940 resultados para Non-invasive method
Steatosis is diagnosed on the basis of the macroscopic aspect of the liver evaluated by the surgeon at the time of organ extraction or by means of a frozen biopsy. In the present study, the applicability of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy was investigated as a method for the diagnosis of different degrees of steatosis experimentally induced in rats. Rats received a high-lipid diet for different periods of time. The animals were divided into groups according to the degree of induced steatosis diagnosis by histology. The concentration of fat in the liver was correlated with LIF by means of the steatosis fluorescence factor (SFF). The histology classification, according to liver fat concentration was, Severe Steatosis, Moderate Steatosis, Mild Steatosis and Control (no liver steatosis). Fluorescence intensity could be directly correlated with fat content. It was possible to estimate an average of fluorescence intensity variable by means of different confidence intervals (P=95%) for each steatosis group. SFF was significantly higher in the Severe Steatosis group (P < 0.001) compared with the Moderate Steatosis, Mild Steatosis and Control groups. The various degrees of steatosis could be directly correlated with SFF. LIF spectroscopy proved to be a method capable of identifying the degree of hepatic steatosis in this animal model, and has the potential of clinical application for non-invasive evaluation of the degree of steatosis.
The thermal decomposition of salbutamol (beta(2) - selective adrenoreceptor) was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry (TG/DTG). It was observed that the commercial sample showed a different thermal profile than the standard sample caused by the presence of excipients. These compounds increase the thermal stability of the drug. Moreover, higher activation energy was calculated for the pharmaceutical sample, which was estimated by isothermal and non-isothermal methods for the first stage of the thermal decomposition process. For isothermal experiments the average values were E(act) = 130 kJ mol(-1) (for standard sample) and E(act) = 252 kJ mol(-1) (for pharmaceutical sample) in a dynamic nitrogen atmosphere (50 mL min(-1)). For non-isothermal method, activation energy was obtained from the plot of log heating rates vs. 1/T in dynamic air atmosphere (50 mL min(-1)). The calculated values were E(act) = 134 kJ mol(-1) (for standard sample) and E(act) (=) 139 kJ mol(-1) (for pharmaceutical sample).
Objective: To define and evaluate a Computer-Vision (CV) method for scoring Paced Finger-Tapping (PFT) in Parkinson's disease (PD) using quantitative motion analysis of index-fingers and to compare the obtained scores to the UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale) finger-taps (FT). Background: The naked-eye evaluation of PFT in clinical practice results in coarse resolution to determine PD status. Besides, sensor mechanisms for PFT evaluation may cause patients discomfort. In order to avoid cost and effort of applying wearable sensors, a CV system for non-invasive PFT evaluation is introduced. Methods: A database of 221 PFT videos from 6 PD patients was processed. The subjects were instructed to position their hands above their shoulders besides the face and tap the index-finger against the thumb consistently with speed. They were facing towards a pivoted camera during recording. The videos were rated by two clinicians between symptom levels 0-to-3 using UPDRS-FT. The CV method incorporates a motion analyzer and a face detector. The method detects the face of testee in each video-frame. The frame is split into two images from face-rectangle center. Two regions of interest are located in each image to detect index-finger motion of left and right hands respectively. The tracking of opening and closing phases of dominant hand index-finger produces a tapping time-series. This time-series is normalized by the face height. The normalization calibrates the amplitude in tapping signal which is affected by the varying distance between camera and subject (farther the camera, lesser the amplitude). A total of 15 features were classified using K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier to characterize the symptoms levels in UPDRS-FT. The target ratings provided by the raters were averaged. Results: A 10-fold cross validation in KNN classified 221 videos between 3 symptom levels with 75% accuracy. An area under the receiver operating characteristic curves of 82.6% supports feasibility of the obtained features to replicate clinical assessments. Conclusions: The system is able to track index-finger motion to estimate tapping symptoms in PD. It has certain advantages compared to other technologies (e.g. magnetic sensors, accelerometers etc.) for PFT evaluation to improve and automate the ratings
A aquisição do ciclo pressão-volume é de grande importância para diagnóstico de cardiopatias e principalmente para o acompanhamento de intervenções terapêuticas, porém os métodos hoje utilizados são caros e agressivos ao paciente, reduzindo por estes motivos sua aplicação. Este estudo pretende obter, por métodos não-invasivos, o ciclo pressão-volume do ventrículo esquerdo de pacientes humanos. Isto consiste na aquisição dos sinais P(t) e V(t) simultaneamente e a apresentação de um gráfico P(V). Para tanto, após a revisão bibliográfica, decidiu-se utilizar a ecocardiografia com detecção automática de bordos, para obtenção do volume ventricular e a medição da onda de pressão transmitida através da artéria braquial para um manguito inflado com ar, conectado a um transdutor piezo-resistivo em ponte. A aquisição da pressão pelo método não-invasivo é comparada a dados resultantes da aquisição invasiva da pressão arterial por catéter intra-aórtico que é considerado padrãoouro. Os sinais são condicionados e digitalizados em uma placa de aquisição com conversor A/D de 8 bits e micro controlador 80c196. Os dados digitalizados são então enviados serialmente para um computador onde são gerados os gráficos. Obteve-se de cinco pacientes nove aquisições simultâneas da pressão invasiva através de catéter intra-aórtico e do protótipo desenvolvido resultando concordância segundo o método de Bland e Altman (1986) (r=0,989; d + 2s= 6,52; d - 2s =-6,07), comprovando a eficiência do método de aquisição. Obteve-se resultado satisfatório também quanto à operação sistema desenvolvido pois foram realizadas dez aquisições em cinco pacientes, registrando-se gráficos bastante similares aos apresentados na literatura disponível.
The study proposed to describe sexual development in pelagic stage loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta and compare this to hatchlings and adults. It is meant as an ontogenic approach, in order to understand reproductive development and population composition and their dynamics in the pelagic environment. The study focused on the pelagic loggerheads that are found in the waters offshore Madeira Island (Portugal) in the North-eastern Atlantic and use it as a developmental habitat. The innovating character of this work relied on the lack of any description regarding the gonad ontogenesis and reproductive development for the pelagic stage in any of the 7 existing sea turtle species, all of them in danger of extinction. Three methods were used to diagnose the sex of each juvenile individual and asses the level of reproductive development: (1) laparoscopy, (2) gonad biopsy and (3) the assessment of two sex steroids circulating levels, namely testosterone and estradiol. In order to cover all life stages and compare data obtained for the juvenile stage, hatchlings and nesting female adults were sampled at the nearest nesting rookery at Boa Vista Island in the Cape Verde Archipelago. Gonads from dead hatchlings were collected for gonad histology and blood was collected from nesting females for sex steroids assessment. Laparoscopies revealed to be a valid sexing method for the juvenile stage, since gonads are morphologically differentiated at these size classes. Moreover, laparoscopy was validated using gonad histology. Gonad histology of juveniles showed that gonads are already completely differentiated into ovaries or testes at the size classes examined, but development seems to be quiescent. Males present already developed seminiferous tubules with spermatogonia lining the interior of the seminiferous tubule. Female gonads present oocytes at different development stages, but only oocytes up to stage III were observed. The maximum oocyte diameter in each individual correlated with body size, suggesting that reproductive development is an on-going process in juvenile females. The circulating levels of both testosterone and estradiol in juveniles of both sexes were very low and consistently lower than the ones observed in the nesting females from Boa Vista Island. No bimodal distribution was found for any of the sex steroids analysed and thus circulating hormone levels were not a reliable tool for sexing juvenile individuals with a non-invasive technique. The ratio testosterone:estradiol did not show a bimodal distribution either. The levels of testosterone correlated with sea surface temperature. The fact that temperatures observed during this study were below 24ºC might have hindered a differential testosterone pattern between juvenile males and females. Sex ratios for this population were generated according to laparoscopy results and compared among years and size classes. An overall sex ratio of 2 females for each male was found, but they varied among size classes but not among years. Possible causes for the sex ratios observed are discussed. This study is a contribution to our knowledge on the pelagic stage of loggerhead turtles, namely on the population structure regarding sex ratio, which is a vital tool for implementing conservation strategies.
Allergicasthmarepresentsanimportantpublichealthissuewithsignificantgrowthovertheyears,especially in the paediatric population. Exhaled breath is a non-invasive, easily performed and rapid method forobtainingsamplesfromthelowerrespiratorytract.Inthepresentmanuscript,themetabolicvolatile profiles of allergic asthma and control children were evaluated by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC–qMS). The lack ofstudiesinbreathofallergicasthmaticchildrenbyHS-SPMEledtothedevelopmentofanexperimental design to optimize SPME parameters. To fulfil this objective, three important HS-SPME experimental parameters that influence the extraction efficiency, namely fibre coating, temperature and time extractions were considered. The selected conditions that promoted higher extraction efficiency corresponding to the higher GC peak areas and number of compounds were: DVB/CAR/PDMS coating fibre, 22◦C and 60min as the extraction temperature and time, respectively. The suitability of two containers, 1L Tedlar® bags and BIOVOC®, for breath collection and intra-individual variability were also investigated. The developed methodology was then applied to the analysis of children exhaled breath with allergicasthma(35),fromwhich13hadalsoallergicrhinitis,andhealthycontrolchildren(15),allowing to identify 44 volatiles distributed over the chemical families of alkanes (linear and ramified) ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, acids, among others. Multivariate studies were performed by Partial LeastSquares–DiscriminantAnalysis(PLS–DA)usingasetof28selectedmetabolitesanddiscrimination between allergic asthma and control children was attained with a classification rate of 88%. The allergic asthma paediatric population was characterized mainly by the compounds linked to oxidative stress, such as alkanes and aldehydes. Furthermore, more detailed information was achieved combining the volatile metabolic data, suggested by PLS–DA model, and clinical data.
BARBOSA, André F. ; SOUZA, Bryan C. ; PEREIRA JUNIOR, Antônio ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.de, . Implementação de Classificador de Tarefas Mentais Baseado em EEG. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDES NEURAIS, 9., 2009, Ouro Preto, MG. Anais... Ouro Preto, MG, 2009
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work we used chemometric tools to classify and quantify the protein content in samples of milk powder. We applied the NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy combined with multivariate techniques. First, we carried out an exploratory method of samples by principal component analysis (PCA), then the classification of independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). Thus it became possible to classify the samples that were grouped by similarities in their composition. Finally, the techniques of partial least squares regression (PLS) and principal components regression (PCR) allowed the quantification of protein content in samples of milk powder, compared with the Kjeldahl reference method. A total of 53 samples of milk powder sold in the metropolitan areas of Natal, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro were acquired for analysis, in which after pre-treatment data, there were four models, which were employed for classification and quantification of samples. The methods employed after being assessed and validated showed good performance, good accuracy and reliability of the results, showing that the NIR technique can be a non invasive technique, since it produces no waste and saves time in analyzing the samples
Motility patterns play a major role in human colonic functions; however, its physiological significance is poorly understood. Several studies have been introducing the Alternating Current Biosusceptometry (ACB) as a valuable tool in gastroenterology and pharmaceutical research. Using gold standard techniques, great effort has been made to validate ACB as a method for measuring gastrointestinal motility in humans and animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate caecocolonic motility and its response to a meal in healthy volunteers. The results showed a dominant frequency of 3.17 +/- 0.13 cycles per minute (mean +/- SD) that remained unchanged even after a standardized meal (P > 0.01). The colonic response to a meal was recorded as a considerable increase in amplitude, reflected by motility index (P < 0.01) and was observed for all the volunteers. The caecocolonic motility could be assessed by the ACB providing new insights into physiological patterns of motility. Moreover, the method is non-invasive, radiation-free, cost-effective and independent of bowel preparation.
Purpose. To employ the AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) technique to evaluate in vitro and in vivo characteristics of enteric coated magnetic hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules and to image the disintegration process.Materials and Methods. HPMC capsules filled with ferrite (MnFe2O4) and coated with Eudragit (R) were evaluated using USP XXII method and administered to fasted volunteers. Single and multisensor ACB systems were used to characterize the gastrointestinal (GI) motility and to determine gastric residence time (GRT), small intestinal transit time (SITT) and orocaecal transit time (OCTT). Mean disintegration time (t (50)) was quantified from 50% increase of pixels in the imaging area.Results. In vitro and in vivo performance of the magnetic HPMC capsules as well as the disintegration process were monitored using ACB systems. The mean disintegration time (t (50)) calculated for in vitro was 25 +/- 5 min and for in vivo was 13 +/- 5 min. In vivo also were determined mean values for GRT (55 +/- 19 min), SITT (185 +/- 82 min) and OCTT (240 +/- 88 min).Conclusions. AC Biosusceptometry is a non-invasive technique originally proposed to monitoring pharmaceutical dosage forms orally administered and to image the disintegration process.
