994 resultados para Castro, Inês de, d. 1355
The P-T-differential inclusive production cross section of the prompt charm-strange meson D-s(+) in the rapidity range vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5 was measured in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC using the ALICE detector. The analysis was performed on a data sample of 2.98 x 10(8) events collected with a minimum-bias trigger. The corresponding integrated luminosity is L-int = 4.8 nb(-1). Reconstructing the decay D-s(+) -> phi pi(+) with phi -> K-K+, and its charge conjugate, about 480 D-s(+/-) mesons were counted, after selection cuts, in the transverse momentum range 2 < P-T < 12 GeV/c. The results are compared with predictions from models based on perturbative QCD. The ratios of the cross sections of four D meson species (namely D-0, D+, D*+ and D-s(+)) were determined both as a function of p(T) and integrated over p(T)after extrapolating to full p(T) range, together with the strangeness suppression factor in charm fragmentation. The obtained values are found to be compatible within uncertainties with those measured by other experiments in e(+)e(-), ep and pp interactions at various centre-of-mass energies. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
The production of the prompt charm mesons D-0, D+, D*(+), and their antiparticles, was measured with the ALICE detector in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, at a centre-of-mass energy root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV per nucleon-nucleon collision. The p(t)-differential production yields in the range 2 < p(t) < 16 GeV/c at central rapidity, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5, were used to calculate the nuclear modification factor R-AA with respect to a proton-proton reference obtained from the cross section measured at root s = 7 TeV and scaled to root s = 2.76 TeV. For the three meson species, R-AA shows a suppression by a factor 3-4, for transverse momenta larger than 5 GeV/c in the 20% most central collisions. The suppression is reduced for peripheral collisions.
La sezione d'urto di produzione per coppie tt-barra viene misurata utilizzando dati raccolti dall'esperimento CMS in collisioni protone-protone ad LHC, con energia nel sistema del centro di massa radice di s = 8 TeV. Il campione raccolto corrisponde ad una luminosità integrata di 19.5 fb^-1. La misura viene effettuata su eventi che contano un numero di jet pari o superiore a 6, almeno due dei quali identificati come prodotto dell'adronizzazione di quark bottom. Il valore di sezione d'urto ottenuto è (260 pm 10 (stat)) pb, in accordo con le previsioni teoriche del Modello Standard.
Plasma concentrations of D-dimer may prove a valuable addition in the diagnostic work-up of acute type A aortic dissection, but not as means of predicting mortality.
von Adolf Lewin
Text [Extract] franz. und dt.
Self-control is defined as the overriding or modification of one’s own response tendencies. Dispositional self control capacity is positively linked to various kinds of adaptive behavior. In order to economically measure self-control capacity in German-speaking samples, the brief version of the Self-Control Scale by Tangney, Baumeister and Boone (2004) was adapted into German. The translated entire Self-Control Scale consisting of 36 items was administered to university students (N = 316, study 1) and secondary school students (N = 335, study 2). The brief version consisting of 13 items, which were included in the entire scale, proved to be one-dimensional, reliable, and valid in terms of expected correlations with criteria. The comparison between the brief and the entire scale showed that the costs of the more economical brief measure with regard to reliability and validity are low.
von Georg Graff
aus dem Italienischen ins Deutsche übertr. von M. Grünwald, u. mit Anm. vers. von J. Luzzato, S. Morais
[Isaak aus Tyrnau]
von J. B. Levy
fun B. Wainrib
von Paul Fiebig
von Wilhelm Heinrich Dleke