634 resultados para Lullian Ars


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The aim of this work was to examine both the influence of anatomical and technical aspects on fertility rate of sheep based on the performance of transcervical artificial insemination (TCAI). Transcervical artificial insemination was performed with traction of the cervix in 122 ewes using frozen semen from 11 rams, both Santa Ines breed. The data collected were: type of external cervical opening (CO) (P - papilla; FL - flap; DB - duckbill, S - spiral; RO - rosette), duration of cervical manipulation (2-3, 4-5 and 6-7 minutes), degree of difficulty in cervical transposition (low, moderate, high) and presumed semen deposition site (SC - superficial cervical; DC - deep cervical; IU - intrauterine). The influence of these variables on pregnancy rate was evaluated. Cervical opening type and duration of cervical manipulation had no influence (p>0.05) on fertility. The degree of difficulty in cervical manipulation influenced (p<0.05) pregnancy rate, since insemination classified as low grade had 52% of pregnancy, while those classified as high recorded only 20%. The presumed site of semen deposition influenced significantly (p<0.05) fertility. Pregnancy rates of deposition at each site were: UI – 45.8%, DC – 25.7%; SC – 15.4%. As expected, deeper depositions resulted in higher fertility. In conclusion, the performance of TCAI did not depend on the anatomical classification of external cervical opening of ewe and the duration of cervical manipulation within the range tested (2-7 minutes). The TCAI may have higher fertility rates if difficulties in the application were reduced and the semen deposition was deeper.


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We investigated estradiol benzoate effects on oocytes/embryos recovery rate and the influence of this drug on the hematopoietic system. Twenty four bitches were divided in two groups, Group I, 12 females that received a single shot of estradiol benzoate, 0.2 mg/kg intramuscularly, between 2 and 7 days after the date of the last mismating or insemination and, Group II (control), 12 bitches that received 0.2 ml/kg of oily diluent, in corresponding dates. The bitches were ovary-hysterectomized and the uterus/oviduct were isolated and flushed with a PBS, heparin and polyvinyl alcohol solution. Oocytes and embryos were quantified and classified according to their stage of development. Blood counts were performed on M1 (before drug administration), M2 (15 days after drug administration) and M3 (40 days after drug administration). Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the variable retrieval structures, while Fisher exact test was used for the analysis of embryonic viability. ANOVA was used to analyze repeated measurements and Tukey test for hematological parameters. All tests were performed at 5% significance level. The recovery rate of total structures in group I was lower (22.88%) than group II (65.85%). A lower embryo recovery (ratio 3: 52) rate and a greater number of degenerated structures (ratio 11: 1) were observed in group I. Hematological parameters showed significant difference in erythrocytes, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrations 15 days after drug administration and difference in leukocytes concentration 40 days after using the medication in bitches of group I, however, at the end of the experiment all bitches had blood counts considered normal.


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The aim of this work was draw an endemic level of reproductive losses and determine positivity for four infectious agents related to reproductive problems in dairy cattle on a property in São Carlos city. Blood serum samples were collected of 142 breeding animals more than two years old, from which 21.1% showed history of abortions or stillbirths in at least one pregnancy. Immunofluorescent antibody technique, tamponated acidified antigen test, serum neutralization technique and microscopic agglutination test, were used for detection of antibody anti-Neospora caninum, anti- Brucella abortus, anti-Bovine Herpesvirus Type-1 (BoHV-1) and anti-Leptospira spp , respectively. The serological tests carried out showed that 28.9% of the animals had titers greater than or equal to 100 of anti-Neospora caninum. Viral neutralization tests demonstrated that 26.8% of the animals had titers greater or equal to 256 for antibody anti-BoHV-1.Only 7.7% of the animals studied had titers equal to or greater than 100 in the microscopic agglutination test for Leptospira spp. There weren’t observed positive reactions to the tamponated acidified antigen test for diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. The study suggests the presence of BoHV-1, N. caninum and Leptospira spp in contact with dairy cattle property and could be involved in the occurrence of abortions and stillbirths in cattle. Reproductive losses are endemic and implies a possible behavior of chronic infections caused by these microorganisms.


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The annual vaccination campaign against rabies is the most effective prevention procedure for this disease in dogs and cats and hence for human protection also. However, in 2010 and 2011, this activity was interrupted in Brazil due to the occurrence of adverse events associated with vaccination. Even though cases of canine rabies have been decreasing in the last two decades, vigilance must be strengthened in order to maintain pet owners trust in the vaccines provided in public services. This study aimed to determine pet owners participation in the annual vaccination campaign carried out in Botucatu. During March and April 2012, the period before the 42nd campaign, 312 pet owners, dogs and cats, were interviewed. The homes were randomly drawn in blocks from different sectors of the city; all houses on the same block over the 120 km² of urban area participated in the sampling process. Statistical analysis was performed descriptively. The results showed that the owners main motivation to vaccinate their pets during the campaigns is rabies prevention (36%), followed by the proximity of the vaccination station to the house (20.7%), zero cost (10.9%), and the combination of all three factors (16.1%). When asked if they would take their animals back to be vaccinated in another campaign, 60.1% answered yes, 13.5% would go to a private clinic, 2.2% would not take because they do not trust the vaccine and 1.6% had not decided yet. We conclude that the respondents have realized how dangerous Rabies is, because even after the break period, they still utilized the vaccination campaign demonstrating confidence in its effectiveness, while knowing the campaign goals facilitates understanding and participation.


