529 resultados para Intermedial narration


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This handbook offers students and researchers compact orientation in their study of intermedial phenomena in Anglophone literary texts and cultures by introducing them to current academic debates, theoretical concepts and methodologies. By combining theory with text analysis and contextual anchoring, it introduces students and scholars alike to a vast field of research which encompasses concepts such as intermediality, multi- and plurimediality, intermedial reference, transmediality, ekphrasis, as well as related concepts such as visual culture, remediation, adaptation, and multimodality, which are all discussed in connection with literary examples. Hence each of the 30 contributions spans both a theoretical approach and concrete analysis of literary texts from different centuries and different Anglophone cultures.


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Even after Hilary Mantel has won the Man Booker prize two times in a row with Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies, her novelistic account of the life of Thomas Cromwell, her intriguing decision to write these historical novels in the present tense gave cause to surprisingly little extended comment beyond a perfunctory nod to its evocation of immediacy. This presents not only a lacunae in the discussion about Mantel’s novels, but is also symptomatic for a change in the contemporary critical evaluation of present-tense narration in general. If present-tense narration once used to be a marker for experimental daring and might even have implied a certain hostility towards fictionality, Mantel’s novels give ample evidence that literary sensibilities have changed. In order to understand the scope and nature of this change, my paper puts Mantel’s use of the present tense in the context of both the historical development of present-tense usage and the ample contemporary landscape of present-tense narration. This allows me to show that the complexities of present-tense usage belie a reduction of its effect to an evocation of immediacy. Rather, I argue, Mantel uses it for a delicate tightrope walk between proximity and distance, history and fiction, authenticity and imagination.


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Travelogues involve different truth claims, depending on whether their authors attempt on the one hand to convey received knowledge about entities and places, or on the other hand, present accounts of the traveler character’s own experiences. This study focuses on a travelogue from 1764 written by the Arabian Nights’ Syrian storyteller, Ḥanna Dyāb. Having written his travelogue more than 50 years after his trip to Paris, he evidently conceived of his narrative as a means to re-enact his experiences as a young traveler. To describe his particular self-staging in this autodiegetic narration “before fiction” (Paige 2011), I argue that an understanding of focalization as a graded visual mediation between the character’s inner life and the reader is needed. This approach helps one grasp how, with reference to Dyāb’s travelogue, truth is not something the traveler witnesses, but rather something the reader is invited to realize. I conclude that, with this shift from witnessing to visualization (Vergegenwärtigung), Dyāb’s travelogue fulfills a core function of literature.


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Workshop „The Narrative in Eastern and Western Art“, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto, 2-5 December 2013 Abstract by Ivo Raband, University of Berne Printed Narrative: The Festival Books for Ernest of Austria from Brussels and Antwerp 1594 During the early modern period the medium of the festival book became increasingly more important as an object of ‘political narration’ throughout Europe. Focusing on Netherlandish examples from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, my talk will focus on the festival books printed for the Joyous Entries of Archduke Ernest of Austria (1553–1595). Ernest was appointed Governor General of the Netherlands by King Philipp II in 1593, being the first Habsburg Prince to reside in Brussels since 30 years. In Brussels and Antwerp, the Archduke was greeted with the traditional Blijde Imkomst, Joyous Entry, which dates back to the fourteenth century and was a necessity to actually become the sovereign of Brabant and Antwerp and to uphold the privileges of the cities. Decorated with ephemeral triumphal arches, stages, and tableaux vivants, both cities welcomed Ernest and, at the same time, demonstrated their civic self-assurance and negotiated their statuses. In honor of these events of civic power, the city magistrates commissioned festival books. These books combine a Latin text with a description of the events and the ephemeral structures, including circa 30 engravings and etchings. Being the only visual manifestation of the Joyous Entries, the books became important representational objects. The prints featured in festival books will be my point of departure for discussing the importance of narrative political prints and the concept of the early modern festival book as a ‘political object’. By comparing the prints from Ernest’s entries with others from the period between 1549 and 1635, I will show how the prints became as important as the event itself. Thus, I want to pose the question of whether it would have been possible to substitute a printed version of the event for the actual ceremony.


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Scholars of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales have focused much of their research on the interpretation of individual tales in the collection. The meaning behind these tales is clearly important to the work as a whole, as the Tales discuss grand themes that run throughout human life. The choice of themes and arguments in each pilgrim’s tale can also reflect back on the pilgrim’s own motivations and ideas. However, in searching for some greater meaning for Chaucer’s collection, it is important not to leave out the framework within which the tales exist. The links that join the tales to one another, arguably the portions of the piece that are the most original to Chaucer, do not always receive the same kind of attention that is focused on the most popular tales. In a work that is so complex, with its layered narration and interactions between tale and teller, the tales cannot possibly stand on their own, containing all of the meaning behind the work. The links have the potential to be particularly revealing in terms of how the audience should read the entire story of Chaucer’s Canterbury pilgrimage, because they ground the tales in specific circumstances.


