901 resultados para Managerial Accountability


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Due to the impending shortage of qualified candidates for administrator positions, school districts are faced with the challenge of attracting and preparing candidates for the administrator role. This empirical study focused on leadership succession planning and leadership development in response to meeting the demands of the social preoccupation of accountability.


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Restaurant management and the leadership styles of men and women who serve as hosts to the dining public are the subject of this study. The author asks: What kind of managers are they? What are the operational results of their efforts? Is there a relationship between managerial style and operational outcomes? How are managerial styles themselves related to each other?


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The professional success of future hospitality graduates will require that they have gone beyond the acquisition of contemporary industry knowledge and training in current best practices. Increasingly relevant hospitality education will emphasize skill development. Managerial thinking and renewal skills will be especially useful in an industry which is constantly changing.


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This study examined the effects of student mobility and educational enrollment experiences on academic achievement. The educational progress, school enrollments and transfers of inner-city elementary students were tracked over a four-year period. Student achievement was measured by criterion-referenced reading tests administered in the second semester of the third grade. It further analyzed the degree to which the switch to different basal reading textbooks interrupted the continuity of education thereby contributing to the detrimental effects of intra-district mobility. ^ Mobility histories of 2,913 third grade students were collected to evaluate the number of times each student entered or withdrew from a Miami-Dade County Public School beginning in August 2000 through March 2004, and distinguished between transfers that occurred during the academic school year and those that occurred during summer months. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlations and multiple regressions to determine if school mobility contributed to performance on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Third Grade Reading Test (FCAT). Transferring from one school to another was found to have a significant negative impact on student test scores. Transfers within the academic school year were more detrimental than transfers that occurred during the summer months. Third grade students who transferred into schools that used the same reading textbook series were found to have significantly higher FCAT reading scores than third graders who transferred into schools that used different reading textbooks. ^ The effects of mobility rates on overall school performance were also examined. Data was collected on 124 Title I elementary schools to determine the degree to which mobility affected school accountability scores. Title I schools with high student mobility rates had significantly lower accountability scores than schools with lower student mobility rates. ^ The results of this study highlight the impact of education and housing policy and imply a need for programs and practices that promote stability in the early elementary years. ^


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As America moved into the 2lst century financial scandals associated with large publicly traded corporations brought widespread concern about the reliability of financial reporting. In response the U.S. Congress adopted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). Undergirding SOX was the belief that improvements in the reliability of an organization's financial disclosures would lead to increased trust in the issuing organization. While SOX is aimed at publicly traded private sector organizations, the value of adopting SOX-like practices in the public and the nonprofit sectors have been recognized. Although SOX-like auditing practices have not at the time of this research become part of the auditing regime for municipalities, the results of this research provide a baseline "read" of municipal finance officers' perceptions of the value and obstacles associated with adoption of two major components of SOX: Principal Officer(s) Certification (POC) and the Independent Audit Committee (IAC) requirements. The author mailed surveys to all finance officers of municipalities in Florida and Ohio with populations of 10,000 or greater which did not contract out the operation of their finance departments. Post-survey "elite" interviews were conducted in an effort to obtain a deeper understanding of revealed issues and contradictions found in the analysis of the results of the mails survey. The findings suggest municipal finance officers are willing to adopt POC but have reservations about implementing IAC. With both POC and IAC the respondents appeared to consider intangible, non-pecuniary consequences as much or more than tangible, pecuniary consequences. Consistent with prior research, attitudes regarding POC and IAC were found to be unrelated to prior adoptive behavior, or personal and organizational demographic variables. Although accounting and auditing are inexorably intertwined, views of the recently implemented GASB 34 reporting model were found to be unrelated to the willingness to adopt POC or IAC. Findings dovetail with current discourse in public sector accounting suggesting local finance professionals may see benefits—both tangible and intangible—to some but not all accounting practices adopted in the private sector. This is consistent with the commonly accepted belief that public sector accounting maintains fundamental differences from its private counterpart.


