509 resultados para Nonsmooth duality
We consider a flux formulation of Double Field Theory in which fluxes are dynamical and field-dependent. Gauge consistency imposes a set of quadratic constraints on the dynamical fluxes, which can be solved by truly double configurations. The constraints are related to generalized Bianchi Identities for (non-)geometric fluxes in the double space, sourced by (exotic) branes. Following previous constructions, we then obtain generalized connections, torsion and curvatures compatible with the consistency conditions. The strong constraint-violating terms needed to make contact with gauged supergravities containing duality orbits of non-geometric fluxes, systematically arise in this formulation.
While electromagnetic duality is a symmetry of many supergravity theories, this is not the case for the N = 8 gauged theory. It was recently shown that this rotation leads to a one-parameter family of SO(8) supergravities. It is an open question what the period of this parameter is. This issue is investigated in the SO(4) invariant sectors of the theory. We classify such critical points and find a novel branch of non-supersymmetric and unstable solutions, whose embedding is related via triality to the two known ones. Secondly, we show that the three branches of solutions lead to a π/4 periodicity of the vacuum structure. The general interrelations between triality and periodicity are discussed. Finally, we comment on the connection to other gauge groups as well as the possibility to achieve (non-)perturbative stability around AdS/Mkw/dS transitions.
Car manufacturers increasingly offer delivery programs for the factory pick-up of new cars. Such a program consists of a broad range of event-marketing activities. In this paper we investigate the problem of scheduling the delivery program activities of one day such that the sum of the customers’ waiting times is minimized. We show how to model this problem as a resource-constrained project scheduling problem with nonregular objective function, and we present a relaxation-based beam-search solution heuristic. The relaxations are solved by exploiting a duality relationship between temporal scheduling and min-cost network flow problems. This approach has been developed in cooperation with a German automaker. The performance of the heuristic has been evaluated based on practical and randomly generated test instances.
An in vitro model using highly purified freshly isolated T cells demonstrated that immobilized ligands for the integrin $\alpha4\beta1$ could cooperate to enhance mitogen signals delivered by coimmobilized anti-CD3 specfic monoclonal antibody OKT3. Costimulation through $\alpha4\beta1$ integrin lead to enhanced proliferation which depended on expression of both IL-2 as well as IL-2 receptor. The transcription factors NF-AT, AP-1, and NF-$\kappa$B, which are involved in the regulation of IL-2 as well as other cytokine genes, were weakly induced by anti-CD3 stimulation alone in electromobility shift assays, but were augmented significantly with $\alpha4\beta1$ costimulation. These results suggested that $\alpha4\beta1$ ligands delivered a growth promoting signal which could synergize with signals induced by engagement of the TCR/CD3 complex, and also suggested a dual function for integrins in both localization and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal for T lymphocytes. Integrin involvement in lymphocyte trafficking has been employed as a model for understanding tumor cell metastasis. Therefore we have extended the duality of integrin function in both homing and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal to include a role for integrins in providing growth stimulation for tumor cells. Using a gastric derived tumor line, inhibition of adhesion to substrate leads to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, reduced cyclin A expression, and reduced phospholipid synthesis. This effect could be reversed upon $\alpha2\beta1$ integrin mediated reattachment to collagen. These observations demonstrated a role for an integrin in the growth regulation of a tumor line. The small GTP-binding protein Rho, implicated in phospholipid synthesis, can be inactivated by the ADP-ribosylation exoenzyme C3 from C. botulinum. Addition of C3 to cell cultures inhibited the growth promoting effect due to integrin mediated adhesion. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model for cooperative interaction between integrins and Rho leading to enhanced phospholipid synthesis and mitogen signaling. This model may provide a basis for understanding the phenomena of integrin costimulation in T cell activation. ^
The important application of semistatic hedging in financial markets naturally leads to the notion of quasi--self-dual processes. The focus of our study is to give new characterizations of quasi--self-duality. We analyze quasi--self-dual Lévy driven markets which do not admit arbitrage opportunities and derive a set of equivalent conditions for the stochastic logarithm of quasi--self-dual martingale models. Since for nonvanishing order parameter two martingale properties have to be satisfied simultaneously, there is a nontrivial relation between the order and shift parameter representing carrying costs in financial applications. This leads to an equation containing an integral term which has to be inverted in applications. We first discuss several important properties of this equation and, for some well-known Lévy-driven models, we derive a family of closed-form inversion formulae.
We present a simple combinatorial model for quasipositive surfaces and positive braids, based on embedded bipartite graphs. As a first application, we extend the well-known duality on standard diagrams of torus links to twisted torus links. We then introduce a combinatorial notion of adjacency for bipartite graph links and discuss its potential relation with the adjacency problem for plane curve singularities.
