648 resultados para Informática na educação. Interação humano-computador. Jogo educacional. Kanas. Hiragana. Roma-ji
Este artigo examina a causalidade entre o nível de educação, medido pela média dos anos de escolaridade, e o grau de corrupção nos municípios brasileiros. A endogeneidade entre as duas séries traz a dificuldade para examinar qual o sentido da causalidade. Seria menos corrupção a causar maiores níveis de educação, ou seria maior nível de educação a causar menor grau de corrupção? Para confirmar a direção da causalidade de educação para corrupção foi utilizado o método de variável instrumental (VI), tendo o financiamento direto à educação como instrumento utilizado para eliminar a endogeneidade existente entre anos de escolaridade e grau de corrupção. Os resultados dos dados coletados apontam que municípios com nível de educação maior tendem a apresentar um grau de corrupção menor que os demais.
Neste artigo se desenvolvem alternativas de abordagem multicritério visando à seleção de municípios para a implementação de políticas públicas de educação. Considerando que a situação da educação no Brasil apresenta grande variabilidade, o que impacta as demandas educacionais por políticas públicas de educação de forma diferente em diferentes regiões, verifica-se a necessidade de critérios objetivos para a seleção de pontos de aplicação de recursos para o combate a desigualdades nessa área. Em particular, se discute o emprego do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano como fundamento para decisões na área educacional. Além disso, visa-se a estabelecer condições para a comparação dessas situações segundo diferentes critérios utilizados para fundamentar políticas públicas de educação.
A Educação a Distância é uma metodologia de ensino que muito se desenvolveu na última década. Com a diversidade tecnológica e com as políticas governamentais que autorizam a oferta de cursos on-line, centenas de instituições disponibilizaram programas de cursos via internet. Este aumento da oferta, gerado principalmente pela alta demanda do mercado, também provocou muitos problemas, especialmente no que diz respeito à falta de qualidade dos programas e ao alto índice de evasão. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a influência das tecnologias interativas síncronas sobre a intenção de continuidade de uso da Educação a Distância, propondo e testando um novo modelo estrutural. Em sua primeira fase, este experimento contou com a participação de 2.376 pessoas das cinco regiões do Brasil. Para o tratamento dos dados, a técnica PLS-PM (Partial Least Square – Path Modeling) foi utilizada com uma amostra de 243 indivíduos que responderam ao questionário final. Os resultados indicam que a adaptação do aluno à metodologia – construto proposto, é um importante preditor de sua satisfação, percepção de utilidade e de sua intenção de voltar a estudar pela internet no futuro, entretanto, não foi possível confirmar a influência das tecnologias interativas síncronas sobre a intenção de continuidade de uso da EaD, revelando que a tecnologia de informação tem papel de suporte aos processos educacionais, e o que orientará a decisão do aluno são os aspectos metodológicos aplicados às diversas mídias disponíveis. Foi identificado, também, que as pessoas com mais idade têm maior predisposição para estudar via internet, comparativamente aos mais jovens. Entender os fatores que levam a continuidade dos estudos em programas de EaD pode ajudar na redução da evasão por meio de ações customizadas ao público-alvo, melhorando a receita e a rentabilidade, o que pode representar vantagem competitiva à instituição.
De acordo com a educadora musical Francisca Gonzaga a educação musical deve estar inserida na educação básica. Para ela isso deveria ocorrer, pois a área da música é uma das mais antigas existentes. Segundo a educadora, na atualidade a música não tem o seu devido valor, devido a outras prioridades nos estudos das crianças e jovens. Além disso, a música acabou deixando de ser prioridade por causa da má formação dos professores. Ela afirma que o aluno que possui a música enquanto disciplina acaba tendo uma formação mais humana, além de entender mais a cultura onde está inserido. Já o diretor Valfrido de Oliveira acredita que como a escola não pode abranger todos os campos de conhecimento não é necessário uma disciplina específica para a música. Ela deve existir, e já existe, no ensino de artes. Segundo ele, a escola não possui tempo para mais essa disciplina e deve priorizar outras matérias básicas. Para ele não há razão de inserir mais informações visto que os alunos já não acompanham aquilo que é dado.
