850 resultados para Analyzing human behavior


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A leitura do romance Quando o diabo reza de Mário de Carvalho propõe uma procura da ética, da moral e do direito, que proporcione reflexão sobre os valores que constroem a pessoa e a projetam na sociedade e no Estado. Procura ver-se o direito na literatura, demonstrando-se que este texto literário tem a capacidade de apelar ao reconhecimento do direito, por nos apresentar histórias de procedimentos ilegais, criminosos e de tentativas de manipulação da leis para fins diversos dos valores éticos e morais que visam tutelar. O texto desenvolve várias ações desviantes do direito, criando personagens marginais inconformadas, não só com a sua vida, mas com as leis que não lhes permitem atingir os seus objetivos. Analisa os seus comportamentos, as suas justificações, evidenciando as contradições entre nós e os outros. O trabalho explora as relações entre direito e literatura, reconhecendo a retórica e processos de interpretação comuns, e a forma como o texto questiona princípios, procedimentos e institutos jurídicos, contribuindo para a construção da memória e do mundo. Aborda dum ponto de vista geral os estudos desenvolvidos pelo chamado Law and Literature Movement (Capítulo I), identifica e analisa as personagens, interpretando o seu posicionamento com a ética, a moral e o direito (Capítulo II), e reconhece os institutos do nosso ordenamento jurídico presentes na narrativa, e o seu papel na ação do romance (Capítulo III).


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Diammonium hydrogen phosphate (DAP) is commonly used as a flavor ingredient of commercial cigarettes. In addition, among its other uses, it is employed to expand the tobacco volume, to manufacture reconstituted tobacco sheet, and to denicotinize tobacco. However, the use of DAP as a cigarette ingredient is a controversial issue. Some authors have stated that ammonium compounds added to tobacco increase smoke ammonia and “smoke pH”, resulting in more free nicotine available in the smoke. On the other hand, other researchers have reported that the larger ammonium content of a cigarette blend due to the presence of DAP was not reflected in increased smoke ammonia. In this work, the thermal behavior of DAP, tobacco and DAP-tobacco mixtures has been studied by TGA/FTIR. The chemical processes involved in the different pyrolysis steps of DAP have been suggested. Marked changes in the pyrolytic behavior of both, tobacco and DAP have been detected when analyzing the behavior of the mixtures. A displacement of the decomposition steps mainly related to the glycerol and lignin from tobacco toward lower temperatures has been observed, whereas that associated with cellulose is displaced toward higher temperature. Additionally, no peak corresponding to the phosphorous oxides decomposition has been detected in the curves relating to the DAP-tobacco mixtures. All these features are indicative of the strong interactions between DAP and tobacco. The FTIR spectra show no significant qualitative differences between the qualitative overall composition of the gases evolved from the pyrolysis of tobacco in the absence and in the presence of DAP. Nevertheless, depending on the temperature considered, the addition of DAP contributes to a decrease in the generation of hydrocarbons and an increase in the formation of CO, CO2 and oxygenated compounds in terms of amount generated per mass of pyrolysed tobacco.


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El porvenir social y económico de una ciudad depende, en gran medida, de la eficiencia de su sistema de transporte; esto se ve reflejado en la capacidad de transportar personas y bienes de una forma sostenible, con los recursos disponibles. En la actualidad se encuentran en desarrollo sistemas de transporte masivo tipo Bus Rapid Transit [BRT] en siete ciudades colombianas, situación que genera la necesidad de dar seguimiento a su progreso y al crecimiento de su participación en la demanda de viajes unipersonales. El siguiente trabajo busca, a través de una simulación en dinámica de sistemas, describir el desarrollo de un sistema de transporte masivo, con el fin de otorgar una visión acerca del impacto de los parámetros operativos y la reinversión en el sistema y en el desarrollo e incremento de su demanda. Se plantean tres escenarios para evaluar diferentes políticas operativas y de reinversión en el sistema, analizando el comportamiento en su desarrollo.