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Viaje olvidado, primer libro de cuentos de Silvina Ocampo, se caracteriza por un marcado predominio de lo lírico sobre lo estrictamente anecdótico o argumental. Más que de cuentos, cabe hablar de una serie de cuadros o acuarelas en los que la historia es una mera excusa para el discurrir de lo poético. Esto implica un uso del lenguaje particular, cuyos rasgos fundamentales son la coloquialidad y el carácter pictórico de la prosa. Del singular lenguaje empleado y de la presencia de ciertos núcleos temáticos repetidos con persistencia en los relatos, surgen configuraciones textuales que pueden encuadrarse en el terreno de lo autobiográfico y autoficcional. Aunque no hay en Viaje olvidado una voluntad autobiográfica expresa, proponemos que el marcado lirismo de los cuentos es una puerta de acceso a la difusa biografía de la autora.


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En el presente trabajo abordamos la novela de Elena Garro Los recuerdos del porvenir a partir de los elementos de la narración configuradores de un "tiempo mítico". Este concepto, de larga tradición en Ia literatura hispanoamericana, sirve a la novelista para reflexionar sobre los procesos históricos, que ella juzga inevitablemente circulares; una penosa reiteración de los crímenes e injusticias del pasado. La voz narrativa, la creación de un campo semántico de la inmovilidad y la persistencia de un episodio real de la Conquista de México (la "Malinche"), son los elementos que, juzgamos, configuran el tiempo mítico y dan a esta novela una singular unidad ideológica y estilística.


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Rosalía L. de Flichman (1908-1992) es conocida en Mendoza sobre todo por su labor pictórica, la que creció y evolucionó desde la década de 1950, tanto en la difusión alcanzada por sus obras, como en los nuevos y diversos estilos transitados por la artista. También su nombre apareció en relatos de viaje a lejanos países publicados en diarios y revistas locales. En 1987 publicó el texto Rojos y blancos, Ucrania, que pertenece por su temática a la Literatura de Inmigración. En el libro, la autora recupera algunos recuerdos de su infancia en Ucrania, narra la huida familiar hacia el Oeste de Europa por causa de los pogromos de zaristas y bolcheviques y, por último, concluye con el viaje y la llegada a la Argentina en 1922. La perspectiva femenina del relato, su entrecruzamiento con la etapa vital por la que atraviesa la protagonista, así como la utilización del color y la luz otorgan a Rojos y blancos. Ucrania un valor literario más allá del puramente testimonial, que sin dudas enriquece la Literatura de Inmigración argentina y, dentro de ella, las letras femeninas de escritoras de origen judío.


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El texto pone en discusión algunas de las causas que llevaron al abandono de la descripción como método y forma discursiva en la Geografía. Si la causa de este abandono tiene que ver con su asociación a la idea de inventario, una revisión de la visión de algunos geógrafos nos muestra que la descripción como método involucra un cierto tipo de explicación geográfica. En el marco de la posmodernidad la idea de descripción como forma discursiva ha sido sustituida por los términos de narración o de relato. En este contexto, la separación entre narración y descripción, planteada por los autores estructuralistas de la crítica literaria, no fue superada. Se mantuvo así, la escisión entre espacio y tiempo. En este artículo proponemos la idea de trama como una forma de establecer un puente entre la descripción como método y como forma de escritura, como manera de aproximar el espacio y el tiempo. La trama es un tejido constituido por la coexistencia en la multiplicidad propia de la urdimbre, en donde se reconocen las trayectorias espacio temporales de cada uno de los componentes de esa multiplicidad.


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En Menipo o Necromancia, el encuentro entre el filósofos cínico Menipo de Gádara y su interlocutor sirve como marco para que este relate su peripecia infernal. En la obra no se especifica dónde tiene lugar dicho encuentro; no obstante, pensamos que el samosatense incluye un sutil juego literario mediante el cual el auditorio podría identificar el escenario de dicho encuentro con la polis beocia de Tebas.


