495 resultados para Complementos verbais
The aim of this article is to present part of the results of a study concerning the lexicon employed by students learning Spanish language in a Languages degree (Undergraduate Education program). We describe the use and the context in which two verbal forms occur. We made use of Corpus Linguistics theory in order to compile two corpora of descriptive and argumentative compositions and observe the use of two Spanish verbs (haber and tener – third person singular). 250 compositions from first and second year students were collected. The WordSmith Tools software was applied to generate the list of words and the list of concordance. The verbal forms hay and tiene were the most used, and in some cases they were applied inappropriately when compared to the traditional Spanish grammar and to an electronic corpus. The results were discussed in class and were important to raise consciousness in relation to the students’ textual production.
It is unanimous among lexicologists that lexical units present deep marks in the representativeness of cultural and behavioral issues. Thus, some scholars have been proposing methodologies in order to enable the verification, scientifically, of mechanisms to systematize the lexicon within a specific time/space. In this way, it would be possible to promote discussions about its relations with social matters. These lexical contents can be analyzed, for instance, in the publicity having in mind its power of extending the desires of its receiver/customer to the acquisition of products/services since it is a media outlet that provide aids, by means of verbal texts produced by advertising editors, in order to deal with issues of our society, as those related to female and male genders. From all of this, the present article aims at organizing lexical items in market segments, here referred to lexicon-marketing, so as to make possible observation of social behaviors in the universes of both women and men.
This work consists of a semiotic analysis of the animation motion picture The Lion King (1994), by the Walt Disney Animation Studios, describing its intertextual relation with Hamlet, by Shakespeare, considering Disney’s individuality, its style. In order to study style in texts, we use discursive semiotics theory, highlighting Discini’s work (2013) and the concept of discursive settings. Hence, a deep discussion about The Lion King’s style, compared to the Shakespeare’s play, is established. The movie, once a syncretic text, requires advanced studies on Expression Plane, its plastic, musical and verbal/phonic aspects. We find these studies in the work of José Luiz Fiorin (2009), Lúcia Teixeira (2009), Ana Claúdia de Oliveira (2009), Jean-Marie Floch (2009) and Antônio Vicente Pietroforte (2008). We note how a syncretic text makes the discursive settings more complex by assembling plastic and sonorous materials in semissimbolic relation. Once defined The Lion King’s style, we analyze the way it justifies the intense popularity of this kind of animation features. Finally, it is important to understand how Disney uses in its style not only discursive settings, but also passional settings, revealing its own way to stir emotions on the spectator
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo investiga atos agressivos manifestados pelos/as professores/as contra seus/as alunos/as em sala de aula. Para tanto, recorremos às contribuições da literatura brasileira acerca da violência escolar, produzida na última década e publicada na Base Scielo e utilizamos como fonte 32 histórias de escolarização narradas por alunas que, em 2004, cursaram a disciplina Didática II do curso de Pedagogia oferecido pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – campus de Araraquara – Unesp. Os resultados da literatura indicaram que professores/as também são protagonistas de violências contra seus/as alunos/as e que, em geral, estes/as profissionais estão despreparados para combater o fenômeno. As análises das histórias mostraram que os/as professores/as dos diferentes níveis de ensino praticam atos agressivos contra seus/as alunos/as, físicos e verbais, predominando os verbais. Faz-se urgente conhecer essa problemática para que possamos pensar em alternativas futuras, tendo em vista o cumprimento do ECA que visa, sobretudo, assegurar os direitos fundamentais.
In this paper, we study patterns of complementation as well as transitivity in Portuguese grammatical tradition aiming at verifying the motor of interest toward these subjects as well as eventual historic changes in the direction of the treatment they have been given. We analyze the concepts, the relations and the grounding notions in this camp, as well as the (in)transitive property of verbs in correlation with the status of their complements. Historically documented normative determinations of the notion of complementation and the modern reactions to such a view are relevant to our examination. Our conclusion moves toward a socio‑historic conditioning of traditional lessons, acknowledging, however, the natural existence of theoretical directions in the proposals.
