967 resultados para Australian Bat Lyssavirus Japanese Encephalitis-virus
Incidence of dementia and cause of death in elderly Japanese emigrants to Brazil before World War II
In 1997 we examined the prevalence of dementia among the Japanese elderly immigrants living in the Sao Paulo metropolitan area (n = 166). Herein, we followed up on these subjects for causes of death and dementia incidence. We were able to contact 108 subjects: 54 were already dead. The most common cause of death was cardiac disease. For dementia, 31.6% of the dead subjects were found to have developed dementia before they died, and 20.8% of the living subjects were demented. As for the baseline the clinical dementia rating (CDR), 20.8% of CDR 0 and 50.0% of CDR 0.5 subjects developed dementia in the dead group; whereas in the living group, 23.9% of CDR 0 and 52.6% of CDR 0.5 developed dementia. As a whole, the incidence was 34.2% per 1000 person-years. Cardiac disease as the most common cause of death was probably due to the higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Compared with the previous study, the lower incidence of dementia from the CDR 0.5 group may have been due to a higher mortality rate. This is the first study on the incidence of dementia in elderly Japanese immigrants in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is evidence that cognitions (beliefs) and mood contribute to physical disability and work status in people with chronic pain. However, most of the current evidence comes from North America and Europe. This study examined the contribution of demographic, pain and psychosocial factors to disability and work status in chronic pain patients in two matched samples from quite different countries (Australia and Brazil). Data were collected from 311 chronic pain patients in each country. The results suggest that although demographic and pain variables (especially pain levels) contribute disability, self-efficacy beliefs made a significant contribution to disability in both samples. Age and educational level also contributed to unemployment in both samples. But there were some differences, with self-efficacy and physical disability contributing to work status only in the Brazilian sample. In contrast, depression was the only psychological risk factor for unemployment in the Australian sample. Catastrophising and pain acceptance did not contribute to disability or unemployment in either sample. These findings confirm key aspects of biopsychosocial models of pain in two culturally and linguistically different chronic pain samples from different countries. They suggest that different chronic pain populations may share more similarities than differences. (C) 2008 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published
How does knowledge management (KM) by a government agency responsible for environmental impact assessment (EIA) potentially contribute to better environmental assessment and management practice? Staff members at government agencies in charge of the EIA process are knowledge workers who perform judgement-oriented tasks highly reliant on individual expertise, but also grounded on the agency`s knowledge accumulated over the years. Part of an agency`s knowledge can be codified and stored in an organizational memory, but is subject to decay or loss if not properly managed. The EIA agency operating in Western Australia was used as a case study. Its KM initiatives were reviewed, knowledge repositories were identified and staff surveyed to gauge the utilisation and effectiveness of such repositories in enabling them to perform EIA tasks. Key elements of KM are the preparation of substantive guidance and spatial information management. It was found that treatment of cumulative impacts on the environment is very limited and information derived from project follow-up is not properly captured and stored, thus not used to create new knowledge and to improve practice and effectiveness. Other opportunities for improving organizational learning include the use of after-action reviews. The learning about knowledge management in EIA practice gained from Western Australian experience should be of value to agencies worldwide seeking to understand where best to direct their resources for their own knowledge repositories and environmental management practice. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S2 cell populations (S2AcRVGP2K and S2MtRVGP-Hy) were selected after transfection of gene expression vectors carrying the cDNA encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene under the control of the constitutive (actin) or inductive (metallothionein) promoters. These cell populations were cultivated in a 1 L bioreactor mimicking a large scale bioprocess. Cell cultures were carried out at 90 rpm and monitored/controlled for temperature (28 degrees C) and dissolved oxygen (10 or 50% air saturation). Cell growth attained similar to 1.5-3 x 10(7) cells/mL after 3-4 clays of cultivation. The constitutive synthesis of RVGP in S2AcRVGP2K cells led to values of 0.76 mu g/10(7) cells at day 4 of culture. The RVGP synthesis in S2MtRVGP-Hy cell fraction increased upon CuSO(4) induction attaining specific productivities of 1.5-2 mu g/10(7) cells at clays 4-5. RVGP values in supernatant as a result of cell lysis were always very low (<0.2 mu g/mL) indicating good integrity of cells in culture. Overall the RVGP productivity was of 1.5-3 mg/L. Our data showed an important influence of dissolved oxygen on RVGP synthesis allowing a higher and sustained productivity by S2MtRVGP-Hy cells when cultivated with a DO of 10% air saturation. The RVGP productivity in bioreactors shown here mirrors those previously observed for T-flasks and shaker bottles and allow the preparation of the large RVGP quantities required for studies of structure and function. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Here we report the isolation of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) from cloacal swabs obtained from penguins in the South Atlantic Antarctic region (62 degrees 08S, 58 degrees 25W). Samples of 100 penguins from King George Island were tested by real-time PCR, of which 2 (2%) were positive for NDV. The positive samples were isolated in embryonated chicken eggs and their matrix and fusion proteins genes were partially sequenced. This was complemented by the serological study performed on the blood of the same specimens, which resulted in a 33.3% rate of positivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the complete molecular characterization of the DNA-A and DNA-B of a Brazilian tomato isolate of Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) and the experimental host range of the virus determined using white-fly transmission tests. Genome analysis showed that ToSRV has a close evolutionary relationship with Tomato rugose mosaic virus. Of 33 plants species inoculated with viruliferous Bemisia tabaci biotype B, 13 species were susceptible to ToSRV, nine asymptomatically. Therefore, ToSRV disease management strategy should include the control of infected weeds close to tomato fields.
