945 resultados para Fluid and crystallized Intelligence
In this work, we use large eddy simulations (LES) and Lagrangian tracking to study the influence of gravity on particle statistics in a fully developed turbulent upward/downward flow in a vertical channel and pipe at matched Kàrmàn number. Only drag and gravity are considered in the equation of motion for solid particles, which are assumed to have no influence on the flow field. Particle interactions with the wall are fully elastic. Our findings obtained from the particle statistics confirm that: (i) the gravity seems to modify both the quantitative and qualitative behavior of the particle distribution and statistics of the particle velocity in wall normal direction; (ii) however, only the quantitative behavior of velocity particle in streamwise direction and the root mean square of velocity components is modified; (iii) the statistics of fluid and particles coincide very well near the wall in channel and pipe flow with equal Kàrmàn number; (iv) pipe curvature seems to have quantitative and qualitative influence on the particle velocity and on the particle concentration in wall normal direction.
Comparación de los esquemas de integración temporal explícito e implícito, en la simulación del flujo sanguíneo y su interacción con la pared arterial. There are two major strategies in FSI coupling techniques: implicit and explicit. The general difference between these methodologies is how many times the data is exchanged between the fluid and solid domains at each FSI time-step. In both coupling strategies, the pressure values coming from fluid domain calculations at each time-step are exported to the solid domain, and consequently, the solid domain is analyzed with these imported forces. In contrast to the explicit coupling, in the implicit approach the fluid and solid domain’s data is exchanged several times until the convergence is achieved. Although this method may boost the numerical stabilization, it increases the computational cost due to the extra data exchanges. In cardiovascular simulations, depending on the analysis objectives, one may choose an explicit or implicit approach. In the current work, the advantage of an explicit coupling strategy is highlighted when simulation of pulsatile blood flow in elastic arteries is desired.
En esta tesis se investiga la interacción entre un fluido viscoso y un cuerpo sólido en presencia de una superficie libre. El problema se expresa teóricamente poniendo especial atención a los aspectos de conservación de energía y de la interacción del fluido con el cuerpo. El problema se considera 2D y monofásico, y un desarrollo matemático permite una descomposición de los términos disipativos en términos relacionados con la superficie libre y términos relacionados con la enstrofía. El modelo numérico utilizado en la tesis se basa en el método sin malla Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). De manera análoga a lo que se hace a nivel continuo, las propiedades de conservación se estudian en la tesis con el sistema discreto de partículas. Se tratan también las condiciones de contorno de un cuerpo que se mueve en un flujo viscoso, implementadas con el método ghost-fluid. Se ha desarrollado un algoritmo explícito de interacción fluido / cuerpo. Se han documentado algunos casos de modo detallado con el objetivo de comprobar la capacidad del modelo para reproducir correctamente la disipación de energía y el movimiento del cuerpo. En particular se ha investigado la atenuación de una onda estacionaria, comparando la simulación numérica con predicciones teóricas. Se han realizado otras pruebas para monitorizar la disipación de energía para flujos más violentos que implican la fragmentación de la superficie libre. La cantidad de energía disipada con los diferentes términos se ha evaluado en los casos estudiados con el modelo numérico. Se han realizado otras pruebas numéricas para verificar la técnica de modelización de la interacción fluido / cuerpo, concretamente las fuerzas ejercidas por las olas en cuerpos con formas simples, y el equilibrio de un cuerpo flotante con una forma compleja. Una vez que el modelo numérico ha sido validado, se han realizado simulaciones numéricas para obtener una comprensión más completa de la física implicada en casos (casi) realistas sobre los había aspectos que no se conocían suficientemente. En primer lugar se ha estudiado el el flujo alrededor de un cilindro bajo la superficie libre. El estudio se ha realizado con un número de Reynolds moderado, para un rango de inmersiones del cilindro y números de Froude. La solución numérica permite una investigación de los patrones complejos que se producen. La estela del cilindro interactúa con la superficie libre. Se han identificado algunos inestabilidades características. El segundo estudio se ha realizado sobre el problema de sloshing, tanto experimentalmente como numéricamente. El análisis se restringe a aguas poco profundas y con oscilación horizontal, pero se ha estudiado un gran número de condiciones, lo que lleva a una comprensión bastante completa de los sistemas de onda involucradas. La última parte de la tesis trata también sobre un problema de sloshing pero esta vez el tanque está oscilando con rotación y hay acoplamiento con un sistema mecánico. El sistema se llama pendulum-TLD (Tuned Liquid Damper - con líquido amortiguador). Este tipo de sistema se utiliza normalmente para la amortiguación de las estructuras civiles. El análisis se ha realizado analíticamente, numéricamente y experimentalmente utilizando líquidos con viscosidades diferentes, centrándose en características no lineales y mecanismos de disipación. ABSTRA C T The subject of the present thesis is the interaction between a viscous fluid and a solid body in the presence of a free surface. The problem is expressed first theoretically with a particular focus on the energy conservation and the fluid-body interaction. The problem is considered 2D and monophasic, and some mathematical development allows for a decomposition of the energy dissipation into terms related to the Free Surface and others related to the enstrophy. The numerical model used on the thesis is based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH): a computational method that works by dividing the fluid into particles. Analogously to what is done at continuum level, the conservation properties are studied on the discrete system of particles. Additionally the boundary conditions for a moving body in a viscous flow are treated and discussed using the ghost-fluid method. An explicit algorithm for handling fluid-body coupling is also developed. Following these theoretical developments on the numerical model, some test cases are devised in order to test the ability of the model to correctly reproduce the energy dissipation and the motion of the body. The attenuation of a standing wave is used to compare what is numerically simulated to what is theoretically predicted. Further tests are done in order to monitor the energy dissipation in case of more violent flows involving the fragmentation of the free-surface. The amount of energy dissipated with the different terms is assessed with the numerical model. Other numerical tests are performed in order to test the fluid/body interaction method: forces exerted by waves on simple shapes, and equilibrium of a floating body with a complex shape. Once the numerical model has been validated, numerical tests are performed in order to get a more complete understanding of the physics involved in (almost) realistic cases. First a study is performed on the flow passing a cylinder under the free surface. The study is performed at moderate Reynolds numbers, for various cylinder submergences, and various Froude numbers. The capacity of the numerical solver allows for an investigation of the complex patterns which occur. The wake from the cylinder interacts with the free surface, and some characteristical flow mechanisms are identified. The second study is done on the sloshing problem, both experimentally and numerically. The analysis is restrained to shallow water and horizontal excitation, but a large number of conditions are studied, leading to quite a complete understanding of the wave systems involved. The last part of the thesis still involves a sloshing problem but this time the tank is rolling and there is coupling with a mechanical system. The system is named pendulum-TLD (Tuned Liquid Damper). This kind of system is normally used for damping of civil structures. The analysis is then performed analytically, numerically and experimentally for using liquids with different viscosities, focusing on non-linear features and dissipation mechanisms.
In the EU context extraction of shale and oil gas by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) differs from country to country in terms of legislation and implementation. While fossil fuel extraction using this technology is currently taking place in the UK, Germany and France have adopted respective moratoria. In between is the Spanish case, where hydrocarbon extraction projects through fracking have to undergo mandatory and routine environmental assessment in accordance with the last changes to environmental regulations. Nowadays Spain is at the crossroad with respect to the future of this technology. We presume a social conflictt in our country since the position and strategy of the involved and confronted social actors -national, regional and local authorities, energy companies, scientists, NGO and other social organization- are going to play key and likely divergent roles in its industrial implementation and public acceptance. In order to improve knowledge on how to address these controverted situations from the own engineering context, the affiliated units from the Higher Technical School of Mines and Energy Engineering at UPM have been working on a transversal program to teach values and ethics. Over the past seven years, this pioneering experience has shown the usefulness of applying a consequentialist ethics, based on a case-by-case approach and costs-benefits analysis both for action and inaction. As a result of this initiative a theoretical concept has arisen and crystallized in this field: it is named Inter-ethics. This theoretical perspective can be very helpful in complex situations, with multi-stakeholders and plurality of interests, when ethical management requires the interaction between the respective ethics of each group; professional ethics of a single group is not enough. Under this inter-ethics theoretical framework and applying content analysis techniques, this paper explores the articulation of the discourse in favour and against fracking technology and its underlying values as manifested in the Spanish traditional mass media and emerging social media such as Youtube. Results show that Spanish public discourse on fracking technology includes the costs-benefits analysis to communicate how natural resources from local communities may be affected by these facilities due to environmental, health and economic consequences. Furthermore, this technology is represented as a solution to the "demand of energy" according to the optimistic discourse while, from a pessimistic view, fracking is often framed as a source "environmental problems" and even natural disasters as possible earthquakes. In this latter case, this negative representation could have been influenced by the closure of a macro project to store injected natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea using the old facilities of an oil exploitation in Amposta (Proyecto Cástor). The closure of this project was due to the occurrence of earthquakes whose intensity was higher than the originally expected by the experts in the assessment stage of the project.