The aim of this study was to observe Argentine diatopic varieties and to identify in which stage of the evolution of the pretérito perfecto compuesto (PPC) the use of compound tense fits into these variations. Therefore, we assume as assumptions (I) some authors` description of the evolutionary stages of this verb tense in Spanish, (II) the description of the values assigned to the perfecto compuesto in the dialect regions of Argentina and (III) the contributions of studies on grammaticalization for the verb tenses analysis.
In Metamorphoses, the Roman poet Ovid tells the tale of the transformation of Jupiter into a bull to seduce the Phoenician princess Europa. During Renaissance, as is well known, Western civilization fostered an intense renewal of its values under the clear influence of Greco-Roman culture. Ovid, whose fame had not ceased throughout the Middle Ages, became then even better known, and especially his poem Metamorphoses turned into a remarkable source of inspiration not only to literature but also to fine arts and their new humanistic conception. Thus, the episode of the abduction of Europa received a dramatic pictorial expression in the broad brush strokes of the Venetian master Titian Vecellio, who interpreted several classical myths in his canvases at the height of his creative maturity. There are many and obvious relationships in the verses of the ancient Latin poet and the picture of the Italian Renaissancist. In Metamorphoses, the mythical account is described in so many details and set in such an expressive poetic that Titian could take Ovid´s narrative as a model for painting “The Rape of Europa”, doing a true exercise in intersemiotic translation by interpreting verbal signs through pictorial signs.
Practices of violence such as physical and verbal aggression, provocations, humiliations and exclusion that occur mainly among young people in schools are named as bullying and the aim of this qualitative-descriptive study was to investigate how this phenomenon is represented by magazines directed to teenage girls. The analysis was conducted in fifteen articles of four Brazilian magazines: Capricho, Todateen, Atrevida and Yes Teen through thematic categories: 1) Definitions and explanations about bullying; 2) Magazines’ proposals to the confrontation against bullying (2.1 Campaigns and orientations against bullying; 2.2 Advices about how to act in the presence of bullying; 2.3 Examples of “overcoming” to people who suffered bullying and 2.4 Advices given to people who practice bullying). It was identified the presence of hierarchies, stereotypes and the incentive to competition. There is the predominance of normative and excluding patterns, advices that individualize the issue and lack of critical reflection.
The aim of this paper is to show some aspects of the aesthetic of Jules Laforgue, French symbolistic poet, who used verbal creations such as neologisms, archaism, foreignism revealing how creative and modern he was in his period.
D’après Greimas (2002), le sens se concrétise par le changement de rythme ou par une oscillation construite dans la linéarité du langage. L’étrange et l’imprévu, considérés comme des événements qui troublent la pratique habituelle d’une vie dans son parcours, entrent ainsi dans le domaine d’études de la sémiotique française. Le sujet a été discuté plus tard par Claude Zilberberg, avec la venue de la sémiotique tensive, pour qui l’appréhension d’un événement se donne dans le survenir. De plus, selon les observations de Greimas, pour la sémiotique, une forme de vie caractérise des manières par lesquelles les individus ressentent et expriment leur compréhension de l’existence à travers des façons de faire, d’être, d’organiser l’espace dans lequel ils vivent, etc. Devant ces présuppositions théoriques, nous analysons le reportage “Eu pego mas não me apego”, publié dans Atrevida, une revue dirigée vers un public féminin dont la tranche d’âge est de 15 à 19 ans, et nous discutons la manière dont l’énonciateur a configuré le simulacre de l’acteur “ado branchée”. Il en ressort que l’énonciateur a utilisé des stratégies verbales et qu’il met ainsi en discours l’idée d’un comportement qui parait transgresseur au niveau de la manifestation, ce que l’on peut caractériser comme un événement. Cependant, on notera la présence de marques textuelles implicites qui rendent possible un discours qui se réfère au comportement féminin traditionnel et qui caractérise une routine.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR