school autonomy, set up the selection process for exercising the office of school administration and system awards to schools, pupils and teachers, subject to results, there is mismatch between the managerial logic and the democratic management principles, that the ideological discourse of modernization of municipal management coexists with traditional practices, centralizing patronage, which ignores the democratic participation in the school decisions processes, the goals of the partnership were partially achieved, since that the city has improved over the approval and dropouts, although the approval of the Education Municipal Plan of the rules institutional (administrative, financial and educational) and the creation of the Councils observed that the school community participation is still limited, not being characterized as a coordinated intervention, capable of promoting the transformation and improvement its quality in the county. In the same way, the orientation of networking is a limit to the autonomy of schools, given the external definition of goals and strategies to be adopted, along with pressure exerted through the accountability of each school community for their achievements