919 resultados para Jung, Dora
A pregnant adolescent’s vulnerability increases when she is a victim of intrafamilial violence and drug addiction, which cause physical and biopsychosocial damage to the mother and her baby. Objective Present and analyze the case of an adolescent who is addicted to drugs, pregnant and the victim of lifelong intrafamilial violence. Method A case study based on a semi-structured interview conducted in the Obstetrics Emergency Unit at the Teaching Hospital of the University of São Paulo. The data were interpreted and analyzed using Content Analysis. Results intrafamilial violence experienced at the beginning of the adolescent’s early relationships seriously affected her emotional maturity, triggering the development of psychopathologies and leaving her more susceptible to the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The adolescent is repeating her history with her daughter, reproducing the cycle of violence. Conclusion Adolescent pregnancy combined with intrafamilial violence and drug addiction and multiplies the adolescent’s psychosocial vulnerability increased the adolescent’s vulnerability.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the social representations of the Nursing Technicians and Community Health Agents about domestic violence against women. METHOD A qualitative study carried out in the city of Rio Grande, RS, in which evocations and interviews were collected between July and November 2013. For the treatment of data were used the EVOC 2005 software and the context analysis. RESULT It is a structured representation, in which the central nucleus contains conceptual, imaging and attitudinal elements, namely: abuse, aggression, physical aggression, cowardice and lack of respect. Such terms were present in the context of the interviews. The professionals acknowledged that violence is not limited to physical aspects and were judgemental about the acts of the aggressor. CONCLUSION This knowledge may enable the problematization of the studied phenomenon with the team, and facilitate the search for prevention and intervention strategies for victims, offenders and managers of health services.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We previously reported increased benefit and reduced mortality after ultra-early stroke thrombolysis in a single center. We now explored in a large multicenter cohort whether extra benefit of treatment within 90 minutes from symptom onset is uniform across predefined stroke severity subgroups, as compared with later thrombolysis. METHODS: Prospectively collected data of consecutive ischemic stroke patients who received IV thrombolysis in 10 European stroke centers were merged. Logistic regression tested association between treatment delays, as well as excellent 3-month outcome (modified Rankin scale, 0-1), and mortality. The association was tested separately in tertiles of baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. RESULTS: In the whole cohort (n=6856), shorter onset-to-treatment time as a continuous variable was significantly associated with excellent outcome (P<0.001). Every fifth patient had onset-to-treatment time≤90 minutes, and these patients had lower frequency of intracranial hemorrhage. After adjusting for age, sex, admission glucose level, and year of treatment, onset-to-treatment time≤90 minutes was associated with excellent outcome in patients with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale 7 to 12 (odds ratio, 1.37; 95% confidence interval, 1.11-1.70; P=0.004), but not in patients with baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale>12 (odds ratio, 1.00; 95% confidence interval, 0.76-1.32; P=0.99) and baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale 0 to 6 (odds ratio, 1.04; 95% confidence interval, 0.78-1.39; P=0.80). In the latter, however, an independent association (odds ratio, 1.51; 95% confidence interval, 1.14-2.01; P<0.01) was found when considering modified Rankin scale 0 as outcome (to overcome the possible ceiling effect from spontaneous better prognosis of patients with mild symptoms). Ultra-early treatment was not associated with mortality. CONCLUSIONS: IV thrombolysis within 90 minutes is, compared with later thrombolysis, strongly and independently associated with excellent outcome in patients with moderate and mild stroke severity.
Foram realizados levantamentos mensais em duas localidades no Município, fragmento da Vila Faguense e do Santuário de Schoenstatt, os quais distam entre si em 1.500 m, entre março de 2005 e abril de 2006. Em 140 horas de amostragem foram registrados 3.123 indivíduos distribuídos em 169 espécies. Nymphalidae foi a família mais amostrada com aproximadamente 53% das espécies registradas. Nove espécies ainda não haviam sido registradas para o Estado. O índice de Diversidade de Shannon-Wiener foi maior no fragmento da Vila Faguense, local menos perturbado. Os índices de dominância de Simpson e Berger-Parker foram mais representativos no Santuário de Schoenstatt, com maior número de espécies abundantes. Foram registradas em Frederico Westphalen 126 (74,55%) espécies acidentais, 25 acessórias (14,80%) e 18 constantes (10,65%).
Las especies de peces pelágicos son las más abundantes del Pacífico Sudeste y sustentan una de las pesquerías más importantes del mundo, como la de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens). Durante los eventos El Niño ocurridos en las décadas recientes y catalogados como fuertes o muy fuertes, la abundancia de anchoveta decayó por varios factores; luego de cada evento de fuerte intensidad fue reemplazada en el ambiente por otros recursos. Durante la Niña la situación se invierte, siendo normalmente la anchoveta la especie predominante en abundancia debido a su rápido crecimiento y reproducción, y a la mayor disponibilidad de alimento de ese período. En general, la abundancia de anchoveta muestra una correlación negativa con la de otros recursos pelágicos, particularmente la sardina, aunque se carece de un modelo que establezca esta relación.
Los resultados de 29 cruceros, realizados desde 1983 al 2000, muestran que la anchoveta ha presentado variaciones significativas en su biomasa y distribución, debido a los eventos El Niño 1982-83, 1987, 1992 y 1997-98, que la hicieron replegarse a la costa, migrar hacia el sur y profundizarse hasta lugares inusuales, disminuyendo los valores de las categorías de abundancia. Los mayores estimados de biomasa de anchoveta, se obtuvieron en los cruceros de evaluación hidroacústica de recursos pelágicos 9401-03 (8.700.590 t) y 0001-02 (9.439.027 t). La más alta biomasa estacional promedio por grados de latitud se determinó en primavera en los 8°5 (727.819 t), seguida del verano en los 11°s (701.724 t). Las altas biomasas promedio se encontraron entre los 7°S y 9° S. Los altos desembarques anuales promedio se registraron en verano (1.577.855 1). Los mayores desembarques se obtuvieron en 1994 (9.896.303 t) y en 1996 (7.136.856 t). Según el análisis de los parametros de biomasa y desembarques anuales entre los años de 1983 al 2000, se observa que existe una correlación significativa (r = 0,71) presentando un aceptable ajuste del modelo en R'•0,5 1.
First record of species of Liogenys (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) associated with winter crops in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Some species of Liogenys Guerín-Meneville, 1831 are known to cause damage to soybean, corn and other summer crops in the Brazilian "Cerrado" region. This work aimed to identify melolontid larvae associated with winter crops in Rio Grande do Sul state. Larvae and adults of Liogenys species were collected from the municipalities of Ijuí, Cruz Alta, Manoel Viana, São Luiz Gonzaga and São Francisco de Assis. The specimens were identified as L. bidenticeps Moser, 1919; L. fusca Blanchard, 1851, L. obesa Burmeister, 1855, and L. sinuaticeps Moser, 1918. This is the first record of these species associated with winter grain crops, for Rio Grande do Sul State. Biological and behavioral studies are necessary to confirm their association with host plants.
Se describe la distribución de abundancia de los diversos recursos pelágicos de mayor interés comercial encontrados a finales de otoño y comienzos de invierno 1999: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus), samasa (Anchoa nasus), vinciguerria (Vinciguerria lucetia), bagre (Galeichthys peruvianus), falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys), pez cinta (Trichiurus lepturus), camotillo (Normanichthys crockeri), mictófidos (Myctophidae), pota (Dosidicus gigas) y múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon). El muestreo acústico se realizó a bordo de los BICs Humboldt y José Olaya Balandra, con el apoyo de las LP IMARPE IV y V, respectivamente; Paita a Punta Infiernillos entre los días 13 y 28 de junio 1999. En ambos buques se utilizaron las ecosondas científicas SIMRAD EK 500, con frecuencias de 38 y 120 kHz, en rango de detección de 3,0 a 250 m de profundidad, distribuidos en siete capas de integración. Por el trayecto de navegación se utilizó una grilla sistemática paralela, constituidos por 32 perfiles con separación de 20 mn entre ellos. Se realizaron 176 lances de pesca, lo que permitió una adecuada disgregación de los valores integrados. Las áreas de distribución de cada recurso se determinaron mediante un programa de Software de interpolación de datos.
