853 resultados para Karen Lieberman


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The archaeological site of Cuyacabras (Quintanar de la Sierra, Burgos) is one of main early medieval reference settlements in Upper Arlanza basin lands and it attracts a great amount of visitors. The monumental featured half-caved church and the necropolis consisting of several burials dug into the rock present around the whole area are material evidences of an ancient hill town which has remained uninhabited from middle XIIIth century. New fieldworks on this whole site, excavated during the sixties, have been focused on improving the scientific impact of the site and setting up to date the records and information entries for the necropolis. All obtained data emphasize the weakness of several principles used to put in value the settlement, and they also suggest a revision of several-year-old discussions on one hand, and on the other one, they encourage scholars to propound new up to date theories which will fi t better with our knowledge"s current context.


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El estudio del poblamiento altomedieval en el Alto Arlanza sigue vinculado, casi en exclusiva, al análisis que deriva de una visión difusa de sus necrópolis rupestres. Los problemas de visibilidad que plantean los testimonios materiales de estos asentamientos han provocado, como ha ocurrido en otros territorios, que el análisis arqueológico tradicional se haya focalizado en el estudio exclusivo de los elementos funerarios, por lo que disponemos en realidad de un registro parcial y claramente deficitario de las evidencias aldeanas. Poner de relieve la notable indefinición de estos testimonios y señalar las dificultades cronológicas que afecta a estas evidencias constituye dos elementos de reflexión necesarios para redefinir las nuevas estrategias en la construcción de un registro de calidad que permita adentrarnos con seguridad en la génesis del paisaje medieval y, en particular, en la formación de la red aldeana.


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BACKGROUND: Community-acquired respiratory viral infections (RVIs) are common in lung transplant patients and may be associated with acute rejection and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). The use of sensitive molecular methods that can simultaneously detect a large panel of respiratory viruses may help better define their effects. METHODS: Lung transplant recipients undergoing serial surveillance and diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) during a period of 3 years were enrolled. BAL samples underwent multiplex testing for a panel of 19 respiratory viral types/subtypes using the Luminex xTAG respiratory virus panel assay. RESULTS: Demographics, symptoms, and forced expiratory volume in 1 sec were prospectively collected for 93 lung transplant recipients enrolled. Mean number of BAL samples was 6.2+/-3.1 per patient. A respiratory virus was isolated in 48 of 93 (51.6%) patients on at least one BAL sample. Of 81 positive samples, the viruses isolated included rhinovirus (n=46), parainfluenza 1 to 4 (n=17), coronavirus (n=11), influenza (n=4), metapneumovirus (n=4), and respiratory syncytial virus (n=2). Biopsy-proven acute rejection (> or =grade 2) or decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec > or =20% occurred in 16 of 48 (33.3%) patients within 3 months of RVI when compared with 3 of 45 (6.7%) RVI-negative patients within a comparable time frame (P=0.001). No significant difference was seen in incidence of acute rejection between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Biopsy-proven obliterative bronchiolitis or BOS was diagnosed in 10 of 16 (62.5%) patients within 1 year of infection. CONCLUSION: Community-acquired RVIs are frequently detected in BAL samples from lung transplant patients. In a significant percentage of patients, symptomatic or asymptomatic viral infection is a trigger for acute rejection and obliterative bronchiolitis/BOS.


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Jugar no és només un sinònim de diversió, sinó que darrera d’aquesta acció s’amaguen molts elements que són imprescindible per al desenvolupament infantil, ja que l’afavoreix en tots els àmbits de la seva vida. Un nen amb Necessitats Educatives Especial té el mateix dret de gaudir d’una estona de joc, i desenvolupar-­‐se com a persona. De fet, el joc és considerat una eina d’aprenentatge a l’edat infantil. Per això, el present treball de grau té com objectiu principal analitzar la importància del joc com a eina educativa amb infants amb un Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista. S’utilitza una metodologia qualitativa, i a través de l’observació, s’analitza com el joc ajuda a un infant amb Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista a adquirir determinades habilitats i capacitats que li permeten tenir certa autonomia. Els resultats obtinguts, permeten afirmar que la Unitat de Suport a l’Educació Especial utilitza el joc com un recurs didàctic per a treballar amb infants amb Autisme. Per això, es planteja una proposta d’intervenció dins d’aquesta unitat.


