960 resultados para Ca2 Transient
We consider a model for rattling in single-stage gearbox systems with some backlash consisting of two wheels with a sinusoidal driving; the equations of motions are analytically integrated between two impacts of the gear teeth. Just after each impact, a mapping is used to obtain the dynamical variables. We have observed a rich dynamical behavior in such system, by varying its control parameters, and we focus on intermittent switching between laminar oscillations and chaotic bursting, as well as crises, which are sudden changes in the chaotic behavior. The corresponding transient basins in phase space are found to be riddled-like, with a highly interwoven fractal structure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Some dynamical properties for a problem concerning the acceleration of particles in a wave packet are studied. The model is described in terms of a two-dimensional nonlinear map obtained from a Hamiltonian which describes the motion of a relativistic standard map. The phase space is mixed in the sense that there are regular and chaotic regions coexisting. When dissipation is introduced, the property of area preservation is broken and attractors emerge. We have shown that a tiny increase of the dissipation causes a change in the phase space. A chaotic attractor as well as its basin of attraction are destroyed thereby leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. We have characterized such a boundary crisis via a collision of the chaotic attractor with the stable manifold of a saddle fixed point. Once the chaotic attractor is destroyed, a chaotic transient described by a power law with exponent 1 is observed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of transient and sustained variations in cardiac load on the values of the end-systolic pressure-diameter relation (ESPDR) of the left ventricle. METHODS: We studied 13 dogs under general anesthesia and autonomic blockade. Variations of cardiac loads were done by elevation of blood pressure by mechanical constriction of the aorta. Two protocols were used in each animal: gradual peaking and decreasing pressure variation, the transient arterial hypertension protocol (TAH), and a quick and 10 min sustained elevation, the sustained arterial hypertension protocol(SAH). Then, we compared the ESDR in these two situations. RESULTS: Acute elevation of arterial pressure, being it transitory or sustained, did not alter the heart frequency and increased similarly the preload and after load. However, they acted differently in end systolic pressure-diameter relation. It was greater in the SAH than TAH protocol, 21.07.3mmHg/mm vs. 9.21.2mmHg/mm (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The left ventricular ESPDR values determined during sustained pressure elevations were higher than those found during transient pressure elevations. The time-dependent activation of myocardial contractility associated with the Frank-Starling mechanism is the major factor in inotropic stimulation during sustained elevations of blood pressure, determining an increase in the ESPDR values.
A hiperbilirrubinemia txica s vias auditivas e ao sistema nervoso central, deixando sequelas como surdez e encefalopatia. OBJETIVOS: avaliar a audio de neonatos portadores de hiperbilirrubinemia, utilizando-se a pesquisa das emisses otoacsticas evocadas transientes (EOAET) e dos potenciais evocados auditivos do tronco enceflico (PEATE). Estudo prospectivo. CASUSTICA E MTODOS: Constituram-se dois grupos: GI (n-25), neonatos com hiperbilirrubinemia; GII (n-22), neonatos sem hiperbilirrubinemia e sem fatores de risco para surdez. Todos os neonatos tinham at 60 dias de vida e foram submetidos EOAET e ao PEATE. RESULTADOS: 12 neonatos de GI e 10 de GII eram meninas e 13 de GI e 12 de GII eram meninos. As EOAET estavam presentes em todas as crianas, porm com amplitudes menores em GI, especialmente nas frequncias de 2 e 3KHz (p < 0,05). No PEATE, observou-se discreto prolongamento de PV e de LI-V em GI. As alteraes observadas nesses testes no se correlacionaram aos nveis sricos da bilirrubinemia. CONCLUSES: em neonatos portadores de hiperbilirrubinemia, menores amplitudes das EOAET e discreto prolongamento de PV e de LI-V foram constatados indicando comprometimento coclear e retrococlear das vias auditivas, salientando-se a importncia da utilizao e da interpretao minuciosa de ambos os testes nessas avaliaes.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
For data obtained from horizontal soil column experiments, the determination of soil-water transport characteristics and functions would be aided by a single-form equation capable of objectively describing water content theta vs. time t at given position x(f). Our study was conducted to evaluate two such possible equations, one having the form of the Weibull frequency distribution, and the other being called a bipower form. Each equation contained three parameters, and was fitted by nonlinear least squares to the experimental data from three separate columns of a single soil. Across the theta range containing the measured data points obtained by gamma-ray attenuation, the two equations were in close agreement. The resulting family of theta(x(f),t) transients, as obtained from either equation, enabled the evaluation of exponent n in the t(n) dependence of the positional advance of a given theta. Not only was n found to be <0.5 at low theta values, but it also increased with theta and tended toward 0.5 as theta approached its sated (near-saturated) value. Some quantitative uncertainty in n(theta) does arise due to the reduced number of data points available at the higher water contents. Without claiming non-Boltzmann behavior (n < 0.5) as necessarily representative of all soils, we nonetheless consider n(theta) to be worthy of further study for evaluating its significance and implications.
This work presents the complete set of features for solutions of a particular non-ideal mechanical system near the fundamental and near to a secondary resonance region. The system comprises a pendulum with a horizontally moving suspension point. Its motion is the result of a non-ideal rotating power source (limited power supply), acting oil the Suspension point through a crank mechanism. Main emphasis is given to the loss of stability, which occurs by a sequence of events, including intermittence and crisis, when the system reaches a chaotic attractor. The system also undergoes a boundary-crisis, which presents a different aspect in the bifurcation diagram due to the non-ideal supposition. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fast transient current decay was recorded on POMA samples during current pulses (in the order of milliseconds) provided by a low energy electron beam under an applied field. The characteristic time decay depends on the electron beam energy and on the bias polarity. The results were explained taking into account the effect of space charge, the intrinsic conductivity of the non-irradiated region of the sample and the radiation-induced conductivity of the thin irradiated region. Fitting parameters may provide the value of both intrinsic and radiation-induced conductivities and the average electron range.
