914 resultados para Human herpesvirus 1


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Part 1: The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay was used to analyse the integrity and DNA content of exfoliated cells extracted from bladder washing specimens from 9 transitional cell carcinoma patients and 15 control patients. DNA damage, as expressed by % tail DNA and tail moment values, was observed to occur in cells from both control and bladder cancer samples. The extent of the damage was, however, found to be significantly greater in the cancer group than in the control group. Comet optical density values were also recorded for each cell analysed in the comet assay and although differences observed between tumour grades were not found to be statistically significant, the mean comet optical density value was observed to be greater in the cancer group than in the control population studied, These preliminary results suggest that the comet assay may have potential as a diagnostic tool and as a prognostic indicator in transitional cell carcinoma, Part 2: Baseline DNA damage in sperm cells from 13 normozoospermic fertile males, 17 normozoospermic infertile males and 11 asthenozoospermic infertile males were compared using a modified alkaline comet assay technique. No significant difference in the level of baseline DNA damage was observed between the 3 categories of sperm studied; however the untreated sperm cells were observed to display approximately 20% tail DNA. This is notably higher than the background DNA damage observed in somatic cells where the % tail DNA is normally less than 5%. Sperm from the 3 groups of men studied were also compared for sensitivity to DNA breakage, using the modified alkaline comet assay, following X-ray irradiations (5, 10 and 30 Gy) and hydrogen peroxide treatments (40, 100 and 200 mu M). Significant levels of X-ray-induced damage were found relative to untreated control sperm in the two infertile groups following 30 Gy irradiation. Significant damage in hydrogen peroxide-treated sperm was observed in sperm from fertile samples, at 200 mu M and in infertile samples at 100- and 200-mu M doses relative to controls. These results therefore indicate that fertile sperm samples are more resistant to X-ray- and hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA breakage than infertile samples. Further studies involving greater numbers of individuals are currently in progress to confirm these findings.


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Brain tissue from so-called Alzheimer's disease (AD) mouse models has previously been examined using H-1 NMR-metabolomics, but comparable information concerning human AD is negligible. Since no animal model recapitulates all the features of human AD we undertook the first H-1 NMR-metabolomics investigation of human AD brain tissue. Human post-mortem tissue from 15 AD subjects and 15 age-matched controls was prepared for analysis through a series of lyophilised, milling, extraction and randomisation steps and samples were analysed using H-1 NMR. Using partial least squares discriminant analysis, a model was built using data obtained from brain extracts. Analysis of brain extracts led to the elucidation of 24 metabolites. Significant elevations in brain alanine (15.4 %) and taurine (18.9 %) were observed in AD patients (p ≤ 0.05). Pathway topology analysis implicated either dysregulation of taurine and hypotaurine metabolism or alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism. Furthermore, screening of metabolites for AD biomarkers demonstrated that individual metabolites weakly discriminated cases of AD [receiver operating characteristic (ROC) AUC <0.67; p < 0.05]. However, paired metabolites ratios (e.g. alanine/carnitine) were more powerful discriminating tools (ROC AUC = 0.76; p < 0.01). This study further demonstrates the potential of metabolomics for elucidating the underlying biochemistry and to help identify AD in patients attending the memory clinic


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Anthrax is a toxin-mediated disease, the lethal effects of which are initiated by the binding of protective antigen (PA) with one of three reported cell surface toxin receptors (ANTXR). Receptor binding has been shown to influence host susceptibility to the toxins. Despite this crucial role for ANTXR in the outcome of disease, and the reported immunomodulatory consequence of the anthrax toxins during infection, little is known about ANTXR expression on human leucocytes. We characterized the expression levels of ANTXR1 (TEM8) on human leucocytes using flow cytometry. In order to assess the effect of prior toxin exposure on ANTXR1 expression levels, leucocytes from individuals with no known exposure, those exposed to toxin through vaccination and convalescent individuals were analysed. Donors could be defined as either 'low' or 'high' expressers based on the percentage of ANTXR1-positive monocytes detected. Previous exposure to toxins appears to modulate ANTXR1 expression, exposure through active infection being associated with lower receptor expression. A significant correlation between low receptor expression and high anthrax toxin-specific interferon (IFN)-γ responses was observed in previously infected individuals. We propose that there is an attenuation of ANTXR1 expression post-infection which may be a protective mechanism that has evolved to prevent reinfection.


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Background: Interindividual epigenetic variation that occurs systemically must be established prior to gastrulation in the very early embryo and, because it is systemic, can be assessed in easily biopsiable tissues. We employ two independent genome-wide approaches to search for such variants.

Results: First, we screen for metastable epialleles by performing genomewide bisulfite sequencing in peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) and hair follicle DNA from two Caucasian adults. Second, we conduct a genomewide screen for genomic regions at which PBL DNA methylation is affected by season of conception in rural Gambia. Remarkably, both approaches identify the genomically imprinted VTRNA2-1 as a top environmentally responsive epiallele. We demonstrate systemic and stochastic interindividual variation in DNA methylation at the VTRNA2-1 differentially methylated region in healthy Caucasian and Asian adults and show, in rural Gambians, that periconceptional environment affects offspring VTRNA2-1 epigenotype, which is stable over at least 10 years. This unbiased screen also identifies over 100 additional candidate metastable epialleles, and shows that these are associated with cis genomic features including transposable elements.

Conclusions: The non-coding VTRNA2-1 transcript (also called nc886) is a putative tumor suppressor and modulator of innate immunity. Thus, these data indicating environmentally induced loss of imprinting at VTRNA2-1 constitute a plausible causal pathway linking early embryonic environment, epigenetic alteration, and human disease. More broadly, the list of candidate metastable epialleles provides a resource for future studies of epigenetic variation and human disease.


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The Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor, imatinib mesylate, is the front line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), but the emergence of imatinib resistance has led to the search for alternative drug treatments and the examination of combination therapies to overcome imatinib resistance. The pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds are a recently developed novel series of microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) that depolymerise tubulin. Recent data demonstrating enhanced MTA-induced tumour cell apoptosis upon combination with the cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)-1 inhibitor flavopiridol prompted us to examine whether this compound could similarly enhance the effect of the PBOX compounds. We thus characterised the apoptotic and cell cycle events associated with combination therapy of the PBOX compounds and flavopiridol and results showed a sequence dependent, synergistic enhancement of apoptosis in CML cells including those expressing the imatinib-resistant T315I mutant. Flavopiridol reduced the number of polyploid cells formed in response to PBOX treatment but only to a small extent, suggesting that inhibition of endoreplication was unlikely to play a major role in the mechanism by which flavopiridol synergistically enhanced PBOX-induced apoptosis. The addition of flavopiridol following PBOX-6 treatment did however result in an accelerated exit from the G2/M transition accompanied by an enhanced downregulation and deactivation of the CDK1/cyclin B1 complex and an enhanced degradation of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) survivin. In conclusion, results from this study highlight the potential of these novel series of PBOX compounds, alone or in sequential combination with flavopiridol, as an effective therapy against CML.


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The Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor, STI571, is the first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), but the recent emergence of STI571 resistance has led to the examination of combination therapies. In this report, we describe how a novel non-toxic G1-arresting compound, pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX)-21, potentiates the apoptotic ability of STI571 in Bcr-Abl-positive CML cells. Co-treatment of CML cells with PBOX-21 and STI571 induced more apoptosis than either drug alone in parental (K562S and LAMA84) and STI571-resistant cells lines (K562R). This potentiation of apoptosis was specific to Bcr-Abl-positive leukaemia cells with no effect observed on Bcr-Abl-negative HL-60 acute myeloid leukaemia cells. Apoptosis induced by PBOX-21/STI571 resulted in activation of caspase-8, cleavage of PARP and Bcl-2, upregulation of the pro-apoptotic protein Bim and a downregulation of Bcr-Abl. Repression of proteins involved in Bcr-Abl transformation, the anti-apoptotic proteins Mcl-1 and Bcl-(XL) was also observed. The combined lack of an early change in mitochondrial membrane potential, release of cytochrome c and cleavage of pro-caspase-9 suggests that this pathway is not involved in the initiation of apoptosis by PBOX-21/STI571. Apoptosis was significantly reduced following pre-treatment with either the general caspase inhibitor Boc-FMK or the chymotrypsin-like serine protease inhibitor TPCK, but was completely abrogated following pre-treatment with a combination of these inhibitors. This demonstrates the important role for each of these protease families in this apoptotic pathway. In conclusion, our data highlights the potential of PBOX-21 in combination with STI571 as an effective therapy against CML.


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Intrinsic or acquired resistance to chemotherapy is a major clinical problem that has evoked the need to develop innovative approaches to predict and ultimately reverse drug resistance. A prolonged G(2)M arrest has been associated with apoptotic resistance to various microtubule-targeting agents (MTAs). In this study, we describe the functional significance of the mitotic spindle checkpoint proteins, BubR1 and Bub3, in maintaining a mitotic arrest after microtubule disruption by nocodazole and a novel series of MTAs, the pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepines (PBOXs), in human cancer cells. Cells expressing high levels of BubR1 and Bub3 (K562, MDA-MB-231, and HeLa) display a prolonged G(2)M arrest after exposure to MTAs. On the other hand, cells with low endogenous levels of mitotic spindle checkpoint proteins (SK-BR-3 and HL-60) transiently arrest in mitosis and undergo increased apoptosis. The phosphorylation of BubR1 correlated with PBOX-induced G(2)M arrest in four cell lines tested, indicating an active mitotic spindle checkpoint. Gene silencing of BubR1 by small interfering RNA interference reduced PBOX-induced G(2)M arrest without enhancing apoptotic efficacy. Further analysis demonstrated that PBOX-treated BubR1-depleted cells were both mononucleated and multinucleated with a polyploid DNA content, suggesting a requirement for BubR1 in cytokinesis. Taken together, these results suggest that BubR1 contributes to the mitotic checkpoint induced by the PBOXs.


