877 resultados para Janus Kinases


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[ES] Cada vez son más habituales las voces que intentan amortiguar las estridencias contrastivas entre Edad Media y Renacimiento, sobre todo cuando en lo menudo de una actividad tan elemental como la gramatical del comentario de textos la estabilidad de las contundentes antítesis resulta difícil asegurarla. Apoyándose en textos representativos del pensamiento tanto teórico como práctico al respecto de la declaración de autores, el autor del presente artículo prefiere alinearse con los que de un tiempo a esta parte intentan conciliar matizadamente las divergencias -alegorización/historicidad; historicidad/clasicidad- aun dentro del mismo período renacentista. Sin desatender la enorme lección de los humanistas sobre lo que debe ser una cabal filología, concebida no como conocimiento autosuficiente, sino como ámbito privilegiado desde donde confluir con infinidad de otros, a mayores el de la vida.


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O carcinoma epidermoide de esôfago (CEE) representa 90% dos casos de câncer de esôfago no Brasil. O CEE tem detecção tardia, um comportamento extremamente agressivo e baixa sobrevida, sendo, portanto, um alvo interessante para o estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos em sua carcinogênese, a fim de se identificar possíveis alvos terapêuticos ou marcadores moleculares que ajudem na prática clínica. Mudanças no metabolismo energético da célula tumoral parecem ter papel de destaque na transformação maligna. Sabe-se que células tumorais consomem glicose avidamente produzindo ácido lático, mesmo em condições de normóxia. Dentre os fatores que podem contribuir para o estímulo da glicólise em células tumorais destacam-se as alterações em enzimas da via glicolítica tais como: as piruvato-cinases M1 e M2 (PKM1 e PKM2), a hexocinase II (HKII), isofoma 1 do transportador de glicose, GLUT-1, e o fator de transcrição induzido por hipóxia (HIF1α), responsável pela transcrição das proteínas citadas. O objetivo do estudo é avaliar a relação entre a expressão de HIF1α, HK2, PKM2, PKM1 e GLUT-1 e dados clínico-patológicos no CEE. Para tal, foram avaliados tumores conservados em parafina de 44 pacientes com CEE matriculados no INCA e no Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Além disso, foram coletadas amostras de biópsia de esôfago em 67 pacientes sem doença esofágica, que foram submetidos à endoscopia no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE). A expressão das proteínas foi avaliada nos tecidos por imuno-histoquímica, enquanto que a expressão do mRNA de GLUT-1 também foi avaliada nas amostras controle. Foi observado que as amostras controle expressam HK2, PKM1, PKM2, HIF1α nas camadas do epitélio esofágico. Já GLUT-1 e Ki-67 são vistos apenas na camada basal. Além disso, a expressão do mRNA de GLUT-1 não teve correlação com fatores etiológicos da doença. Em CEE a expressão de HK2, PKM2 e GLUT-1 foi vista em todos os tumores, já a expressão de HIF1α e PKM1 foi variável. Além disso, observou-se que maior expressão de HIF-1α apresenta correlação com invasão linfonodal e diferenciação, enquanto que a expressão de HK2 tem relação com sobrevida e PKM1 com diferenciação. As correlações clínicas encontradas sugerem que alterações no metabolismo energético é um alvo de estudo interessante para desenvolvimento de marcadores moleculares que auxiliem a prática clínica.


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Bordetella pertussis causes whooping cough, a respiratory infectious disease that is the fifth largest cause of vaccine-preventable death in infants. Though historically considered an extracellular pathogen, this bacterium has been detected both in vitro and in vivo inside phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. However the precise mechanism used by B. pertussis for cell entry, or the putative bacterial factors involved, are not fully elucidated. Here we find that adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT), one of the important toxins of B. pertussis, is sufficient to promote bacterial internalisation into non-phagocytic cells. After characterization of the entry route we show that uptake of "toxin-coated bacteria" proceeds via a clathrin-independent, caveolae-dependent entry pathway, allowing the internalised bacteria to survive within the cells. Intracellular bacteria were found inside non-acidic endosomes with high sphingomyelin and cholesterol content, or "free" in the cytosol of the invaded cells, suggesting that the ACT-induced bacterial uptake may not proceed through formation of late endolysosomes. Activation of Tyr kinases and toxin-induced Ca2+-influx are essential for the entry process. We hypothesize that B. pertussis might use ACT to activate the endocytic machinery of non-phagocytic cells and gain entry into these cells, in this way evading the host immune system.


