902 resultados para Luther, Martti - yhteiskuntafilosofia


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Vastine professori Osmo Kivisen ja tutkija Juha Hedmanin kuvaukseen tutkimuksestaan TT -lehdessä 2/2005


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SummarySecondary lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes or spleen, are the only places in our body where primary adaptive immune responses are efficiently elicited. These organs have distinct Β and Τ cell rich zones and Τ lymphocytes constantly migrate from the bloodstream into Τ zones to scan dendritic cells (DCs) for antigens they present. Specialized fibroblasts, the Τ zone reticular cells (HR.Cs), span the Τ zone in the form a three-dimensional network. lK.Cs guide incoming Τ cells in their migration, both chemically, by the secretion of the chemokines CCL19 and CCL21, and physically, by construction of a road system to which also DCs adhere. In this way TRCs are thought to facilitate encounters of Τ cells with antigen-bearing DCs and thereby accelerate the selection of rare antigen-specific Τ cells. The resulting Τ cell activation, proliferation and differentiation all take place within the TRC network. However, the influence of TRCs on Τ cell activation has so fer not been elucidated with the possible reasons being that TRCs represent a relative rare cell population and that mice devoid of TRCs have not been described.To circumvent these technical limitations, we established TRC clones and lines to have an abundant source to functionally characterize TRCs. Both the clones and lines show a fibroblastic phenotype, express a surface marker profile comparable to ex vivo TRCs and produce extracellular matrix molecules. However, expression of Ccl19, Ccl21 and ZL-7 is lost and could not be restored by cytokine stimulation. When these TRC clones or lines were cultured in a three-dimensional cell culture system, their morphology changed and resembled that of in vivo TRCs as they formed networks. By adding Τ cells and antigen-loaded DCs to these cultures we successfully reconstructed lymphoid Τ zones that allowed antigen-specific Τ cell activation.To characterize the role of TRCs in Τ cell priming, TRCs were co-cultured with antigen-specific Τ cells in the presence antigen-loaded DCs. Surprisingly, the presence of TRC lines and ex vivo TRCs inhibited rather than enhanced CD8+ Τ cell activation, proliferation and effector cell differentiation. TRCs shared this feature with fibroblasts from non-lymphoid tissues as well as mesenchymal stromal cells. TRCs were identified as a strong source of nitric oxide (NO) thereby directly dampening Τ cell expansion as well as reducing the Τ cell priming capacity of DCs. The expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was up- regulated in a subset of TRCs by both DC-signals as well as interferon-γ produced by primed CD8+ Τ cells. Importantly, iNOS expression was induced during viral infection in vivo in both lymph node TRCs and DCs. Consistent with a role for NO as a negative regulator, the primary Τ cell response was exaggerated in iNOS-/- mice. Our findings highlight that in addition to their established positive roles in Τ cell responses TRCs and DCs cooperate in a negative feedback loop to attenuate Τ cell expansion during acute inflammation.RésuméLes organes lymphoïdes secondaires, comme les ganglions lymphoïdes ou la rate, sont les seuls sites dans notre corps où la réponse primaire des lymphocytes Β et Τ est initiée efficacement. Ces organes ont des zones différentes, riches en cellules Β ou T. Des lymphocytes Τ circulent constamment du sang vers les zones T, où ils échantillonent la surface des cellules dendritiques (DCs) pour identifier les antigènes qu'ils présentent. Des fibroblastes spécialisés - nommés Τ zone reticular cells (TRCs)' forment un réseau tridimensionnel dans la zone T. Les TRCs guident la migration des cellules Τ par deux moyens: chimiquement, par la sécrétion des chimiokines CCL19 et CCL21 et physiquement, par la construction d'un réseau routier en trois dimensions, auquel adhèrent aussi des DCs. Dans ce? cas, on pense que la présence des TRCs facilite les rencontres entre les cellules Τ et les DCs chargées de l'antigène et accélère la sélection des rares cellules Τ spécifiques. Ensuite, l'activation de cellules T, ainsi que la prolifération et la différenciation se produisent toutes à l'intérieur du réseau des TRCs. L'influence des TRCs sur l'activation des cellules T n'est que très peu caractérisée, en partie parce que les TRCs représentent une population rare et que les souris déficientes dans les TRCs n'ont pas encore été découvertes.Pour contourner ces limitations techniques, nous avons établi des clones et des lignées cellulaires de TRC pour obtenir une source indéfinie de ces cellules permettant leur caractérisation fonctionnelle. Les clones et lignées établis ont un phénotype de fibroblaste, ils expriment des molécules de surface similaires aux TRCs ex vivo et produisent de la matrice extracellulaire. Mais l'expression de Ccl19, Ccl21 et 11-7 est perdue et ne peut pas être rétablie par stimulation avec différentes cytokines. Les clones TRC ou les lignées cultivées en un système tridimensionnel de culture cellulaire, montrent une morphologie changée, qui ressemble à celle de TRC ex vivo inclus la construction de réseaux tridimensionnels.Pour caractériser le rôle des TRC dans l'activation des cellules T, nous avons cultivé des TRCs avec des cellules T spécifiques et des DCs chargées avec l'antigène. Etonnamment, la présence des TRC (lignées et ex vivo) inhibait plutôt qu'elle améliorait l'activation, la prolifération et la différenciation des lymphocytes T CDS+. Les TRCs partageaient cette fonction avec des fibr-oblastes des organes non lymphoïdes et des cellules souches du type mésenchymateux. Dans ces conditions, les TRCs sont une source importante d'oxyde nitrique (NO) et par ce fait limitent directement l'expansion des cellules T et réduisent aussi la capacité des DCs à activer les cellules T. L'expression de l'enzyme NO synthase inductible (ïNOS) est régulée à la hausse par des signaux dérivés des DCs et par l'interféron-γ produit par des cellules T de type CD8+ activées. Plus important, l'expression d'iNOS est induite pendant une infection virale in vivo, dans les TRCs et dans les DCs. Par conséquent, la réponse primaire de cellules T est exagérée dans des souris iNOS-/-. Nos résultats mettent en évidence qu'en plus de leur rôle positif bien établi dans la réponse immunitaire, les TRCs et les DCs coopèrent dans une boucle de rétroaction négative pour atténuer l'expansion des cellules T pendant l'inflammation aigiie pour protéger l'intégrité et la fonctionnalité des organes lymphoïdes secondaires.


