987 resultados para Aretino, Pietro, 1492-1556.


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We demonstrate that a pattern spectrum can be decomposed into the union of hit-or-miss transforms with respect to a series of structure-element pairs. Moreover we use a Boolean-logic function to express the pattern spectrum and show that the Boolean-logic representation of a pattern spectrum is composed of hit-or-miss min terms. The optical implementation of a pattern spectrum is based on an incoherent optical correlator with a feedback operation. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America


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We investigated the use of a deep-etched fused-silica grating with triangular-shaped grooves as a highly efficient polarizing beam splitter (PBS). A triangular-groove PBS grating is designed at a wavelength of 1550 nm to be used in optical communication. When it is illuminated in Littrow mounting, the transmitted TE- and TM-polarized waves are mainly diffracted in the minus-first and zeroth orders, respectively. The design condition is based on the average differences of the grating mode indices, which is verified by using rigorous coupled-wave analysis. The designed PBS grating is highly efficient over the C+L band range for both TE and TM polarizations (> 97.68 %). It is shown that such a triangular-groove PBS grating can exhibit a higher diffraction efficiency, a larger extinction ratio, and less reflection loss than the binary-phase fused-silica PBS grating. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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从掺镱(Yb)光纤放大器的功率传输方程出发,利用有限差分法对小模场面积(SMA)和大模场面积(LMA)掺镱双包层光纤放大器的放大特性进行了分析比较。采用模场直径(MFD)6.5 μm和20 μm的双包层掺镱光纤作为放大器增益介质进行窄线宽连续信号的放大,在915 nm激光抽运下模拟计算了大、小模场面积输出功率随输入信号功率、抽运光功率和光纤长度的变化特性,特别是对于大模场面积光纤放大器,最优光纤长度的选择至关重要;讨论了模场直径不同时的最优抽运功率和光纤长度的选择,得出4 m光纤放大时的临界抽运功率为4


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Gordon E. Moore, co-fundador de Intel, predijo en una publicación del año 1965 que aproximadamente cada dos años se duplicaría el número de transistores presentes en un circuito integrado, debido a las cada vez mejores tecnologías presentes en el proceso de elaboración. A esta ley se la conoce como Ley de Moore y su cumplimiento se ha podido constatar hasta hoy en día. Gracias a ello, con el paso del tiempo cada vez se presentan en el mercado circuitos integrados más potentes, con mayores prestaciones para realizar tareas cada vez más complejas. Un tipo de circuitos integrados que han podido evolucionar de forma importante por dicho motivo, son los dispositivos de lógica programable, circuitos integrados que permiten implementar sobre ellos las funciones lógicas que desee implementar el usuario. Hasta hace no muchos años, dichos dispositivos eran capaces de implementar circuitos compuestos por unas pocas funciones lógicas, pero gracias al proceso de miniaturización predicho por la Ley de Moore, hoy en día son capaces de implementar circuitos tan complejos como puede ser un microprocesador; dichos dispositivos reciben el nombre de FPGA, siglas de Field Programmable Gate Array. Debido a la mayor capacidad y por lo tanto a diseños más complejos implementados sobre las FPGA, en los últimos años han aparecido herramientas cuyo objetivo es hacer más fácil el proceso de ingeniería dentro de un desarrollo en este tipo de dispositivos, como es la herramienta HDL Coder de la compañía MathWorks, creadores también Matlab y Simulink, unas potentes herramientas usadas ampliamente en diferentes ramas de la ingeniería. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar el uso de dicha herramienta para el procesado digital de señales, usando para ello una FPGA Cyclone II de la casa Altera. Para ello, se empezará analizando la herramienta escogida comparándola con herramientas de la misma índole, para a continuación seleccionar una aplicación de procesado digital de señal a implementar. Tras diseñar e implementar la aplicación escogida, se deberá simular en PC para finalmente integrarla en la placa de evaluación seleccionada y comprobar su correcto funcionamiento. Tras analizar los resultados de la aplicación de implementada, concretamente un analizador de la frecuencia fundamental de una señal de audio, se ha comprobado que la herramienta HDL Coder, es adecuada para este tipo de desarrollos, facilitando enormemente los procesos tanto de implementación como de validación gracias al mayor nivel de abstracción que aporta.


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We investigate analytically and numerically nonlinear vortex spin torque oscillator dynamics in a circular magnetic nanodot induced by a spin-polarized current perpendicular to the dot plane. We use a generalized nonlinear Thiele equation including spin-torque term by Slonczewski for describing the nanosize vortex core transient and steady orbit motions and analyze nonlinear contributions to all forces in this equation. Blue shift of the nano-oscillator frequency increasing the current is explained by a combination of the exchange, magnetostatic, and Zeeman energy contributions to the frequency nonlinear coefficient. Applicability and limitations of the standard nonlinear nano-oscillator model are discussed.