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[EN] Protein Kinase G (PKG) or cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKG) have been shown to play an important role in resistance to abiotic stressors such as high temperatures or oxygen deprivation in Drosophila melanogaster. In Drosophila, the foraging gene encodes a PKG; natural variants for this gene exist, which differ in the level of expression of PKG: rovers (forR allele) which express high PKG levels, and sitters (forS allele) which express lower PKG levels. This project explores the differences in recovery from short periods of anoxia between natural variants (focusing on forS2, flies with a sitter gene in a rover background), as well as mutants with insertions in the foraging gene and RNAi recombinants that show a reduced PKG expression. The parameters measured were time to recovery and level of activity after anoxia. The results showed lower activity after anoxia in sitters than in rovers, reflecting a worse recovery from the anoxic coma in flies with lower PKG levels.


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Recentemente, nosso grupo demonstrou que a matriz extracelular de astrocitomas promove a seleçãode células endoteliais altamente proliferativas, porém com reduzida capacidade tubulogênica, além de determinar a morte de uma segunda sub-população endotelial, por desaderência ou anoikis. Estratégias de simulação dos teores de tenascina-C (TN-C) e fibronectina (FN) nas matrizes de astrocitomas, realizados com ambas as proteínas purificadas na forma de substratos definidos, sugeriram que o balanço TN-C:FN estava relacionado com os fenótipos endoteliais observados. No entanto, este procedimento não permitia abordar a participação de outros componentes da matriz tumoral nativa neste processo. Com objetivo de estudar a modulação do fenótipo angiogênico das células endoteliais por matrizes de astrocitoma, realizamos o silenciamento da expressão de TN-C na linhagem de astrocitoma U-373 MG. O silenciamento foi confirmado por western blotting, PCR em tempo real e ELISA, que permitiram concluir que, no período pós-transfecção (120h) necessário para se obter matrizes tumorais nativas para ensaios funcionais com células endoteliais, as células U-373 MG mantiveram-se silenciadas em índices superiores a 90%. A diminuição de TN-C nas matrizes tumorais resultou em um pequeno (≅18%, em média), porém significativo aumento na taxa de adesão endotelial. HUVECs incubadas com a matriz secretadas por células silenciadas apresentaram uma redução de ≅35% do número de núcleos picnóticos, quando comparadas a HUVECs incubadas com a matriz de células U-373 MG (selvagens ou transfectadas com siRNA controle). O silenciamento da expressão da TN-C na matriz nas células U-373 MG restaurou ainda o defeito tubulogênico das células endoteliais, que passaram a apresentar formação de tubos comparável à obtida quando HUVECs foram incubadas com sua matriz autóloga, rica em FN. Tais resultados apoiam observações anteriores do grupo, que já sugeriam que a maior proporção de FN na matriz autóloga, comparada a matriz do astrocitoma, seria o fator principal para a seleção dos fenótipos angiogênicos observados, demonstrando mais uma vez a importância do balanço FN:TN-C na regulação de processos angiogênicos. Dados anteriores sugeriam ainda que a sub-população endotelial que morre por anoikisapós contato prolongado (24 horas) com matrizes de astrocitomas corresponde a células que já haviam entrado na fase S do ciclo celular, no início da incubação. A fim de nos aprofundarmos sobre a participação do ciclo celular neste processo, a expressão da proteína p27, um inibidor de quinases dependentes de ciclinas (CKI), também foi analisada. HUVECs incubadas com a matriz de astrocitoma apresentaram um aumento de 2 a 3 vezes na expressão de p27, quando comparada com HUVECs provenientes de sua matriz autóloga. No entanto, células endoteliais incubadas com matriz secretada por células U-373 MG silenciadas apresentaram um nível de expressão de p27 comparável ao das HUVECs incubadas com matriz secretada por células selvagens, indicando que a expressão de TN-C não modula, ou não está diretamente correlacionada à expressão da proteína p27. Este resultado sugere que outros componentes da matriz tumoral devam estar envolvidos na modulação do ciclo celular endotelial.


