890 resultados para PINCH TECHNIQUE


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A method for generating beams with arbitrary polarization and shape is proposed. Our design requires the use of a Mach-Zehnder set-up combined with translucent liquid crystal displays in each arm of the interferometer; in this way, independent manipulation of each transverse beam components is possible. The target of this communication is to develop a numerical procedure for calculating the holograms required for dynamically encode any amplitude value and polarization state in each point of the wavefront. Several examples demonstrating the capabilities of the method are provided.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Rapid deployment aortic valve replacement (RDAVR) with the use of rapid deployment valve systems represents a smart alternative to the use of standard aortic bioprosthesis for aortic valve replacement. Nevertheless, its use is still debatable in patients with pure aortic valve regurgitation or true bicuspid aortic valve because of the risk of postoperative paravalvular leak. To address this issue, an optimal annulus-valve size match seems to be the ideal surgical strategy. This article describes a new technique developed to stabilize the aortic annulus and prevent paravalvular leak after RDAVR. To confirm the feasibility, this technique was performed in six patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis who were scheduled to undergo aortic valve replacement at our center. All patients survived surgery and were discharged from the hospital. There were no new intracardiac conduction system disturbances observed, and a permanent pacemaker implantation was not required in any of the patients. The intraoperative and postoperative echocardiogram confirmed successful positioning of the valve, and no paravalvular leak was observed. In this preliminary experience, RDAVR through a full sternotomy or an upper hemisternotomy approach with the use of aortic annulus stabilization technique was safe, and no leak was observed. Future studies on large series of patients are necessary to confirm the safety and effectiveness of this technique in preventing paravalvular leak in patients with true bicuspid aortic valves or pure aortic regurgitation.


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La littérature sur les transitions, en particulier entre l'école obligatoire et l'école professionnelle ou l'école et la vie professionnelle, attire l'attention sur le fait que les parcours personnels sont aujourd'hui moins linéaires. Les transitions professionnelles sont alors décrites comme des moments de difficultés, de ruptures, de vulnérabilité pour les jeunes (Pagnossin & Armi, 2011 ; Rastoldo, Amos & Davaud, 2009). Dans notre domaine en psychologie « socioculturelle », si ces aspects ne sont pas négligés, l'accent est mis sur l'importance du travail de construction de sens par la personne : indépendamment des zigzags de sa vie, l'important est la mise en cohérence, les liens de sens qu'elle peut reconstruire entre les différentes sphères d'expériences qui constituent son identité. Et pour cela, les ressources sociales et institutionnelles (parents, enseignants, groupes de pairs, dispositifs de formation...) mais aussi matérielles et culturelles (chansons, poèmes, films, romans, récits, etc.) peuvent être très importantes (Masdonati & Zittoun, 2012 ; Zittoun, 2012). L'étude-intervention qui sera présentée dans ce document, réalisée auprès d'une classe d'apprentis de l'Ecole technique de Ste-Croix par un groupe d'étudiants en Master en psychologie (UniL), s'inscrit dans un mouvement plus large qui cherche à rendre compte du point de vue des acteurs (Muller Mirza & Perret-Clermont, 2015) liés à la question des transitions des jeunes : il s'agira ici de celui des apprentis eux-mêmes, de manière à explorer ce qu'ils vivent en termes de difficultés, de ressources utilisées et d'apprentissages réalisés, ainsi que celui des personnes qui les accompagnent dans ces processus, les enseignants. Cette étude visait non seulement à recueillir des informations auprès de ces personnes mais également à réaliser un travail de type réflexif, par la mise en place d'activités en classe destinées aux apprentis, basées sur le « récit de vie » comme outil psychologique.


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Ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy has high sensitivity in the diagnosis of breast cancer. The present study is aimed at detailing the main steps of such procedure, including indications, advantages, limitations, follow-up and description of the technique, besides presenting a checklist including the critical steps required for an appropriate practice of the technique. In the recent years, an increasing number of patients have required breast biopsy, indicating the necessity of a proportional increase in the number of skilled professionals to carry out the procedures and histological diagnoses. A multidisciplinary approach involving the tripod clinical practice-radiology-pathology is responsible for the highest rate of accuracy of the technique and must always be adopted.