Módulo 2
Num mundo em que as novas tecnologias abarcam todos os domínios da vida e provocam alterações na sociedade, estas reflectem-se inevitavelmente na escola exercendo pressão no sentido do acompanhamento, modernização e adaptação a esta nova realidade. A escola tem demonstrado dificuldades em se adaptar e em apresentar as transformações necessárias face a este novo cenário contemporâneo, insistindo na manutenção das práticas radicadas na sua origem paradigmática. Procurou dar resposta através da introdução das novas tecnologias, mas tal não significa induzir automaticamente novas formas de ensino ou de aprendizagem, apenas constitui um pequeno passo em direcção à mudança. Contrariando a ideia que a incorporação da tecnologia na educação, por si só, constitui inovação pedagógica, procuramos esclarecer, à luz do próprio conceito de inovação, de que forma a incorporação da tecnologia se processou, e se deverá ser considerada como inovação pedagógica. Assim, tendo como objectivo interpretar e descrever a cultura emergente na sala de aula num contexto de integração curricular das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Disciplina de Educação Visual, numa turma de uma escola básica do Funchal, empreendemos esta investigação com o intuito de compreender de que forma ela se aproxima ou afasta da ortodoxia vigente. Desenvolvemos um estudo com uma abordagem metodológica de natureza qualitativa, de cariz etnográfico, através da imersão no ambiente natural dos sujeitos, procurando relevar e confrontar subjectividades, atendendo às percepções dos intervenientes neste estudo. As conclusões deste estudo apontam para uma Inovação Pedagógica que se opera ao nível micro, na sala de aula, enquanto ruptura ao nível cultural, atendendo às culturas escolares tradicionais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Currently, computational methods have been increasingly used to aid in the characterization of molecular biological systems, especially when they relevant to human health. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory or broadband use in the clinic. Once in the bloodstream, most of ibuprofen is linked to human serum albumin, the major protein of blood plasma, decreasing its bioavailability and requiring larger doses to produce its antiinflamatory action. This study aimes to characterize, through the interaction energy, how is the binding of ibuprofen to albumin and to establish what are the main amino acids and molecular interactions involved in the process. For this purpouse, it was conducted an in silico study, by using quantum mechanical calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), with Generalized Gradient approximation (GGA) to describe the effects of exchange and correlation. The interaction energy of each amino acid belonging to the binding site to the ligand was calculated the using the method of molecular fragmentation with conjugated caps (MFCC). Besides energy, we calculated the distances, types of molecular interactions and atomic groups involved. The theoretical models used were satisfactory and show a more accurate description when the dielectric constant ε = 40 was used. The findings corroborate the literature in which the Sudlow site I (I-FA3) is the primary binding site and the site I-FA6 as secondary site. However, it differs in identifying the most important amino acids, which by interaction energy, in order of decreasing energy, are: Arg410, Lys414, Ser 489, Leu453 and Tyr411 to the I-Site FA3 and Leu481, Ser480, Lys351, Val482 and Arg209 to the site I-FA6. The quantification of interaction energy and description of the most important amino acids opens new avenues for studies aiming at manipulating the structure of ibuprofen, in order to decrease its interaction with albumin, and consequently increase its distribution
Education and technology have always walked side by side. The Information and Communication Technologies are inserted in education as a profile of people from the new era. This research has the objective of understanding the insertion of the use of the Technologies of Information and Communication within the educational context, from the analysis of the process of interactivity among students and teachers of the Portuguese distance course of the Tiradentes University (Unit). For such, the empiric investigation was based on the analysis of academic documents, such as: the Course Pedagogical Project and Class Planning of regular classes, in regular classrooms, as well as interviews, focal groups, and pictures with people who live the history of the course. Direct observations were also conducted. The methodology applied was bibliographic and qualitative research of the exploratory type, using the information that was collected through the interviews. The results of this research demonstrated that the interaction promoted by the ICT represents a process of social change, and therefore, of development for education. It was concluded that the Distance Education has to overcome some fragilities, aiming at contributing to the educational field and to the promotion of interactions among students
The scope of this study directs an investigation in search of how the blind person learns knowledge at school mediated by the image in context of an inclusive education and how it can be (or is) triggered by the adaptation of images to the tactile seizure of the blind person and his correlative process of reading. To achieve this intent we choose a qualitative approach of research and opted for the modality of case study, based on the empirical field of a public school in the city of Cruzeta, RN and as a the main subject a congenitally blind female student enrolled in high school there, focusing, often, on the discipline of geography in its words mapping. Our procedures for construction of data are directly involved to the documentary analysis of open reflective interview and observation. The base guiding theory of our assessments is located in the current understanding about the human psychological development of its educational process inside an inclusive perspective, of contemporary conceptions about the visual disability as well of image as a cultural product. Accordingly, the human person is a concrete subject, whose development is deeply marked by the culture, historically built by human society. This subject regardless of his specific features, grasping the world in an interactive and immediate way, internalising and producing culture. In this thinking, we believe that the blind person perceives in multiple senses the stimuli of his environment and acts in the world toward his integration into the social environment. The image as a product of culture, historically and socially determined, appears as a sign conventionally used as an icon that in itself concentrates knowledge of which the student who does not realize visually himself and his surroundings cannot be excluded. In this