989 resultados para Coastwise shipping


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This FAL Bulletin is part of a series on ports and maritime trade in the region. It is closely related to Issue No. 337 - Number 1 / 2015, which sets out the need for a new port governance in the region to address the new circumstances that have arisen in the maritime market. As such, and given the need for contextual information, this Bulletin is divided into two sections, the first devoted to the current status of world maritime trade (with special focus on container trade), and the second detailing the situation of the shipping industry.


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Este trabalho é um estudo de caso do Arranjo Produtivo Local – APL da indústria da construção naval artesanal no município de Igarapé-Miri região do Baixo – Tocantins. Atividade esta formado por estaleiros gerenciados por mestres trabalhadores detentores de um acervo intelectual tácito, passado de geração em geração. Objetiva investigar o potencial do APL da construção naval artesanal como fundamento do desenvolvimento endógeno na região. Deste modo, se analisou suas principais características, estrutura de produção, custo, ocupação, mercado e emprego nas pequenas empresas do APL da indústria naval bem como a dinâmica e a potencialidade do setor, os seus principais problemas e os entraves ao seu desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, a pesquisa constatou a crescente produção por tonelagem da indústria naval e os atores econômicos, políticos e sociais que dela tem se beneficiado. A pesquisa adotou o padrão metodológico das experiências de estudos de sistema de aprendizagem e inovações buscando entender sistemas e arranjos produtivos locais fundamentado na visão evolucionista sobre inovação e mudança tecnológica.


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Diferenciais econômicos e ambientais incorporados a energia da biomassa têm impulsionado a difusão do fornecimento e utilização de biocombustíveis em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. No Estado do Pará (Brasil), a crescente procura por pó de serragem, caroço de açaí e lenha legalizada, especialmente,relacionada com a atuação de indústrias cerâmicas localizadas no município de São Miguel do Guamá (Pará) e outros segmentos industriais, aponta para uma possível tendência à escassez desses recursos energéticos. Deste modo, necessitando de iniciativa para a busca de combustíveis alternativos que sejam capazes não somente de garantir o suprimento energético indispensável à produção cerâmica atual e futura dessas indústrias, mas também de assegurar a continuidade e preservação dos recursos naturais renováveis da região. Este trabalho consolida pesquisa junto a empresas associadas ao Sindicato das Indústrias Cerâmicas de São Miguel do Guamá, que estão localizadas neste município, utilizando como amostra empresas ceramistas que buscam alternativas em bioenergia, sendo também pesquisados agroindústrias e agricultores presentes nos demais Municípios do Estado do Pará. Objetiva-se a identificação de alternativas para o suprimento energético em fornos cerâmicos, considerando o aproveitamento de fontes energéticas renováveis e oportunidades para redução dos custos de sua aquisição por meio da prática do frete de retorno. Utilizou-se como estratégia de pesquisa o estudo de caso em cinco momentos de entrevistas semiestruturadas orientadas por questionários. Os resultados obtidos indicam que há oportunidade de oferta de biomassa combinante com as necessidades das empresas ceramistas pesquisadas, com potencial para atender demanda energética reprimida e permitindo a continuidade de negócios estratégicos no Pará, como neste momento, o crescente setor da construção civil.


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Nós examinamos 308 espécimes do blenídeo Omobranchus punctatus, de origem Indo-Pacífica, depositados em coleções de quatro museus. Os dados de distribuição foram analisados com o objetivo de avaliar a invasão das águas costeiras do Oceano Atlântico nas Américas do Sul e Central. Em sua área de distribuição original, O. punctatus ocorre em ambientes marinhos e estuarinos. Amostragens datadas de 1930 e de 2004 produziram 20 registros da espécie no Atlântico Oeste tropical, incluindo amostras do Panamá, Colômbia, Venezuela, Trinidade e Brasil. Neste trabalho nós apresentamos 17 novos registros em áreas da Venezuela e nordeste do Brasil. O padrão temporal dos dados (1930-2009) e a proximidade da maioria das áreas de amostragem a regiões portuárias indicam que a espécie foi inicialmente introduzida no Atlântico pela água de lastro de navios navegando na rota India-Trinidade. No Brasil, a introdução parece estar associada ao movimento de navios em torno das plataformas de petróleo. No Maranhão e no Pará, a introdução está associada ao movimento de navios entre os portos próximos à foz do rio Amazonas. Alternativamente, a expansão de área desta espécie ao longo da costa da América pode ter acontecido através de dispersão larval, acompanhando as correntes em direção ao norte. Nós recomendamos o monitoramento desta espécie, bem como o desenvolvimento de estudos sobre sua ecologia em ambientes do Atlântico ocidental agora ocupados por ela.


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There is little research on the practices of sanitary inspection in the chain of production of vegetables to the consumer, especially those eaten raw, they are liable to serve microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and parasites, contributing to possible health hazards. The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively contamination by parasites and / or commensals of medical interest in lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) fresh market in the municipality of Quata Sao Paulo. A total of 15 random samples were analyzed every other day of the three different places that sell vegetables a grocery store, a supermarket and a vegetable garden during the month of May 2011. The parasites and / or commensals found in lettuce were Entamoeba coli (67%), Entamoeba histolytica (20%), Giardia sp (13%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (7%). The analysis showed the presence of parasites and / or commensals in all samples, except in the cultivated garden which showed poor sanitary conditions, probably due to contamination in the shipping and handling by third parties in supermarket and grocery store. The parasite monitoring sanitary conditions of vegetables sold in urban environments becomes relevant for preventive measures to avoid the continued parasitic cycle and possible future health complications.