Snake venom PLA(2)s have been extensively studied due to their role in mediating and disrupting physiological processes such as coagulation, platelet aggregation and myotoxicity. The Ca2+ ion bound to the putative calcium-binding loop is essential for hydrolytic activity. We report the crystallization in the presence and absence of Ca2+ and X-ray diffraction data collection at 1.60 Angstrom (with Ca2+) and 1.36 Angstrom (without Ca2+) of an Asp49 PLA(2) from Bothrops jararacussu venom. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group C222(1). Initial refinement and electron density analysis indicate significant conformational. changes upon Ca2+ binding. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
This study describes a technical analysis of a four-phase line as a transmission system alternative. An analysis in the frequency and the time domains is performed to evaluate the electrical characteristics and the transient response of a generic four-phase system compared with those of a conventional three-phase transmission system. The technical features of this non-conventional system are discussed and reviewed based on the current literature. Thus, a new analysis of the four-phase system is presented that emphasises several technical characteristics that have not been discussed in previous studies.
Islet Neogenesis Associated Protein (INGAP) increases pancreatic beta-cell mass and potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion. Here, we investigated the effects of the pentadecapeptide INGAP-PP in adult cultured rat islets upon the expression of proteins constitutive of the K-ATP(+) channel, Ca2+ handling, and insulin secretion. The islets were cultured in RPMI medium with or without INGAP-PP for four days. Thereafter, gene (RT-PCR) and protein expression (Western blotting) of Foxa2, SUR1 and Kir6.2, cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)), static and dynamic insulin secretion, and Rb-86 efflux were measured. INGAP-PP increased the expression levels of Kir6.2, SUR1 and Foxa2 genes, and SUR1 and Foxa2 proteins. INGAP-PP cultured islets released significantly more insulin in response to 40 mM KCl and 100 mu M tolbutamide. INGAP-PP shifted to the left the dose-response curve of insulin secretion to increasing concentrations of glucose (EC50 of 10.0 +/- 0.4 vs. 13.7 +/- 1.5 mM glucose of the controls). It also increased the first phase of insulin secretion elicited by either 22.2 mM glucose or 100 mu M tolbutamide and accelerated the velocity of glucose-induced reduction of Rb-86 efflux in perifused islets. These effects were accompanied by a significant increase in [Ca2+](i) and the maintenance of a considerable degree of [Ca2+](i) oscillations. These results confirm that the enhancing effect of INGAP-PP upon insulin release, elicited by different secretagogues, is due to an improvement of the secretory function in cultured islets. Such improvement is due, at least partly, to an increased K-ATP(+) channel protein expression and/or changing in the kinetic properties of these channels and augmented [Ca2+](i) response. Accordingly, INGAP-PP could potentially be used to maintain the functional integrity of cultured islets and eventually, for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Transient non-Darcy forced convection on a flat plate embedded in a porous medium is investigated using the Forchheimer-extended Darcy law. A sudden uniform pressure gradient is applied along the flat plate, and at the same time, its wall temperature is suddenly raised to a high temperature. Both the momentum and energy equations are solved by retaining the unsteady terms. An exact velocity solution is obtained and substituted into the energy equation, which then is solved by means of a quasi-similarity transformation. The temperature field can be divided into the one-dimensional transient (downstream) region and the quasi-steady-state (upstream) region. Thus the transient local heat transfer coefficient can be described by connecting the quasi-steady-state solution and the one-dimensional transient solution. The non-Darcy porous inertia works to decrease the velocity level and the time required for reaching the steady-state velocity level. The porous-medium inertia delays covering of the plate by the steady-state thermal boundary layer. 1990.
To assess the structural and functional significance of the N helix (residues 3-13) of avian recombinant troponin C (rTnC), we have constructed NHdel, in which residues 1-11 have been deleted, both in rTnC and in the spectral probe mutant F29W (Pearlstone, J. R., Borgford, T., Chandra, M., Oikawa, K., Kay, C. M., Herzberg, O., Moult, J., Herklotz, A., Reinach, F. C., and Smillie, L.B. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 6545-6553). Comparison of the far- and near-UV CD spectra (Ca2+) of F29W and F29W/ NHdel and titration of the Ca2+-induced ellipticity and fluorescence changes indicates that the deletion has little effect on the global fold of the molecule but reduces the Ca2+ affinity of the N domain, but not the C domain, by 1.6-1.8-fold. Comparisons of the mutants NHdel, F29W, and F29W/NHdel with rTnC have been made using several functional assays. In reconstituted troponin-tropomyosin actomyosin subfragment 1 and myofibrillar ATPase systems, both F29W and NHdel have significantly reduced Ca2+-activated enzymic activities. These effects are cumulative in the double mutant F29W/ NHdel. On the other hand, maximal isometric tension development in Ca2+-activated reconstituted skinned fibers is not affected with F29W and NHdel, although the Ca2+ sensitivity of NHdel in this system is markedly reduced. We conclude that both mutations, NHdel and F29W, are functionally deleterious, possibly affecting interactions of the N domain with troponin I and/or T.