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Symptomatic arachnoiditis after posterior fossa surgical procedures such as decompression of Chiari malformation is a possible complication. Clinical presentation is generally insidious and delayed by months or years. It causes disturbances in the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid and enlargement of a syrinx cavity in the upper spinal cord. Surgical de-tethering has favorable results with progressive collapse of the syrinx and relief of the associated symptoms. Case Description: A 30-year-old male with Chiari malformation type I was treated by performing posterior fossa bone decompression, dura opening and closure with a suturable bovine pericardium dural graft. Postoperative period was uneventful until the fifth day in which the patient suffered intense headache and progressive loose of consciousness caused by an acute posterior fossa epidural hematoma. It was quickly removed with complete clinical recovering. One year later, the patient experienced progressive worsened of his symptoms. Upper spinal cord tethering was diagnosed and a new surgery for debridement was required. Conclusions: The epidural hematoma compressing the dural graft against the neural structures contributes to the upper spinal cord tethering and represents a nondescribed cause of postoperative fibrosis, adhesion formation, and subsequent recurrent hindbrain compression.


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In 1875, 7 years prior to the description of the Koch bacillus, Klebs visualized the first Streptococcus pneumoniae in a pleural fluid. Since then, this organism has played a determinant role in biomedical science. From a biological point of view, it was largely implicated in the development of passive and active immunization by serotherapy and vaccination, respectively. Genetic transformation was also first observed in S. pneumoniae, leading to the discovery of DNA. From a clinical point of view, S. pneumoniae is still today a prime cause of otitis media in children and of pneumonia in all age groups, as well as a predominant cause of meningitis and bacteremia. In adults, bacteremia is still entailed with a mortality of over 25%. Although S. pneumoniae remained very sensitive to penicillin for many years, penicillin-resistance has emerged and increased dramatically over the last 15 years. During this period of time, the frequency of penicillin-resistant isolates has increased from < or = 1% to frequencies varying from 20 to 60% in geographic areas as diverse as South Africa, Spain, France, Hungary, Iceland, Alaska, and numerous regions of the United States and South America. In Switzerland, the current frequency of penicillin-resistant pneumococci ranges between 5 and > or = 10%. The increase in penicillin-resistant pneumococci correlates with the intensive use of beta-lactam antibiotics. The mechanism of resistance is not due to bacterial production of penicillinase, but to an alteration of the bacterial target of penicillin, the so-called penicillin-binding proteins. Resistance is subdivided into (i) inter mediate level resistance (minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC] of penicillin of 0.1-1 mg/L) and (ii) high level resistance (MCI > or = 2 mg/L). The clinical significance of intermediate resistance remains poorly defined. On the other hand, highly resistant strains were responsible for numerous therapeutical failures, especially in cases of meningitis. Antibiotics recommended against penicillin-resistant pneumococci include cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, imipenem and in some instances vancomycin. However, penicillin-resistant pneumococci tend to present cross-resistances to all the antibotics of the beta-lactam family and could even become resistant to the last resort drugs mentioned above. Thus, in conclusion, the explosion of resistance to penicillin in pneumococci is a ubiquitous phenomenon which must be fought against by (i) a strict utilization of antibiotics, (ii) the practice of microbiological sampling of infected foci before treatment, (iii) the systematic surveillance of resistance profiles of pneumococci against antibiotics and (iv) the adequate vaccination of populations at risk.


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It is well established that Notch signaling plays a critical role at multiple stages of T cell development and activation. However, detailed analysis of the cellular and molecular events associated with Notch signaling in T cells is hampered by the lack of reagents that can unambiguously measure cell surface Notch receptor expression. Using novel rat mAbs directed against the extracellular domains of Notch1 and Notch2, we find that Notch1 is already highly expressed on common lymphoid precursors in the bone marrow and remains at high levels during intrathymic maturation of CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes. Notch1 is progressively down-regulated at the CD4(+)CD8(+) and mature CD4(+) or CD8(+) thymic stages and is expressed at low levels on peripheral T cells. Immunofluorescence staining of thymus cryosections further revealed a localization of Notch1(+)CD25(-) cells adjacent to the thymus capsule. Notch1 was up-regulated on peripheral T cells following activation in vitro with anti-CD3 mAbs or infection in vivo with lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus or Leishmania major. In contrast to Notch1, Notch2 was expressed at intermediate levels on common lymphoid precursors and CD117(+) early intrathymic subsets, but disappeared completely at subsequent stages of T cell development. However, transient up-regulation of Notch2 was also observed on peripheral T cells following anti-CD3 stimulation. Collectively our novel mAbs reveal a dynamic regulation of Notch1 and Notch2 surface expression during T cell development and activation. Furthermore they provide an important resource for future analysis of Notch receptors in various tissues including the hematopoietic system.