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The globalization is each day more aggressive and demanding even more that new products be manufactured and therefore be delivered to many places in the globe. Thus, an efficient and vigorous transport system is demanded. There are many ways to transport a product, but one of the most used in the world is shipping. A marine vessel presents diversified structures of size and functions. In order to this system has more efficiency, alternatives should be used to obtain important energy savings. Usually, a vessel present a propulsion system purely mechanical, therefore the use of alternatives propulsions, like diesel-electric, is increasing. This graduation work has as main focus demonstrate the functioning of a diesel-electric propulsion system, since the main characteristics of each component of the system, likewise the analysis and electrical calculation, showing the advantages in relation to the conventional diesel propulsion system


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The transport market has forced organizations reduce the cost of services and processes, resulting from the highly competitive and, for such waste at all levels and processes are a focus of study for its elimination. This study refers to carrier fractional loads, located in the municipality of Itapecerica da Serra Layout and headquartered in São Paulo, which requires a rapid development throughout its structure, because its expansion was not accompanied by an evolution of effective processes. The need to increase efficiency in delivery with a reduced cost of transport forced the company to hire a logistics consulting to help identify potential bottlenecks in processes, suggest improvements with greater impact and implementation at the end of a critical analysis of results. This work focuses on the Layout of the warehouse shipping area of this organization and we used the method of action research to the consultant and involved could reach this conclusion collaboratively, as well as interviews with those involved in the process and also visual observation. Tools such as Key Performance Indicator, Mapping Workflow, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Applied Statistics and Standard Operating Procedure were used to assist in the identification, analysis and implementation of the proposed improvements


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This work proposes two optimization algorithms for the solution of the Berth Allocation Problem (PAB). Due to the economic development of the country, it became necessary for the improvement of means of transport, which mainly shipping. For this, you need a better system management port, you will receive a lot of ships carrying cargo. In this work the PAB is approached so that the goals are to reduce costs and time handling in ports. For this, we applied two computational techniques, genetic algorithms and optimization for cloud particles, to obtain the best results for this problem. The results obtained with each type of algorithm are compared to conclude which method is more efficient for the port system


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A large part of hydraulic hoses is produced on a mandrel. The mandrel has longer length and circular profile being produced by extrusion of polyamide polymer, which in this case is imported, then the process is depending on the import process, which entails high shipping costs and fees. This work studies the production of recycled mandrel, using the mandrel that is out of dimensional to produce hoses. After the production of recycled mandrel mechanical tensile and hardness were performed both in the natural and recycled mandrel to compare them. It was observed that recycled mandrel presents the tensile properties and hardness superior to natural mandrel. Thus, this work will directly impact the company`s business ultimately reducing costs, reducing waste and reducing environmental impacts


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From the 1860s, the Italian emigration reached many entily, becoming on national problem and a source of revenue for shipping companies operating in the Atlantic. In Italy, the resources were fundamental in financing the replacement of the old sailboats by more modern steamers. Established in 1881, the Navigazione Generale Italiana (NGI) had not scoped to carry passengers. It acted in trade of goods conjugated with postal services widely subsidized by the state. By incorporating that transported immigrants, in a concentration process that would transform it in the largest shipping company in Italy, the NGI opened the thriving business of emigration to the Americas. Based on reports and Balance Exercises Financial of the company between the years 1881 and 1915, papers relating to merchant shipping and emigration legislation (laws of 1888 and 1901), this paper aims to present some results of research on the importance trafficking of Italian emigrants Navigazione Generale Italiana for marking the specialization process of its fleet this kind of service.


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In the final decades of the nineteenth century, the growth of Italian emigration was constituted in a secure source of income for the shipping companies that operated in the Atlantic and played a major role in financing the replacement of old sailboats by modern steamers. Based on reports and balance exercises financial, besides newspapers related to mercantile marine, this article aims to present some results of the research about the importance of Italians emigrants’ transporting to the shipping company La Veloce, showing its economic trajectory and particularities.


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This paper is to discuss the expansion and partly dismantlement of Brazilian merchant marine, tracking their legal, administrative and planning. The analysis period extends from the formation of the Comissão da Marinha Mercante, 1941, to the end of the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 2002. In this long duration it is discussed the formation of the national system of economy and the dynamics of contradictory national merchant navy. The text is divided into two parts: 1) Expansion: The centralization, the planning and nationalization with the formation of the shipbuilding industry, highlighting the actions of the Comissão da Marinha Mercante and the Superintendência Nacional da Marinha Mercante, planning and financing the national navigation; 2) Demolition part: the denationalization and privatization of the national navigation, in addition to the deep restructuring of the shipbuilding industry, highlighting the creation of the Agência Nacional de Transporte Aquaviários during the last years of Fernando Henrique Cardoso government.


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The greatest challenge of undergraduate engineering courses is to encourage creativity, cooperation with other students, teamwork, and motivation in the first years of their courses. While students have little or no contact with advanced disciplines, it is very difficult to attract their interests and encourage them to develop the skills in their undergraduate courses. This work aims to achieve these objectives through a mini-factory project involving the construction of a production line of ceramic tiles on a laboratory scale, from the ceramic processing using raw materials to the shipping of the final product. Having been given an established monthly demand for ceramic tiles, the students determined the construction requirements of the mini-factory, as they have created the layout, including the processing equipment, the dimensioning of equipment, and its operational structure. This article intends to describe the successful creation of the ceramic tile mini-factory, including the objectives, benefits, and inherent difficulties of the process and the receptivity of the exercise by the students involved.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB