1000 resultados para Desigualdad relativa


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It is known that the urban environment modifies the energy balance between the surface and the atmosphere, causing changes in temperature, relative humidity, among other things, opening the way for studies aimed at urban climatology. Based on the theme of urban climate, this research focuses on the city of Assis, located west of São Paulo. The generation of urban climate is a result of various factors, among which stand out: the use and different land use, the thermodynamic properties of buildings, number of buildings in the urban, socioeconomic activities, etc.. In general, this increases the temperature and reducing relative humidity, providing thermal discomfort. The rural environment is used for comparison studies to this theme by presenting different characteristics in relation to the structure, morphology and urban functionality. The main objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of temperature and humidity environments with the habits and occupations of the different soils in winter, at night, one inserted into the urban fabric of Assis and the other in the rural environment, to verify for evidence of changes in climatic elements because of urbanization. To collect the data will be used mini automatic weather stations that record data on temperature and humidity. For analysis of the results will be made between the data obtained in the city and the countryside, developing graphics application using Excel to tabulate the data. It was found that there were differences in the thermo-hygrometric data collection points, showing a specific urban climate in the city of Assis


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The expansion and growth of towns affect the hydrology of watersheds included in the urban environment, impacting mainly the slopes and river channels. This interference can be in soil waterproofing, the runoff of rainwater, the extinction of surface drainage, the dynamics of flooding processes, etc. For studies concerning the hydrological behavior of watersheds, Remote Sensing techniques have been used to support the acquisition and analysis of data and also to generate new information from the integration of these data. In this context, the study aimed to characterize scenarios and conduct comparative analysis of urban occupation of parts of watershed the Córrego da Servidão, in Rio Claro (SP) and analyze the degree of waterproofing on the ground. With the support of the soil categories of waterproofing listed in Soil Conservation Service (S.C.S / USDA) this analysis was conducted, considering the scenarios of 1958 and 2006, through processes of interpretative analysis of panchromatic and color images aerofotogramétricas. The analysis, data integration and mapping of the watershed area were conducted in an environment of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Maps were obtained to characterize land cover in the watershed, showing the evolution of urban occupation, as well as indicating the densely built and waterproofed


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This article is based on the author's clinical practice in the area of public health, and discusses depression as it is known today. Essentially, the author questions the practice of labeling depression as a psychopathological condition. The author also questions today’s trend of seeing a subject’s suffering as a "malaise," or a “disorder.” The possibility is brought up of understanding it as a "demand for analysis." Finally, the article is meant as a contribution to the ethics of psychoanalysis focused on the subject and the possibilities of psychoanalysis in subjectivating this "malaise."


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Greenhouse with natural ventilation is widely used in tropical countries, and little knowledge is available about how this type of structure affects the spatial variability of agroclimatic variables. The aim of this study was to analyse the spatial variability of relative humidity inside a greenhouse with natural ventilation. The measurement of relative humidity was done at 114 points inside the greenhouse at 9, 12 and 16 hours and on heights of 0.3, 1.2 and 2.0 m. The acquired data were processed by the geostatistical software GS+ and maps were generated and displayed for each time and height using the Surfer 10.3.705 software. The results showed that there were variations in the spatial distribution of relative humidity inside the greenhouse.


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De um lado, tem-se o fato de que o jornalismo auxilia na formação da opinião pública ao ocupar o lugar de “confiabilidade” na sociedade contemporânea. Do outro, a liberdade do público para consumir conteúdos na web, e uma relativa autonomia para produzir seus próprios conteúdos. A equação que soma a formação da opinião pública pelos jornais à autonomia do público, tem como resultado um certo “descontrole” da opinião pública por parte dos jornais, e evidencia a relevância de estudos acadêmicos para tentar entender essa nova realidade. Este artigo traz um diálogo entre ideias postas por Nilson Lage (1996), John Keane (1998) e Paul Levinson (2012) a respeito das mudanças estruturais na sociedade e a formação de opinião pública. O jornalismo especializado em tecnologia, e a presença de temas ligados à cultura livre nessas páginas é o que permeia a discussão.


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Programa de Oceanografía física y Física aplicada


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Departamento de Biología (Botánica). Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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Programa de doctorado: Formación del Profesorado. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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Il documento tratta di alcuni problemi di dinamica relativa. Dopo un'introduzione sulla cinematica vengono analizzati principalmente, in ambito statico e dinamico, il problema della variazione del peso in funzione della latitudine e il problema dei due corpi. Prendendo le origini da quest'ultimo, infine vengono esposte le tre leggi di Keplero


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Nel presente documento verrà affrontata la messa a punto del banco di prova per la caratterizzazione del coefficiente d’attrito globale dei collegamenti bullonati, analizzando i parametri che influenzano la buona o cattiva realizzazione della prova e verrà stabilito se essi hanno influenza oppure no sulla prova; una volta ricavati e analizzati i parametri che influenzano la prova verranno effettuate prove per vedere l’intervallo di incertezza della misura del coefficiente d’attrito per comprendere l’affidabilità della prova; successivamente verrà studiata la differente lubrificazione nelle viti e analizzata quale zona di attrito ha un’incidenza maggiore e se è significativa, poi verranno analizzati due tipi di lubrificante e stabilito quale dei due da un migliore effetto e infine verranno analizzati alcuni parametri per vedere la loro influenza sul coefficiente d’attrito, verrà valutata se è significativa oppure no, e si valuterà quale ha più o meno effetto sul coefficiente d’attrito.


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Se trata de describir sintéticamente (máximo 200 palabras) las principales características (tema, metodología, etc.) del proyecto. En este proyecto se investiga cómo se imbrican mutuamente la cultura y la economía en la constitución de la vida social de los productores tabacaleros en Argentina. Se estudia cómo se construyen y se van configurando históricamente los procesos de dominación cultural, en relación con la producción y reproducción de la desigualdad social. El interrogante central que se intenta responder es el siguiente: Si los procesos culturales son constitutivos de la vida social, ¿cómo operan en situaciones históricas de reproducción de la desigualdad social? Desde el postestructuralismo cultural, se conciben los procesos culturales como disputas por los símbolos, significados y categorías sociales claves. Estas disputas implican ideología, institucionalización y hegemonía. Desde esta perspectiva, la desigualdad material no se genera ni se sostiene sólo desde lo político-económico, sino también desde lo simbólico-ideológicocultural. Estas dos dimensiones son constitutivas de la cuestión social tabacalera en Argentina. Se utilizan métodos de investigación etnográficos y biográficos. Las unidades de estudio son las provincias de Jujuy y Misiones y las unidades de análisis las familias productoras de tabaco. Se utilizan relatos autobiográficos, historias de vida y análisis de documentos e información archivada.