Recent epidemiological studies show a strong reduction in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease in patients treated with cholesterol-lowering statins. Moreover, elevated Aβ42 levels and the ɛ4 allele of the lipid-carrier apolipoprotein E are regarded as risk factors for sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease. Here we demonstrate that the widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs simvastatin and lovastatin reduce intracellular and extracellular levels of Aβ42 and Aβ40 peptides in primary cultures of hippocampal neurons and mixed cortical neurons. Likewise, guinea pigs treated with high doses of simvastatin showed a strong and reversible reduction of cerebral Aβ42 and Aβ40 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and brain homogenate. These results suggest that lipids are playing an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Lowered levels of Aβ42 may provide the mechanism for the observed reduced incidence of dementia in statin-treated patients and may open up avenues for therapeutic interventions.
We review the mechanical origin of auditory-nerve excitation, focusing on comparisons of the magnitudes and phases of basilar-membrane (BM) vibrations and auditory-nerve fiber responses to tones at a basal site of the chinchilla cochlea with characteristic frequency ≈ 9 kHz located 3.5 mm from the oval window. At this location, characteristic frequency thresholds of fibers with high spontaneous activity correspond to magnitudes of BM displacement or velocity in the order of 1 nm or 50 μm/s. Over a wide range of stimulus frequencies, neural thresholds are not determined solely by BM displacement but rather by a function of both displacement and velocity. Near-threshold, auditory-nerve responses to low-frequency tones are synchronous with peak BM velocity toward scala tympani but at 80–90 dB sound pressure level (in decibels relative to 20 microPascals) and at 100–110 dB sound pressure level responses undergo two large phase shifts approaching 180°. These drastic phase changes have no counterparts in BM vibrations. Thus, although at threshold levels the encoding of BM vibrations into spike trains appears to involve only relatively minor signal transformations, the polarity of auditory-nerve responses does not conform with traditional views of how BM vibrations are transmitted to the inner hair cells. The response polarity at threshold levels, as well as the intensity-dependent phase changes, apparently reflect micromechanical interactions between the organ of Corti, the tectorial membrane and the subtectorial fluid, and/or electrical and synaptic processes at the inner hair cells.
Fluid and macromolecule secretion by submucosal glands in mammalian airways is believed to be important in normal airway physiology and in the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis (CF). An in situ fluorescence method was applied to measure the ionic composition and viscosity of freshly secreted fluid from airway glands. Fragments of human large airways obtained at the time of lung transplantation were mounted in a humidified perfusion chamber and the mucosal surface was covered by a thin layer of oil. Individual droplets of secreted fluid were microinjected with fluorescent indicators for measurement of [Na+], [Cl−], and pH by ratio imaging fluorescence microscopy and viscosity by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. After carbachol stimulation, 0.1–0.5 μl of fluid accumulated in spherical droplets at gland orifices in ≈3–5 min. In gland fluid from normal human airways, [Na+] was 94 ± 8 mM, [Cl−] was 92 ± 12 mM, and pH was 6.97 ± 0.06 (SE, n = 7 humans, more than five glands studied per sample). Apparent fluid viscosity was 2.7 ± 0.3-fold greater than that of saline. Neither [Na+] nor pH differed in gland fluid from CF airways, but viscosity was significantly elevated by ≈2-fold compared to normal airways. These results represent the first direct measurements of ionic composition and viscosity in uncontaminated human gland secretions and indicate similar [Na+], [Cl−], and pH to that in the airway surface liquid. The elevated gland fluid viscosity in CF may be an important factor promoting bacterial colonization and airway disease.