El crucero realizado entre el 23 de noviembre y el 15 de diciembre de 1999, se observó la distribución de diez especies pelágicas.
El Crucero se reealizó entre el 18 de enero y el 29 de febrero del 2000. Se determinaron las áreas de distribución de las once especies más abundantes.
BACKGROUND: The use of n-3 fatty acids may prevent cardiovascular events in patients with recent myocardial infarction or heart failure. Their effects in patients with (or at risk for) type 2 diabetes mellitus are unknown. METHODS: In this double-blind study with a 2-by-2 factorial design, we randomly assigned 12,536 patients who were at high risk for cardiovascular events and had impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes to receive a 1-g capsule containing at least 900 mg (90% or more) of ethyl esters of n-3 fatty acids or placebo daily and to receive either insulin glargine or standard care. The primary outcome was death from cardiovascular causes. The results of the comparison between n-3 fatty acids and placebo are reported here. RESULTS: During a median follow up of 6.2 years, the incidence of the primary outcome was not significantly decreased among patients receiving n-3 fatty acids, as compared with those receiving placebo (574 patients [9.1%] vs. 581 patients [9.3%]; hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.87 to 1.10; P=0.72). The use of n-3 fatty acids also had no significant effect on the rates of major vascular events (1034 patients [16.5%] vs. 1017 patients [16.3%]; hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.93 to 1.10; P=0.81), death from any cause (951 [15.1%] vs. 964 [15.4%]; hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.89 to 1.07; P=0.63), or death from arrhythmia (288 [4.6%] vs. 259 [4.1%]; hazard ratio, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.93 to 1.30; P=0.26). Triglyceride levels were reduced by 14.5 mg per deciliter (0.16 mmol per liter) more among patients receiving n-3 fatty acids than among those receiving placebo (P<0.001), without a significant effect on other lipids. Adverse effects were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Daily supplementation with 1 g of n-3 fatty acids did not reduce the rate of cardiovascular events in patients at high risk for cardiovascular events. (Funded by Sanofi; ORIGIN ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00069784.).
The presence of the Etruscan shrew Suncus etruscus is hard to prove where its predator, the barn owl Tyto alba, is absent, because most live traps are not triggered by it. I therefore developed a new trapping method involving a feeding period of 1 week followed by one night of trapping using modified Trip Trap traps. I show here in detail how I caught four Etruscan shrews in 2010 with 24 traps in the Valley of Dora Baltea (Piemonte, Italy). In 2011, another 11 Etruscan shrews were caught in Piemonte and Lombardia, Italy, and Ticino, Switzerland. The proposed new method is useful for establishing the presence of the species.
A acácia-negra é a terceira espécie florestal mais cultivada no Brasil. Além de sua importância econômica, é utilizada na recuperação de áreas degradadas, nas quais o solo geralmente apresenta pH baixo e altos teores de Al. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a diversidade genética de rizóbios naturais de solos do Rio Grande do Sul e selecionar isolados eficientes na fixação de N2 em condições de pH baixo. Um total de 50 isolados de Bradyrhizobium sp. foi obtido, os quais, juntamente com as estirpes recomendadas BR 3067 e BR 3068, foram caracterizados com o marcador BOX A 1-R. O padrão de bandas dos isolados foi utilizado na construção de um dendrograma, a partir do qual se calculou o índice de diversidade de Shannon. Dez isolados foram testados quanto à tolerância a pH baixo e à presença de Al, selecionando-se oito para o teste de eficiência simbiótica em casa de vegetação. Observou-se diversidade genética elevada entre os isolados, com a formação de 10 grupos, a partir do ponto de corte de 70 % de similaridade e com o índice de diversidade de 4,30. A presença de Al não afetou os isolados avaliados, que tiveram seu crescimento reduzido em pH 4,5. Quanto à eficiência simbiótica, os isolados T6-16 e V-7 foram os mais eficientes, assemelhando-se à estirpe recomendada BR 3068.