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Tem sido descrito que o acúmulo de mutações em proto-oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor contribui para o direcionamento da célula à carcinogênese. Na maioria dos casos de câncer, as células apresentam proliferação descontrolada devido a alterações na expressão e/ou mutações de ciclinas, quinases dependentes de ciclinas e/ou inibidores do ciclo celular. Os tumores sólidos figuram entre o tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo, sendo a quimioterapia e/ou hormônio-terapia, radioterapia e cirurgia os tratamentos mais indicados para estes tipos de tumores. Entretanto, o tratamento quimioterápico apresenta diversos efeitos colaterais e muitas vezes é ineficaz. Portanto, a busca por novas moléculas capazes de conter a proliferação destas células e com baixa toxicidade para o organismo se faz necessário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ação antitumoral in vitro de um novo composto sintético, a pterocarpanoquinona LQB118, sobre algumas linhagens tumorais humanas de alta prevalência e estudar alguns dos seus mecanismos de ação. As linhagens tumorais estudadas neste trabalho foram os adenocarcinomas de mama (MCF7) e próstata (PC-3), e carcinoma de pulmão (A549). A citotoxicidade foi avaliada pelo ensaio do MTT e a proliferação celular pela contagem de células vivas (exclusão do corante azul de tripan) e análise do ciclo celular (citometria de fluxo). A expressão gênica foi avaliada por RT-PCR e a apoptose foi avaliada por condensação da cromatina (microscopia de fluorescência-DAPI), fragmentação de DNA (eletroforese) e marcação com anexina V (citometria de fluxo). Das linhagens tumorais testadas, a de próstata (PC3) foi a que se mostrou mais sensível ao LQB 118, e em função deste resultado, os demais experimentos foram realizados com esta linhagem tumoral. O efeito citotóxico do LQB 118 se mostrou tempo e concentração dependente. Esta substância inibiu a proliferação celular e prejudicou a progressão do ciclo celular, acumulando células nas fases S e G2/M. Buscando esclarecer os mecanismos desta ação antitumoral, demonstrou-se que o LQB 118 inibe a expressão do mRNA do fator de transcrição c-Myc e das ciclinas D1 e B1, e induz a apoptose de tais células tumorais. Em suma, o LQB 118 é capaz de inibir a proliferação das células tumorais de próstata, alterando a expressão do mRNA de alguns genes reguladores do ciclo celular, resultando em interrupção do ciclo celular e indução de apoptose, indicando este composto como um potencial candidato a futuro medicamento no tratamento do câncer de próstata.


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The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase (PKR) belongs to the eIF2 alpha kinase family and plays a critical role in interferon (IFN)-mediated antiviral response. Recently, in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), a PKR gene has been identified. In this study, we showed that PoPKR localized to the cytoplasm, and the dsRNA-binding motifs (dsRBMs) played a determinative role in protein localization. In cultured FEC cells, PoPKR was detected at a low level of constitutive expression but was highly induced after treatment with UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhagic virus, active SMRV and Poly I:C although with different expression kinetics. In flounder, PoPKR was ubiquitously distributed in all tested tissues, and SMRV infection resulted in significant upregulation at mRNA and protein levels. In order to reveal the role of PoPKR in host antiviral response, its expression upon exposure to various inducers was characterized and further compared with that of PoHRI, which is another eIF2 alpha kinase of flounder. Interestingly, expression comparison revealed that all inducers stimulated upregulation of PoHRI in cultured flounder embryonic cells and fish, with a similar kinetics to PoPKR but to a less extent. These results suggest that, during antiviral immune response, both flounder eIF2 alpha kinases might play similar roles and that PoPKR is the predominant kinase. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) is the most frequently studied cyclic heptatoxin produced by cyanobacteria, which has tremendous negative impacts on fish, while its molecular mechanism behind remained unclear at present. Here, Affymetrix Zebrafish GeneChip was used to identify alterations in gene expression of zebrafish (Danio rerio) after MC-LR exposure. Among the 14,900 transcripts in the microarray, 273 genes were differentially expressed, in which 243 genes were elevated and 30 were decreased. According to GOstat analysis, MC-LR mainly influenced the cell cycle and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) signaling pathways. In addition, many immune-related genes were also influenced. These data suggest that MC-LR could promote tumorigenesis and cause immunotoxicity in fish. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. Superparamagnetic nanoparticles are employed in a broad range of applications that demand detailed magnetic characterization for superior performance, e.g., in drug delivery or cancer treatment. Magnetic hysteresis measurements provide information on saturation magnetization and coercive force for bulk material but can be equivocal for particles having a broad size distribution. Here, first-order reversal curves (FORCs) are used to evaluate the effective magnetic particle size and interaction between equally sized magnetic iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles with three different morphologies: (i) pure Fe2O3, (ii) Janus-like, and (iii) core/shell Fe2O3/SiO2synthesized using flame technology. By characterizing the distribution in coercive force and interaction field from the FORC diagrams, we find that the presence of SiO2in the core/shell structures significantly reduces the average coercive force in comparison to the Janus-like Fe2O3/SiO2and pure Fe2O3particles. This is attributed to the reduction in the dipolar interaction between particles, which in turn reduces the effective magnetic particle size. Hence, FORC analysis allows for a finer distinction between equally sized Fe2O3particles with similar magnetic hysteresis curves that can significantly influence the final nanoparticle performance.


