999 resultados para Colorado-Big Thompson Project (U.S.)


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Deformation features within the cores are studied with a view towards elucidating the structure of the Middle America Trench along the transect drilled during Leg 67. Where possible, inferences are made as to the physical environment of deformation. Extensional tectonics prevails in the area of the seaward slope and trench. Fracturing and one well-preserved normal fault are found mostly within the lower Miocene chalks, at the base of the sedimentary section. These chalks have high porosities (40%-60%) and water content (30%-190%, based on % dry wt.). Experimental triaxial compression tests conducted on both dry and water-saturated samples of chalk from Holes 495 and 499B show that only in the saturated samples is more brittle behavior observed. Brittle failure of the chalks is greatly facilitated by pore fluid pressures that lead to low effective pressures. Additional embrittlement (weakening) can take place as a result of the imposed extensional stress resulting from bending of a subducting elastic oceanic plate. The chalks exhibit, in a landward direction, an increase in density and mechanical strength and a decrease in water content. These changes are attributed to mechanical compaction that may have resulted from tectonic horizontal compression. The structure of the landward slope is not well understood because the slope sites had to be abandoned due to the presence of gas hydrate. The relationship of the chaotic, brittle deformation (observed in the cores from Hole 494A) at the base of the landward slope to tectonic processes remains unclear. The deformation observed on the slope sites (Holes 496 and 497) is mostly fracturing and near-vertical sigmoidal veinlets. These are interpreted as being the result of gas/fluid overpressurization due to the decomposition of the gas hydrate, and not due to tectonic loading of accreted sediments. Aside from four small displacement (less than 1cm) reverse faults observed in the lower Miocene chalks (which may be the product of soft-sediment deformation), there is a noticeable absence of structures reflecting a dominance of horizontal (tectonic) compression along the transect drilled. The absence of such features, the lack of continuity of sediment types across the trench-landward slope, and the normal stratigraphic sequence in Hole 494A do not support any known accretionary model.


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A bulk-sediment and clay-fraction X-ray diffraction study of samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 shows an abundance of the following minerals: plagioclase feldspar, zeolite, smectite, Fe-Mg chlorite, attapulgite, and serpentine. Amorphous compounds are also abundant. The variations in abundance of the different components correspond to episodes of volcanic activity through time. Deposits from periods of great activity are composed of sediments very rich in amorphous matter and in "primary" minerals (e.g., plagioclase feldspars). During relatively quiet periods, clay minerals and zeolites predominate.


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Four chemically distinct basalts were cored in 44 m of basement penetration at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 543, in Upper Cretaceous crust just seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge and north of the Tiburon Rise. All four types are moderately fractionated abyssal tholeiites. The four types have different magnetic inclinations, all of reversed polarity, suggesting eruption at different times which recorded secular variation of the earth's magnetic field. Extensive replacement of Plagioclase by K-feldspar has occurred at the top of the basalts, giving analyses with K2O contents up to 5 %. The earliest stages of alteration were dominantly oxidative, resulting in fractures lined with celadonite and dioctahedral smectite, and pervasive replacement of olivine and most intersertal glass with iron hydroxides and green clay minerals. Latef, non-oxidative alteration resulted in formation of olive-green clays and pyrite veins in a portion of the rocks. Basalts affected by this alteration actually lost K2O (to abundances lower than in adjacent fresh basalt glasses), and gained MgO (to abundances higher than in the glasses). Finally, fractures and interpillow voids were lined with calcite, sealing in much fresh glass. Oxygen-isotope measurements on the calcite indicate that this occurred at 12 to 25C. Either altering fluids were warm or the basalts had become buried with a considerable thickness of sediments, such that temperatures increased until a conductive thermal gradient was established, when the veining occurred.


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At all DSDP Leg 56 drilling sites, exotic pebbles occur commonly, throughout the cores. Chips of carbonate nodules occur only at Site 434 on the lower inner trench wall. Both exotic pebbles and carbonate nodule chips sometimes tend to be concentrated at particular levels of cores. Exotic pebbles are generally well rounded and consist of various rock types, such as dacite, andesite, basalt, tuff, gabbro, granodiorite, metaquartzite, biotite hornfels, lithic wacke, mudstone, etc., of which dacite occurs commonly at all the sites. Almost all pebbles at Site 436 and most at Sites 434 and 435 may have been rafted by ice. Some at the latter sites may have been derived by down-slope slumping. Carbonate nodules consist of microcrystalline dolomite, manganoan calcite, and siderite; CaCO3 content ranges from 22 to 65 per cent. They are also generally characterized by a high content of P2O5. The nodules are commonly rich in diatom remains, some of which indicate that the nodules are autochthonous. Some nodules contain abundant glass shards, with a modal refractive index of 1.499, almost identical to shards in the surrounding mud and ooze. These facts suggest that the carbonate nodules may have been formed diagenetically, in situ. This may throw light on problems of the formation of carbonate nodules in ancient "geosynclinal" sediments. It is also very important to point out that these carbonate nodules were formed within sediment deposited well below the CCD.


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A series of C2-C8 hydrocarbons (including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from deep-frozen core samples taken during DSDP Leg 75 (Holes 530A and 532) were analyzed by a combined hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization method. Concentrations representing both hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces vary in Hole 530A from about 10 to 15,000 ng/g of dry sediment weight depending on the lithology (organic-carbon-lean calcareous oozes versus "black shales"). Likewise, the organic-carbon-normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from 3,500 to 93,100 ng/g Corg, reflecting drastic differences in the hydrogen contents and hence the hydrocarbon potential of the kerogens. The highest concentrations measured of nearly 10**5 ng/g Corg are about two orders of magnitude below those usually encountered in Type-II kerogen-bearing source beds in the main phase of petroleum generation. Therefore, it was concluded that Hole 530A sediments, even at 1100 m depth, are in an early stage of evolution. The corresponding data from Hole 532 indicated lower amounts (3,000-9,000 ng/g Corg), which is in accordance with the shallow burial depth and immaturity of these Pliocene/late Miocene sediments. Significant changes in the light hydrocarbon composition with depth were attributed either to changes in kerogen type or to maturity related effects. Redistribution pheonomena, possibly the result of diffusion, were recognized only sporadically in Hole 530A, where several organic-carbon lean samples were enriched by migrated gaseous hydrocarbons. The core samples from Hole 530A were found to be severely contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures on board Glomar Challenger.


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Samples of sediments and rocks collected at DSDP Sites 530 and 532 were analyzed for 44 major, minor, and trace elements for the following purposes: (1) to document the downhole variability in geochemistry within and between lithologic units; (2) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich black shales at Site 530; (3) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in Neogene organic-carbon-rich sediments at Site 532; (4) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in red claystone above basalt basement at Site 530 that might be attributed to hydrothermal activity or weathering of basalt. Results of the geochemical analyses showed that there are no significant enrichments of elements in the organic-carbon-rich sediments at Site 532, but a number of elements, notably Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, are enriched in the Cretaceous black shales. These elements have different concentration gradients within the black-shale section, however, which suggests that there was differential mobility of trace elements during diagenesis of interbedded more-oxidized and less-oxidized sediments. There is little or no enrichment of elements from hydrothermal activity in the red claystone immediately overlying basalt basement at Site 530, but slight enrichments of several elements in the lowest meter of sediment may be related to subsea weathering of basalt


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The Albian/Cenomanian strata in Hole 530A are organically richer than are the post-Cenomanian strata. Organic matter is thermally immature and appears to be of dominantly marine origin with either variable levels of oxidation or variable amounts of terrestrial input. Geochemical data alone cannot establish whether the black shales present in Hole 530A represent deposition within a stagnant basin or within an expanded oxygen-minimum layer


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This paper presents a compilation of stable-isotope and percentage-of-carbonate data for the Upper Cretaceous/ lower Tertiary hemipelagic sediments from DSDP Leg 73, Site 524.


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Clay mineralogical and inorganic geochemical data from the Campanian to the Pleistocene provide information bearing on the evolution of both continental and marine paleoenvironments in the Walvis Ridge area. (1) Alteration processes of basalts occurred under subaerial conditions during the Campanian and Maestrichtian and were virtually absent in deeper marine environments. (2) Strong tectonic effects were present during the Campanian and persisted until the early Eocene. (3) Subsidence of this part of the Walvis Ridge became important during the late Maestrichtian and continued into the Paleocene and Eocene. (4) The influence of global climatic cooling was evident from the late Eocene on. (5) Modification of oceanic circulation and the increasing influence of surface and deep water masses on the sedimentation characterized the Cenozoic.


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Accumulation rates for the five sites drilled during Leg 74 of the Glomar Challenger are presented on a common timescale based on calibration of datum levels to paleomagnetic records in Leg 74 sediments for the Paleogene, and a new compilation by Berggren et al. (1985), for the Neogene, and using the seafloor-spreading magnetic anomaly timescale of Kent (1985). We present data on accumulation of total sediment, of foraminifers, of the noncarbonate portion, and of fish teeth that give a history of productivity, winnowing, carbonate dissolution, and nonbiogenic input to what was then a part of the South Atlantic at about 30 deg S.


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Mineralogical identification, glass chemistry, and instrumental neutron activation analyses of Quaternary volcanic ash layers from Leg 67 Holes 496, 497, and 499 are used to correlate the drill holes and on-land sources. We have identified two units at Hole 496 that correspond to the 23,000-yr.-old Pinos Altos ash (Samples 496-3-4, 55-57 cm and 496-3-5, 74-76 cm); the 84,000-yr.-old Los Chocoyos ash corresponds with Sample 496-5-4, 134-146 cm, but this latter correlation is less certain.


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During the analysis of "glaucony" recovered during Leg 66, off Mexico, we reviewed the data on previously studied glaucony layers in active margin areas. We found the depth of Leg 66 glaucony sediments to be significantly greater than conventionally assumed appropriate to their genesis (100-500 m). Accordingly, we hypothesize their occurrence at unusual depth to be due to (1) transport of shallow sediments and redeposition at greater depths, (2) margin subsidence, or (3) genesis at greater depth than is generally assumed. For the area off Mexico, we reject (1). (2) has already been verified in Japan and is possible as an explanation for the present phenomenon without excluding (3), which we investigate in this chapter.


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A detailed study has been made of the physical properties of core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 395A. The properties include: density, porosity, compressional and shear wave velocity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and electrical resistivity. Of particular importance are the relations among the parameters. Most of the variations in the basalt properties follow the porosity, with smaller inferred dependence on pore structure, original mineralogy differences, and alteration. The sample measurements give very similar results to (and extend previous data from) Mid-Atlantic Ridge drillholes, the sample data from this site and previous data are used to estimate relations between porosity and other large-scale physical properties of the upper oceanic crust applicable to this area. These relations are important for the analysis and interpretation of downhole logging measurements and marine geophysical data.


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Samples of basalt collected on Leg 65 near 22°N on the East Pacific Rise all display the depleted light rare-earth pattern of "normal" oceanic crust. Consequently the La/Ta ratio is close to 18, as opposed to the value of 9 associated with the flat or enriched patterns found along parts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Emperor Seamount chain. The Leg 65 samples are chemically similar to those from the CYAMEX area at 21 °N and to the Leg 54 samples from 9°N, suggesting homogeneity of the upper mantle under the northern part of the East Pacific Rise over a minimum distance of about 1500 km. The geochemistry of the rocks and their field relationships with respect to depth and distance from the axis of the Rise show no pattern of distribution linked to the degree of fractional crystallization and thus cast doubt on any possible model involving large, long-lived magma chambers at the axis of the Rise.


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The hydraulic piston coring device (HPC-15) allows recovery of deep ocean sediments with minimal disturbance. The device was used during Leg 72 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) aboard the Glomar Challenger. Core samples were recovered from bore holes in the Rio Grande Rise in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Relatively undisturbed sediment cores were obtained from Holes 515A, 516, 517, and 518. The results of shipboard physical property measurements and on-shore geotechnical laboratory tests on these cores are presented in this chapter. A limited number of 0.3 m cores were obtained and used in a series of geotechnical tests, including one-dimensional consolidation, direct shear, Atterburg limit, particle size analysis, and specific gravity tests. Throughout the testing program, attention was focused on assessment of sample disturbance associated with the HPC-15 coring device. The HPC-15 device limits sample disturbance reasonably well in terrigenous muds (clays). However, sample disturbance associated with coring calcareous sediments (nannofossil-foraminifer oozes) is severe. The noncohesive, granular behavior of the calcareous sediments is vulnerable to severe disturbance, because of the design of the sampling head on the device at the time of Leg 72. A number of modifications to the sampling head design are recommended and discussed in this chapter. The modifications will improve sample quality for testing purposes and provide longer unbroken core samples by reducing friction between the sediment column and the sampling tool.