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Early treatment of meningococcal meningitis is mandatory but may negate the cerebrospinal fluid culture. Etiological diagnosis then mainly relies on PCR. Here, we report a case of false-negative results for real-time PCR for a Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B isolate with a polymorphism in the ctrA gene.


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Tigecycline has been investigated in combination with other antibacterials against a wide range of susceptible and multiresistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Combinations have been analysed in vitro, in animal models and in human case reports. In vitro, tigecycline combined with other antimicrobials produces primarily an indifferent response (neither synergy nor antagonism). Nevertheless, synergy occurred when tigecycline was combined with rifampicin against 64-100% of Enterococcus spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp. and Brucella melitensis isolates. Combinations of tigecycline with amikacin also showed synergy for 40-100% of Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus spp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates. Moreover, bactericidal synergisms occurred with tigecycline plus amikacin against problematic Acinetobacter baumannii and Proteus vulgaris, and with colistin against K. pneumoniae. Data from animal experiments and case reports, although limited, displayed consistent beneficial activity of tigecycline in combination with other antibacterials against multiresistant organisms, including vancomycin against penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae in experimental meningitis, gentamicin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in experimental pneumonia, daptomycin against Enterococcus faecium endocarditis, and colistin against K. pneumoniae bacteraemia and P. aeruginosa osteomyelitis. Antagonism was extremely rare in vitro and was not reported in vivo. Thus, tigecycline may be combined with a second antimicrobial as part of a combination regimen.


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Background: Varciella Zoster Virus (VZV) can lead to serious complications in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) recipients. Central nervous system (CNS) VZV can be one of the most devastating infections in transplant recipients, yet little is known about this rare disease. Objectives: To describe CNS VZV in the post-transplant period and to define potential risk factors in the HCT population. Methods: We reviewed the course of all patients who received a first HCT at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FHCRC) in Seattle, WA from 1/1996 through 12/2007. Data were collected retrospectively using the Long-Term Follow-Up database, which includes on-site examinations, outside records, laboratory tests, and yearly questionnaires. Patients were classified as CNS VZV if they had laboratory confirmation of VZV in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or had zoster with associated clinical and laboratory findings consistent with CNS disease. Results: A total of six patients developed VZV CNS disease during the evaluation period (table 1). Diagnosis was confirmed in 3/6 by detection of VZV in CSF by PCR. All other patients had a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of CNS symptoms, zoster, lymphocytic pleiocytosis, and response to IV acyclovir. Patients who developed CNS disease had a mean age of 42 years (range 34-51) at time of transplant. CNS disease developed at a mean of 9 months posttransplantation (range 0.5-24 months), and severity varied, ranging from meningitis (3/6) to encephalitis/myelitis (3/6). All had active graft-versus host disease (GHVD) and all were being treated with immunosuppressive therapy at time of diagnosis. Fever and headache were the most common symptoms, but patients who developed focal CNS findings or seizures (3/6) had a more complicated clinical course. While most patients presented with classic VZV/zoster skin lesions, 2/6 patients had no dermatologic findings associated with their presentation. Four (66%) of patients who developed VZV CNS disease died, two related to VZV complications despite aggressive antiviral therapy. Conclusions: In this cohort of HCT patients, VZV CNS disease was a rare complication. Mortality due to CNS VZV is high, particularly in patients who develop focal neurologic findings or seizures. Even in the absence of skin lesions, VZV CNS disease should be considered in patients who develop fevers and neurologic symptoms.


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The finding of an eosinophilic aseptic meningitis in IV drug abuse is usually suggestive of an opportunistic infection or an allergic reaction. However, HIV-negative patients are at lower risk for developing these complications. Two young HIV-negative patients, with previous intravenous polytoxicomany, developed cystic arachnoiditis over the spinal cord associated with eosinophilic meningitis. Histology of the meningeal spinal cord lesions revealed a vasculocentric mixed inflammatory reaction. In one patient prednisone led to marked clinical improvement. Since infection, vasculitis, sarcoidosis and previous myelography were ruled out, we believe that the syndrome of eosinophilic aseptic arachnoiditis may be related to an hyperergic reaction in the meniges toward drug-adulterants inoculated through the intravenous route.


