957 resultados para National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
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PURPOSE: To present and discuss the reactions of research ethics committees (RECs) in a number of countries when asked for approval Of a study requiring access to death certificates to identify the physicians signing the certificates and to send them a four-page questionnaire about medical decisions made at the patient's end-of-life that could possibly have hastened death. METHODS: A simple questionnaire were sent to the responsible national investigator in an international study (Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland) asking about the interactions between the national research group and the national/regional REC(s). RESULTS: Different laws or guidelines were used by the RECs. Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland did not require an application to a REC. In Australia and Sweden, the RECs wanted changes in the research protocol, and one national research group had to refrain from publishing its results because the attrition rate became too high, probably due to the required changes in the protocol. RECOMMENDATIONS: Generally, similar demands from all RECs in relation to one project are strongly desirable. In epidemiological research, in which Voluntary completion of an anonymous questionnaire demonstrates consent, additional prior informed consent about being approached should not be required.
This thesis follows the argument that, to fully understand the current position of national research laboratories in Great Britain one needs to study the historical development of the government research establishment as a specific social institution. A particular model is outlined in which it is argued that institutional characteristics evolve through the continual interplay between internal development and environmental factors within a changing political and economic context, and that the continuous development of an institution depends on its ability to adapt to changes in its operational environment. Within this framework important historical precedents for formal government institutional support for applied research are identified. and the transition from private to public patronage documented. The emergence and consolidation of government research laboratories in Britain is described in detail. The subsequent relative decline of public laboratories is interpreted in terms of the undermining of a traditional role resulting in legitimation crisis. It is concluded that it is no longer feasible to consider the public research laboratory as a coherent institutional form, and that the future of each individual laboratory can only be considered in relation to the institutional needs of its own sphere of operation. Nevertheless the laboratories have been forced into decline in an essentially unplanned way which may have serious consequences for the maintenance of the scientific and technical infrastructures, necessary for material progress in the national context.
AMS subject classification: 90B80.
The purpose of this memorandum is to document the benefit-cost analysis of the river crossing concept alternatives described in the "Concept Alternatives Technical Memo." Benefit-cost studies are designed to measure, in dollars, the potential positive or negative impacts of large-scale construction projects. The concept alternatives analyzed include improvements to the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) River Crossing and the U.S. Highway 30 (U.S. 30) River Crossing.
Indigenous Arctic and Subarctic communities currently are facing a myriad of social and environmental changes. In response to these changes, studies concerning indigenous knowledge (IK) and climate change vulnerability, resiliency, and adaptation have increased dramatically in recent years. Risks to lives and livelihoods are often the focus of adaptation research; however, the cultural dimensions of climate change are equally important because cultural dimensions inform perceptions of risk. Furthermore, many Arctic and Subarctic IK climate change studies document observations of change and knowledge of the elders and older generations in a community, but few include the perspectives of the younger population. These observations by elders and older generations form a historical baseline record of weather and climate observations in these regions. However, many indigenous Arctic and Subarctic communities are composed of primarily younger residents. We focused on the differences in the cultural dimensions of climate change found between young adults and elders. We outlined the findings from interviews conducted in four indigenous communities in Subarctic Alaska. The findings revealed that (1) intergenerational observations of change were common among interview participants in all four communities, (2) older generations observed more overall change than younger generations interviewed by us, and (3) how change was perceived varied between generations. We defined “observations” as the specific examples of environmental and weather change that were described, whereas “perceptions” referred to the manner in which these observations of change were understood and contextualized by the interview participants. Understanding the differences in generational observations and perceptions of change are key issues in the development of climate change adaptation strategies.
Transportation research makes a difference for Iowans and the nation. Implementation of cost effective research projects contributes to a transportation network that is safer, more efficient, and longer lasting. Working in cooperation with our partners from universities, industry, other states, and FHWA, as well as participation in the Transportation Research Board (TRB), provides benefits for every facet of the DOT. This allows us to serve our communities and the traveling public more effectively. Pooled fund projects allow leveraging of funds for higher returns on investments. In 2010, Iowa led fifteen active pooled fund studies, participated in twenty-two others, and was wrapping-up, reconciling, and closing out an additional 6 Iowa Led pooled fund studies. In addition, non-pooled fund SPR projects included approximately 20 continued, 9 new, and over a dozen reoccurring initiatives such as the technical transfer/training program. Additional research is managed and conducted by the Office of Traffic and Safety and other departments in the Iowa DOT.
