949 resultados para Natural Product Synthesis, Imidazole, regioselective


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The enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is important in providing activated thioester substrates for phenylpropanoid natural product biosynthesis. We tested different hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa × Populus deltoides) tissues for the presence of 4CL isoforms by fast-protein liquid chromatography and detected a minimum of three 4CL isoforms. These isoforms shared similar hydroxycinnamic acid substrate-utilization profiles and were all inactive against sinapic acid, but instability of the native forms precluded extensive further analysis. 4CL cDNA clones were isolated and grouped into two major classes, the predicted amino acid sequences of which were 86% identical. Genomic Southern blots showed that the cDNA classes represent two poplar 4CL genes, and northern blots provided evidence for their differential expression. Recombinant enzymes corresponding to the two genes were expressed using a baculovirus system. The two recombinant proteins had substrate utilization profiles similar to each other and to the native poplar 4CL isoforms (4-coumaric acid > ferulic acid > caffeic acid; there was no conversion of sinapic acid), except that both had relatively high activity toward cinnamic acid. These results are discussed with respect to the role of 4CL in the partitioning of carbon in phenylpropanoid metabolism.


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Streptomyces lavendulae produces complestatin, a cyclic peptide natural product that antagonizes pharmacologically relevant protein–protein interactions including formation of the C4b,2b complex in the complement cascade and gp120-CD4 binding in the HIV life cycle. Complestatin, a member of the vancomycin group of natural products, consists of an α-ketoacyl hexapeptide backbone modified by oxidative phenolic couplings and halogenations. The entire complestatin biosynthetic and regulatory gene cluster spanning ca. 50 kb was cloned and sequenced. It consisted of 16 ORFs, encoding proteins homologous to nonribosomal peptide synthetases, cytochrome P450-related oxidases, ferredoxins, nonheme halogenases, four enzymes involved in 4-hydroxyphenylglycine (Hpg) biosynthesis, transcriptional regulators, and ABC transporters. The nonribosomal peptide synthetase consisted of a priming module, six extending modules, and a terminal thioesterase; their arrangement and domain content was entirely consistent with functions required for the biosynthesis of a heptapeptide or α-ketoacyl hexapeptide backbone. Two oxidase genes were proposed to be responsible for the construction of the unique aryl-ether-aryl-aryl linkage on the linear heptapeptide intermediate. Hpg, 3,5-dichloro-Hpg, and 3,5-dichloro-hydroxybenzoylformate are unusual building blocks that repesent five of the seven requisite monomers in the complestatin peptide. Heterologous expression and biochemical analysis of 4-hydroxyphenylglycine transaminon confirmed its role as an aminotransferase responsible for formation of all three precursors. The close similarity but functional divergence between complestatin and chloroeremomycin biosynthetic genes also presents a unique opportunity for the construction of hybrid vancomycin-type antibiotics.


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DNA topoisomerase I (top1) is a ubiquitous nuclear enzyme. It is specifically inhibited by camptothecin, a natural product derived from the bark of the tree Camptotheca acuminata. Camptothecin and several of its derivatives are presently in clinical trial and exhibit remarkable anticancer activity. The present study is a further investigation of the molecular interactions between the drug and the enzyme-DNA complex. We utilized an alkylating camptothecin derivative, 7-chloromethyl-10,11-methylenedioxycamptothecin (7-ClMe-MDO-CPT), and compared its activity against calf thymus top1 in a DNA oligonucleotide containing a single top1 cleavage site with the activity of its nonalkylating analog, 7-ethyl-10,11-methylenedioxycamptothecin (7-Et-MDO-CPT). In the presence of top1, 7-ClMe-MDO-CPT produced a DNA fragment that migrated more slowly than the top1-cleaved DNA fragment observed with 7-Et-MDO-CPT. Top1 was unable to religate this fragment in the presence of high NaCl concentration or proteinase K at 50 degrees C. This fragment was resistant to piperidine treatment and was also formed with an oligonucleotide containing a 7-deazaguanine at the 5' terminus of the top1-cleaved DNA (base + 1). It was however cleaved by formic acid treatment followed by piperidine. These observations are consistent with alkylation of the +1 base (adenine or guanine) by 7-ClMe-MDO-CPT in the presence of top1 covalent complexes and provide direct evidence that camptothecins inhibit top1 by binding at the enzyme-DNA interface.