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The aim of this study was to assess whether Neisseria meningitidis, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae can be identified using the polymerase chain reaction technique in the cerebrospinal fluid of severely decomposed bodies with known, noninfectious causes of death or whether postmortem changes can lead to false positive results and thus erroneous diagnostic information. Biochemical investigations, postmortem bacteriology and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis in cerebrospinal fluid were performed in a series of medico-legal autopsies that included noninfectious causes of death with decomposition, bacterial meningitis without decomposition, bacterial meningitis with decomposition, low respiratory tract infections with decomposition and abdominal infections with decomposition. In noninfectious causes of death with decomposition, postmortem investigations failed to reveal results consistent with generalized inflammation or bacterial infections at the time of death. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis in cerebrospinal fluid did not identify the studied bacteria in any of these cases. The results of this study highlight the usefulness of molecular approaches in bacteriology as well as the use of alternative biological samples in postmortem biochemistry in order to obtain suitable information even in corpses with severe decompositional changes.


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BACKGROUND: Recent data suggest that varicella zoster virus (VZV)-associated complications of the central nervous system (CNS) are more common and diverse than previously thought. The main purpose of this article is to describe the clinical characteristics and the outcome of patients suffering from meningitis and encephalitis caused by VZV reactivation. METHODS: A retrospective case study of adult patients (≥16 years old) diagnosed with a VZV reactivation in the CNS was performed. The cases were identified by a qualitative PCR DNA assay of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at the Regional Hospital of Lugano between January 1, 2003 and July 31, 2010. RESULTS: Eleven out of 519 CSF samples (2.1%), submitted from patients with a clinical diagnosis of viral meningitis or encephalitis, were positive for VZV. A vesiculo-pustular skin eruption was observed in only five patients (45%). In six cases (55%), a systemic inflammatory syndrome was absent. The clinical outcome was favorable in eight patients (73%). Only one out of 11 patients (9%) died. The four patients with encephalitis had a less favorable prognosis: one patient recovered without residual neurological sequelae; two had a chronic neuropsychological handicap, speech difficulties, facial nerve palsy, and focal seizures; one patient died. We estimated an annual incidence rate of VZV infection of the CNS of 1.02/100 000 inhabitants for southern Switzerland. CONCLUSIONS: Screening of CSF for VZV by PCR is recommended for all patients with encephalitis and for those with viral meningitis of unclear origin in order to better target antiviral treatment.


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Petrositis is a rare and severe complication of acute otitis media and mastoiditis. Although the extension of the inflammatory process from the petrous apex to the adjacent Meckel cave can lead to trigeminal pain, an irritation of the trigeminal nerve roots resulting in acute or chronic hyperactivity of masticatory muscles has never been reported. We report here the unusual case of an 86-year-old man who presented with a handicapping myofascial pain and dysfunction syndrome of the right temporal muscle as a heralding manifestation of an unusual form of petrositis. The patient progressively developed a retropharyngeal abscess, a right sphenoid sinusitis, and fatal meningitis. This case demonstrated that (1) myofascial pain and dysfunction syndrome that does not respond to conventional treatments may suggest an unusual etiology and warrant further medical investigations and a detailed medical history and that (2) petrositis can manifest itself with atypical clinical symptoms and radiologic signs. (Quintessence Int 2011;42:419-422).


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Disseminated cryptococcal disease is typically seen in patients with HIV infection. We report here the evolution of a patient with disseminated cryptococcosis whose treatment failed after ten weeks of induction therapy with amphotericin B. This case illustrates the importance of careful initial evaluation, and close clinical follow-up of these patients who are at risk of developing other opportunistic infections and drug-related complications.


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BACKGROUND: As the incidence of malaria diminishes, a better understanding of nonmalarial fever is important for effective management of illness in children. In this study, we explored the spectrum of causes of fever in African children. METHODS: We recruited children younger than 10 years of age with a temperature of 38°C or higher at two outpatient clinics--one rural and one urban--in Tanzania. Medical histories were obtained and clinical examinations conducted by means of systematic procedures. Blood and nasopharyngeal specimens were collected to perform rapid diagnostic tests, serologic tests, culture, and molecular tests for potential pathogens causing acute fever. Final diagnoses were determined with the use of algorithms and a set of prespecified criteria. RESULTS: Analyses of data derived from clinical presentation and from 25,743 laboratory investigations yielded 1232 diagnoses. Of 1005 children (22.6% of whom had multiple diagnoses), 62.2% had an acute respiratory infection; 5.0% of these infections were radiologically confirmed pneumonia. A systemic bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection other than malaria or typhoid fever was found in 13.3% of children, nasopharyngeal viral infection (without respiratory symptoms or signs) in 11.9%, malaria in 10.5%, gastroenteritis in 10.3%, urinary tract infection in 5.9%, typhoid fever in 3.7%, skin or mucosal infection in 1.5%, and meningitis in 0.2%. The cause of fever was undetermined in 3.2% of the children. A total of 70.5% of the children had viral disease, 22.0% had bacterial disease, and 10.9% had parasitic disease. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a description of the numerous causes of fever in African children in two representative settings. Evidence of a viral process was found more commonly than evidence of a bacterial or parasitic process. (Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and others.).