Introducción. Los Trastornos Musculoesqueléticos (TME) son lesiones de músculos, tendones, nervios y articulaciones que tienen como principal síntoma el dolor y se presentan con gran frecuencia en trabajos que requieren una actividad física importante o como consecuencia de malas posturas sostenidas durante largos periodos de tiempo. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares y su asociación con factores ergonómicos en una población de trabajadores administrativos de una empresa de servicios en Bogotá, Colombia, en el año 2015. Método: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal. Se analizaron datos secundarios correspondientes a una base de datos de una población de 450 trabajadores pertenecientes al área administrativa de una empresa de servicios, de los cuales se incluyeron 150 registros que tenían la información completa de las variables del estudio. Se tuvieron en cuenta variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares. Incluyó también el registro de condiciones de la estación de trabajo recolectada mediante inspecciones de puestos de trabajo (registro fotográfico y formato estandarizado para condiciones observadas). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo considerando las medidas de tendencia central para las variables cuantitativas y distribución de frecuencias para las variables cualitativas. Resultados: Predominó el género femenino (56%) dentro de la población estudiada, con una edad media para ambos géneros de 35 años (75%), (DS ± 7.0). El síntoma más frecuentemente reportado fue el dolor en cuello (17%) seguido por dolor en muñeca (11%) y dolor lumbar (8.7%). Del total de los trabajadores evaluados, el 80% correspondió al cargo ejecutivo, que reúne funciones administrativas especializadas complejas y/o de supervisión directa. De la población femenina objeto de estudio el 76% se desempeñaban en el cargo ejecutivo. Las condiciones ergonómicas por mejorar de mayor frecuencia fueron altura y distancia de la pantalla (42%) y cables sueltos (30%). La frecuencia de síntomas fue más alta en el rango de edad de 31 a 45 años. Conclusiones: En este estudio se encontró que los síntomas osteomusculares más frecuentes se ubicaron en el segmento axial (cuello y región lumbar) y en mano y que las condiciones de altura y distancia de la pantalla y cables sueltos presentaron las frecuencias más altas de condiciones por mejorar. Se hace necesaria la implementación de programas de prevención de TME, la vigilancia de casos y la intervención de las condiciones de los puestos de trabajo. Se debe promover la identificación y promoción de conductas saludables dentro del ámbito laboral y la prevención de condiciones que favorezcan la aparición del riesgo biomecánico.
El siguiente trabajo de investigación pretende analizar no solo la manera en la que la Intervención en la crisis Libia (2011-2013) se vio justificada a la luz de lo que establece la Doctrina de R2P, sino también investigar si logró cumplir con los objetivos de la misma. Con tal propósito, se evaluará si la intervención Militar Humanitaria por parte de la OTAN bajo la resolución 1973 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, se justifica desde los objetivos que establece la Doctrina de Responsabilidad de Proteger y cumple parcialmente con los propósitos fundamentales de prevenir, reaccionar y reconstruir en la crisis Libia de 2011- 2013. El método que se utilizará para responder a la pregunta de este estudio de caso, será en su totalidad cualitativo, descriptivo y analítico. En lo que respecta a las fuentes, se usarán fuentes secundarias como artículos académicos y fuentes primarias provenientes de noticias de periódicos, revistas, resoluciones AG y del CS de la ONU.