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La estadística aplicada a la geografía ha experimentado un avance espectacular en las últimas dos décadas introduciéndose el espacio como eje fundamental del análisis. Este avance se ha visto acompañado por un rápido desarrollo de aplicaciones estadísticas integradas en los sistemas de información geográfica, constituyéndose de esta forma en un conjunto de herramientas imprescindibles en la planificación territorial. Por otro lado, en España, el incremento de población inmigrada en un corto intervalo de tiempo ha hecho necesario analizar su distribución espacial en las áreas urbanas. Los índices de autocorrelación espacial, tanto global como local, y su representación cartográfica constituyen una técnica adecuada para la detección de clusters y patrones espaciales y abre la posibilidad de plantear diferentes modelos econométricos. A partir del caso de la ciudad de Barcelona se aplican las técnicas descritas y se observan los diferentes comportamientos según el grupo de población estudiado.


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Un fet clau pel coneixement de la població immigrant i el disseny de polítiques d’acollida és la seva distribució territorial. Els indicadors de segregació residencial són una eina molt útil. En aquest article es proposen mesures contrastades internacionalment i s’apliquen al cas osonenc considerant Osona com a conjunt i també estudiant per separat el casos de Vic i Manlleu. Tot i ser una comarca amb un percentatge rellevant de població immigrant no es donen situacions segregatives que sí es troben en l’àmbit metropolità.


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La segregación residencial en una ciudad indica el nivel de desigualdad de la distribución de la población entre las diferentes zonas. Es interesante obtener una visión cuantitativa de la segregación residencial para prever y actuar sobre los territorios más afectados por este proceso. En este artículo se propone medir la segregación de los colectivos de inmigrantes desde diferentes ópticas, utilizando la estadística espacial y los sistemas de información geográfica. Con estas herramientas se realiza un estudio sobre la distribución de la población inmigrante para la ciudad de Barcelona. Los resultados apuntan a una disminución en la segregación entre 1996 y 2001. Aunque se aprecian diferencias significativas según la procedencia de cada grupo estudiado.


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Given the importance of immigrant population growth in Spain, it would be interesting to study its distribution throughout the urban area. The field of statistics suggests different indicators that have a long tradition and permit the quantification of segregation of minority population groups. Through the application of these tools in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, this paper demonstrates the utility of analyzing segregation patterns within a city and detecting local patterns of this phenomenon. A new perspective of segregation can be obtained with the use of indicators designed for spatial statistics. The combination of these measures represents a useful procedure for the analysis of the distribution of the immigrant population in urban areas and its extension to different areas such as sociology, economics, urban studies, and housing policy.


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BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease remains an important problem in solid-organ transplant recipients, with the greatest risk among donor CMV-seropositive, recipient-seronegative (D(+)/R(-)) patients. CMV-specific cell-mediated immunity may be able to predict which patients will develop CMV disease. METHODS: We prospectively included D(+)/R(-) patients who received antiviral prophylaxis. We used the Quantiferon-CMV assay to measure interferon-γ levels following in vitro stimulation with CMV antigens. The test was performed at the end of prophylaxis and 1 and 2 months later. The primary outcome was the incidence of CMV disease at 12 months after transplant. We calculated positive and negative predictive values of the assay for protection from CMV disease. RESULTS: Overall, 28 of 127 (22%) patients developed CMV disease. Of 124 evaluable patients, 31 (25%) had a positive result, 81 (65.3%) had a negative result, and 12 (9.7%) had an indeterminate result (negative mitogen and CMV antigen) with the Quantiferon-CMV assay. At 12 months, patients with a positive result had a subsequent lower incidence of CMV disease than patients with a negative and an indeterminate result (6.4% vs 22.2% vs 58.3%, respectively; P < .001). Positive and negative predictive values of the assay for protection from CMV disease were 0.90 (95% confidence interval [CI], .74-.98) and 0.27 (95% CI, .18-.37), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This assay may be useful to predict if patients are at low, intermediate, or high risk for the development of subsequent CMV disease after prophylaxis. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT00817908.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de fungos endofíticos "dark septate" (DSEF) em Oryza glumaepatula, na Amazônia, e sua capacidade de colonização in vitro. Foram coletadas plantas de O. glumaepatula em área de cerrado e de mata em Roraima. As raízes foram tratadas para a observação de hifas melanizadas septadas e de microescleródios. Os fungos foram isolados em meio ágar malte. Os DSEF foram observados em plantas coletadas em ambos os ambientes, com maior colonização nas coletadas da mata. Um isolado foi capaz de colonizar o hospedeiro original e também plantas de Oryza sativa, exibindo as estruturas características de DSEF em plantas de arroz saudáveis.


