870 resultados para Contrast-to-noise ratio


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Recent theoretical and experimental results suggested that the silver superlens could be constructed through controlling silver thin film thickness and preparation conditions, and applied in subdiffraction-limited optical imaging and optical lithography. In this work, we report another significant application of silver superlens-ultrahigh density optical data storage. With the silver superlens the subdiffraction-limited pit arrays on an optical disk are dynamically read out and the carrier-to-noise ratio can reach 25 dB for the thin film thickness of 46 nm. The readout laser power and readout velocity have little effect on the carrier-to-noise ratio. Additionally, in our experiment the silver thin film thickness needs to be controlled in the range from 20 to 80 nm.


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Two novel read-only memory (ROM) disks, one with an AgOx mask layer and the other with an AgInSbTe mask layer, are proposed and studied. The AgOx and the AgInSbTe films sputtered on the premastered substrates with pit depths of 50 nm and pit lengths (space) of 380 nm are studied by atomic force microscopy. Disk readout measurement is carried out using a dynamic setup with a laser wavelength of 632.8 nm and an object lens numerical aperture (NA) of 0.40. Results show that the superresolution effect happens only at a suitable oxygen flow ratio for the AgOx ROM disk. The best superresolution readout effect is achieved at an oxygen flow ratio of 0.5 with the smoothest film surface. Compared with the AgOx ROM disk, the AgInSbTe ROM disk has a much smoother film surface and better superresolution effect. A carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) of above 40 dB can be obtained at an appropriate readout power and readout velocity. The readout CNR of both the AgOx and AgInSbTe ROM disks have a nonlinear dependence on the readout power. The superresolution readout mechanisms for these ROM disks are analyzed and compared as well. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The conventional TbFeCo magneto-optical (MO) medium has a relatively smaller Kerr rotation angle in the blue region than in the red. With the recording wavelength gradually moving to the short wavelength, if TbFeCo is still used as recording medium, the conventional MO disk structure must be optimized to get a larger carrier to noise ratio (CNR). Sabi et al. have found that adding a metal layer attached to the TbFeCo film as thermal control layer is a useful way to get a high CNR. In this paper, we proved this through calculation, and carried out optimization of the new type of disk. Calculation results showed that the new structure is useful in preventing an excessive temperature increase, and has a better thermal response. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sb-Bi alloy films are proposed as a new kind of super-resolution mask layer with low readout threshold power. Using the Sb-Bi alloy film as a mask layer and SiN as a protective layer in a read-only memory disc, the super-resolution pits with diameters of 380 nm are read out by a dynamic setup, the laser wavelength is 780 nm and the numerical aperture of pickup lens is 0.45. The effects of the Sb-Bi thin film thickness, laser readout power and disc rotating velocity on the readout signal are investigated. The results show that the threshold laser power of super-resolution readout of the Sb-Bi mask layer is about 0.5 mW, and the corresponding carrier-to-noise ratio is about 20 dB at the film thickness of 50 nm. The super-resolution mechanism of the Sb-Bi alloy mask layer is discussed based on its temperature dependence of reflection.


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为使星载激光高度计实现高空间分辨力、高距离精度,提出了联合采用调频光纤激光器和相干测距的方法。详细讨论了这种方法的实现方案,并对方案中的激光发射功率、望远镜口径以及脉冲宽度对距离精度及信噪比的影响进行数值模拟。对系统参量进行分析,得到了相关参量的关系和优化的参量。结果表明,当望远镜口径为400 mm时,啁啾调频速率为1 MHz/μs,脉冲时间宽度150~350μs,发射功率10 W左右时,基于相干测距的星载激光高度计可以实现距离精度小于15 cm的技术指标。


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The characteristics of media in communication channel are analyzed briefly and the reasonable optical parameters of media are adopted. With certain communication system parameters the temporal and spatial distributions of the received signal from submerged platform are simulated using Monte Carlo method. The upper limit of the ratio of Monte Carlo estimated error to averaged value is about 0.3%. From the simulated results, the optimized sampling timing of receiver and field of view of telescope are obtained. Also the signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver is calculated. Based on this, the error probability of the communication system is deduced from laser pulse position modulation and maximum likelihood detection. The results show that under severe environment robust laser communication from a satellite to a submerged platform can be achieved.