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Complexed with its intracellular receptor, FKBP12, the natural product rapamycin inhibits G1 progression of the cell cycle in a variety of mammalian cell lines and in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae. Previously, a mammalian protein that directly associates with FKBP12-rapamycin has been identified and its encoding gene has been cloned from both human (designated FRAP) [Brown, E.J., Albers, M.W., Shin, T.B., Ichikawa, K., Keith, C.T., Lane, W.S. & Schreiber, S.L. (1994) Nature (London) 369, 756-758] and rat (designated RAFT) [Sabatini, D.M., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Lui, M., Tempst, P. & Snyder, S.H. (1994) Cell 78, 35-43]. The full-length FRAP is a 289-kDa protein containing a putative phosphatidylinositol kinase domain. Using an in vitro transcription/translation assay method coupled with proteolysis studies, we have identified an 11-kDa FKBP12-rapamycin-binding domain within FRAP. This minimal binding domain lies N-terminal to the kinase domain and spans residues 2025-2114. In addition, we have carried out mutagenesis studies to investigate the role of Ser2035, a potential phosphorylation site for protein kinase C within this domain. We now show that the FRAP Ser2035-->Ala mutant displays similar binding affinity when compared with the wild-type protein, whereas all other mutations at this site, including mimics of phosphoserine, abolish binding, presumably due to either unfavorable steric interactions or induced conformational changes.


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The activation of T cells by antigens or mitogens leads to the secretion of cytokines and enzymes that shape the inflammatory response. Among these molecular mediators of inflammation is a heparanase enzyme that degrades the heparan sulfate scaffold of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Activated T cells use heparanase to penetrate the ECM and gain access to the tissues. We now report that among the breakdown products of the ECM generated by heparanase is a trisulfated disaccharide that can inhibit delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. This inhibition of T-cell mediated inflammation in vivo was associated with an inhibitory effect of the disaccharide on the production of biologically active tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by activated T cells in vitro; the trisulfated disaccharide did not affect T-cell viability or responsiveness generally. Both the in vivo and in vitro effects of the disaccharide manifested a bell-shaped dose-response curve. The inhibitory effects of the trisulfated disaccharide were lost if the sulfate groups were removed. Thus, the disaccharide, which may be a natural product of inflammation, can regulate the functional nature of the response by the T cell to activation. Such a feedback control mechanism could enable the T cell to assess the extent of tissue degradation and adjust its behavior accordingly.


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Os organismos marinhos constituem uma fonte potencial de metabólitos secundários biologicamente ativos. Neste contexto, os micro-organismos isolados de algas marinhas, dentre eles fungos endofíticos, representam alvos para a pesquisa de novas substâncias com potencial farmacológico pronunciado. Substâncias naturais provenientes de espécies de fungos associados às algas marinhas vêm sendo bastante utilizadas em formulações fotoprotetoras devido à ação antioxidante e ao potencial contra a radiação solar. Deste modo, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação biológica e química dos fungos endofíticos marinhos pertencentes à família Xylariaceae, o Annulohypoxylon stygium, o Cladosporium sp. e o Acremonium implicatum (Hypocreaceae). A princípio, foi realizado um screening para avaliar a absorção de luz ultravioleta na faixa do UVA e UVB pelos extratos obtidos em escala piloto destes fungos endofíticos associados às algas marinhas. O extrato do fungo A. stygium apresentou intensa absorção na região do UV, mostrando-se promissor para a produção de metabólitos secundários com ação fotoprotetora. Além do ensaio proposto, foi realizada a avaliação do potencial antibacteriano e antifúngico da espécie A. stygium. O estudo químico em escala ampliada deste fungo proporcionou o isolamento e identificação de uma substância inédita da classe derivada da 2,5- dicetopiperazina, 3-benzilideno-2-metil-hexahidro-pirrolo [1,2-?] pirazina-1,4-diona (Sf3), e além desta, foram isolados mais quatro metabólitos como, os diasteroisômeros 1-fenil-1,2- propanediol (Sd2) e 1-fenil-1,2-propanediol (Sd3), 1,3-benzodioxole-5-metanol (Sc1), 1,2- propanodiol-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-il) (Se1). Ainda foi possível a desreplicação de substâncias via cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM), entre elas o ácido palmítico, palmitato de metila, ácido metil linoléico, ácido oléico, álcool benzílico e o piperonal. Quanto ao estudo da atividade biológica, não foi observado potencial antibacteriano e antifúngico para os extratos e frações do fungo. Entretanto, notouse um potencial como fotoprotetor in vitro para as frações n-Hexano/AcOEt (2:3) e n- Hexano/AcOEt (1:4) obtidas a partir do extrato do cultivo de 28 dias do fungo A. stygium, extraído com solventes diclorometano/metanol (CH2Cl2/MeOH 2:1) e para a substância (Sf3) isolada do mesmo. Desta forma, o estudo químico e biológico do fungo Annulohypoxylon stygium demonstrou potencial para a produção de metabólitos secundários com atividade fotoprotetora, visto que uma estrutura inédita com esta atividade foi isolada e identificada como produto natural.


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Os suplementos alimentares para emagrecer são um apelo irresistível para quem procura uma forma de perder peso “sem sacrifícios” e “sem esforço”. Com efeito, estamos perante um mercado sazonal em expansão em que a menção “natural” parece tranquilizar os consumidores esquecendo que a eficácia e segurança destes produtos necessita ser avaliada. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo efetuar a caraterização dos consumidores de suplementos alimentares para emagrecer, da zona centro de Portugal, avaliar o seu grau de satisfação com os produtos e ainda o possível risco que envolve o consumo destes produtos sobretudo quando ingeridos concomitantemente com medicamentos. Recorreu-se a um questionário anónimo, confidencial e de preenchimento voluntário, distribuído em farmácias, parafarmácias e dietéticas e/ou ervanárias maioritariamente do concelho de Viseu e Figueira da Foz. A recolha dos dados decorreu entre os meses de abril e julho de 2014. E tinha como critérios de inclusão ser maior de 18 anos, ambos os sexos e saber ler e escrever. Acorreram 304 indivíduos. A análise dos dados foi feita recorrendo a testes estatísticos adequados a cada caso. O presente estudo ao caracterizar o perfil de consumidores de suplementos alimentares encontrou uma população, maioritariamente feminina (88,5%) com grau de instrução elevado, secundário e superior, nas faixas etária dos 25-44 anos (59,4%), casados ou em união de facto. Apresentavam excesso de peso e obesidade (54%), sem hábitos de prática de exercício físico e com alimentação desequilibrada. Estes preferem adquirir os suplementos alimentares para emagrecer nas farmácias embora a decisão de consumir estes produtos seja pessoal (32,7%). Para aconselhamento preferem o farmacêutico (17,6%) e apenas 4,2% recorrem ao médico. Revelaram ainda consumir estes produtos por um período de tempo limitado, entre 1-3 meses e estarem satisfeitos com os resultados obtidos após o consumo de suplementos alimentares (63,1%). Constituindo os efeitos secundários dos suplementos alimentares uma preocupação legítima verificamos que a maioria dos inquiridos (93,3%) não refere qualquer efeito indesejável, os restantes indivíduos que revelaram aparecimento de ações indesejáveis disseram ter-se dirigido ao farmacêutico para reportar a situação. As patologias com maior prevalência entre os consumidores foram doenças endócrinas, nutricionais e metabólicas, seguida das perturbações mentais e comportamentais e por fim as doenças cardiovasculares a que correspondem os principais grupos terapêuticos encontrados: psicofármacos, medicamentos usados em patologias do sistema endócrino e antihipertensores. Cerca de 25,8% dos inquiridos que consumiam suplementos alimentares para emagrecer utilizavam concomitantemente estes fármacos. A análise dos cinco suplementos alimentares para emagrecer maioritariamente consumidos pela amostra (57,8%) evidenciou a existência de possíveis interações com os grupos de fármacos mais utilizados. Os resultados obtidos mostram por um lado, a necessidade de esclarecer o conceito de que nem tudo o que é natural é inócuo e por outro lado, ressaltam a importância no ato de venda do aconselhamento individual, adaptado a cada consumidor (com ou sem medicação), por um profissional de saúde com conhecimentos no âmbito da gestão e fisiologia de peso corporal e conhecimento sólido sobre a eficácia e segurança destes suplementos.


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The biosynthetic origins of the isocyanide and isothiocyanate functional groups in the marine sponge metabolites diisocyanoadociane (1), 9-isocyanopupukeanane (10) and 9- isothiocyanatopupukeanane (11) are probed by the use of [C-14]-labelled precursor experiments. Incubation of the sponge Amphimedon terpenensis with [C-14]-labelled thiocyanate resulted in radioactive diisocyanoadociane ( 1) in which the radiolabel is specifically associated with the isocyanide carbons. As expected, cyanide and thiocyanate were confirmed as precursors to the pupukeananes 10 and 11 in the sponge Axinyssa n. sp.; additionally these precursors labelled 2-thiocyanatoneopupukeanane ( 12) in this sponge. To probe whether isocyanide-isothiocyanate interconversions take place at the secondary metabolite level, the advanced precursor bisisothiocyanate 17 was supplied to A. terpenensis, but did not result in significant labelling in the natural product isocyanide 1. In contrast, in the sponge Axinyssa n. sp., feeding of [C-14]-9-isocyanopupukeanane (10) resulted in isolation of radiolabelled 9- isothiocyanatopupukeanane 11, while the feeding of [C-14]-11 resulted in labelled isocyanide 10. These results show conclusively that isocyanides and isothiocyanates are interconverted in the sponge Axinyssa n. sp., and confirm the central role that thiocyanate occupies in the terpene metabolism of this sponge.


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The kainate receptors are one of the three major groups of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the mammalian central nervous system. They are so named after their most potent agonist, kainic acid (KA), a natural product isolated from the seaweed Diginea simplex. This compound shows both neuroexcitatory and excitotoxic activities, and is an important pharmacological tool for neurophysiological studies. We predict that the more synthetically accessible aza analogues of kainic acid, could act as functional mimics of KA. These could be produced by the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of diazoalkanes with trans glutaconate esters. ^ 1,3-Dipolar cycloadditions have been shown to produce 1-pyrazolines that isomerize into 2-pyrazolines. The 1- and 2-pyrazolines can be precursors to aza analogs of kainoids. The regioselectivity, relative stereochemistry and isomerization of the 1-pyrazolines into 2-pyrazolines have been evaluated. Reductions of the 1- and 2-pyrazolines produced aza analogs of kainoids. TMS diazomethane was used as the dipole in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions leading to aza KA analogs via 2-pyrazolines. A systematic study of cycloaddition-isomerization processes involving TMS-diazomethane and various α, β-unsaturated dipolarophiles has been undertaken. 1H-NMR monitoring of the reaction mixture compositions during the cycloaddition reaction revealed evidence of retro-dipolar cycloaddition processes. Faster formation of 4,5- trans-1-pyrazoline at the beginning of the reaction and subsequent isomerization of this product into 4,5-cis-1-pyrazoline via a retro-dipolar cycloaddition has been observed. Increased reaction time and/or reaction temperature preferentially caused the irreversible isomerization of 4,5-cis-1-pyrazoline into 4,5-cis-2-pyrazoline, which led to high yields of 4,5-cis-2-pyrazolines in the overall process. ^ Two syntheses of the 5-unsubstituted aza-kainic acid have been performed; first, via the reduction of the TMS-eliminated 2-pyrazoline from TMS diazomethane; second by the direct reduction of 1-pyrazoline with Hg/Al-amalgam. 5-Phenyl aza-kainic acid has been produced by direct reduction of 1-pyrazoline, obtained in the reaction of phenyldiazomethane and dibenzyl glutaconate, with Hg/Al-amalgam. ^ Current responses to aza kainate analogs in Aplysia whole cell buccal ganglia indicate potent neuroexcitatory activity. The repetitive exposure of neuronal cells to the 5-unsubstituted aza-kainic acid led to non-desensitizing current responses, showing both binding affinity and neuronal ion-channel activation by the synthesized agonist compound. ^


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Topoisomerase inhibitors are effective for antibacterial and anticancer therapy because they can lead to the accumulation of the intermediate DNA cleavage complex formed by the topoisomerase enzymes, which trigger cell death. Here we report the application of a novel enzyme-based high-throughput screening assay to identify natural product extracts that can lead to increased accumulation of the DNA cleavage complex formed by recombinant Yersinia pestistopoisomerase I as part of a larger effort to identify new antibacterial compounds. Further characterization and fractionation of the screening positives from the primary assay led to the discovery of a depside, anziaic acid, from the lichen Hypotrachyna sp. as an inhibitor for both Y. pestis and Escherichia colitopoisomerase I. In in vitro assays, anziaic acid exhibits antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis and a membrane permeable strain of E. coli. Anziaic acid was also found to act as an inhibitor of human topoisomerase II but had little effect on human topoisomerase I. This is the first report of a depside with activity as a topoisomerase poison inhibitor and demonstrates the potential of this class of natural products as a source for new antibacterial and anticancer compounds.


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One of the greatest sources of biologically active compounds is natural products. Often these compounds serve as platforms for the design and development of novel drugs and therapeutics. The overwhelming amount of genomic information acquired in recent years has revealed that ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified natural products are much more widespread than originally anticipated. Identified in nearly all forms of life, these natural products display incredible structural diversity and possess a wide range of biological functions that include antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and antiallodynic activities. The unique pathways taken to biosynthesize these compounds offer exciting opportunities for the bioengineering of these complex molecules. The studies described herein focus on both the mode of action and biosynthesis of antimicrobial peptides. In Chapter 2, it is demonstrated that haloduracin, a recently discovered two-peptide lantibiotic, possesses nanomolar antimicrobial activity against a panel of bacteria strains. The potency of haloduracin rivals that of nisin, an economically and therapeutically relevant lantibiotic, which can be attributed to a similar dual mode of action. Moreover, it was demonstrated that this lantibiotic of alkaliphile origin has better stability at physiological pH than nisin. The molecular target of haloduracin was identified as the cell wall peptidoglycan precursor lipid II. Through the in vitro biosynthesis of haloduracin, several analogues of Halα were prepared and evaluated for their ability to inhibit peptidoglycan biosynthesis as well as bacterial cell growth. In an effort to overcome the limitations of in vitro biosynthesis strategies, a novel strategy was developed resulting in a constitutively active lantibiotic synthetase enzyme. This methodology, described in Chapter 3, enabled the production of fully-modified lacticin 481 products with proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic amino acid substitutions. A number of lacticin 481 analogues were prepared and their antimicrobial activity and ability to bind lipid II was assessed. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis of the constitutively active synthetase resulted in a kinase-like enzyme with the ability to phosphorylate a number of peptide substrates. The hunt for a lantibiotic synthetase enzyme responsible for installing the presumed dehydro amino acids and a thioether ring in the natural product sublancin, led to the identification and characterization of a unique post-translational modification. The studies described in Chapter 4, demonstrate that sublancin is not a lantibiotic, but rather an unusual S-linked glycopeptide. Its structure was revised based on extensive chemical, biochemical, and spectroscopic characterization. In addition to structural investigation, bioinformatic analysis of the sublancin gene cluster led to the identification of an S-glycosyltransferase predicted to be responsible for the post-translational modification of the sublancin precursor peptide. The unprecedented glycosyltransferase was reconstituted in vitro and demonstrated remarkable substrate promiscuity for both the NDP-sugar co-substrate as well as the precursor peptide itself. An in vitro method was developed for the production of sublancin and analogues which were subsequently evaluated in bioactivity assays. Finally, a number of putative biosynthetic gene clusters were identified that appear to harbor the necessary genes for production of an S-glycopeptide. An additional S-glycosyltransferase with more favorable intrinsic properties including better expression, stability, and solubility was reconstituted in vitro and demonstrated robust catalytic abilities.


