973 resultados para COUP Transcription Factor I
Abstract : Transcriptional regulation is the result of a combination of positive and negative effectors, such as transcription factors, cofactors and chromatin modifiers. During my thesis project I studied chromatin association, and transcriptional and cell cycle regulatory functions of dHCF, the Drosophila homologue of the human protein HCF-1 (host cell factor-1). The human and Drosophila HCF proteins are synthesized as large polypeptides that are cleaved into two subunits (HCFN and HCFC), which remain associated with one another by non covalent interactions. Studies in mammalian cells over the past 20 years have been devoted to understanding the cellular functions of HCF-1 and have revealed that it is a key regulator of transcription and cell cycle regulation. In human cells, HCF-1 interacts with the histone methyltransferase Set1/Ash2 and MLL/Ash2 complexes and the histone deacetylase Sin3 complex, which are involved in transcriptional activation and repression, respectively. HCF-1 is also recruited to promoters to regulate G1 -to-S phase progression during the cell cycle by the activator transcription factors E2F1 and E2F3, and by the repressor transcription factor E2F4. HCF-1 protein structure and these interactions between HCP-1 and E2F transcriptional regulator proteins are also conserved in Drosophila. In this doctoral thesis, I use proliferating Drosophila SL2 cells to study both the genomic-binding sites of dHCF, using a combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation and ultra high throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis, and dHCF regulated genes, employing RNAi and microarray expression analysis. I show that dHCF is bound to over 7500 chromosomal sites in proliferating SL2 cells, and is located at +-200 bp relative to the transcriptional start sites of about 30% of Drosophila genes. There is also a direct relationship between dHCF promoter association and promoter- associated transcriptional activity. Thus, dHCF binding levels at promoters correlated directly with transcriptional activity. In contrast, expression studies showed that dHCF appears to be involved in both transcriptional activation and repression. Analysis of dHCF-binding sites identified nine dHCF-associated motifs, four of them linked dHCF to (i) two insulator proteins, GAGA and BEAF, (ii) the E-box motif, and (iii) a degenerated TATA-box. The dHCF-associated motifs allowed the organization of the dHCF-bound genes into five biological processes: differentiation, cell cycle and gene expression, regulation of endocytosis, and cellular localization. I further show that different mechanisms regulate dHCF association with chromatin. Despite that after dHCF cleavage the dHCFN and dHCFC subunits remain associated, the two subunits showed different affinities for chromatin and differential binding to a set of tested promoters, suggesting that dHCF could target specific promoters through each of the two subunits. Moreover, in addition to the interaction between dHCF and E2F transcription factors, the dHCF binding pattern is correlated with dE2F2 genomic 4 distribution. I show that dE2F factors are necessary for recruitment of dHCF to the promoter of a set of dHCF regulated genes. Therefore dHCF, as in mammals, is involved in regulation of G1 to S phase progression in collaboration with the dE2Fs transcription factors. In addition, gene expression arrays reveal that dHCF could indirectly regulate cell cycle progression by promoting expression of genes involved in gene expression and protein synthesis, and inhibiting expression of genes involved in cell-cell adhesion. Therefore, dHCF is an evolutionary conserved protein, which binds to many specific sites of the Drosophila genome via interaction with DNA of chromatin-binding proteins to regulate the expression of genes involved in many different cellular functions. Résumé : La regulation de la transcription est le résultat des effets positifs et négatifs des facteurs de transcription, cofacteurs et protéines effectrices qui modifient la chromatine. Pendant mon projet de thèse, j'ai étudié l'association a la chromatine, ainsi que la régulation de la transcription et du cycle cellulaire par dHCF, l'homologue chez la drosophile de la protéine humaine HCF-1 (host cell factor-1). Chez 1'humain et la V drosophile, les deux protéines HCF sont synthétisées sous la forme d'un long polypeptide, qui est ensuite coupé en deux sous-unités au centre de la protéine. Les deux sous-unités restent associées ensemble grâce a des interactions non-covalentes. Des études réalisées pendant les 20 dernières années ont permit d'établir que HCF-l et un facteur clé dans la régulation de la transcription et du cycle cellulaire. Dans les cellules humaines, HCF-1 active et réprime la transcription en interagissant avec des complexes de protéines qui activent la transcription en méthylant les histones (HMT), comme par Set1/Ash2 et MLL/Ash2, et d'autres complexes qui répriment la transcription et sont responsables de la déacétylation des histones (HDAC) comme la protéine Sin3. HCF-l est aussi recruté aux promoteurs par les activateurs de la transcription E2F l et E2F3a, et par le répresseur de la transcription E2F4 pour réguler la transition entre les phases G1 et S du cycle cellulaire. La structure de HCF-1 et les interactions entre HCF-l et les régulateurs de la transcription sont conservées chez la drosophile. Pendant ma these j'ai utilisé les cellules de la drosophile, SL2 en culture, pour étudier les endroits de liaisons de HCF-l à la chromatine, grâce a immunoprecipitation de la chromatine et du séquençage de l'ADN massif ainsi que les gènes régulés par dHCF 3 grâce a la technique de RNAi et des microarrays. Mes résultats on montré que dHCF se lie à environ 7565 endroits, et estimé a 1200 paire de bases autour des sites d'initiation de la transcription de 30% des gènes de la drosophile. J 'ai observe une relation entre dHCF et le niveau de la transcription. En effet, le niveau de liaison dHCF au promoteur corrèle avec l'activité de la transcription. Cependant, mes études d'expression ont montré que dHCF est implique dans le processus d'activation et mais aussi de répression de la transcription. L'analyse des séquences d'ADN liées par dHCF a révèle neuf motifs, quatre de ces motifs ont permis d'associer dl-ICF a deux protéines isolatrices GAGA et BEAF, au motif pour les E-boxes et a une TATA-box dégénérée. Les neuf motifs associes à dHCF ont permis d'associer les gènes lies par dHCF au promoteur a cinq processus biologiques: différentiation, cycle cellulaire, expression de gènes, régulation de l'endocytosis et la localisation cellulaire, J 'ai aussi montré qu'il y a plusieurs mécanismes qui régulent l'association de dHCF a la chromatine, malgré qu'après clivage, les deux sous-unites dHCFN and dHCFC, restent associées, elles montrent différentes affinités pour la chromatine et lient différemment un group de promoteurs, les résultats suggèrent que dHCF peut se lier aux promoteurs en utilisant chacune de ses sous-unitées. En plus de l'association de dHCF avec les facteurs de transcription dE2F s, la distribution de dHCF sur le génome corrèle avec celle du facteur de transcription dE2F2. J'ai aussi montré que les dE2Fs sont nécessaires pour le recrutement de dHCF aux promoteurs d'un sous-groupe de gènes régules par dHCF. Mes résultats ont aussi montré que chez la drosophile comme chez les humains, dl-ICF est implique dans la régulation de la progression de la phase G1 a la phase S du cycle cellulaire en collaboration avec dE2Fs. D'ailleurs, les arrays d'expression ont suggéré que dHCF pourrait réguler le cycle cellulaire de façon indirecte en activant l'expression de gènes impliqués dans l'expression génique et la synthèse de protéines, et en inhibant l'expression de gènes impliqués dans l'adhésion cellulaire. En conclusion, dHCF est une protéine, conservée dans l'évolution, qui se lie spécifiquement a beaucoup d'endroits du génome de Drosophile, grâce à l'interaction avec d'autres protéines, pour réguler l'expression des gènes impliqués dans plusieurs fonctions cellulaires.
The liver-specific vitellogenin B1 promoter is efficiently activated by estrogen within a nucleosomal environment after microinjection into Xenopus laevis oocytes, consistent with the hypothesis that significant nucleosome remodeling over this promoter is not a prerequisite for the activation by the estrogen receptor (ERalpha). This observation lead us to investigate determinants other than ERalpha of chromatin structure and transcriptional activation of the vitellogenin B1 promoter in this system and in vitro. We find that the liver-enriched transcription factor HNF3 has an important organizational role for chromatin structure as demonstrated by DNase I-hypersensitive site mapping. Both HNF3 and the estrogen receptor activate transcription synergistically and are able to interact with chromatin reconstituted in vitro with three positioned nucleosomes. We propose that HNF3 is the cellular determinant which establishes a promoter environment favorable to a rapid transcriptional activation by the estrogen receptor.
TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4) is essential for sensing the endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria. Mutations or deletion of the TLR4 gene in humans or mice have been associated with altered predisposition to or outcome of Gram-negative sepsis. In the present work, we studied the expression and regulation of the Tlr4 gene of mouse. In vivo, TLR4 levels were higher in macrophages compared with B, T or natural killer cells. High basal TLR4 promoter activity was observed in RAW 264.7, J774 and P388D1 macrophages transfected with a TLR4 promoter reporter vector. Analysis of truncated and mutated promoter constructs identified several positive [two Ets (E twenty-six) and one AP-1 (activator protein-1) sites] and negative (a GATA-like site and an octamer site) regulatory elements within 350 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site. The myeloid and B-cell-specific transcription factor PU.1 bound to the proximal Ets site. In contrast, none among PU.1, Ets-1, Ets-2 and Elk-1, but possibly one member of the ESE (epithelium-specific Ets) subfamily of Ets transcription factors, bound to the distal Ets site, which was indispensable for Tlr4 gene transcription. Endotoxin did not affect macrophage TLR4 promoter activity, but it decreased TLR4 steady-state mRNA levels by increasing the turnover of TLR4 transcripts. TLR4 expression was modestly altered by other pro- and anti-inflammatory stimuli, except for PMA plus ionomycin which strongly increased promoter activity and TLR4 mRNA levels. The mouse and human TLR4 genes were highly conserved. Yet, notable differences exist with respect to the elements implicated in gene regulation, which may account for species differences in terms of tissue expression and modulation by microbial and inflammatory stimuli.
B lymphocytes are among the first cells to be infected by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), and they play a crucial role in its life cycle. To study transcriptional regulation of MMTV in B cells, we have analyzed two areas of the long terminal repeat (LTR) next to the glucocorticoid receptor binding site, fp1 (at position -139 to -146 from the cap site) and fp2 (at -157 to -164). Both showed B-cell-specific protection in DNase I in vitro footprinting assays and contain binding sites for Ets transcription factors, a large family of proteins involved in cell proliferation and differentiation and oncogenic transformation. In gel retardation assays, fp1 and fp2 bound the heterodimeric Ets factor GA-binding protein (GABP) present in B-cell nuclear extracts, which was identified by various criteria: formation of dimers and tetramers, sensitivity to pro-oxidant conditions, inhibition of binding by specific antisera, and comigration of complexes with those formed by recombinant GABP. Mutations which prevented complex formation in vitro abolished glucocorticoid-stimulated transcription from an MMTV LTR linked to a reporter gene in transiently transfected B-cell lines, whereas they did not affect the basal level. Exogenously expressed GABP resulted in an increased level of hormone response of the LTR reporter plasmid and produced a synergistic effect with the coexpressed glucocorticoid receptor, indicating cooperation between the two. This is the first example of GABP cooperation with a steroid receptor, providing the opportunity for studying the integration of their intracellular signaling pathways.
RNA polymerase III (Pol III) synthesizes tRNAs and other small noncoding RNAs to regulate protein synthesis. Dysregulation of Pol III transcription has been linked to cancer, and germline mutations in genes encoding Pol III subunits or tRNA processing factors cause neurogenetic disorders in humans, such as hypomyelinating leukodystrophies and pontocerebellar hypoplasia. Here we describe an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cerebellar hypoplasia and intellectual disability, as well as facial dysmorphic features, short stature, microcephaly, and dental anomalies. Whole-exome sequencing revealed biallelic missense alterations of BRF1 in three families. In support of the pathogenic potential of the discovered alleles, suppression or CRISPR-mediated deletion of brf1 in zebrafish embryos recapitulated key neurodevelopmental phenotypes; in vivo complementation showed all four candidate mutations to be pathogenic in an apparent isoform-specific context. BRF1 associates with BDP1 and TBP to form the transcription factor IIIB (TFIIIB), which recruits Pol III to target genes. We show that disease-causing mutations reduce Brf1 occupancy at tRNA target genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and impair cell growth. Moreover, BRF1 mutations reduce Pol III-related transcription activity in vitro. Taken together, our data show that BRF1 mutations that reduce protein activity cause neurodevelopmental anomalies, suggesting that BRF1-mediated Pol III transcription is required for normal cerebellar and cognitive development.
Female-specific expression of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene was reconstituted in vitro by addition of recombinant vaccinia-virus-produced estrogen receptor to nuclear extracts from male livers, in which this gene is silent. Transcription enhancement was at least 30 times and was selectively restricted to vitellogenin templates containing the estrogen-responsive unit. Thus, in male hepatocytes, estrogen receptor is the limiting regulatory factor that in the female liver controls efficient and accurate sex-specific expression of the vitellogenin gene. Furthermore, the Xenopus liver factor B, which is essential in addition to the estrogen receptor for the activation of this gene, was successfully replaced in the Xenopus extract by purified human nuclear factor I, identifying factor B of Xenopus as a functional homolog of this well-characterized human transcription factor.
Adiponectin serum concentrations are an important biomarker in cardiovascular epidemiology with heritability etimates of 30-70%. However, known genetic variants in the adiponectin gene locus (ADIPOQ) account for only 2%-8% of its variance. As transcription factors are thought to play an under-acknowledged role in carrying functional variants, we hypothesized that genetic polymorphisms in genes coding for the main transcription factors for the ADIPOQ promoter influence adiponectin levels. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at these genes were selected based on the haplotype block structure and previously published evidence to be associated with adiponectin levels. We performed association analyses of the 24 selected SNPs at forkhead box O1 (FOXO1), sterol-regulatory-element-binding transcription factor 1 (SREBF1), sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) and transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta (TFAP2B) gene loci with adiponectin levels in three different European cohorts: SAPHIR (n = 1742), KORA F3 (n = 1636) and CoLaus (n = 5355). In each study population, the association of SNPs with adiponectin levels on log-scale was tested using linear regression adjusted for age, sex and body mass index, applying both an additive and a recessive genetic model. A pooled effect size was obtained by meta-analysis assuming a fixed effects model. We applied a significance threshold of 0.0033 accounting for the multiple testing situation. A significant association was only found for variants within SREBF1 applying an additive genetic model (smallest p-value for rs1889018 on log(adiponectin) = 0.002, β on original scale = -0.217 µg/ml), explaining ∼0.4% of variation of adiponectin levels. Recessive genetic models or haplotype analyses of the FOXO1, SREBF1, SIRT1, TFAPB2B genes or sex-stratified analyses did not reveal additional information on the regulation of adiponectin levels. The role of genetic variations at the SREBF1 gene in regulating adiponectin needs further investigation by functional studies.
Gene transfer-based therapeutic approaches have greatly benefited from the ability of some viral vectors to efficiently integrate within the cell genome and ensure persistent transmission of newly acquired transgenes to the target cell progeny. However, integration of provirus has been associated with epigenetic repercussions that may influence the expression of both the transgene and cellular genes close to vector integration loci. The exploitation of genetic insulator elements may overcome both issues through their ability to act as barriers that limit transgene silencing and/or as enhancer-blockers preventing the activation of endogenous genes by the vector enhancer. We established quantitative plasmid-based assay systems to screen enhancer-blocker and barrier genetic elements. Short synthetic insulators that bind to nuclear factor-I protein family transcription factors were identified to exert both enhancer-blocker and barrier functions, and were compared to binding sites for the insulator protein CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor). Gamma-retroviral vectors enclosing these insulator elements were produced at titers similar to their non-insulated counterparts and proved to be less genotoxic in an in vitro immortalization assay, yielding lower activation of Evi1 oncogene expression and reduced clonal expansion of bone marrow cells.
Families of clonally expressed major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-specific receptors provide specificity to and regulate the function of natural killer (NK) cells. One of these receptors, mouse Ly49A, is expressed by 20% of NK cells and inhibits the killing of H-2D(d) but not D(b)-expressing target cells. Here, we show that the trans-acting factor TCF-1 binds to two sites in the Ly49A promoter and regulates its activity. Moreover, we find that TCF-1 determines the size of the Ly49A NK cell subset in vivo in a dosage-dependent manner. We propose that clonal Ly49A acquisition during NK cell development is regulated by TCF-1.
