964 resultados para Organic loading rate


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As part of an ongoing program of organic geochemical studies of sediments recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, we have analyzed the types, amounts, and thermal alteration indices of organic matter collected from the Pacific continental margin of southern Mexico on Leg 66. The samples were pieces of core frozen aboard ship. Some of them were analyzed by pyrolysis, heavy C15+ hydrocarbons, and nonhydrocarbons to help determine their origin and hydrocarbon potential. Our main objectives were to find out how much organic matter was being deposited; to establish whether it derived from marine or terrestrial sources; to determine the controls of deposition of organic matter; to estimate the hydrocarbon potential of the drilled section; and to compare and contrast organic sedimentation here with that on other margins.


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Detailed organic geochemical investigations have been performed on sediment samples from upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659. The major objective of this study has been the relationship between organic carbon accumulation and paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions in the upwelling area off northwest Africa during late Cenozoic times. The study is based on results from organic carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen analyses, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen microscopy, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In general, nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659 are characterized by low organic carbon values of less than 0.5%. At Site 657, four events of high organic carbon deposition (total organic carbon of 1%-3%) occur and represent turbidites and a slump interval. The upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of upwelling Site 658 display high organic carbon contents of 0.5%-4%, with higher contents concentrated in the upper Pliocene. Accumulation rates of organic carbon vary between 0.1 and 0.5 gC/cm-**2/1000 yr, with maximum values between 3.5 and 3.1 Ma. Short-term cyclic ("Milankovitch-type") variations in organic carbon accumulation suggest climate-controlled mechanisms causing these fluctuations. The quality of organic matter at Site 658 is a mixture of kerogen type II and HI, with a dominance of the marine type. This is indicated by high hydrogen-index values of 200-400 mgHC/gC, low C/N ratios of 5-15, atomic H/C ratios of 1.0-1.5, and high amounts of marine macerals (alginite and liptodetrinite). We have estimated paleoproductivity for Sites 658 and 659 based on the amount of marine organic carbon. At open-marine Site 659, mean paleoproductivity varies between 20 and 50 gC/m**2/yr. At Site 658, mean paleoproductivity reaches high values of 160 to 320 gC/m**2/yr, very similar to those recorded in modern upwelling areas. The changes in productivity off northwest Africa are linked to changes in nutrient supply caused by both upwelling and fluvial input. The change from a dominantly humid climate to one characterized by fluctuations between humid and fully arid climates in northwest Africa occurs between 3.1 and 2.45 Ma.


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Microscopic studies reveal a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in sediments of Site 808. Terrestrial vitrinite and inertinite are more abundant (73% to 100%) than marine organic matter (alginite, 0% to 27%), which increases from open oceanic deposits of the Shikoku Basin sediments to sediments of the outer trench wedge. The abundance of terrestrial organic matter is also reflected through carbon isotope values of -23 per mil to -25.9 per mil. Mass accumulation rates of organic carbon are low in hemipelagic sediments of the Shikoku Basin (<0.2 g/cm**2/k.y.) but increase significantly in sediments of the Nankai Trench (0.2 to 1.7 g/cm**2/k.y.). Although the organic mass accumulation is high in sediments of the Nankai Trench, a comparison of sedimentation rates and total organic carbon suggests relative dilution of organic carbon through turbidite flows. Calculated marine paleoproductivity of organic carbon is low in sediments of the open ocean (Shikoku Basin) and increases closer to the shore (Nankai Trench). Thermal evolution of organic matter is obtained from vitrinite reflectance measurements. Two populations of vitrinites have been observed between 600 and 1234 mbsf. Reflectance values change with increasing depth and temperature in both groups of vitrinite (0.3% to 0.68% in group 1; 0.6% to 1% in group 2).


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Oxidation rate of 35S-thiosulfate under simulated natural conditions and abundance of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria in a redox zone of the Black Sea are lower during winter and spring than in summer, especially in halistatic regions. Oxidation of thiosulfate under natural conditions is performed chiefly by lithotropic thionic bacteria, whose activity is limited by low temperatures. Adding thiosulfate and readily available organic matter to water samples from the redox zone and raising temperature of water stimulated activity of heterotrophic thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria. Oxidation of elemental sulfur tagged with 35S apparently invovled two stages: abiotic oxidation of thiosulfate and subsequent bacterial oxidation of thiosulfate to sulfate.


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To study inorganic nitrogen uptake rates by microplankton in the Black Sea the first 15N-experiments were carried out in August-September 1990 and in November 1991. In surface waters nitrate uptake rates varied from 5.7 to 28.5 nM/l/h in summer and from 1.9 to 7.8 nM/l/h in autumn. In both seasons maximal and minimal rates were observed in frontal zones of shelf/slope areas and in open waters, respectively. In summer average nitrate uptake rate per unit of particulate organic nitrogen was 0.0037 1/h for all stations. In autumn it varied from 0.0007 1/h in the central part of the sea to 0.0033 1/h in the slope near the southeastern Crimean coast. In autumn ammonium uptake rate varied from 7.1 to 22.2 nM/l/h and from 0.0025 to 0.00094 1/h. Ammonium uptake correlated linearly with nitrate uptake, with new production being 22-36% of total summary nitrate and ammonium uptake. There was a linear correlation between nitrogen uptake and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Black Sea. In the water column in autumn both nitrate and ammonium uptake decreased as chlorophyll a concentration diminishes with depth.