The Surface Renewal Theory (SRT) is one of the most unfamiliar models in order to characterize fluid-fluid and fluid-fluid-solid reactions, which are of considerable industrial and academicals importance. In the present work, an approach to the resolution of the SRT model by numerical methods is presented, enabling the visualization of the influence of different variables which control the heterogeneous overall process. Its use in a classroom allowed the students to reach a great understanding of the process.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
This study provides a comparative analysis of the national legal regimes and practices governing the use of intelligence information as evidence in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. It explores notably how national security can be invoked to determine the classification of information and evidence as 'state secrets' in court proceedings and whether such laws and practices are fundamental rights- and rule of law-compliant. The study finds that, in the majority of Member States under investigation, the judiciary is significantly hindered in effectively adjudicating justice and guaranteeing the rights of the defence in ‘national security’ cases. The research also illustrates that the very term ‘national security’ is nebulously defined across the Member States analysed, with no national definition meeting legal certainty and “in accordance with the law” standards and a clear risk that the executive and secret services may act arbitrarily. The study argues that national and transnational intelligence community practices and cooperation need to be subject to more independent and effective judicial accountability and be brought into line with EU 'rule of law' standards.
Based on a synthetic strategy, extended anionic, homo and bimetallic oxalato-bridged transition-metal compounds with two (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) connectivities can be synthesized and crystallized. Thereby, the choice of the templating counterions will determine the crystal chemistry. Since the oxalato bridge is a mediator for both antiferro and ferromagnetic interactions between similar and dissimilar metal ions, long-range magnetic ordering will occur. Examples of the determination of magnetic structures in 2D and 3D compounds by means of elastic neutron scattering methods will be discussed. In addition, due to the possibility of the variation of different metal ions in varying oxidation states, interesting photophysical processes can be observed within the extended three-dimensional host/guest systems.
Pore fluid and sediment Li concentrations and isotopic ratios provide important insights on the hydrology, sediment contribution to the arc volcanoes and fluid-sediment reactions at the dominantly non-accretionary Costa Rica subduction zone. Ocean Drilling Program Site 1039 in the trench axis provides a reference section of 400 m of the incoming sediments, and Site 1040, situated arcward from the trench, consists of a deformed sedimentary wedge and apron sediments, the décollement, and the partially dewatered underthrust sediment section. At the reference site, pore fluids show important isotopic variations (delta6Li=-21.7 to -37.8 per mil), reflecting the interplay of in situ alteration of volcanic material and ion exchange with clay minerals. In the basal section, a reversal of Li concentration and delta6Li toward seawater values is observed, providing supporting evidence for a lateral seawater flow system in the upper oceanic basement underlying this sediment section. At Site 1040, pore fluid of the lower deformed wedge sediments and within the décollement is enriched in Li and the isotopic compositions are relatively light, suggesting infiltration of a deep-seated fluid. The delta6Li value of -22 per mil of this Li-enriched fluid (261 µM), when compared with the delta6Li value of the subducted sediment section (-11 per mil), suggests that the deep source fluid originates from mineral fluid dehydration and transformation reactions at temperatures of 100 to 150°C, consistent with the temperature range of the up-dip seismogenic zone and of transformation of smectite to illite. The distribution of Li and its isotopes in the underthrust section are similar to those at the reference site, indicating near complete subduction of the incoming sediments and that early dewatering of the underthrust sediments occurs predominantly by lateral flow into the ocean. The hemipelagic clay-rich sediment section of the subducting plate carries most of the Li into this subduction zone, and the pelagic diatomaceous and nannofossil calcareous oozes contain little Li. The Li isotopes of both the clay-rich hemipelagic sediments and of the pelagic oozes are, however, similar, with delta6Li values of -9 to -12 per mil. The observations that (1) the delta6Li values of the underthrust sediments are distinctly lower than that of the mantle, and (2) the lavas of the Costa Rican volcanoes are enriched in Li and 7Li, provide an approximation of the contribution of the subducted sediments to the arc volcanoes. A first order mass balance calculation suggests that approximately half of the Li flux delivered by subducted sediments and altered oceanic crust into the Middle American Trench is recycled to the Costa Rican arc and at most a quarter of sedimentary Li is returned into the ocean through thrust faults, primarily the décollement thrust.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"Being the organ of the boards of domestic missions, education, foreign missions, publication, church extension, the fund for disabled ministers, and the general assembly's committee on freedmen," (varies).