Fatigue in the postnatal period is such a common experience for most mothers that the term ‘postpartum fatigue’ (PPF) has been coined to describe it. When new mothers experience extreme fatigue, it follows that their physical health, mental health, and social-wellbeing is negatively affected. It is interesting to note that there is a distinct lack of empirical investigations focusing on the link between PPF and increased risk of injury; particularly when the links between fatigue and increased risk of road crashes are well documented. The purpose of this investigation was to undertake pilot research to develop an understanding of the duration of PPF and the performance impairments experienced by new mothers when involved in safety-sensitive activities, such as driving a motor vehicle. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with women (N = 24) at 12 weeks postpartum living in South-east Queensland, Australia. Key themes were identified; with a particular emphasis towards understanding the link between the participant’s experience of postpartum fatigue and the impact this has on their overall cognitive and physiological functioning, as well as their experience of the driving task. Further, sleep/wake data was collected and using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) the potential crash risk for this group of mothers is discussed. It is proposed that the findings of this investigation could be used to improve current knowledge among new mothers and practitioners regarding the mechanisms and consequences of fatigue and to inform interventions that lead to a decreased risk of injury associated with postpartum fatigue.
Adolescents experience many benefits from bicycling; however, there are also potentially significant injury consequences. One effective counter-measure for the prevention of adolescent bicycling injuries is to promote bicycle helmet wearing. An overview is provided of injury risks of bicycle riding with particular attention to the role of helmet wearing and associated countermeasures such as legislation and school and community approaches. The findings are presented of a study conducted in Australia that examined the effectiveness of a theory-based injury prevention program, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY) for ninth-grade students (age 13 to 14 years). The findings showed a significant, 20.2% decrease in cycling without a helmet among the intervention students (n = 360) and no change for the students in the comparison group (n = 363) after 6 months. In addition, it was found that failing to wear a helmet was significantly associated with engaging in other transport-related risks, being male, having friends who do not wear a helmet and are specific targets of change in the SPIY program, showing a negative attitude toward risk, failing to intervene in friends' risk-taking, and having low knowledge of first aid. Overall, the SPIY program appeared to be an effective theory-based intervention to increase helmet wearing among early adolescents, a group not often targeted in school and community helmet-wearing programs.
The study aimed to evaluate the suitability of Escherichia coli, enterococci and C. perfringens to assess the microbiological quality of roof harvested rainwater, and to assess whether the concentrations of these faecal indicators can be used to predict the presence or absence of specific zoonotic bacterial or protozoan pathogens. From a total of 100 samples tested, respectively 58%, 83% and 46% of samples were found to be positive for E. coli, enterococci and C. perfringens spores, as determined by traditional culture based methods. Additionally, in the samples tested, 7%, 19%, 1%, 8%, 17%, and 15% were PCR positive for A. hydrophila lip, C. coli ceuE, C. jejuni mapA, L. pneumophila mip, Salmonella invA, and G. lamblia β-giardin genes. However, none of the samples was positive for E. coli O157 LPS, VT1, VT2 and C. parvum COWP genes. The presence or absence of these potential pathogens did not correlate with any of the faecal indicator bacterial concentrations as determined by a binary logistic regression model. The roof-harvested rainwater samples tested in this study appear to be of poor microbiological quality and no significant correlation was found between the concentration of faecal indicators and pathogenic microorganisms. The use of faecal indicator bacteria raises questions regarding their reliability in assessing the microbiological quality of water and particularly their poor correlation with pathogenic microorganisms. The presence of one or more zoonotic pathogens suggests that the microbiological analysis of water should be performed, and appropriate treatment measures should be undertaken especially in tanks where the water is used for drinking.
Analytical modeling and sensitivity analysis for travel time estimation on signalized urban networks
This paper presents a model for estimation of average travel time and its variability on signalized urban networks using cumulative plots. The plots are generated based on the availability of data: a) case-D, for detector data only; b) case-DS, for detector data and signal timings; and c) case-DSS, for detector data, signal timings and saturation flow rate. The performance of the model for different degrees of saturation and different detector detection intervals is consistent for case-DSS and case-DS whereas, for case-D the performance is inconsistent. The sensitivity analysis of the model for case-D indicates that it is sensitive to detection interval and signal timings within the interval. When detection interval is integral multiple of signal cycle then it has low accuracy and low reliability. Whereas, for detection interval around 1.5 times signal cycle both accuracy and reliability are high.