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The theoretical construct of control has been defined as necessary (Etzioni, 1965), ubiquitous (Vickers, 1967), and on-going (E. Langer, 1983). Empirical measures, however, have not adequately given meaning to this potent construct, especially within complex organizations such as schools. Four stages of theory-development and empirical testing of school building managerial control using principals and teachers working within the nation's fourth largest district are presented in this dissertation as follows: (1) a review and synthesis of social science theories of control across the literatures of organizational theory, political science, sociology, psychology, and philosophy; (2) a systematic analysis of school managerial activities performed at the building level within the context of curricular and instructional tasks; (3) the development of a survey questionnaire to measure school building managerial control; and (4) initial tests of construct validity including inter-item reliability statistics, principal components analyses, and multivariate tests of significance. The social science synthesis provided support of four managerial control processes: standards, information, assessment, and incentives. The systematic analysis of school managerial activities led to further categorization between structural frequency of behaviors and discretionary qualities of behaviors across each of the control processes and the curricular and instructional tasks. Teacher survey responses (N=486) reported a significant difference between these two dimensions of control, structural frequency and discretionary qualities, for standards, information, and assessments, but not for incentives. The descriptive model of school managerial control suggests that (1) teachers perceive structural and discretionary managerial behaviors under information and incentives more clearly than activities representing standards or assessments, (2) standards are primarily structural while assessments are primarily qualitative, (3) teacher satisfaction is most closely related to the equitable distribution of incentives, (4) each of the structural managerial behaviors has a qualitative effect on teachers, and that (5) certain qualities of managerial behaviors are perceived by teachers as distinctly discretionary, apart from school structure. The variables of teacher tenure and school effectiveness reported significant effects on school managerial control processes, while instructional levels (elementary, junior, and senior) and individual school differences were not found to be significant for the construct of school managerial control.


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This study investigated external and internal accountability of foreign ESL teachers in China through a comparison with Chinese local ESL teachers. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Two research questions were developed from a literature review to examine foreign ESL teachers' perceptions toward external accountability and internal accountability. Questionnaires from forty-five ESL teachers and eighty-one Chinese local ESL teachers were collected through an on-line survey. Data of teachers' perceptions towards four constructs: external accountability (outside expectations), external accountability (school management), internal accountability (professional duty), and internal accountability (feelings about work), were analyzed. The findings showed that foreign teachers perceived that they were held externally accountable with regard to outside expectations, and they were not held externally accountable for school management. In terms of internal accountability, foreign teachers perceived that they held themselves highly accountable in both the construct of professional duty and the construct of feelings about work.


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This study investigates teacher‟s cultural values and accountability in Nigeria. A questionnaire developed by Professor Rosenblatt (University of Haifa, Israel) was used to gather quantitative data from 483 secondary teachers across Oyo, Osun, Ogun, and Lagos States in Southwest Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed using percentages, descriptive statistics, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings show that Nigerian teachers have high dispositions towards both bureaucratic (external) and internal (professional) accountability and their scores for internal accountability (M= 4.4286; SD= 0.5726) were higher than their scores for external accountability (M= 3.9759; SD = 0.5575). Geographical locations made a significant difference in the scores. Teachers from urban and suburban areas demonstrate higher scores than teachers from the rural in both bureaucratic (external) and internal (professional) accountability


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Dans quelle mesure la montée de la reddition de comptes et de l’évaluation en éducation est-elle significative d’un déclin de la confiance de l’Etat, des administrateurs scolaires et des usagers dans la capacité des organisations scolaires à remplir correctement leurs missions ? N’est-elle pas également symptômatique d’une perte de confiance à l’égard des enseignants et de leur professionnalisme? Nous traiterons ces questions en proposant une réflexion à partir des théories de la confiance en sciences sociales. Nous distinguerons en particulier les théories qui s’interrogent sur les conditions de confiance dans les transactions économiques et celles qui raisonnent la confiance « politique » dans les institutions. Nous argumentons que les dispositifs d’accountability tendent surtout à réduire l’incertitude des clients/managers quant aux risques d’opportunisme et d’opacité des opérateurs scolaires. Il s’agit de favoriser la bonne marche « du marché » ou de « l’organisation productive » scolaire, au risque d’une perte d’autonomie professionnelle des enseignants et sans pour autant que l’Ecole ne redevienne une institution politique «digne de confiance ».