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This study describes the occurrence of iatrogenic hydronephrosis in left kidney with compression of the abdominal aorta in persian cat and paralysis of hind limbs. The animal had slight dehydration, pale mucous membranes, cold extremities and cyanotic, absence of bilateral femoral artery pulse, and absence of superficial and deep pain, and presence of a mass of firm consistency with six centimeters in diameter, on abdominal palpation. Performed exploratory celiotomy, there was increased left kidney compressing the abdominal aorta and dilation of the cranial left ureter attached to the uterine horn by means of ligation with nonabsorbable. After nephrectomy, it was observed the restoration of local circulation. The animal died after eight hours.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Partindo do panorama traçado pelo crítico carioca Roberto Pontual em Explode Geração!, livro publicado em 1985, pretende-se analisar em que medida a questão da identidade brasileira na arte realizada no país encontrou respaldo na cena dos anos 1980, momento em que a produção de uma jovem geração de artistas foi alinhada à tradição do barroco brasileiro, tradição esta que, segundo o crítico, perpassaria e alinhavaria alguns dos trabalhos do período, fornecendo-lhes uma espécie de chancela de uma brasilidade insuspeita, a despeito de todo contato que travavam com a arte internacional. Esta "resenha tardia" propõe-se tão somente indicar caminhos possíveis para futuros estudos mais detalhados acerca de tal questão.


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Este texto corresponde à primeira parte de meu memorial para a obtenção do título de Livre-Docente na especialidade "Gravura, Matriz e Estampa", junto ao Departamento de Artes Plásticas da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. Baseia-se na minha experiência como aluno, professor e artista na Unicamp e na USP. A defesa foi realizada nos dias 23 e 24 de junho de 2008. A banca examinadora foi integrada pelos Professores Doutores Domingos Tadeu Chiarelli (presidente), Marco Garaude Giannotti, Aracy Amaral, Laymert Garcia dos Santos e Celso Favaretto.


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A relação de Sophie Calle com dois textos ficcionais, de autoria de Hervé Guibert e Paul Auster, permite discutir um ponto central de sua poética: a atuação como performer, colocada por alguns críticos sob o signo do situacionismo. Como suas performances envolvem uma narrativa, foram analisados seus aspectos fotográficos e verbais, tendo como epicentro Suíte veneziana (1980). Qual o papel da fotografia nas narrativas de Calle, nas quais ela é personagem de si mesma? A fotografia é vestígio de acontecimentos reais e seu aspecto documental corrobora a neutralidade dos relatos escritos. É, ao mesmo tempo, fruto de um gesto performático, o qual, ao designar determinados fatos, converte a realidade em imagem.


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Paradigma tradicional de excelência artesanal, com que meios pode a pintura responder à abstração do trabalho e à sua ordenação serial, inerentes à modernização capitalista? O texto presente busca sistematizar os momentos decisivos de um percurso que se estende de Manet (1832-1883) a Rothko (1903-1970). Constitui o capítulo conclusivo de uma investigação sobre a transformação crítica do modo de pintar em modo de fabricação, fundado na superação reflexiva da dicotomia entre trabalho intelectual e corporal, imposta historicamente à sociedade. Atualizada criticamente e assinalando um fecho possível do processo da arte moderna, a pintura de Rothko põe-se como a negação de todo aspecto individual da pintura e de unidade orgânica e monádica da obra. Alcança-se assim o último termo de um processo; termo que assinala o fim do ciclo da autonomia estética como forma ligada à liberdade do sujeito, idealizado como natureza desinteressada. Para o trabalho de resistência contra a aceleração da barbárie é fundamental doravante levar em conta os fatores de heteronomia supraindividuais que, se não logram controlar toda a produção, detêm a hegemonia na esfera da circulação.


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Este texto foi preparado inicialmente para uma palestra aos alunos do PAE - Programa de Apoio ao Ensino, da ECA-USP, em 2002, quando se iniciava o processo do desmembramento do Programa de Artes em três programas autônomos, o que veio a se concretizar em julho de 2006. O texto foi retomado agora, em 2009, como um breve e parcial relato do período


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Este texto, a ser publicado em duas partes, contém, com pequenas modificações para efeito de edição, extratos da introdução e da conclusão da tese de doutorado A fabricação da pintura: de Manet a Rothko, defendida no Departamento de Filosofia, FFLCH-USP, sob orientação do Prof. Dr. Paulo Arantes em 2000. Opondo-se à visão hegemônica propagada pelas correntes formalistas, cujas motivações ideológicas pretende explicitar, o ensaio salienta a valorização dos processos produtivos frente às obras acabadas como característica fundamental da arte moderna, característica por meio da qual os artistas resistem ao progresso da modernização capitalista


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