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[Es]Este documento explica el procedimiento seguido para desarrollar la última etapa de un decodificador de DVB-T2, que consiste en la extracción de un archivo de vídeo desde un archivo binario resultante del resto del decodificador. Este decodificador se trata del software de un receptor desarrollado por el departamento de TSR (Tratamiento de Señal y Radiocomunicaciones) de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao en el año 2010. Dicho software es capaz de analizar la señal recibida de DVB-T2 para calcular la tasa de errores y conocer otros parámetros relevantes como el tipo de modulación utilizado. No obstante, para analizar de manera subjetiva las mejoras de DVB-T2 e incluso para determinar de qué manera afectan los errores a la calidad de la imagen es necesario visualizar el video transmitido. Por esta razón se ha comenzado un proyecto en el que el objetivo es programar un nuevo software que proporcione un archivo que contenga el video en cuestión. Este software se ha programado en lenguaje del programa Matlab, y toma el fichero resultante del receptor como entrada, para procesarlo y obtener uno nuevo con el vídeo. De modo que una vez programado y probado para su corrección, se aplica a continuación del receptor del departamento TSR. Una vez obtenido el vídeo es posible comparar la calidad de la imagen con diferentes tasas de error en la comunicación, simulando transmisiones en diferentes ámbitos cada uno con su correspondiente ruido. De esta manera, se estima con muy alta precisión el comportamiento de una transmisión real dependiendo de la climatología y otros factores que afecten a la relación señal a ruido.


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Defining types of seafloor substrate and relating them to the distribution of fish and invertebrates is an important but difficult goal. An examination of the processing steps of a commercial acoustics analyzing software program, as well as the data values produced by the proprietary first echo measurements, revealed potential benef its and drawbacks for distinguishing acoustically distinct seafloor substrates. The positive aspects were convenient processing steps such as gain adjustment, accurate bottom picking, ease of bad data exclusion, and the ability to average across successive pings in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. A noteworthy drawback with the processing was the potential for accidental inclusion of a second echo as if it were part of the first echo. Detailed examination of the echogram measurements quantified the amount of collinearity, revealed the lack of standardization (subtraction of mean, division by standard deviation) before principal components analysis (PCA), and showed correlations of individual echogram measurements with depth and seafloor slope. Despite the facility of the software, these previously unknown processing pitfalls and echogram measurement characteristics may have created data artifacts that generated user-derived substrate classifications, rather than actual seafloor substrate types.


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The inability of emissions reduction methods to meet upcoming legislation without an unacceptable increase in vehicle cost is a major problem of automobile manufacturer. This work aims to develop a cost-effective reduction of automobile emissions. A prototype CO2 sensor with 5 msec response time was built and bench tested, then used on an engine. The sensor design was based on standard emissions measurement technology using non-dispersive IR absorption. An improved sensor has now been completed with significant improvements in terms of signal to noise ratio and long-term stability. The improved sensor will be used to measure CO2 concentrations on three different engines. The results will then be used to validate engine and catalyst models and to propose control strategies aimed at reducing overall emissions. A brief description of the sensor itself was presented. Original is an abstract.


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We study the behavior of channel capacity when a one-bit quantizer is employed at the output of the discrete-time average-power-limited Gaussian channel. We focus on the low signal-to-noise ratio regime, where communication at very low spectral efficiencies takes place, as in Spread-Spectrum and Ultra-Wideband communications. It is well known that, in this regime, a symmetric one-bit quantizer reduces capacity by 2/π, which translates to a power loss of approximately two decibels. Here we show that if an asymmetric one-bit quantizer is employed, and if asymmetric signal constellations are used, then these two decibels can be recovered in full. © 2011 IEEE.


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We study the information rates of non-coherent, stationary, Gaussian, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels that are achievable with nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-aided channel estimation. In particular, we analyse the behaviour of these achievable rates in the limit as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) tends to infinity. We demonstrate that nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-aided channel estimation achieves the capacity pre-logwhich is defined as the limiting ratio of the capacity to the logarithm of SNR as the SNR tends to infinityof non-coherent multiple-input single-output (MISO) flat-fading channels, and it achieves the best so far known lower bound on the capacity pre-log of non-coherent MIMO flat-fading channels. © 2011 IEEE.