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Interactions between the Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor STI-571 (imatinib mesylate) and a novel microtubule-targeting agent (MTA), pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX)-6, were investigated in STI-571-sensitive and -resistant human chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells. Cotreatment of PBOX-6 with STI-571 induced significantly more apoptosis in Bcr-Abl-positive CML cell lines (K562 and LAMA-84) than either drug alone (P < 0.01). Cell cycle analysis of propidium iodide-stained cells showed that STI-571 significantly reduced PBOX-6-induced G2M arrest and polyploid formation with a concomitant increase in apoptosis. Similar results were obtained in K562 CML cells using lead MTAs (paclitaxel and nocodazole) in combination with STI-571. Potentiation of PBOX-6-induced apoptosis by STI-571 was specific to Bcr-Abl-positive leukemia cells with no cytoxic effects observed on normal peripheral blood cells. The combined treatment of STI-571 and PBOX-6 was associated with the down-regulation of Bcr-Abl and repression of proteins involved in Bcr-Abl transformation, namely the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-x(L) and Mcl-1. Importantly, PBOX-6/STI-571 combinations were also effective in STI-571-resistant cells. Together, these findings highlight the potential clinical benefits in simultaneously targeting the microtubules and the Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in STI-571-sensitive and -resistant CML cells.


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Human T lymphotrophic virus type 1 (HTLV-I) associated leukaemia has a poor prognosis even with chemotherapy. We describe a patient with adult T-cell leukaemia treated with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation from an HTLV-I negative identical sibling donor. During follow-up after bone marrow transplantation, HTLV-I could be repeatedly isolated inspite of anti-viral prophylaxis. The patient died of an acute encephalitis and HTLV-I could be detected in autopsy material from the brain. By a PCR-based technique using short tandem repeats (STRs) it was shown that the patient's haemopoiesis was of donor origin. This shows the infection of donor cells in vivo by an aetiological agent which has been implicated in the leukaemogenic process for adult T-cell leukaemia.


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Application of intermedin/adrenomedullin-2 (IMD/AM-2) protects cultured human cardiac vascular cells and fibroblasts from oxidative stress and simulated ischaemia-reoxygenation injury (I-R), predominantly via adrenomedullin AM1 receptor involvement; similar protection had not been investigated previously in human cardiomyocytes (HCM). Expression of IMD, AM and their receptor components was studied in HCM. Receptor subtype involvement in protection by exogenous IMD against injury by simulated I-R was investigated using receptor component-specific siRNAs. Direct protection by endogenous IMD against HCM injury, both as an autocrine factor produced in HCM themselves and as a paracrine factor released from HCMEC co-cultured with HCM, was investigated using peptide-specific siRNA for IMD. IMD, AM and their receptor components (CLR, RAMPs1-3) were expressed in HCM. IMD 1 nmol L−1, applied either throughout ischaemia (3 h) and re-oxygenation (1 h) or during re-oxygenation (1 h) alone, attenuated HCM injury (P < 0.05); cell viabilities were 59% and 61% respectively vs. 39% in absence of IMD. Cytoskeletal disruption, protein carbonyl formation and caspase activity followed similar patterns. Pre-treatment (4 days) of HCM with CLR and RAMP2 siRNAs attenuated (P < 0.05) protection by exogenous IMD. Pre-treatment of HCMEC with IMD (and AM) siRNA augmented (P < 0.05) I-R injury: cell viabilities were 22% (and 32%) vs. 39% untreated HCMEC. Pre-treatment of HCM with IMD (and AM) siRNA did not augment HCM injury: cell viabilities were 37% (and 39%) vs. 39% untreated HCM. Co-culture with HCMEC conferred protection from injury on HCM; such protection was attenuated when HCMEC were pre-treated with IMD (but not AM) siRNA before co-culture. Although IMD is present in HCM, IMD derived from HCMEC and acting in a paracrine manner, predominantly via AM1 receptors, makes a marked contribution to cardiomyocyte protection by the endogenous peptide against acute I-R injury.


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A cDNA library prepared from human liver was screened for α₁-antitrypsin, a major constituent of plasma which functions as inhibitor of proteolytic enzyms. The library was screened using a 12-base-long synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide corresponding to a known DNA fragment of human α₁-antitrypsin and by hybrid-selection of α₁-antitrypsin mRNA.