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The organisational decision making environment is complex, and decision makers must deal with uncertainty and ambiguity on a continuous basis. Managing and handling decision problems and implementing a solution, requires an understanding of the complexity of the decision domain to the point where the problem and its complexity, as well as the requirements for supporting decision makers, can be described. Research in the Decision Support Systems domain has been extensive over the last thirty years with an emphasis on the development of further technology and better applications on the one hand, and on the other hand, a social approach focusing on understanding what decision making is about and how developers and users should interact. This research project considers a combined approach that endeavours to understand the thinking behind managers’ decision making, as well as their informational and decisional guidance and decision support requirements. This research utilises a cognitive framework, developed in 1985 by Humphreys and Berkeley that juxtaposes the mental processes and ideas of decision problem definition and problem solution that are developed in tandem through cognitive refinement of the problem, based on the analysis and judgement of the decision maker. The framework facilitates the separation of what is essentially a continuous process, into five distinct levels of abstraction of manager’s thinking, and suggests a structure for the underlying cognitive activities. Alter (2004) argues that decision support provides a richer basis than decision support systems, in both practice and research. The constituent literature on decision support, especially in regard to modern high profile systems, including Business Intelligence and Business analytics, can give the impression that all ‘smart’ organisations utilise decision support and data analytics capabilities for all of their key decision making activities. However this empirical investigation indicates a very different reality.


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Today, the trend towards decentralization is far-reaching. Proponents of decentralization have argued that decentralization promotes responsive and accountable local government by shortening the distance between local representatives and their constituency. However, in this paper, I focus on the countervailing effect of decentralization on the accountability mechanism, arguing that decentralization, which increases the number of actors eligible for policy making and implementation in governance as a whole, may blur lines of responsibility, thus weakening citizens’ ability to sanction government in election. By using the ordinary least squares (OLS) interaction model based on historical panel data for 78 countries in the 2002 – 2010 period, I test the hypothesis that as the number of government tiers increases, there will be a negative interaction between the number of government tiers and decentralization policies. The regression results show empirical evidence that decentralization policies, having a positive impact on governance under a relatively simple form of multilevel governance, have no more statistically significant effects as the complexity of government structure exceeds a certain degree. In particular, this paper found that the presence of intergovernmental meeting with legally binding authority have a negative impact on governance when the complexity of government structure reaches to the highest level.


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Dans quelle mesure la montée de la reddition de comptes et de l’évaluation en éducation est-elle significative d’un déclin de la confiance de l’Etat, des administrateurs scolaires et des usagers dans la capacité des organisations scolaires à remplir correctement leurs missions ? N’est-elle pas également symptômatique d’une perte de confiance à l’égard des enseignants et de leur professionnalisme? Nous traiterons ces questions en proposant une réflexion à partir des théories de la confiance en sciences sociales. Nous distinguerons en particulier les théories qui s’interrogent sur les conditions de confiance dans les transactions économiques et celles qui raisonnent la confiance « politique » dans les institutions. Nous argumentons que les dispositifs d’accountability tendent surtout à réduire l’incertitude des clients/managers quant aux risques d’opportunisme et d’opacité des opérateurs scolaires. Il s’agit de favoriser la bonne marche « du marché » ou de « l’organisation productive » scolaire, au risque d’une perte d’autonomie professionnelle des enseignants et sans pour autant que l’Ecole ne redevienne une institution politique «digne de confiance ».


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This paper examines empirical studies on accountability, quality, and student success in online education. It advances that accountability and quality are critical components for student success in online education. It concludes that there is a lack of empirical studies that examine the effects of these measures on student success.


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To the apparent surprise of policy makers at the provincial and school board levels, Ontario’s public schools are about to experience a massive exodus of principals and vice principals. This report, funded by a grant from the Ontario Principals’ Council, details the scale of the retirement wave currently hitting Ontario’s public school boards. Data collected from 946 practicing school administrators suggest that the retirement rates will be almost 20 per cent higher than provincial estimates. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the pool of qualified candidates for these positions is also shrinking. Already, fewer individuals are applying for each available vacancy. The study examines the major dissatisfiers in the current role of school principal as experienced by incumbents. Interviews were also conducted with 92 individuals identified as exceptional candidates for the principalship who had opted not to follow that career path in order to determine what factors they found most important in their decision making. The report concludes with recommendations for the province, school boards and principals' organizations.