917 resultados para Great Awakening.


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Between 1700 and 1850, per-capita income doubled in Europe while falling in the rest of Eurasia. Neither geography nor economic institutions can explain this sudden divergence. Here the consequences of differences in communications technology are examined. For the first time, there appeared in Europe a combination of a standardized medium (national vernaculars with a phonetic alphabet) and a non-standardized message (competing religious, political and scientific ideas). The result was an unprecedented fall in the cost of combining ideas and burst of productivity-raising innovation. Elsewhere, decreasing standardization of the medium and increasing standardization of the message blocked innovation.


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Ce mémoire débute avec deux chapitres portant sur les problèmes des conduites et la régulation du stress, notamment sur l’axe hypothalamique-pituitaire-surrénal (HPS). Ensuite, la littérature est résumée et nous voyons que les études qui cherchent à établir un lien entre les problèmes des conduites et l’axe HPS ont trouvé des résultats différents et parfois contradictoires. Le chapitre suivant illustre les problèmes méthodologiques qui pourraient expliquer ces résultats différents. Vient ensuite l’étude présentée dans ce mémoire qui cherche à établir un lien entre la réponse cortisolaire à l’éveil (RCE), considérée comme un bon indice du fonctionnent de l’axe HPS, et les problèmes de conduites chez l’enfant. De plus, les émotions négatives ont été associées avec les problèmes des conduites ainsi qu’aux dysfonctions de l’axe HPS, notamment le RCE. L’étude présentée dans ce mémoire cherche aussi à établir si les émotions négatives pourrait être une variable médiatrice dans la relation potentielle entre la RCE et les problèmes des conduites. L’étude révèle que pour les garçons mais pas pour les filles, une RCE réduite est associée avec les émotions négatives, ce qui est successivement associé avec les problèmes des conduites. Le dernier chapitre du mémoire examine les implications théoriques de cette médiatisation et propose également des pistes psychobiologiques pour expliquer les différences sexuelles observées.


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This dissertation focuses on military cooperation between the United States and its special allies. It argues that alliance expectations determine the level of military cooperation, while two intervening variables - the level of government cohesion and military capabilities - determine its implementation. This study also shows how secondary states deploy strategies to overcome power asymmetries through bilateral concessions, international organizations and by appealing to principle. The focus of the research is on special allies, as they have the most to gain or lose by going along with American plans. My contention is that secondary allies can rarely influence the dominant ally decisively, but they can act autonomously and resist to pressures exerted by the stronger alliance partner. The argument builds on three central claims. First, power asymmetries between allies translate into different assessments of international threats. Second, when disagreements over threats arise, the outcome of intra-alliance bargaining is not necessarily dictated by the preferences of the stronger power. Third, secondary states, as opposed to the dominant partner, face unique constraints when facing major foreign policy decisions, i.e. they face a trade-off between establishing a credible reputation as an alliance partner in a politically feasible way while minimizing domestic audience costs. To examine the theoretical puzzle presented by asymmetric military cooperation, I introduce a causal explanation that builds on neoclassical realism, to zone in on the interaction between systemic and domestic variables. My research makes a contribution to alliance theory and foreign policy decision-making by studying how special allies respond to American decisions in times of threat and how systemic constraints are channeled through state-level variables. To investigate the causal link between threat perception, alliance expectations and domestic constraints, this study relies on the method of structured focused comparison with three detailed case studies. The focus is on the initial decision made by special allies regarding whether or not to participle in joint mobilization with the United States. The decision-making process is presented from the perspective of secondary allied states and measures the explanatory factors that motivated the decision on military cooperation. The case studies are the UK, Canada and Australia’s response to the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq during the period of 2001 to 2003.