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During the International Indian Ocean Expedition (1964/65) sediment cores were taken on six profiles off the western coast of the Indian Subcontinent. These profiles run approximately perpendicular to the coast, from the deep-sea over the continental slope to the continental shelf. Additional samples and cores were taken in a dense pattern in front of the delta of the Indus River. This pattern of sampling covered not only marine sediments, but also river and beach sediments in Pakistan. The marine samples were obtained with piston, gravity and box corers and by a Van Veen grab sampler. The longest piston core is about 5 meters long. 1. Distribution of the elements on the sediment surface The area of maximal carbonate values (aprox. 80-100% CaCO3) essentially coincides with the continental shelf. The highest Sr values were observed largely within this area, but only in the vicinity of the Gulf of Cambay. Mainly the aragonitic coprolites are responsible for those high Sr contents. The Mg contents of the carbonates are comparatively low; surprisingly enough the highest Mg concentrations were also measured in the coprolites. The maximum contents of organic matter (Core) were found along the upper part of the continental slope. They coincide with the highest porosity and water content of the sediments. Frequently the decomposition of organic matter by oxydation is responsible for the measured Corg contents. On the other side the quantity of originally deposited organic material is less important in most cases. The enrichment of the "bauxitophile" elements Fe, Ti, Cr and V in the carbonate- and quartz-free portions of the sediments is essentially due to the influence of coarse terrigenous detritus. For the elements Mn, Ni and Cu (in per cent of the carbonateand quartz-free sediment) a strong enrichment was observed in the deep-sea realm. The strong increase in Mn toward the deep-sea is explained by authigenesis of Mn-Fe-concretions. Mn-nodules form only under oxydizing conditions which obviously are possible only at very low rates of deposition. The Mg, B and, probably also Mn contents in the clay minerals increase with increasing distance from the continent. This can be explained by the higher adsorption of those elements from sea water because of increasing duration of the clay mineral transport. The comparison of median contents of some elements in our deep-sea samples with deep-sea sediments described by TUREKIAN & WEDEPOHL (1961) shows that clear differences in concentration exist only in the case of "bauxitophile" elements Cr and Be. The Cr and Be contents show a clear increase in the Indian Ocean deep-sea samples compared to those described by TUREKIAn & WEDEPOHL (1961) which can obviously be attributed to the enrichment in the lateritic and bauxitic parent rocks. The different behaviour of the elements Fe, Ti and Mn during decomposition of the source rocks, transport to the sea and during oxydizing and reducing conditions in the marine environment can be illustrated by Ti02/Fe and MnO/Fe ratios. The different compositions of the sediments off the Indus Delta and those of the remaining part of the area investigated are characterized by a different distribution of the elements Mn and Ti. 2. Chemical inhomogenities in the sediments Most longer cores show 3 intervals defined by chemical and sedimentological differences. The top-most interval is coarse-grained, the intermedial interval is fine grained and the lower one again somewhat coarser. At the same time it is possible to observe differences from interval to interval in the organogenic and detrital constituents. During the formation of the middle interval different conditions of sedimentation from those active during the previous and subsequent periods have obviously prevailed. Looking more closely at the organogenic constituents it is remarkable that during the formation of the finer interval conditions of a more intensive oxydation have prevailed that was the case before and after: Core decreases, whereas P shows a relative increase. This may be explained by slower sedimentation rate or by a vertical migration of the oxygen rich zone of the sea-water. The modifications of the elements from minerals in detrital portion of the sediments support an explanation ascribing this fact to modifications of the conditions of denudation and transportation which can come about through a climatic change or through tectonic causes. The paleontological investigations have shown (ZOBEL, in press) that in some of the cores the middle stratum of fine sedimentation represents optimal conditions for organic life. This fact suggests also oxydizing conditions during the sedimentation of this interval. In addition to the depositional stratification an oxydation zone characterized by Mn-enrichment can be recognized. The thickness of the oxidation zone decreases towards the coast and thins out along the middle part of the continental slope. At those places, where the oxydation zone is extremely thin, enrichment of Mn has its maximum. This phenomenon can probably be attributed to the migration of Mn taking place in its dissociated form within the sediment under reducing conditions. On the other side this Mn-migration in the sediment does not take place in the deep-sea, where oxydizing conditions prevail. 3. Interstitial waters in the sediments Already at very small core depths, the interstitial waters have undergone a distinct modification compared with the overlying sea water. This distinct modification applies both to total salinity and to the individual ions. As to the beginning of diagenesis the following conclusions can be drawn: a) A strong K-increase occurs already at an early stage. It may be attributable to a diffusion barrier or to an exchange of Mg-ions on the clays. Part of this increase may also originate from the decomposition of K-containing silicates (mica and feldspars). A K-decrease owing to the formation of illite (WEAVER 1967), however, occurs only at much greater sediment depth. b) Because of an organic protective coating, the dissolution of carbonate is delayed in recent organogenic carbonates. At the same time some Ca is probably being adsorbed on clay minerals. Consequently the Ca-content of the interstitial water drops below the Ca-content of the sea water. c) Already at an early stage the Mg adsorption on the clays is completed. The adsorbed Mg is later available for diagenetic mineral formations and transformations.


