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Developments in computer and three dimensional (3D) digitiser technologies have made it possible to keep track of the broad range of data required to simulate an insect moving around or over the highly heterogeneous habitat of a plant's surface. Properties of plant parts vary within a complex canopy architecture, and insect damage can induce further changes that affect an animal's movements, development and likelihood of survival. Models of plant architectural development based on Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) serve as dynamic platforms for simulation of insect movement, providing ail explicit model of the developing 3D structure of a plant as well as allowing physiological processes associated with plant growth and responses to damage to be described and Simulated. Simple examples of the use of the L-system formalism to model insect movement, operating Lit different spatial scales-from insects foraging on an individual plant to insects flying around plants in a field-are presented. Such models can be used to explore questions about the consequences of changes in environmental architecture and configuration on host finding, exploitation and its population consequences. In effect this model is a 'virtual ecosystem' laboratory to address local as well as landscape-level questions pertinent to plant-insect interactions, taking plant architecture into account. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this note strongly regular graphs with new parameters are constructed using nested "blown up" quadrics in projective spaces. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A perp-system R(r) is a maximal set of r-dimensional subspaces of PG(N,q) equipped with a polarity rho, such that the tangent space of an element of R(r) does not intersect any element of R(r). We prove that a perp-system yields partial geometries, strongly regular graphs, two-weight codes, maximal arcs and k-ovoids. We also give some examples, one of them yielding a new pg(8,20,2).


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We study partitions of the set of all ((v)(3)) triples chosen from a v-set into pairwise disjoint planes with three points per line. Our partitions may contain copies of PG(2, 2) only (Fano partitions) or copies of AG(2, 3) only (affine partitions) or copies of some planes of each type (mixed partitions). We find necessary conditions for Fano or affine partitions to exist. Such partitions are already known in several cases: Fano partitions for v = 8 and affine partitions for v = 9 or 10. We construct such partitions for several sporadic orders, namely, Fano partitions for v = 14, 16, 22, 23, 28, and an affine partition for v = 18. Using these as starter partitions, we prove that Fano partitions exist for v = 7(n) + 1, 13(n) + 1, 27(n) + 1, and affine partitions for v = 8(n) + 1, 9(n) + 1, 17(n) + 1. In particular, both Fano and affine partitions exist for v = 3(6n) + 1. Using properties of 3-wise balanced designs, we extend these results to show that affine partitions also exist for v = 3(2n). Similarly, mixed partitions are shown to exist for v = 8(n), 9(n), 11(n) + 1.


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In this paper we construct predictor-corrector (PC) methods based on the trivial predictor and stochastic implicit Runge-Kutta (RK) correctors for solving stochastic differential equations. Using the colored rooted tree theory and stochastic B-series, the order condition theorem is derived for constructing stochastic RK methods based on PC implementations. We also present detailed order conditions of the PC methods using stochastic implicit RK correctors with strong global order 1.0 and 1.5. A two-stage implicit RK method with strong global order 1.0 and a four-stage implicit RK method with strong global order 1.5 used as the correctors are constructed in this paper. The mean-square stability properties and numerical results of the PC methods based on these two implicit RK correctors are reported.


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Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) arise from physical systems where the parameters describing the system can only be estimated or are subject to noise. Much work has been done recently on developing higher order Runge-Kutta methods for solving SDEs numerically. Fixed stepsize implementations of numerical methods have limitations when, for example, the SDE being solved is stiff as this forces the stepsize to be very small. This paper presents a completely general variable stepsize implementation of an embedded Runge Kutta pair for solving SDEs numerically; in this implementation, there is no restriction on the value used for the stepsize, and it is demonstrated that the integration remains on the correct Brownian path.


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High index Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) force standard numerical methods to lower order. Implicit Runge-Kutta methods such as RADAU5 handle high index problems but their fully implicit structure creates significant overhead costs for large problems. Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) methods offer lower costs for integration. This paper derives a four-stage, index 2 Explicit Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) method. By introducing an explicit first stage, the method achieves second order stage calculations. After deriving and solving appropriate order conditions., numerical examples are used to test the proposed method using fixed and variable step size implementations. (C) 2001 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The author investigated how training in small-group and interpersonal behaviors affected children's behavior and interactions as they worked in small groups 2 years later. The authors assigned 52 fifth graders, who had been trained 2 years previously in cooperative group behaviors, to the trained condition and 36 fifth graders, who had not previously been trained, to the untrained condition. Both were reconstituted from the pool of students who had participated previously in group activities. The results showed a residual training effect, with the children in the trained groups being more cooperative and helpful than their untrained peers.


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This paper employs a two-dimensional variable density flow and transport model to investigate the transport of a dense contaminant plume in an unconfined coastal aquifer. Experimental results are also presented to show the contaminant plume in a freshwater-seawater flow system. Both the numerical and experimental results suggest that the neglect of the seawater interface does not noticeably affect the horizontal migration rate of the plume before it reaches the interface. However, the contaminant will travel further seaward and part of the solute mass will exit under the sea if the higher seawater density is not included. If the seawater density is included, the contaminant will travel upwards towards the beach along the freshwater-saltwater interface as shown experimentally. Neglect of seawater density, therefore, will result in an underestimate of solute mass rate exiting around the coastline. (C) 2002 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article develops a weighted least squares version of Levene's test of homogeneity of variance for a general design, available both for univariate and multivariate situations. When the design is balanced, the univariate and two common multivariate test statistics turn out to be proportional to the corresponding ordinary least squares test statistics obtained from an analysis of variance of the absolute values of the standardized mean-based residuals from the original analysis of the data. The constant of proportionality is simply a design-dependent multiplier (which does not necessarily tend to unity). Explicit results are presented for randomized block and Latin square designs and are illustrated for factorial treatment designs and split-plot experiments. The distribution of the univariate test statistic is close to a standard F-distribution, although it can be slightly underdispersed. For a complex design, the test assesses homogeneity of variance across blocks, treatments, or treatment factors and offers an objective interpretation of residual plot.


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This paper presents a new approach to the LU decomposition method for the simulation of stationary and ergodic random fields. The approach overcomes the size limitations of LU and is suitable for any size simulation. The proposed approach can facilitate fast updating of generated realizations with new data, when appropriate, without repeating the full simulation process. Based on a novel column partitioning of the L matrix, expressed in terms of successive conditional covariance matrices, the approach presented here demonstrates that LU simulation is equivalent to the successive solution of kriging residual estimates plus random terms. Consequently, it can be used for the LU decomposition of matrices of any size. The simulation approach is termed conditional simulation by successive residuals as at each step, a small set (group) of random variables is simulated with a LU decomposition of a matrix of updated conditional covariance of residuals. The simulated group is then used to estimate residuals without the need to solve large systems of equations.


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Only a small proportion of the mouse genome is transcribed into mature messenger RNA transcripts. There is an international collaborative effort to identify all full-length mRNA transcripts from the mouse, and to ensure that each is represented in a physical collection of clones. Here we report the manual annotation of 60,770 full-length mouse complementary DNA sequences. These are clustered into 33,409 'transcriptional units', contributing 90.1% of a newly established mouse transcriptome database. Of these transcriptional units, 4,258 are new protein-coding and 11,665 are new non-coding messages, indicating that non-coding RNA is a major component of the transcriptome. 41% of all transcriptional units showed evidence of alternative splicing. In protein-coding transcripts, 79% of splice variations altered the protein product. Whole-transcriptome analyses resulted in the identification of 2,431 sense-antisense pairs. The present work, completely supported by physical clones, provides the most comprehensive survey of a mammalian transcriptome so far, and is a valuable resource for functional genomics.