Nicandra physaloides, a common weed in South America, was found to be infected by an isolate of Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV), a bipartite begomovirus. The plants developed severe yellow rugose mosaic and were collected in So Paulo State, Brazil. This isolate of ToSRV was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci B biotype from infected plants of N. physaloides to healthy plants of N. physaloides and tomato in a glasshouse. This is the first report of natural infection of N. physaloides by ToSRV in Brazil.
Germplasm molecular and phenotypic characterization is instrumental to its utilization and to genetic variability incorporation into rice breeding programmes. The diversity within 192 Japanese rice accessions was analysed for 22 agro-morphological traits and 24 single sequence repeat markers. A total of 181 alleles were detected, 38 of which were exclusive. The number of alleles/marker ranged from 2 to 16, with an average of 7.54 alleles/locus and the H(e) value ranged from 0.01 to 0.82, with an average of 0.46. The accessions showed diversity at molecular and phenotypic level and few showed also good agronomic performance. Tocher`s method applied on a total-dissimilarity matrix was used to determine cluster formation of 13 diversity groups. Most of the accessions (81%) were clustered within a group, whereas eight accessions (Kyuushuu, Eika Ine, Ishiwari Mochi, Col/Fukui/1965, Ookuma Nishiki, Suzume Shirazu, Iwate Ryoon and Toga) did not cluster with other accessions.
Somatic hybridization is a biotechnology tool that can be used in citrus breeding programs to produce somatic hybrids with the complete genetic combination of both parents. The goal of this work was to test the reaction of citrus somatic hybrids that may be useful as rootstocks to trunk and root infections caused by Phytophthora nicotianae van Breda de Haan (P parasitica Dastur) and to citrus tristeza virus (CTV). The somatic hybrids evaluated were `Caipira` sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Rangpur` lime (C. limonia Osbeck), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Cleopatra` mandarin (C. reshni hort. ex Tanaka), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon (C. volkameriana V Ten. & Pasq.), `Caipira` sweet orange + rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.), `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange (C. aurantium L.), `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin (C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka), `Ruby Blood` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata hort. ex Tanaka. For P. nicotianae trunk and root infection assays, plants of the somatic hybrids, obtained from 9-month semi-hardwood cuttings, were evaluated and compared with diploid citrus rootstock cultivars after mycelia inoculation in the trunk or spore infestation in the substrate, respectively. `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin, `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Ruby Blood` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon had less trunk rot occurrence, whereas the somatic hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Rangpur` lime were tolerant to root rot. For CTV assays, plants of the somatic hybrids along with tolerant and intolerant rootstocks were budded with a mild strain CTV-infected or healthy `Valencia` sweet orange budwood. Differences in average scion shoot length indicated that the hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata were intolerant to CTV (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on the production and evaluation of passionflower transgenic lines for resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus (CABMV). Genetic transformation was done using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses, resulting in nine transgenic lines for `IAC 275` and three for `IAC 277`. Transgenic lines were clonally propagated and evaluated for resistance to CABMV After the third inoculation, under higher inoculum pressure, only propagated plants of the transgenic line T16 remained asymptomatic, indicating a high resistance to infection with CABMV. This transgenic line was self-pollinated and the RI generation was evaluated together with the RI generation of another resistant transgenic line (T2) identified previously. Plants were inoculated with CABMV by means of viruliferous Myzus nicotianae. All 524 T2R(1) plants became infected, whereas 13 of 279 T16R(1) remained asymptomatic after four successive inoculations. A TI6R(2) generation was obtained and plants were inoculated with CABMV mechanically or by aphids. After successive inoculations, 118 of 258 plants were symptomless, suggesting that the resistance to CABMV was maintained in the plant genome as the homozygous condition was achieved. Five selected resistant TI6R(2) plants which contained the capsid protein gene are being crossed for further analyses.