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Summary: Aimii - a different kind of learner


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Until now it was thought that the retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus preferentially infects B cells, which thereafter proliferate and differentiate due to superantigen-mediated T cell help. We describe in this study that dendritic cells are infectable at levels comparable to B cells in the first days after virus injection. Moreover, IgM knockout mice have chronically deleted superantigen-reactive T cells after MMTV injection, indicating that superantigen presentation by dendritic cells is sufficient for T cell deletion. In both subsets initially only few cells were infected, but there was an exponential increase in numbers of infected B cells due to superantigen-mediated T cell help, explaining that at the peak of the response infection is almost exclusively found in B cells. The level of infection in vivo was below 1 in 1000 dendritic cells or B cells. Infection levels in freshly isolated dendritic cells from spleen, Langerhans cells from skin, or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were compared in an in vitro infection assay. Immature dendritic cells such as Langerhans cells or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were infected 10- to 30-fold more efficiently than mature splenic dendritic cells. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells carrying an endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen were highly efficient at inducing a superantigen response in vivo. These results highlight the importance of professional APC and efficient T cell priming for the establishment of a persistent infection by mouse mammary tumor virus.


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Follicular helper T (TFH) cells are specialized in providing help for B cell differentiation and Ab secretion. Several positive and negative regulators of TFH cell differentiation have been described but their control is not fully understood. In this study, we show that Notch signaling in T cells is a major player in the development and function of TFH cells. T cell-specific gene ablation of Notch1 and Notch2 impaired differentiation of TFH cells in draining lymph nodes of mice immunized with T-dependent Ags or infected with parasites. Impaired TFH cell differentiation correlated with deficient germinal center development and the absence of high-affinity Abs. The impact of loss of Notch on TFH cell differentiation was largely independent of its effect on IL-4. These results show a previously unknown role for Notch in the regulation of TFH cell differentiation and function with implications for the control of this T cell population.


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Adaptive immune responses are initiated when T cells encounter antigen on dendritic cells (DC) in T zones of secondary lymphoid organs. T zones contain a 3-dimensional scaffold of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) but currently it is unclear how FRC influence T cell activation. Here we report that FRC lines and ex vivo FRC inhibit T cell proliferation but not differentiation. FRC share this feature with fibroblasts from non-lymphoid tissues as well as mesenchymal stromal cells. We identified FRC as strong source of nitric oxide (NO) thereby directly dampening T cell expansion as well as reducing the T cell priming capacity of DC. The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was up-regulated in a subset of FRC by both DC-signals as well as interferon-γ produced by primed CD8+ T cells. Importantly, iNOS expression was induced during viral infection in vivo in both LN FRC and DC. As a consequence, the primary T cell response was found to be exaggerated in Inos(-/-) mice. Our findings highlight that in addition to their established positive roles in T cell responses FRC and DC cooperate in a negative feedback loop to attenuate T cell expansion during acute inflammation.


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