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Visual inputs to artificial and biological visual systems are often quantized: cameras accumulate photons from the visual world, and the brain receives action potentials from visual sensory neurons. Collecting more information quanta leads to a longer acquisition time and better performance. In many visual tasks, collecting a small number of quanta is sufficient to solve the task well. The ability to determine the right number of quanta is pivotal in situations where visual information is costly to obtain, such as photon-starved or time-critical environments. In these situations, conventional vision systems that always collect a fixed and large amount of information are infeasible. I develop a framework that judiciously determines the number of information quanta to observe based on the cost of observation and the requirement for accuracy. The framework implements the optimal speed versus accuracy tradeoff when two assumptions are met, namely that the task is fully specified probabilistically and constant over time. I also extend the framework to address scenarios that violate the assumptions. I deploy the framework to three recognition tasks: visual search (where both assumptions are satisfied), scotopic visual recognition (where the model is not specified), and visual discrimination with unknown stimulus onset (where the model is dynamic over time). Scotopic classification experiments suggest that the framework leads to dramatic improvement in photon-efficiency compared to conventional computer vision algorithms. Human psychophysics experiments confirmed that the framework provides a parsimonious and versatile explanation for human behavior under time pressure in both static and dynamic environments.


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This work revisits established user classifications and aims to characterise a historically unspecified user category, the Occasional User (OU). Three user categories, novice, intermediate and expert, have dominated the work of user interface (UI) designers, researchers and educators for decades. These categories were created to conceptualise user's needs, strategies and goals around the 80s. Since then, UI paradigm shifts, such as direct manipulation and touch, along with other advances in technology, gave new access to people with little computer knowledge. This fact produced a diversification of the existing user categories not observed in the literature review of traditional classification of users. The findings of this work include a new characterisation of the occasional user, distinguished by user's uncertainty of repetitive use of an interface and little knowledge about its functioning. In addition, the specification of the OU, together with principles and recommendations will help UI community to informatively design for users without requiring a prospective use and previous knowledge of the UI. The OU is an essential type of user to apply user-centred design approach to understand the interaction with technology as universal, accessible and transparent for the user, independently of accumulated experience and technological era that users live in.


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Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.


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El propósito de este estudio es medir los efectos que tiene el videojuego League of Legends en los procesos cognitivos de memoria de trabajo visual (MVT) y solución de problemas (SP). Para medir dichos efectos se implementó un diseño pre test-post con un grupo experimental y uno control, compuestos cada uno por siete participantes, en donde se evaluaron los procesos previamente mencionados utilizando los cubos de Corsi para MVT y las matrices del WAIS III para SP. Después de realizar los respectivos entrenamientos se encontraron resultados significativos en los diferentes momentos de aplicación. En el grupo experimental se encontraron diferencias en la variable dependiente SP, mientras que en el grupo control en MVT, pero no en la interacción entre grupos ni diferencias entre grupos, lo que sugiere un efecto de familiarización a la prueba.


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Introducción: La implicación social dentro de la problemática ambiental, establece una relación causal entre hábitos e impacto ambiental; aspectos del comportamiento humano tales como la conveniencia, familiaridad, presión social y actitud, nos permiten realizar un acercamiento acerca de la decisión de reciclar o no en un hogar. Objetivo: identificar los factores ambientales asociados con el manejo de residuos domésticos entre los miembros de una comunidad residencial en la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal realizado a 200 personas de una comunidad residencial. La evaluación de la conducta pro-ambiental se llevó a cabo por medio de la utilización de la Escala del Comportamiento Pro-ambiental desarrollada por Corral-Verdugo unida a la escala de Reciclaje de Sidique. Para el tratamiento estadístico se empleó el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: La mayoría de los encuestados fueron hombres (55%), con una mediana de edad de 37,5 años. Más de la mitad tenía por lo menos formación en pregrado (53%), el 55,5% contaban con un empleo al momento de la entrevista, cerca del 50% de las personas refirieron tener casa propia y la mediana del tamaño de las mismas fue de 80 m2. De los aspectos sociodemográficos, el tipo de vivienda, sexo y edad, estuvieron relacionados con los factores ambientales pro reciclaje. Mientras que las conductas proambientales relacionadas fueron: altruismo, frugalidad, conducta ecológica general, indignación y aprecio por la naturaleza. Conclusiones: Las conductas proambientales Altruismo, Frugalidad, Conducta Ecológica, Indignación y Aprecio por lo natural, están relacionadas con la intención de reciclar. Para futuras investigaciones es necesario constatar la realización del comportamiento proambiental, para aseverar de manera irrebatible que las dimensiones analizadas pueden soportar una acción real y no un auto reporte de una conducta.