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MBLdeficiency is thought to be a risk factor for the development of viral infection, such as genital herpes and HSV-2 meningitis. However, there is limited data on the possible interaction between MBL and CMV, especially after organ transplantation. Between 2003 and 2005, we measured MBL levels in 16 kidney transplant recipients with high-risk CMV serostatus (donor positive/recipient negative, D+/R−). All patients receivedCMV prophylaxis of valganciclovir 450 mg/day for 3 months after transplantation. After stopping valganciclovir, CMV-DNA was measured in whole blood by real time PCR every 2 weeks for 3 months. CMV infections were diagnosed according to the recommendations of the AST. MBL levels were measured in stored pre-transplantation sera by an investigator blinded to the CMV complications. MBL levels below 500 ng/ml were considered as being functionally deficient. After a follow-up of at least 10 months, seven patients out of 16 developed CMV disease (three CMV syndrome, and four probable invasive disease, i.e. two colitis and two hepatitis), four patients developed asymptomatic CMV infection, and five patients never developed any sign of CMV replication. Peak CMV-DNA was higher in patients with CMV disease than in those with asymptomatic infection (4.64 versus 2.72 mean log copy CMV-DNA/106 leukocytes, p < 0.05). Overall, 9/16 patients (56%) had MBL deficiency: 5/7 (71%) of patients with CMV disease, 4/4 (100%) of patients with asymptomatic CMVinfection, and 0/5 (0%) of patients withoutCMVinfection (p < 0.005, between CMV infection/disease versus no infection or control blood donors). There were no significant differences in age, gender or immunosuppressive regimens between the groups. MBL deficiency may be a significant risk factor for the development of post-prophylaxisCMVinfection in D+/R−kidney recipients, suggesting a new role of innate immunity in the control of CMV infection after organ transplantation.


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Aim: 125I-iododeoxyuridine is a potential Auger radiation therapy agent. Its incorporation in DNA of proliferating cells is enhanced by fluorodeoxyuridine. Here, we evaluated therapeutic activities of 125I-iododeoxyuridine in an optimized fluorodeoxyuridine pre-treatment inducing S-phase synchronization. Methods: After S-phase synchronization by fluorodeoxyuridine, cells were treated with 125I-iododeoxyuridine. Apoptosis analysis and S-phase synchronization were studied by flow cytometry. Cell survival was determined by colony-forming assay. Based on measured growth parameters, the number of decays per cell that induced killing was extrapolated. Results: Treatment experiments showed that 72 to 91% of synchronized cells were killed after 0.8 and 8 kBq/ml 125I-iododeoxyuridine incubation, respectively. In controls, only 8 to 38% of cells were killed by corresponding 125I-iododeoxyuridine activities alone and even increasing the activity to 80 kBq/ml gave only 42 % killing. Duplicated treatment cycles or repeated fluorodeoxyuridine pre-treatment allowed enhancing cell killing to >95 % at 8 kBq/ml 125I-iododeoxyuridine. About 50 and 160 decays per S-phase cells in controls and S-phase synchronization, respectively, were responsible for the observed cell killing at 0.8 kBq/ml radio-iododeoxyuridine. Conclusion: These data show the successful application of fluorodeoxyuridine that provided increased 125I-iododeoxyuridine Auger radiation cell killing efficacy through S-phase synchronization and high DNA incorporation of radio-iododeoxyuridine.


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OBJECTIVE: To discuss the difficulty in using the concept of sepsis for clinical trials and propose new ways for designing future trials for severe infections. DESIGN: Short position statement. METHODS AND MAIN RESEARCH: Using a thorough evaluation of the recent literature in the field of severe sepsis and septic shock, the authors challenge the concept of sepsis as used in the past two decades and propose new ideas for designing future trials in this setting. The two main proposals are first to use a systematic assessment of the targeted inflammatory mediators when the study intends to counteract or replace those mediators (e.g., anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha, activated protein C) and, second, to select more homogeneous populations, coming back to "precise infectious diseases," such as severe community-acquired pneumonia, severe peritonitis, or meningitis. CONCLUSIONS: The concept of sepsis has been useful to help clinicians to suspect and detect severe infections. Due to a considerable heterogeneity in the patients and type of infections included in the trials performed in the last two decades, it has not been useful in demonstrating the efficacy of new compounds. The authors propose a dramatic change in the design of future trials dealing with severe infections.