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El último libro de Javier Cercas, Anatomía de un instante (2009) se presenta como un particular caso de intervención en los debates por el sentido del pasado reciente en España,cuyo análisis se verá necesariamente atravesado por una perspectiva intermedial. La portadadel libro invita al lector a detenerse sobre la imagen borrosa de un fotograma, un cuadro extraído la grabación televisiva de la toma del Congreso por parte del teniente coronel Tejeroy sus hombres el 23 de febrero de 1981. El libro, a partir de esa imagen congelada, intenta releer la transición y su significación en la escena del presente, deteniéndose en los gestos, implicancias y suposiciones, a partir de una serie de operaciones sobre el propio estatuto de su escritura y su imagen de escritor, superponiendo en su cierre los espectros de la memoriapública a aquellos de la memoria individual. El presente trabajo ensaya un primer acercamiento al texto, pensando su lugar en la encrucijada de la literatura, el mercado y los debates públicos y en torno a la cuestión de la memoria (y la posmemoria).


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La tesis se centra en el estudio de las narraciones orales de migrantes provincianos, afincados en el conurbano platense, desde 1940. Las narraciones orales se denominan, en esta tesis, de retroalimentación ya que narradores y receptores recrean su origen, sus estrategias de reinserción en una nueva comunidad y de supervivencia de sus tradiciones. Estos textos han sido considerados de acuerdo con su problemática genérica (Bajtin; 1979) como narraciones de ficción (cuentos, chistes, fábulas) y de no-ficción (crónicas personales, anécdotas) y, asimismo, observar procesos de entextualización, cuando una misma narración presenta caracteres de ambas clasificaciones. De este modo, cada texto delimita su género en la situación de narración (Bauman y Briggs: 2003) Dichas narraciones deben ser analizadas por sus contextos de enunciación (Bausinger: 1988, 8-28). Los contextos de enunciación, según Hermann Bausinger, son textual, la conversación en sí misma, situacional, las circunstancias de emisores y receptores, social, del grupo de narración, de su grupo de pertenencia y de los grupos con los que interactúa, y societal, en cuanto a las relaciones con la sociedad mayoritaria son fundamentales al punto de que dos versiones de una misma narración se analizan de acuerdo con contextos de enunciación diferentes, con significaciones sociales disímiles. Dentro de los contextos de enunciación, la tesis propone el análisis del contexto ideológico (Coto: 2008), como signo de la intersubjetividad entre narradores y receptores. El contexto ideológico se analiza a partir de la selección de lexemas relevantes con sus definiciones contextuales, para constituir redes de enunciados, que revelan la ideología de narradores y receptores. La tesis propone establecer una matriz ideológica individual y grupal, observando los lexemas recurrentes en versiones de una misma narración, sus adiciones, supresiones y cambios de significación. Además, los textos puede compararse de acuerdo con sus relaciones intratextuales, intertextuales y extratextuales, en el marco de la genética textual (Palleiro: 2004). Finalmente, la tesis propone una metodología de análisis de las narrativas orales, en el marco de la cultura popular, tradicional y folklórica, con la observación de estrategias narrativas y macrorreglas (Van Dijk: 1983), estilo y (Kerbrat-Orecchioni: 1983) y representatividad sociolingüística. (Van Dijk: 1999 y Magariños: 1993). Estas consideraciones prueban la importancia de esta tesis para los intelectuales dedicados al análisis del discurso y a la interpretación de discursos sociales de grupos minoritarios, es decir, docentes, narradores orales, sociólogos y antropólogos. Asimismo, puede ser muy útil para animadores culturales y comunicadores sociales. La tesis postula continuar estos estudios, observando las relaciones entre narrativas de ficción y de no ficción, como el rumor, la leyenda urbana y la crónica periodística


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Todas las fuentes antiguas presentan el ascenso al poder de Claudio como un evento fortuito. De acuerdo con ellas, Claudio fue emperador por casualidad y todo su imperio se caracterizó por la inseguridad y la inestabilidad. Tan gran inestabilidad caracterizó todo su gobierno que era natural que él sintiera miedo. Pero este defecto, el temor, aparece notablemente exagerado por Suetonio, quien dedica varios capítulos a su descripción. Sin embargo, cuando llega el momento de narrar la muerte de Claudio y su decisión de favorecer a su hijo Británico en su ascenso al trono y el coraje que esta decisión implicó, Suetonio presenta una narración de los hechos simple y reducida. Suetonio ha disminuido intencionalmente la importancia de este último acto de Claudio, narrándolo de una manera muy simple y concisa, sin comentarios, sin interpretación, a la vez que ha enfatizado y exagerado los defectos del emperador, el miedo y la crueldad. El propósito de este artículo es, por lo tanto, mostrar la tendenciosidad del relato de Suetonio y rescatar la imagen del emperador injustamente vilipendiado