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This research work analyzes human behavior in complex situations and explains how decisions makers act in ambiguous situations. The objective of this research work is to study the sunk cost effect and the completion percentage effect of an investment project in a decision-making process. This research work uses a “retrospective rationality” approach to justify irrational behaviors such as the sunk cost effect, the completion percentage effect of an investment project and the irrational escalation since decision-makers are repeatedly affected by the decisions on past irreversible investments. This research work evaluates three sunk cost levels, and three completion percentage levels of an investment project, besides three neutral situations in a business environment and a personal decision situation. Graduate students in three Portuguese Management Schools responded to the questionnaires. Model results show that the value of resources invested is crucial for understanding the students’ rational behavior, who participated in this research work. These results disclose statistical evidence that the information on sunk costs and completion percentage of an investment project determines human behavior under irrational escalation in ambiguous situations. As a consequence, decision makers have the opportunity to interpret their decisions, since the scenarios do not allow a unique definition of rational choice, it is not correct to judge the irrational decision makers that decide to continue to invest in ambiguous situations. Keywords: Human Behavior, Sunk costs Effect, Completion Percentage Effect of an Investment Project, Irrational Escalation, Ambiguous Situations.


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Current multimedia Web search engines still use keywords as the primary means to search. Due to the richness in multimedia contents, general users constantly experience some difficulties in formulating textual queries that are representative enough for their needs. As a result, query reformulation becomes part of an inevitable process in most multimedia searches. Previous Web query formulation studies did not investigate the modification sequences and thus can only report limited findings on the reformulation behavior. In this study, we propose an automatic approach to examine multimedia query reformulation using large-scale transaction logs. The key findings show that search term replacement is the most dominant type of modifications in visual searches but less important in audio searches. Image search users prefer the specified search strategy more than video and audio users. There is also a clear tendency to replace terms with synonyms or associated terms in visual queries. The analysis of the search strategies in different types of multimedia searching provides some insights into user’s searching behavior, which can contribute to the design of future query formulation assistance for keyword-based Web multimedia retrieval systems.


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Hydrogels provide a 3-dimensional network for embedded cells and offer promise for cartilage tissue engineering applications. Nature-derived hydrogels, including alginate, have been shown to enhance the chondrocyte phenotype but are variable and not entirely controllable. Synthetic hydrogels, including polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based matrices, have the advantage of repeatability and modularity; mechanical stiffness, cell adhesion, and degradability can be altered independently. In this study, we compared the long-term in vitro effects of different hydrogels (alginate and Factor XIIIa-cross-linked MMP-sensitive PEG at two stiffness levels) on the behavior of expanded human chondrocytes and the development of construct properties. Monolayer-expanded human chondrocytes remained viable throughout culture, but morphology varied greatly in different hydrogels. Chondrocytes were characteristically round in alginate but mostly spread in PEG gels at both concentrations. Chondrogenic gene (COL2A1, aggrecan) expression increased in all hydrogels, but alginate constructs had much higher expression levels of these genes (up to 90-fold for COL2A1), as well as proteoglycan 4, a functional marker of the superficial zone. Also, chondrocytes expressed COL1A1 and COL10A1, indicative of de-differentiation and hypertrophy. After 12 weeks, constructs with lower polymer content were stiffer than similar constructs with higher polymer content, with the highest compressive modulus measured in 2.5% PEG gels. Different materials and polymer concentrations have markedly different potency to affect chondrocyte behavior. While synthetic hydrogels offer many advantages over natural materials such as alginate, they must be further optimized to elicit desired chondrocyte responses for use as cartilage models and for development of functional tissue-engineered articular cartilage.