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This paper aims to examine changes in common longevity and variability of the adult life span, and attempts to answer whether or not the compression of mortality continues in Switzerland in the years 1876-2005. The results show that the negative relationships between the large increase in the adult modal age at death, observed at least from the 1920s, and the decrease in the standard deviation of the ages at deaths occurring above it, illustrate a significant compression of adult mortality. Typical adult longevity increased by about 10% during the last fifty years in Switzerland, and adult heterogeneity in the age at death decreased in the same proportion. This analysis has not found any evidence suggesting that we are approaching longevity limits in term of modal or even maximum life spans. It ascertains a slowdown in the reduction of adult heterogeneity in longevity, already observed in Japan and other low mortality countries.


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Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi adequar as dietas artificiais para o desenvolvimento dos estágios de larva e adulto da mosca-das-frutas sul-americana (Anastrepha fraterculus). Para o estágio larval, foram testadas as seguintes dietas: D1, original, com 10 g de ágar; D2, modificada, com 3,6 g de ágar; e, D3, modificada, com bagaço seco de cana-de-açúcar. Para os adultos, foram testadas quatro dietas: A, levedura de cerveja + mel (2:1); B, açúcar refinado + extrato de levedura + gérmen de trigo cru (3:1:1); C, extrato de soja + açúcar mascavo + gérmen de trigo cru (3:1:1); e D, levedura seca de cervejaria + mel (2:1). Avaliaram-se os parâmetros biológicos de duração do período ovo-pupa, duração e viabilidade do estágio de pupa, massa média de pupas, razão sexual e duração e viabilidade do período ovo-adulto. O desenvolvimento larval em D1 e D2 foi semelhante e indicou que a criação de larvas pode ser realizada com 1/3 da quantidade de ágar da utilizada em D1. A utilização do bagaço seco de cana-de-açúcar, na dieta artificial, afetou negativamente o desenvolvimento larval. As dietas artificiais com levedura de cerveja + mel e com açúcar refinado + extrato de levedura + gérmen de trigo cru são as mais adequadas para a criação de adultos.


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The numerous yeast genome sequences presently available provide a rich source of information for functional as well as evolutionary genomics but unequally cover the large phylogenetic diversity of extant yeasts. We present here the complete sequence of the nuclear genome of the haploid-type strain of Kuraishia capsulata (CBS1993(T)), a nitrate-assimilating Saccharomycetales of uncertain taxonomy, isolated from tunnels of insect larvae underneath coniferous barks and characterized by its copious production of extracellular polysaccharides. The sequence is composed of seven scaffolds, one per chromosome, totaling 11.4 Mb and containing 6,029 protein-coding genes, ~13.5% of which being interrupted by introns. This GC-rich yeast genome (45.7%) appears phylogenetically related with the few other nitrate-assimilating yeasts sequenced so far, Ogataea polymorpha, O. parapolymorpha, and Dekkera bruxellensis, with which it shares a very reduced number of tRNA genes, a novel tRNA sparing strategy, and a common nitrate assimilation cluster, three specific features to this group of yeasts. Centromeres were recognized in GC-poor troughs of each scaffold. The strain bears MAT alpha genes at a single MAT locus and presents a significant degree of conservation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes, suggesting that it can perform sexual cycles in nature, although genes involved in meiosis were not all recognized. The complete absence of conservation of synteny between K. capsulata and any other yeast genome described so far, including the three other nitrate-assimilating species, validates the interest of this species for long-range evolutionary genomic studies among Saccharomycotina yeasts.