Beach bean (Canavalia rosea) plants showing mosaic symptoms were found at Massaguacu beach, Caraguatatuba, Brazil. A potyvirus was found to be responsible for the symptoms, based on transmission assays and electron microscopy. A positive reaction in ELISA was obtained against cowpea aphid-borne mosaic (CABMV) antisera. Viral identity was confirmed by RT-PCR using specific primers to amplify part of the NIb and the entire CP coding region of the genome and the 3`NTR. Comparison of the amplified sequences with that of CABMV showed a nucleotide sequence identity of 97% for the CP coding region. Thus, the potyvirus from beach bean should be considered a CABMV isolate, referred to as CABMV-Cr.
A Carica papaya plant with severe yellow leaf mosaic, leaf distortion, and systemic necrosis was found in the municipality of Piracicaba, state of So Paulo, Brazil. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed the presence of potyvirus-like particles and bacilliform particles similar to those of the Alfamovirus genus. The potyvirus was identified as Papaya ringspot virus-type P (PRSV-P). Biological, serological, and molecular studies confirmed the bacilliform virus as an isolate of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV). Partial nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene of this AMV isolate shared 97-98% identity with the AMV isolates in the GenBank database. This report is the first of the natural infection of papaya plants by AMV.
The variability of a fragment of the nucleocapsid gene of orchid fleck virus (OFV) was investigated by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and nucleotide sequencing. Forty-eight samples of 18 genera of orchids were collected from Brazil, Costa Rica and Australia. The SSCP analysis yielded six different band patterns, and phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide fragment sequence obtained in this work and six available in GenBank showed two different groups, one with isolates 023Germany and So-Japan, and other with the rest of the isolates. None of the analyses showed geographic correlation among the Brazilian strains. The data obtained in this study showed a low genetic variation in this region of the genome; the d(N)/d(S) ratio of 0.251-0.405 demonstrated a negative selective pressure that maintains the stability of the analyzed fragments.
Histopathological changes and placental transmission were studied in the late stages of pregnancy in mice infected with a strain of Trypanosoma cruzi, isolated from a Myolis nigricans nigricans bat. Large amastigote nests were observed in uterine muscles, as well as in decidual and endothelial placental cells. In addition, persistent coagulative and fibrotic Vascular degeneration was observed. Large amastigote burdens were found in giant cells, spongioblasts and endothelial cells within the labyrinthine layer. Transplacental transmission was confirmed in 30% of the fetuses examined, in which amastrigote nests were seen only in striated muscle. During tire acute phase, intrauterine development was impaired as the result of parasitic invasion of the placenta, and fetal mortality rose to 10%. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental mechanical sieving methods are applied to samples of shellfish remains from three sites in southeast Queensland, Seven Mile Creek Mound, Sandstone Point and One-Tree, to test the efficacy of various recovery and quantification procedures commonly applied to shellfish assemblages in Australia. There has been considerable debate regarding the most appropriate sieve sizes and quantification methods that should be applied in the recovery of vertebrate faunal remains. Few studies, however, have addressed the impact of recovery and quantification methods on the interpretation of invertebrates, specifically shellfish remains. In this study, five shellfish taxa representing four bivalves (Anadara trapezia, Trichomya hirsutus, Saccostrea glomerata, Donax deltoides) and one gastropod (Pyrazus ebeninus) common in eastern Australian midden assemblages are sieved through 10mm, 6.3mm and 3.15mm mesh. Results are quantified using MNI, NISP and weight. Analyses indicate that different structural properties and pre- and postdepositional factors affect recovery rates. Fragile taxa (T. hirsutus) or those with foliated structure (S. glomerata) tend to be overrepresented by NISP measures in smaller sieve fractions, while more robust taxa (A. trapezia and P. ebeninus) tend to be overrepresented by weight measures. Results demonstrate that for all quantification methods tested a 3mm sieve should be used on all sites to allow for regional comparability and to effectively collect all available information about the shellfish remains.