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For millennia humans have sought, organized, and used information as they learned and evolved patterns of human information behaviors to resolve their human problems and survive. However, despite the current focus on living in an "information age," we have a limited evolutionary understanding of human information behavior. In this article the authors examine the current three interdisciplinary approaches to conceptualizing how humans have sought information including (a) the everyday life information seeking-sense-making approach, (b) the information foraging approach, and (c) the problem-solution perspective on information seeking approach. In addition, due to the lack of clarity regarding the role of information use in information behavior, a fourth information approach is provided based on a theory of information use. The use theory proposed starts from an evolutionary psychology notion that humans are able to adapt to their environment and survive because of our modular cognitive architecture. Finally, the authors begin the process of conceptualizing these diverse approaches, and the various aspects or elements of these approaches, within an integrated model with consideration of information use. An initial integrated model of these different approaches with information use is proposed.


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Purpose - Since the beginning of human existence, humankind has sought, organized and used information as it evolved patterns and practices of human information behaviors. However, the field of human information behavior (HIB) has not heretofore pursued an evolutionary understanding of information behavior. The goal of this exploratory study is to provide insight about the information behavior of various individuals from the past to begin the development of an evolutionary perspective for our understanding of HIB. Design/methodology/approach - This paper presents findings from a qualitative analysis of the autobiographies and personal writings of several historical figures, including Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Darwin, Giacomo Casanova and others. Findings - Analysis of their writings shows that these persons of the past articulated aspects of their HIB's, including information seeking, information organization and information use, providing tangible insights into their information-related thoughts and actions. Practical implications - This paper has implications for expanding the nature of our evolutionary understanding of information behavior and provides a broader context for the HIB research field. Originality/value - This the first paper in the information science field of HIB to study the information behavior of historical figures and begin to develop an evolutionary framework for HIB research. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Information behavior studies are a growing body of research that highlights the importance of information for everyone in the information age. This e-book presents an international and diverse range of studies and insights into the current state of theories and models of information behavior. There is an emphasis on the socialpersonalhuman dimensions of information seeking using social science methods and theoretical frameworks. The studies particularly draw on the methods and theories of anthropology, sociology and psychology to produce interpretations of the way in which information is experienced in the lives of individuals working as critical care nurses in a medical environment, the information seeking behavior of the visually impaired, the social interactions within knitting circles in public libraries, and attempts to apply information behavior theory to the design of information solutions. Collectively the papers contribute more generally to our understanding of information behavior theory and models, including the medical and retrieval contexts.


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In urban residential environments in Australia and other developed countries, Internet access is on the verge of becoming a ubiquitous utility like gas or electricity. From an urban sociology and community informatics perspective, this article discusses new emerging social formations of urban residents that are based on networked individualism and the potential of Internet-based systems to support them. It proposes that one of the main reasons for the disappearance or nonexistence of urban residential communities is a lack of appropriate opportunities and instruments to encourage and support local interaction in urban neighborhoods. The article challenges the view that a mere reappropriation of applications used to support dispersed virtual communities is adequate to meet the place and proximity-based design requirements that community networks in urban neighborhoods pose. It argues that the key factors influencing the successful design and uptake of interactive systems to support social networks in urban neighborhoods include the swarming social behavior of urban dwellers; the dynamics of their existing communicative ecology; and the serendipitous, voluntary, and place-based quality of interaction between residents on the basis of choice, like-mindedness, mutual interest and support needs. Drawing on an analysis of these factors, the conceptual design framework of a prototype system — the urban tribe incubator — is presented.