548 resultados para Junttila, Kaisa


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Kaisa Hypénin esitys Kuvailupäivillä 25.3.2014 Helsingissä.


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This report summarizes the results of the survey HAVERI – Supply network risks in business. The survey was conducted in Finland during the spring and summer of year 2013. The survey is part of a large two-year research project started in June 2012 in Finland (on-going 06/2012–07/2014). The project is launched and financed by TEKES, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, and executed together with the researchers from Lappeenranta University of Technology and Tampere University of Technology. The overall goal of this on-going research project is to find out the decision-making practices in the project-oriented companies in their purchasing decisions especially in the mechanical engineering and construction industries in Finland. The objective of the survey was to gain cross-sectional data concerning the challenges, risks and cost factors in Finnish project business companies. The results show that Finnish companies rely on their experience and supplier references in their risk management. In general, the understanding of the total cost structure varies among the industries and companies. The main cost factor in risk management was costs before the actual purchase decision. Overall, it seems that the monetary value of the whole project and capability of purchasing personnel are the main influencing factors on risk management activity in project purchasing.


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The aim of this Master’s thesis was to review some methods that are already being utilized in a field of mine water purification and to find and study possible new methods and chemicals for mine water purification by precipitation. The target was also to list the optimal process conditions for these precipitating chemicals. Separation methods were reviewed for several anions and cations, but being a real topical issue, sulphate removal was selected to be in the main focus. Sulphate salts e.g. Na2SO4 are relatively soluble in water, which makes the separation processes difficult. Eutectic freeze crystallization was studied more closely in laboratory tests for sodium sulphate removal. Gravimetric solubility tests were made for three cases of mixed electrolyte solutions: Na2SO4 – NaOH, BaSO4 – NaOH and Na3PO4 – NaOH. The aim of these experiments was to study the effect of NaOH addition on solubility of the studied salt. These phenomena were however noticed to be difficult to see in the used laboratory tests. Thus mathematical modelling was utilized to contribute the laboratory experiments and to bring additional information of the influence of NaOH presence on solubility of selected electrolytes, Na2SO4 and Na3PO4. The results from mathematical modelling of activity coefficients suggest Na2SO4 and Na3PO4 to be precipitated rather with presence and with higher concentrations of NaOH, since the raise of NaOH concentration decreases the solubility of these electrolytes in water.


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Ninety-nine Finnish peacekeepers, who had been serving in 15 different operations around the world, participated in the study (8 women, 27-52 years old, m = 37.4, SD = 8.9; and 91 men, 21-69 years old, m = 41.4, SD = 10.2). Three military crisis management trainers from the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre also participated in the study. The data was collected with two webbased questionnaires. In addition two interviews were made with specialists of civilian crisis management in Finland. The study also provides an overview of international treaties concerning children’s rights in armed conflict. The results show that 48.7 % of dangers for children in conflicts reported by the peacekeepers were related to physical injury (e.g. landmines and traffic), and 27.4 % were related to social problems (e.g. poverty, child soldiers, and trafficking). 24.1 % of the peacekeepers had made observations of children’s rights violations either often or very often during peacekeeping operations. 49.6 % of the observations were related to social problems (e.g. child labour or being forced to beg), and 33.0 % were related to physical injury (e.g. assault). Frequency of observation of children’s rights violations was not associated with either sex or military degree of the peacekeepers; instead it was significantly correlated with the peacekeepers’ degree of knowledge of EU’s child protection guidelines. On the basis of the results, it is recommended that knowledge about children’s rights and protection should be included in the training of Finnish crisis management personnel to a much higher degree than at the present.


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Puolustusvoimien Kansainvälinen Keskus järjestää kolme kertaa vuodessa kansainvälisen sotilasasiantuntijakurssin. Kurssilla koulutetaan Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien sotilastarkkailijoita, sotilasneuvonantajia ja yhteysupseereja YK-operaatioiden tarpeeseen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä sotilasasiantuntijakurssin oppimisympäristön osa-aluetta tulisi ensisijaisesti kehittää, jotta oppimisympäristö tukisi entistä paremmin oppimista. Tut-kimuksen tavoitteena on opettaja- ja oppilaskyselyn avulla tunnistaa keskeisimmät kehittämistä vaativat oppimisympäristön osa-alueet opetuksen laadun parantamiseksi. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään sotilasasiantuntijakurssin oppimisympäristöä sotilaspedagogiikassa tunnistetun tietoteorian pohjalta, jota on vertailtu Kaisa Nuikkisen oppimisympäristömalliin. Lukija johdatetaan tutkimustyön aiheeseen käsittelemällä lyhyesti Puolustusvoimien ihmiskäsitystä, konstruktivismin periaatteita, oppimista ja kouluttajan roolia. Tietoteoriaa lähestytään oppimisympäristön näkökulmasta. Oppimisympäristö jaetaan sotilaspedagogiikassa neljään osa-alueeseen: fyysiseen, psyykkiseen, sosiaaliseen ja henkiseen. Nämä ovat tunnistettavissa eri oppimisympäristöissä. Oppimisympäristö luo pohjan annettavalle koulutukselle ja oikein valittu oppimisympäristö parantaa oppimistuloksia. Sotilasasiantuntijakurssin oppimisympäristö on moniulotteinen kokonaisuus, jota ei ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimusaiheena kurssin oppimisympäristö on mielenkiintoinen kokonaisuus lähestyä tietoteorian pohjalta, koska kurssin oppimisympäristön puitteet ovat rakentuneet vuosikymmenten kuluessa. Tutkimuksen pääkysymys on: Mitä vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia sotilasasiantuntijakurssin oppimisympäristössä on oppilaiden ja opettajien näkökulmasta? Pääongelman ratkaisemisen tueksi on muotoiltu lisäksi neljä alakysymystä. Tutkimusote on laadullinen. Tutkimuksen tiedonkeruu toteutettiin internet-pohjaisella kyselyllä ja yhdellä haastattelulla. Otantana olivat kurssin suomalaiset opettajat ja oppilaat. Opettajien osalta vastausprosentti oli 80 % ja oppilaiden osalta 54 %. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että sotilasasiantuntijakurssin oppimisympäristö on laadukas. Oppiminen koostuu pienistä osatekijöistä, jotka integroituvat yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi kurssin aikana. Myös oppimisympäristöjen osat limittyvät opetuksessa päällekkäin, eikä niitä voida täysin tarkastella itsenäisesti. Tutkimuksen perusteella suurin vahvuus on sosiaalinen oppimisympäristö (verkostoituminen, ryhmähenki, kouluttajat mentoreina) ja eniten kehittävää on fyysisessä oppimisympäristössä (PvMoodle, ajoneuvokaluston huono kunto). Kokonaisuutena merkittäviä puutteita ei havaittu.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014