We construct two-parameter families of integrable λ -deformations of two-dimensional field theories. These interpolate between a CFT (a WZW/gauged WZW model) and the non-Abelian T-dual of a principal chiral model on a group/symmetric coset space. In examples based on the SU(2) WZW model and the SU(2)/U(1) exact coset CFT, we show that these deformations are related to bi-Yang–Baxter generalisations of η-deformations via Poisson–Lie T-duality and analytic continuation. We illustrate the quantum behaviour of our models under RG flow. As a byproduct we demonstrate that the bi-Yang–Baxter σ-model for a general group is one-loop renormalisable.
In a partially ordered semigroup with the duality (or polarity) transform, it is pos- sible to define a generalisation of continued fractions. General sufficient conditions for convergence of continued fractions are provided. Two particular applications concern the cases of convex sets with the Minkowski addition and the polarity transform and the family of non-negative convex functions with the Legendre–Fenchel and Artstein-Avidan–Milman transforms.
In this paper, we study the reduction of four-dimensional Seiberg duality to three dimensions from a brane perspective. We reproduce the nonperturbative dynamics of three-dimensional field theory via a T–duality at a finite radius and the action of Euclidean D–strings. In this way, we also overcome certain issues regarding the brane description of Aharony duality. Moreover, we apply our strategy to more general dualities, such as toric duality for M2–branes and dualities with adjoint matter fields.
We engineer a brane picture for the reduction of Seiberg dualities from 4D to 3D, valid also in the presence of orientifold planes. We obtain effective 3D dualities on the circle by T-duality, geometrizing the non-perturbative superpotential which is an affine Toda potential. When reducing to pure 3D, we define a double-scaling limit which creates a sector of interacting singlets, giving a unified mechanism for the brane reduction of dualities.
We calculate the all-loop anomalous dimensions of current operators in λ-deformed σ-models. For the isotropic integrable deformation and for a semi-simple group G we compute the anomalous dimensions using two different methods. In the first we use the all-loop effective action and in the second we employ perturbation theory along with the Callan–Symanzik equation and in conjunction with a duality-type symmetry shared by these models. Furthermore, using CFT techniques we compute the all-loop anomalous dimension of bilinear currents for the isotropic deformation case and a general G . Finally we work out the anomalous dimension matrix for the cases of anisotropic SU(2) and the two couplings, corresponding to the symmetric coset G/H and a subgroup H, splitting of a group G.
We show that global properties of gauge groups can be understood as geometric properties in M-theory. Different wrappings of a system of N M5-branes on a torus reduce to four-dimensional theories with AN−1 gauge algebra and different unitary groups. The classical properties of the wrappings determine the global properties of the gauge theories without the need to impose any quantum conditions. We count the inequivalent wrappings as they fall into orbits of the modular group of the torus, which correspond to the S-duality orbits of the gauge theories.
This article analyzes the Jakobsonian classification of aphasias. It aims to show on the one hand the non-linguistic character of this classification and on the other hand its asymmetry, in spite of the fact that its author had conceived his structural construction as symmetrical. The non-linguistic character of Jakobson’s formulation is due to the absence of any definition of language, this absence being the main characteristic of Jakobsonian linguistics: concerning the aphasia problem, the Jakobsonian formulation is linguistic solely by virtue of its object, aphasia, which is already considered as a linguistic concern because it belongs to the field of « language », but which is not defined as such (as linguistic). As for asymmetry, it demonstrates first the circularity of the Jakobsonian representation of language (the duality between structure and functioning), and secondly the non-linguistic character – in the Saussurean sense of the term – of the aphasia problem. Thus it appears that breaking (in the sense of Gaston Bachelard) with idiom is the prerequisite of a scientific apprehension of language, and therefore of any interdisciplinarity, this being one of Jakobson’s favorite topics but one that this linguist failed to render fruitful because he did not offer a real definition of language.
This proposal assumes that the migration process is a socio-spatial process. Where desires, goals, fears and hopes of migrating become identities, social constructs that ultimately lead to ways of belonging. Place is a form of interaction, whether between man and the environment, or the man with a specific space. Place demand belonging. Belonging demand identity. Migration then became a strategy, a resistance, an eternal possibility or impossibility of staying or leaving. The displacements eventually cause changes in the relationships and interactions of individuals in their most different spaces. In this sense, they grasp the shifting process of an individual or social group, it is seen that migration and immigration is a process beyond "of being in different social spaces", is a mode of social reproduction defined in relations of time and space, emphasizing the duality of being in motion. Therefore, this proposal seeks to emphasize the dynamics of migration and immigration process in their contexts, as well as highlight the economic social constructions arising from these proceedings, in its social, cultural, political and, thus characterizing the various identities of individuals
Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.