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Le réveil de la question de l’Être fut le grand leitmotiv de la pensée de Martin Heidegger. Or cette question ne trouve pas la même formulation de Sein und Zeit jusqu’aux derniers écrits. En effet, si l’œuvre maîtresse du penseur prépare le terrain pour un questionnement sur le langage et la parole authentique, elle ne rattache pas explicitement la problématique de l’Être à celle de la poésie. À partir du milieu des années trente, un tournant se fera jour : la poésie deviendra un partenaire privilégié dans la mise en œuvre de la question de l’Être. Cette tendance de pensée se radicalisera dans les décennies ultérieures, où la compréhension du langage véritable comme poème deviendra de plus en plus centrale. À quoi tient ce rôle imparti au discours poétique dans l’œuvre de Heidegger? Quelle place occupe le dire poétique dans le cadre plus large d’une herméneutique philosophique tournée vers l’aspect langagier de toute existence? Comment comprendre le lien entre une pensée de l’Ereignis, du Quadriparti et de la fondation de l’Être à travers le dire du poète? Enfin, quels parallèles faut-il dresser entre les tâches respectives du penseur et du poète dans le contexte d’un dialogue authentique? Ces questions guideront notre parcours et traceront la voie d’une interprétation dont l’accent portera sur les thèmes privilégiés du dépassement du langage conceptuel de la philosophie, de la place déterminante du Sacré et de la responsabilité insigne du poète et du penseur dans le projet de la garde de l’Être. Notre objectif sera d’éclaircir le sens de ce recours à la poésie afin de mieux comprendre en quoi Heidegger a pu trouver dans un tel dialogue les ressources nécessaires qui alimenteront l’élan de son unique quête : une approche authentique du sens de l’Être, de son alètheia et de son topos. On sait l’importance de ce dialogue : estimant que la métaphysique s’était caractérisée par un « oubli de l’être » (Seinsvergessenheit), Heidegger juge qu’une autre pensée (das andere Denken) reste malgré tout possible, mais qu’elle aurait à se déployer en tant que dialogue entre pensée et poésie.


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The baby-boom and subsequent baby-bust have shaped much of the history of the second half of the 20th century; yet it is still largely unclear what caused them. This paper presents a new unified explanation of the fertility Boom-Bust that links the latter to the Great Depression and the subsequent economic recovery. We show that the 1929 Crash attracted young married women 20 to 34 years old in 1930 (whom we name D-cohort) in the labor market possibly via an added worker effect. Using several years of Census micro data, we further document that the same cohort kept entering into the market in the 1940s and 1950s as economic conditions improved, decreasing wages and reducing work incentives for younger women. Its retirement in the late 1950s and in the 1960s instead freed positions and created employment opportunities. Finally, we show that the entry of the D-cohort is associated with increased births in the 1950s, while its retirement turned the fertility Boom into a Bust in the 1960s. The work behavior of this cohort explains a large share of the changes in both yearly births and completed fertility of all cohorts involved.


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The Andaman-Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal lies in a zone where the Indian plate subducts beneath the Burmese microplate, and therefore forms a belt of frequent earthquakes. Few efforts, not withstanding the available historical and instrumental data were not effectively used before the Mw 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake to draw any inference on the spatial and temporal distribution of large subduction zone earthquakes in this region. An attempt to constrain the active crustal deformation of the Andaman-Nicobar arc in the background of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquake is made here, thereby presenting a unique data set representing the pre-seismic convergence and co-seismic displacement.Understanding the mechanisms of the subduction zone earthquakes is both challenging sCientifically and important for assessing the related earthquake hazards. In many subduction zones, thrust earthquakes may have characteristic patterns in space and time. However, the mechanism of mega events still remains largely unresolved.Large subduction zone earthquakes are usually associated with high amplitude co-seismic deformation above the plate boundary megathrust and the elastic relaxation of the fore-arc. These are expressed as vertical changes in land level with the up-dip part of the rupture surface uplifted and the areas above the down-dip edge subsided. One of the most characteristic pattern associated with the inter-seismic era is that the deformation is in an opposite sense that of co-seismic period.This work was started in 2002 to understand the tectonic deformation along the Andaman-Nicobar arc using seismological, geological and geodetic data. The occurrence of the 2004 megathrust earthquake gave a new dimension to this study, by providing an opportunity to examine the co-seismic deformation associated with the greatest earthquake to have occurred since the advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) and broadband seismometry. The major objectives of this study are to assess the pre-seismic stress regimes, to determine the pre-seismic convergence rate, to analyze and interpret the pattern of co-seismic displacement and slip on various segments and to look out for any possible recurrence interval for megathrust event occurrence for Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This thesis is arranged in six chapters with further subdivisions dealing all the above aspects.


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Recording of the Elsevier Author Seminar by Dr Anthony Newman and Michaela Kurschildgen.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar las distintas estrategias políticas, económicas y militares que han implementado Irán, Turquía y Arabia Saudita en busca de la hegemonía de Medio Oriente. A lo largo del trabajo de investigación se analiza por medio del realismo ofensivo de John Mearsheimer las distintas estrategias de los tres Estados antes mencionados, con el fin de establecer la voluntad y las capacidades de cada uno para alcanzar la hegemonía regional. Finalmente, por medio de la medición de percepción de poder establecida por David Jablonsky se examinan las capacidades y la proyección de poder que poseen Irán, Turquía y Arabia Saudita para obtener la hegemonía de Medio Oriente.