The transcription factors TFIIB, Brf1, and Brf2 share related N-terminal zinc ribbon and core domains. TFIIB bridges RNA polymerase II (Pol II) with the promoter-bound preinitiation complex, whereas Brf1 and Brf2 are involved, as part of activities also containing TBP and Bdp1 and referred to here as Brf1-TFIIIB and Brf2-TFIIIB, in the recruitment of Pol III. Brf1-TFIIIB recruits Pol III to type 1 and 2 promoters and Brf2-TFIIIB to type 3 promoters such as the human U6 promoter. Brf1 and Brf2 both have a C-terminal extension absent in TFIIB, but their C-terminal extensions are unrelated. In yeast Brf1, the C-terminal extension interacts with the TBP/TATA box complex and contributes to the recruitment of Bdp1. Here we have tested truncated Brf2, as well as Brf2/TFIIB chimeric proteins for U6 transcription and for assembly of U6 preinitiation complexes. Our results characterize functions of various human Brf2 domains and reveal that the C-terminal domain is required for efficient association of the protein with U6 promoter-bound TBP and SNAP(c), a type 3 promoter-specific transcription factor, and for efficient recruitment of Bdp1. This in turn suggests that the C-terminal extensions in Brf1 and Brf2 are crucial to specific recruitment of Pol III over Pol II.
The establishment of clonally variable expression of MHC class I-specific receptors by NK cells is not well understood. The Ly-49A receptor is used by approximately 20% of NK cells, whereby most cells express either the maternal or paternal allele and few express simultaneously both alleles. We have previously shown that NK cells expressing Ly-49A were reduced or almost absent in mice harboring a single or no functional allele of the transcription factor T cell factor-1 (TCF-1), respectively. In this study, we show that enforced expression of TCF-1 in transgenic mice yields an expanded Ly-49A subset. Even though the frequencies of Ly-49A(+) NK cells varied as a function of the TCF-1 dosage, the relative abundance of mono- and biallelic Ly-49A cells was maintained. Mono- and biallelic Ly-49A NK cells were also observed in mice expressing exclusively a transgenic TCF-1, i.e., expressing a fixed amount of TCF-1 in all NK cells. These findings suggest that Ly-49A acquisition is a stochastic event due to limiting TCF-1 availability, rather than the consequence of clonally variable expression of the endogenous TCF-1 locus. Efficient Ly-49A acquisition depended on the expression of a TCF-1 isoform, which included a domain known to associate with the TCF-1 coactivator beta-catenin. Indeed, the proximal Ly-49A promoter was beta-catenin responsive in reporter gene assays. We thus propose that Ly-49A receptor expression is induced from a single allele in occasional NK cells due to a limitation in the amount of a transcription factor complex requiring TCF-1.
AIM/HYPOTHESIS: IL-6 induces insulin resistance by activating signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and upregulating the transcription of its target gene SOCS3. Here we examined whether the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)β/δ agonist GW501516 prevented activation of the IL-6-STAT3-suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) pathway and insulin resistance in human hepatic HepG2 cells. METHODS: Studies were conducted with human HepG2 cells and livers from mice null for Pparβ/δ (also known as Ppard) and wild-type mice. RESULTS: GW501516 prevented IL-6-dependent reduction in insulin-stimulated v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue 1 (AKT) phosphorylation and in IRS-1 and IRS-2 protein levels. In addition, treatment with this drug abolished IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation of Tyr⁷⁰⁵ and Ser⁷²⁷ and prevented the increase in SOCS3 caused by this cytokine. Moreover, GW501516 prevented IL-6-dependent induction of extracellular-related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), a serine-threonine protein kinase involved in serine STAT3 phosphorylation; the livers of Pparβ/δ-null mice showed increased Tyr⁷⁰⁵- and Ser⁷²⁷-STAT3 as well as phospho-ERK1/2 levels. Furthermore, drug treatment prevented the IL-6-dependent reduction in phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a kinase reported to inhibit STAT3 phosphorylation on Tyr⁷⁰⁵. In agreement with the recovery in phospho-AMPK levels observed following GW501516 treatment, this drug increased the AMP/ATP ratio and decreased the ATP/ADP ratio. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Overall, our findings show that the PPARβ/δ activator GW501516 prevents IL-6-induced STAT3 activation by inhibiting ERK1/2 phosphorylation and preventing the reduction in phospho-AMPK levels. These effects of GW501516 may contribute to the prevention of cytokine-induced insulin resistance in hepatic cells.
Type I interferon (IFN) is a common therapy for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, yet the mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Here we showed that type I IFN inhibited interleukin-1 (IL-1) production through two distinct mechanisms. Type I IFN signaling, via the STAT1 transcription factor, repressed the activity of the NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes, thereby suppressing caspase-1-dependent IL-1β maturation. In addition, type I IFN induced IL-10 in a STAT1-dependent manner; autocrine IL-10 then signaled via STAT3 to reduce the abundance of pro-IL-1α and pro-IL-1β. In vivo, poly(I:C)-induced type I IFN diminished IL-1β production in response to alum and Candida albicans, thus increasing susceptibility to this fungal pathogen. Importantly, monocytes from multiple sclerosis patients undergoing IFN-β treatment produced substantially less IL-1β than monocytes derived from healthy donors. Our findings may thus explain the effectiveness of type I IFN in the treatment of inflammatory diseases but also the observed "weakening" of the immune system after viral infection.