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The heme-regulated initiation factor 2 alpha kinase (HRI) is acknowledged to play an important role in translational shutoff in reticulocytes in response to various cellular stresses. In this study, we report its homologous cDNA cloning and characterization from cultured flounder embryonic cells (FEC) after treatment with UV-inactivated grass carp haemorrhagic virus (GCHV). The full-length cDNA of Paralichthys olivaceus HRI homologue (PoHRI) has 2391 bp and encodes a protein of 651 amino acids. The putative PoHRI protein exhibits high identity with all members of eIF2 alpha kinase family. It contains 12 catalytic subdomains located within the C-terminus of all Ser/Thr protein kinases, a unique kinase insertion of 136 amino acids between subdomains IV and V, and a relatively conserved N-terminal domain (NTD). Upon heat shock, virus infection or Poly PC treatment, PoHRI mRNA and protein are significantly upregulated in FEC cells but show different expression patterns in response to different stresses. In healthy flounders, PoHRI displays a wide tissue distribution at both the mRNA and protein levels. These results indicate that PoHRI is a ubiquitous eIF2a kinase and might play an important role in translational control over nonheme producing FEC cells under different stresses. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is an important component in an antiviral defence pathway that is mediated by interferon (IFN) in vertebrates. Previously, some important IFN system genes had been identified from an IFN-producing CAB (crucian carp Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic) cells after treatment with UV-inactivated GCHV (grass carp haemorrhage virus). Here, a fish PKR-like gene, named CaPKR-like, is cloned and sequenced from the same virally infected CAB cells. It has 2192 base pairs in length with a largest open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 513 amino acid residues. BLAST search reveals that the putative CaPKR-like protein is most homologous to human PKR and also has a high-level homology with all members of a family of eIF2alpha kinases. Structurally, CaPKR-like possesses a conserved C-terminal catalytic domain of eIF2alpha kinase family and the most similarity to mammalian PKRs. Within its N-terminus, there are no dsRNA-binding domains conserved in mammalian PKRs instead of two putative Z-DNA binding domains (Zalpha). Like mammalian PKRs, CaPKR-like had a very low level of constitutive expression in normal CAB cells but was up-regulated in response to active GCHV, UV-inactivated GCHV and CAB IFN, implying that the transcriptional activation of CaPKR-like by viral infection is mediated possibly by newly produced CAB IFN, which was further supported by using cycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis. The results together suggested that CaPKR-like was the first identified fish gene most similar to mammalian PKRs. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Type I interferon (IFN) exerts its pleiotropic effects mainly through the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, which is presently best described in mammals. By subtractive suppression hybridization, two fish signaling factors, JAK1 and STAT1, had been identified in the IFN-induced crucian carp Carassius auratus L. blastulae embryonic (CAB) cells after treatment with UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV). Further, the full-length cDNA of STAT1, termed CaSTAT1, was obtained. It contains 2926 bp and encodes a protein of 718 aa. CaSTAT1 is most similar to rat STAT1 with 59% identity overall and displays all highly conserved domains that the STAT family possesses. Like human STAT1beta, it lacks the C-terminus acting as transcriptional activation domain in mammals. By contrast, only a single transcript was detected in virus-induced CAB cells. Expression analysis showed that CaSTAT1 could be activated by stimulation of CAB cells with poly I:C, active GCHV, UV-inactivated GCHV or CAB IFN, and displayed diverse expression patterns similar to that of mammalian STATI. Additionally, the expression of an antiviral gene CaMx1 was also induced under the same conditions, and expression difference between CaSTAT1 and CaMx1 was revealed by induction of CAB IFN. These results provide molecular evidence supporting the notion that the fish IFN signaling transduction pathway is similar to that in mammals. Fish IFN exerts its multiple functions, at least antiviral action, through a JAK-STAT pathway. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A systemic study was initiated to identify stage-specific expression genes in fish embryogenesis by using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique. In this study, we presented a preliminary result on screen for stage-specific expression genes between tail bud stage (TBS) and heartbeat beginning stage (HBS) in gynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Two SSH plasmid libraries specific for TBS embryos and HBS embryos were constructed, and stage-specific expression genes were screened between the two stages. 1963 TBS positive clones and 2466 HBS positive clones were sampled to PCR amplification, and 1373 TBS and 1809 HBS PCR positive clones were selected to carry out dot blots. 169 TBS dot blot positive clones and 272 HBS dot blot positive clones were sequenced. Searching GenBank by using these nucleotide sequences indicated that most of the TBS dot blot positive clones could not be found homologous sequences in the database, while known genes were mainly detected from HBS dot blot positive clones. Of the 79 known genes, 20 were enzymes or kinases involved in important metabolism of embryonic development. Moreover, specific expressions of partial genes were further confirmed by virtual northern blots. This study is the first step for making a large attempt to study temporal and spatial control of gene expression in the gynogenetic fish embryogenesis.