direction, the inclusive educational process must build conditions of access to knowledge for all students without distinction, including access to the interpretation of the images originally intended for the seizure strictly visual to other perceptive models. Based in this theory and adopting principles of content analysis, we circulated inside the interpretation of the data constructed from the analysis of documents, from the subject speeches, from records of the observation made in the classroom and other notes of the field daily. In the search for pictures on the school contents, adapted to the tactile seizure of blind student, was seen little and not systematic in practice and teaching at the school. It showed us the itinerary of the student life marked by a succession of supports, most of the time inappropriate and pioneers in cooling the construction of her autonomy. It also showed us the tensions and contradictions of a school environment, supposedly inclusive, that stumbles in search of its intent, in the attitudinal and cumulative barriers brought, because of its aggravating maintenance. These findings arose of crossing data around of a categorization that gives importance to 1) Concepts regarding the school inclusion, 2) Elements of the school organization, educational proposal and teaching practice, 3) Meaning of the visual image as the object of knowledge, 4) Perception in multiple senses and 5) Development and learning of the blind person before impositions of the social environment. In light of these findings we infer that it must be guaranteed to the disabled person removal of the attitudinal barriers that are against his full development and the construction of his autonomy. In that sense, should be given opportunity to the student with visual disability, similarly to all students, not only access to school, but also the dynamics of a school life efficient, that means the seizure of knowledge in all its modalities, including the imagery. To that end, there is a need of the continued training of teachers, construction of a support network in response to all needs of students, and the opportunity to development of reading skills beyond a perspective eminently focused in the sight
The black communities, nowadays known as quilombolas, have long been segregated in social and cultural distances in relation to other groups in the country. Gradually, the establishment of public policy has enabled the inclusion of these social communities in new instances, favoring the improvement of standards of learning. In order to know the route of the school in relation to its surroundings, this paper presents a reflection on the educational history of the Municipal School Padre Armando de Paiva, inserted in the context of afrodescendência (African descendants), in the community called Sibaúma, municipality of Tibau do Sul - RN, characterized as the object of this study. Methodologically, this study is limited in a descriptive research of the historical reconstruction of the school, a case considered worthy of analysis. From a reflection on the presence of African descent in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, the study also presents information on education in Brazil. Finally, it presents the trajectories directed to the analysis of physical conditions, the dynamics of registration, and avoidance of repetition of its students and the qualifications of its teaching staff. Survey selected for analysis five-year academic periods, a series which began in the year nineteen eighty and ends in the year two thousand and ten
This study investigates teacher training and cognitive practice of teachers in a Basic Education school that adopted the Project One Computer per Student (OCS) in their school routine. Its relevance consists in provide directions for the continuation of training activities on the Project and guide the teachers with their pedagogical practices using the laptop model one to one. The thesis defended is that the educator formation for social using of digital media (specially the laptops from the Project UCA) gives space to establish new sociotechnical relationships, of new social and professionals practices, new identitary components and a process of reflexivity and knowledge reconstruction to teach. We reaffirm the importance of reflexivity and appropriation of digital culture for the better development of teaching practice using the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), giving focus to the aspects of social and professional use of the technology. The study is part of the qualitative aspect and is a procedural tracking based on principles of ethnographic research. As procedures and methodological tools, were used: intensive observation of school environments, documental analysis, focal group, semi-structured questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews. The research was held in a public school in the city of Parnamirim - RN. The subject sample relates to 17 teachers, coming from the elementary school I and II, Youth and Adult Education and High School, who went through the process of training UCA and having entered the laptops in their teaching. The research corpus is structured based on the messages built into the process of data collection and is analyzed based on principles of Content Analysis, specified by Laurence Bardin (2011). Was taken as theoretical reference studies by Tardif (2000; 2011), Pimenta (2009), Gorz (2004, 2005), Giddens (1991), Dewey, J. (1916), Boudieu (1994; 1999), Freire (1996; 2005), among others. The analysis indicates a process of reconstruction / revision of knowledge to teach and work in digital culture, being these knowledges guided by the experience of the subjects investigated. The reconstructed knowledges will be revealed from a categorization process. The following groups of knowledges: "technical knowledges", "didactic-methodological knowledges and knowledges of professionalization" were built on the assumption of ownership of digital culture in the educational context. The analysis confirms the appearance of new ways of sociability when acquiring other forms of acting and thinking ICTs, despite the environment adverse to the reflexivity shared among the teachers. Also reveals, based on the ownership concept present on the data analysis, the construction of meanings of belonging and transformation of individuals into social routes from the interweaving of the teaching practice with the digital culture. Emphasizes, finally, the importance of a training for use of ICTs that exceeds the instrumentation, in other words, what we call "technical knowledges", but taking on its structural basis the shared reflection, the opening for the ressignificance (new meaning) and reconstruction of new knowledges and practices and that really allows, to the teacher, the living of an experience capable of providing socio-technical transformations of their relationships