Protein homeostasis is essential for cells to prosper and survive. Various forms of stress, such as elevated temperatures, oxidative stress, heavy metals or bacterial infections cause protein damage, which might lead to improper folding and formation of toxic protein aggregates. Protein aggregation is associated with serious pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. The heat shock response is a defense mechanism that protects the cell against protein-damaging stress. Its ancient origin and high conservation among eukaryotes suggest that the response is crucial for survival. The main regulator of the heat shock response is the transcription factor heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which induces transcription of genes encoding protective molecular chaperones. In vertebrates, a family of four HSFs exists (HSF1-4), with versatile functions not only in coping with acute stress, but also in development, longevity and cancer. Thus, knowledge of the HSFs will aid in our understanding on how cells survive suboptimal circumstances, but will also provide insights into normal physiological processes as well as diseaseassociated conditions. In this study, the function and regulation of HSF2 have been investigated. Earlier gene inactivation experiments in mice have revealed roles for HSF2 in development, particularly in corticogenesis and spermatogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that HSF2 holds a role also in the heat shock response and influences stress-induced expression of heat shock proteins. Intriguingly, DNA-binding activity of HSF2 upon stress was dependent on the presence of intact HSF1, suggesting functional interplay between HSF1 and HSF2. The underlying mechanism for this phenomenon could be configuration of heterotrimers between the two factors, a possibility that was experimentally verified. By changing the levels of HSF2, the expression of HSF1-HSF2 heterotrimer target genes was altered, implementing HSF2 as a modulator of HSF-mediated transcription. The results further indicate that HSF2 activity is dependent on its concentration, which led us to ask the question of how accurate HSF2 levels are achieved. Using mouse spermatogenesis as a model system, HSF2 was found to be under direct control of miR-18, a miRNA belonging to the miR-17~92 cluster/Oncomir-1 and whose physiological function had remained unclear. Investigations on spermatogenesis are severely hampered by the lack of cell systems that would mimic the complex differentiation processes that constitute male germ cell development. Therefore, to verify that HSF2 is regulated by miR-18 in spermatogenesis, a novel method named T-GIST (Transfection of Germ cells in Intact Seminiferous Tubules) was developed. Employing this method, the functional consequences of miR-18-mediated regulation in vivo were demonstrated; inhibition of miR- 18 led to increased expression of HSF2 and altered the expression of HSF2 target genes Ssty2 and Speer4a. Consequently, the results link miR-18 to HSF2-mediated processes such as germ cell maturation and quality control and provide miR-18 with a physiological role in gene expression during spermatogenesis.Taken together, this study presents compelling evidence that HSF2 is a transcriptional regulator in the heat shock response and establishes the concept of physical interplay between HSF2 and HSF1 and functional consequences thereof. This is also the first study describing miRNA-mediated regulation of an HSF.
Damage to cartilage causes a loss of type II collagen (Col-II) and glycosaminoglycans (GAG). To restore the original cartilage architecture, cell factors that stimulate Col-II and GAG production are needed. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and transcription factor SOX9are essential for the synthesis of cartilage matrix, chondrocyte proliferation, and phenotype maintenance. We evaluated the combined effect of IGF-I and SOX9 transgene expression on Col-II and GAG production by cultured human articular chondrocytes. Transient transfection and cotransfection were performed using two mammalian expression plasmids (pCMV-SPORT6), one for each transgene. At day 9 post-transfection, the chondrocytes that were over-expressing IGF-I/SOX9 showed 2-fold increased mRNA expression of the Col-II gene, as well as a 57% increase in Col-II protein, whereas type I collagen expression (Col-I) was decreased by 59.3% compared with controls. The production of GAG by these cells increased significantly compared with the controls at day 9 (3.3- vs 1.8-times, an increase of almost 83%). Thus, IGF-I/SOX9 cotransfected chondrocytes may be useful for cell-based articular cartilage therapies.