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Secondary metabolites produced by water-blooming cyanobacteria in eutrophic waters include some potent hepatotoxins, These compounds also have tumour-promoting properties, attributable to their inhibition and activation of protein phosphatases and kinases respectively. The inhibitory effect of these toxins on protein phosphatases have been employed in a commonly used radiometric assay, involving the use of a P-32-labeled substrate, for the detection and quantitation of these compounds. This paper investigates and describes a colorimetric method in which the activity of protein phosphatase 2A is determined by measuring the rate of colour production from the release of yellow p-nitrophenol using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as the substrate. Results of this study suggest that the colorimetric protein phosphatase inhibition assay is a simple, inexpensive tool for screening substances that may have tumour-promoting characteristics in aquatic systems. The detection limit of the colorimetric method is comparable to the radiometric assay. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Caffeine, which specifically inhibits ATM/ATR kinases, efficiently abrogates the ionizing radiation (IR)-induced G2 arrest and increases the sensitivity of various tumor cells to IR. Mechanisms for the effect of caffeine remain to be elucidated. As a target of ATM/ATR kinases, BRCA1 becomes activated and phosphorylated in response to IR. Thus, in this work, we investigated the possible role of BRCA1 in the effect of caffeine on G2 checkpoint and observed how BRCA1 phosphorylation was regulated in this process. For these purposes, the BRCA1 protein level and the phosphorylation states were analyzed by Western blotting by using an antibody against BRCA1 and phospho-specific antibodies against Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 residues in cells exposed to a combination of IR and caffeine. The results showed that caffeine down-regulated IR-induced BRCA1 expression and specifically abolished BRCA1 phosphorylation of Ser-1524, which was followed by an override of G2 arrest by caffeine. In addition, the ability of BRCA1 to transactivate p21 may be required for MCF-7 but not necessary for Hela response to caffeine. These data suggest that BRCA1 may be a potential target of caffeine. BRCA1 and its phosphorylation are most likely to be involved in the caffeine-inhibitable event upstream of G2 arrest.