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BACKGROUND: Abdominoperineal resection (APR) following radiotherapy is associated with a high rate of perineal wound complications. The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap, combined with the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle, can cover complex perineal and pelvic anteroposterior defects. This is used for the first time transabdominally through the pelvis and the perineum (TAPP) in the infero-posterior directions; this technique has been described and illustrated in this study. METHODS: Among over 90 patients who underwent perineal reconstruction between May 2004 and June 2011, six patients presented high-grade tumours invading perineum, pelvis and sacrum, thereby resulting in a continuous anteroposterior defect. ALT + VL TAPP reconstructions were performed after extended APR and, subsequently, sacrectomy. Patients were examined retrospectively to determine demographics, operative time, complications (general and flap-related), time to complete healing and length of hospital stay. Long-term flap coverage, flap volume stability and functional and aesthetic outcomes were assessed. RESULTS: Mean operating time of the reconstruction was 290 min. No deaths occurred. One patient presented partial flap necrosis. Another patient presented a novel wound dehiscence after flap healing, due to secondary skin dissemination of the primary tumour. Following volumetric flap analysis on serial post-operative CT scans, no significant flap atrophy was observed. All flaps fully covered the defects. No late complications such as fistulas or perineal hernias occurred. Donor-site recovery was uneventful with no functional deficits. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the ALT + VL flap transabdominally is an innovative method to reconstruct exceptionally complex perineal and pelvic defects extending up to the lower back. This flap guarantees superior bulk, obliterating all pelvic dead space, with the fascia lata (FL) supporting the pelvic floor.


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In this work, using the EPR spectroscopy, we analysed the thermal stability of some organic-mineral compounds found in a Gleysoil from Rio Janeiro. It was observed a complete disappearance of the EPR signal around 600 °C for the < 2 µm fraction and a residual EPR signal of semiquinone free radical for the 2-20 µm and 20-53 µm fractions at the same temperature. Also, the experiments showed that the 2-20 µm fraction had a larger concentration of semiquinone free radical per g of carbon and a smaller line width indicated a larger humification of this fraction. This is an evidence that the soil organic matter of this fraction (2-20 µm) is more stable than the other ones.


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The design and use of a novel apparatus for a variant of vacuum distillation is described. Relative to a conventional device, the apparatus/technique described permits superior recovery of multigram quantities of moderately volatile liquids from vacuum distillations.


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We report the use of an optical fiber sensor to measure the soybean oil concentration in samples obtained from the mixture of pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil. The operation of the device is based on the long-period grating sensitivity to the surrounding medium refractive index, which leads to measurable modifications in the grating transmission spectrum. The proposed analysis method results in errors in the oil concentration of 0.4% and 2.6% for pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil, respectively. Techniques of total glycerol, dynamic viscosity, density, and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were also employed to validate the proposed method.


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Signal processing methods based on the combined use of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and zero-crossing technique were applied to the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of perindopril (PER) and indapamide (IND) in tablets. These signal processing methods do not require any priory separation step. Initially, various wavelet families were tested to identify the optimum signal processing giving the best recovery results. From this procedure, the Haar and Biorthogonal1.5 continuous wavelet transform (HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, respectively) were found suitable for the analysis of the related compounds. After transformation of the absorbance vectors by using HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, the CWT-coefficients were drawn as a graph versus wavelength and then the HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT spectra were obtained. Calibration graphs for PER and IND were obtained by measuring the CWT amplitudes at 231.1 and 291.0 nm in the HAAR-CWT spectra and at 228.5 and 246.8 nm in BIOR1.5-CWT spectra, respectively. In order to compare the performance of HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT approaches, derivative spectrophotometric (DS) method and HPLC as comparison methods, were applied to the PER-IND samples. In this DS method, first derivative absorbance values at 221.6 for PER and 282.7 nm for IND were used to obtain the calibration graphs. The validation of the CWT and DS signal processing methods was carried out by using the recovery study and standard addition technique. In the following step, these methods were successfully applied to the commercial tablets containing PER and IND compounds and good accuracy and precision were reported for the experimental results obtained by all proposed signal processing methods.


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We developed a simple, rapid, and solventless method for analyzing trihalomethanes in beer samples using headspace solid-phase microextraction. The effects of varying experimental parameters, such as extraction temperature and time, addition of sodium chloride, and agitation speed, on extraction yield were studied using a univariate experimental design. Limits of detection between 0.22 and 0.46 µg L- 1 and wide linear ranges were achieved for trihalomethanes. We measured the trihalomethane recoveries and precision (as the standard deviation of repeat measurements) and demonstrated the applicability of the proposed method by analyzing 32 beer samples.


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A statistical mixture-design technique was used to study the effects of different solvents and their mixtures on the yield, total polyphenol content, and antioxidant capacity of the crude extracts from the bark of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae). The experimental results and their response-surface models showed that ternary mixtures with equal portions of all the three solvents (water, ethanol and acetone) were better than the binary mixtures in generating crude extracts with the highest yield (22.04 ± 0.48%), total polyphenol content (29.39 ± 0.39%), and antioxidant capacity (6.38 ± 0.21). An analytical method was developed and validated for the determination of total polyphenols in the extracts. Optimal conditions for the various parameters in this analytical method, namely, the time for the chromophoric reaction to stabilize, wavelength of the absorption maxima to be monitored, the reference standard and the concentration of sodium carbonate were determined to be 5 min, 780 nm, pyrogallol, and 14.06% w v-1, respectively. UV-Vis spectrophotometric monitoring of the reaction under these conditions proved the method to be linear, specific, precise, accurate, reproducible, robust, and easy to perform.