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Background: There has been a significant growth in the prevalence of allergy, mainly associated to IgE-mediated disorders such as asthma and rhinitis. The identification of atopy in asthmatic patients through the measurement of specific IgE can help to identify risk factors that cause asthmatic symptoms in patients. The development and use of individualized allergen-based tests by the Component Resolved Diagnosis has been a crucial advance in the accurate diagnosis and control of allergic patients. The objective of this work was to assess the usefulness of molecular diagnosis to identify environmental allergens as possible factors influencing the development and manifestation of asthma in a group of asthmatic patients from Iran. Methods: Studied population: 202 adult asthmatic patients treated at the Loghman Hakim Hospital and Pasteur Institute of Teheran (Iran) from 2011 to 2012. Specific IgE determined by the ImmunoCAP system were used to both evaluate the patients' atopic condition and the molecules involved in the allergic sensitization. SDS-PAGE IgE-immunoblotting associated with mass spectrometry was carried out to study the cockroach IgE-binding sensitizing proteins. Results: Forty-five percent of all patients could be considered atopic individuals. Eighty-two percent of atopic patients were sensitized to pollen allergens. The Salsola kali (Sal k 1) and the Phleum pratense (rPhl p 1 and/or rPhl p 5) major allergens were the most common sensitizers among pollens (71% and 18%, respectively). Thirty-five percent of the atopic population was sensitized to cockroach. Four different allergens, including a previously unknown alpha-amylase, were identified in the cockroach extract. No significant associations could be demonstrated between the severity of asthma and the specific IgE levels in the atopic population. Statistical analysis identified the Sal k 1 as the main protein allergen influencing the development and expression of asthma in the studied population. Conclusions: Pollen and cockroach were the most relevant allergen sources in the asthmatic population. The Salsola kali major allergen was the main cause for sensitization in the atopic patients suffering asthma. Using the Component Resolved Diagnosis, it was possible to identify a new Blattella germanica cockroach allergen (Blattella alpha amylase 53 kDa) that could sensitize a relevant percentage of this population.


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Fluorophosphate glasses with different contents of ErF3 were prepared. Due to the radiation trapping of Er, concentration dependence of the fluorescence lifetime is subject to distortion, and the stimulated-emission cross section calculated by the Fuchtbauer-Ladenburg equation is underestimated. The influence of radiation trapping on the measured fluorescence lifetime and width are investigated quantitatively. By comparing the intensity ratio of the 1556-1532 nm peak in the fluorescence spectrum with that in the stimulated-emission cross-section spectrum obtained according to the McCumber theory, the distortion ratio of fluorescence spectrum due to radiation trapping is obtained. An empirical way to quantitatively evaluate the influences of radiation trapping on fluorescence lifetime and width is proposed. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A identificação de danos estruturais é uma questão de fundamental importância na engenharia, visto que uma estrutura está sujeita a processos de deterioração e a ocorrência de danos durante a sua vida útil. A presença de danos compromete o desempenho e a integridade estrutural, podendo colocar vidas humanas em risco e resultam em perdas econômicas consideráveis. Técnicas de identificação de danos estruturais e monitoramento de estruturas fundamentadas no ajuste de um Modelo de Elementos Finitos (MEF) são constantes na literatura especializada. No entanto, a obtenção de um problema geralmente mal posto e o elevado custo computacional, inerente a essas técnicas, limitam ou até mesmo inviabilizam a sua aplicabilidade em estruturas que demandam um modelo de ordem elevada. Para contornar essas dificuldades, na formulação do problema de identificação de danos, pode-se utilizar o Modelo de Superfície de Reposta (MSR) em substituição a um MEF da estrutura. No presente trabalho, a identificação de danos estruturais considera o ajuste de um MSR da estrutura, objetivando-se a minimização de uma função de erro definida a partir das frequências naturais experimentais e das correspondentes frequências previstas pelo MSR. Estuda-se o problema de identificação de danos estruturais em uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada, considerando as frequências naturais na formulação do problema inverso. O comportamento de uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada na presença de danos é analisado, com intuito de se verificar as regiões onde a identificação dos mesmos pode apresentar maior dificuldade. No processo de identificação de danos, do presente trabalho, são avaliados os tipos de superfícies de resposta, após uma escolha apropriada do tipo de superfície de resposta a ser utilizado, determina-se a superfície de resposta considerando os dados experimentais selecionados a partir do projeto ótimo de experimentos. A utilização do método Evolução Diferencial (ED) no problema inverso de identificação de danos é considerado inerente aos resultados numéricos obtidos, a estratégia adotada mostrou-se capaz de localizar e quantificar os danos com elevada acurácia, mostrando a potencialidade do modelo de identificação de danos proposto.