A perfusão total do fígado e suas contribuições relativas, pelo sistema portal e pela artéria hepática, podem estar alteradas por vários processos hepáticos, como doença hepato-celular difusa, neoplasia e shunts intra-hepáticos. O estudo do comportamento do fluxo sangüíneo nos vasos do fígado por meio da ultra-sonografia Doppler tem demonstrado que este é um método viável não-invasivo e de grande auxílio, principalmente na avaliação da hemodinâmica portal. São duas as modalidades de ultra-sonografia Doppler com maior aplicação na rotina para avaliação de fluxo nos vasos abdominais, o Doppler espectral e o Doppler colorido. Na doença hepática crônica, ocorre alteração da complacência hepática devido à fibrose ou à cirrose, as quais acarretam alterações vasculares, levando ao aumento da pressão venosa portal. As principais indicações desse exame são os casos em que há suspeita de hipertensão portal. A hemodinâmica portal é avaliada pela mensuração de sua área, da velocidade média, do volume de fluxo no vaso e do índice de congestão portal. Esta revisão de literatura tem como objetivo descrever os princípios físicos básicos da ultra-sonografia Doppler e sua aplicação na avaliação da hemodinâmica portal nos cães.
The mechanical nature of gastric contraction activity (GCA) plays an important role in gastrointestinal motility. The aim of this study was to detect GCA in anaesthetized dogs, using simultaneously the techniques of AC biosusceptometry (ACB) and manometry, analysing the characteristics of frequency and amplitude (motility index) of GCA, modified by drugs such as prostigmine and N-butyl-scopolamine. The ACB method is based on a differential transformer of magnetic flux and the magnetic tracer works as a changeable external nucleus. This magnetic tracer causes a modification in the magnetic flux, which is detected by the coils. The results obtained from the ACB showed a performance comparable to the manometry in measuring the modifications in the frequency and amplitude of the GCA. We concluded that this ACB technique, non-invasive and free of ionizing radiation, is an option for evaluating GCA and can be employed in future clinical studies.
Neste trabalho aplicamos um método óptico sensível e de baixo custo denominado Schlieren para visualização e caracterização de feixes ultra-sônicos em solução aquosa. Esta caracterização assume papel importante na Medicina para diagnóstico não invasivo via método ultra-sônico.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o protocolo de contenção química com cetamina S(+) e midazolam em bugios-ruivos, comparando o cálculo de doses pelo método convencional e o método de extrapolação alométrica. Foram utilizados 12 macacos bugios (Alouatta guariba clamitans) hígidos, com peso médio de 4,84±0,97kg, de ambos os sexos. Após jejum alimentar de 12 horas e hídrico de seis horas, realizou-se contenção física manual e aferiram-se os seguintes parâmetros: frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (f), tempo de preenchimento capilar (TPC), temperatura retal (TR), pressão arterial sistólica não invasiva (PANI) e valores de hemogasometria arterial. Posteriormente, os animais foram alocados em dois grupos: GC (Grupo Convencional, n=06), os quais receberam cetamina S(+) (5mg kg-1) e midazolam (0,5mg kg-1), pela via intramuscular, com doses calculadas pelo método convencional; e GA (Grupo Alometria, n=06), os quais receberam o mesmo protocolo, pela mesma via, utilizando-se as doses calculadas pelo método de extrapolação alométrica. Os parâmetros descritos foram mensurados novamente nos seguintes momentos: M5, M10, M20 e M30 (cinco, 10, 20 e 30 minutos após a administração dos fármacos, respectivamente). Também foram avaliados: qualidade de miorrelaxamento, reflexo podal e caudal, pinçamento interdigital, tempo para indução de decúbito, tempo hábil de sedação, qualidade de sedação, e tempo e qualidade de recuperação. O GA apresentou menor tempo para indução ao decúbito, maior grau e tempo de sedação, bem como redução significativa da FC e PANI de M5 até M30, quando comparado ao GC. Conclui-se que o grupo no qual o cálculo de dose foi realizado por meio da alometria (GA) apresentou melhor grau de relaxamento muscular e sedação, sem produzir depressão cardiorrespiratória significativa.