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Desertomycin A is an aminopolyol polyketide containing a macrolactone ring. We have proposed that desertomycin A and similar compounds (marginolactones) are formed by polyketide synthases primed not with gamma-aminobutanoyl-CoA but with 4-guanidinylbutanoyl-CoA, to avoid facile cyclization of the starter unit. This hypothesis requires that there be a final-stage de-amidination of the corresponding guanidino-substituted natural product, but no enzyme for such a process has been described. We have now identified candidate amidinohydrolase genes within the desertomycin and primycin clusters. Deletion of the putative desertomycin amidinohydrolase gene dstH in Streptomyces macronensis led to the accumulation of desertomycin B, the guanidino form of the antibiotic. Also, purified DstH efficiently catalyzed the in vitro conversion of desertomycin B into the A form. Hence this amidinohydrolase furnishes the missing link in this proposed naturally evolved example of protective-group chemistry.


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The polar hydroethanolic extract from Selaginella sellowii (SSPHE) has been previously proven active on intracellular amastigotes (in vitro test) and now was tested on hamsters infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis (in vivo test). SSPHE suppressed a 100% of the parasite load in the infection site and draining lymph nodes at an intralesional dose of 50 mg/kg/day × 5, which was similar to the results observed in hamsters treated with N-methylglucamine antimonate (Sb) (28 mg/Kg/day × 5). When orally administered, SSPHE (50 mg/kg/day × 20) suppressed 99.2% of the parasite load in infected footpads, while Sb suppressed 98.5%. SSPHE also enhanced the release of nitric oxide through the intralesional route in comparison to Sb. The chemical fingerprint of SSPHE by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection and tandem mass spectrometry showed the presence of biflavonoids and high molecular weight phenylpropanoid glycosides. These compounds may have a synergistic action in vivo. Histopathological study revealed that the intralesional treatment with SSPHE induced an intense inflammatory infiltrate, composed mainly of mononuclear cells. The present findings reinforce the potential of this natural product as a source of future drug candidates for American cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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The biofilms microbial forms of association are responsible for generating, accelerating and / or induce the process of corrosion. The damage generated in the petroleum industry for this type of corrosion is significatives, representing major investment for your control. The aim of this study was to evaluate such tests antibiograms the effects of extracts of Jatropha curcas and essential oil of Lippia gracilis Schauer on microrganisms isolated from water samples and, thereafter, select the most effective natural product for further evaluation of biofilms formed in dynamic system. Extracts of J. curcas were not efficient on the complete inhibition of microbial growth in tests type antibiogram, and essential oil of L. gracilis Schauer most effective and determined for the other tests. A standard concentration of essential oil of 20 μL was chosen and established for the evaluation of the biofilms and the rate of corrosion. The biocide effect was determined by microbial counts of five types of microorganisms: aerobic bacteria, precipitating iron, total anaerobic, sulphate reducers (BRS) and fungi. The rate of corrosion was measured by loss of mass. Molecular identification and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed. The data showed reduction to zero of the most probable number (MPN) of bacteria precipitating iron and BRS from 115 and 113 minutes of contact, respectively. There was also inhibited in fungi, reducing to zero the rate of colony-forming units (CFU) from 74 minutes of exposure. However, for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria there was no significant difference in the time of exposure to the essential oil, remaining constant. The rate of corrosion was also influenced by the presence of oil. The essential oil of L. gracilis was shown to be potentially effective


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Bioactive compounds are extra nutritional constituents occurring naturally in plant foods in small amounts, however in quantities enough to produce bioactive effects. Among bioactive compounds the phenolic compounds are a very large set of molecules, which include several groups such as for example flavonoids, phenolic acids or tannins. Small fruits and berries include a wide diversity of fruits, like grapes, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, hardi kiwi, gooseberries, cranberries, currants (black, white, red), physalis, crowberries, açaí, elderberries, dates or goji berries, and these frequently have been reported as having particularly high concentrations of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Hence, the objective of this chapter is to review the literature about the type and contents of different phenolic compounds present in small fruits and berries, as well as their bioactive properties, including antioxidant capacity. All the fruits and berries investigated in this chapter were particularly rich in bioactive compounds, including phenolic compounds that provide the fruits with high antioxidant properties. The most relevant health promoting effects include anti-cancer, anti-inflamatory, neuro protective, cardio protective or anti-diabetes, thus indicating that these foods are a valuable resource to prevent and treat diseases.