862 resultados para Alfabetização e reflexão


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To determinate the multielemental concentrations in biological samples using the technique of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TRFX) is essential the use of standard samples. The aim of this study is the determination of the sensitivities of the relevant elements in standard samples (Multi Element atomic spectroscopy standard solution in HNO3 I) prepared in three solutions with different and known concentrations. Based on the sensitivities of the elements contained in the multilelementar standard sample, it can estimate the sensitivity for an element found in the biological sample and consequently it is possible to determinate the concentration, even though the standard does not contain this element. The measurement of fluorescence was performed at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas


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This qualitative research was performed with the goal of investigating the contributions of theoretical and methodological perspectives in the alphabetization process, aiming to train proficient writers of texts with communicative function. Hence, such were the goals established for this research: giving a retrospective look on the synthetic and analytic methods of teaching literacy; verifying the possibilities and limits of theoretical and methodological approaches of acquiring the ability to write and identifying the teachers’ ideas concerning basic concepts (such as literacy, text and textual genres) imbued in the teaching of writing; and establishing which activities they develop in the course of teaching whether the pedagogical practices of the teacher observed contributed to the formation of students who were capable of producing significant texts of diverse genres, suitable to the objectives, to the readers, and to the context of the circulation of texts. The research was done in a public elementary school, in a 2nd grade class of the city of Jaú. Subjects of the research were four teachers and twenty-eight children. For this work, two instruments were used for data collecting: a questionnaire and direct observation, registered in research diaries. Among the observations made were that, although there are many studies on literacy, the practices actually adopted in class are empirical in nature and do not contribute to the process of developing individual writing or reading skills at all; rather, it is only valued the ability of establishing relations between phonemes and graphemes; literacy teachers do not have adequate knowledge of concepts of literacy, teaching, text and textual genres, valuing only one methodological theory and disregarding other contributions on the field of text production


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The present research aims to identify conceptions that teachers and students of the early years have in relation to the disciplines of history and geography. The site chosen for the survey was a municipal school in the city of Lençóis Paulista, in São Paulo. The work's theme was chosen after observing a minimization of the teaching of the contents of the above-mentioned disciplines at the expense of mathematical content and mother tongue. In addition, there were difficulties arising from the standardization of education , such as teaching network uses material apostilled . The survey data , together with literature review was conducted with students and teachers in the early years who participated in a semistructured interview . Authors like Callai (1999 and 2005), Cavalcanti (2005 and 1998) and Burke (1992) theoretically supports the research . They have in common a new conception of education that values the small deeds that result in major events. The student, in this view, plays an important role as a subject of social transformation. The research has favored both the analysis of the conceptions of teachers and students, assisting in reflection on teaching practices, but also led to reflect on the training of teachers. The research shows us that the type of material used and the practice adopted may impair the access of students to the language of nature and society


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This investigation aims to observe play contents and elements that make it possible to notice if a child is at the imitation stage. First of all, this study reviews Piaget’s findings about the origins of imitation, and how it develops into representation. After that, “game” is analyzed in order to understand the cognitive representation and how children develop the ability to use symbols. Based on these assumptions, a study was developed into a public school (Profª Maria Teixeira Fittipaldi) with 9 children, aged between 1 to 3. Methodology included the observation of play and activity time; a diary to record the observations; and the analysis of the collected data, based on Piaget’s research into the classification and development of symbolic play. The results show that all observed situations were at the “first stage”, which reveal the apogee of ludic symbolism, and that the kind of game varied according to the child’s age. Moreover, it was possible to notice the importance of symbolic play at preschool, since it triggers world knowledge development and helps interpersonal relationship growth.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This text, supported by the Social Representations Theory (SRT), reports some results of a research with students from the 1st/4th years of the College of Sciences and Technology from the State University of São Paulo (FCT-Unesp) on the teacher’s work/identity. We applied 278 questionnaires (free association questions on the teacher’s work and profile). Two groups with former students (five with teaching degrees and four with degrees in Education) were organized. We analyzed issues regarding the choice for the teaching profession (Geography - 3; Math - 04; Physical Education - 01 and Pedagogy – 10). Partial results: 1. There are differences between the social representations of students enrolled in Teaching and Education courses; 2. These people say the profession requires dedication and commitment; 3. They establish a strong relationship between career choice and the “taste” for the profession; 4. They believe that their role is greatly challenging: it involves helping prospective students and commitment to the school.


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Neste trabalho, o foco de nossa reflexão é a grafia dos dados de escrita não-convencional de palavras, como ‘com tinuou’ e ‘ciesconder’. A questão que formulamos é: em que medida os erros de segmentação não-convencional também são resultados de decisões acerca da grafia das palavras? A resposta a essa questão é dada a partir da análise de erros de segmentação de palavras (tanto de hipossegmentação quanto de hipersegmentação) que ocorreram em textos produzidos por alunos que, à época da produção, cursavam a quinta série de uma escola pública da rede estadual de São Paulo. Os dados deste estudo foram extraídos de 107 textos produzidos a partir de uma mesma proposta de produção textual por alunos pertencentes a três turmas de quinta série. No total, foram identificadas 58 ocorrências de segmentação não-convencional, sendo 27 hipossegmentações, 28 hipersegmentações e 3 rasuras (quando há oscilação entre hipossegmentação e hipersegmentação de uma mesma palavra identificável por meio de algum elemento gráfico). Analisamos todas essas ocorrências de segmentação não-convencional, classificando-as como casos de hiper e hipossegmentação, buscando observar em que medida fatores de natureza ortográfica, juntamente com os de natureza prosódica, poderiam ser motivadores dessas grafias não-convencionais. Para fundamentar nossa resposta, ampliamos o conjunto de dados analisados às ocorrências de palavras que não estão ortograficamente corretas quanto à escolha de letras, mas que estão corretas quanto à segmentação convencional, como ‘emtão’. Ao consideramos a grafia das segmentações não-convencionais, observamos que as hipersegmentações de palavras que têm sílabas pretônicas ‘con’ e ‘en’ – como ‘com tinuou’, ‘com migo’, ‘com sigo’, e ‘em bora’, ‘en tão’, ‘em quanto’ – estão em parte motivadas no fato de essas sílabas poderem ser elementos funcionais – grafados como ‘com e ‘em’, respectivamente – e ainda no fato de, possivelmente, haver, por parte do escrevente, a observação de, pelo menos, duas regras ortográficas: uma que prevê que a letra ‘M’ só ocorre diante de ‘P, B’, dentro de palavra, e outra que prevê que a letra ‘M’ é a letra com que se grafam as preposições ‘com’ e ‘em’. Uma outra evidência de que há a formulação, por parte do aluno, de hipóteses conflitantes sobre a decisão quanto à grafia das palavras está no fato de ocorrer, em um mesmo texto, erros ortográficos relacionados à escolha entre ‘M’ e ‘N’, como ‘emtão’ e ‘en tão’. Vale observar que a grafia das nasais, particularmente em contexto de coda, oferece uma complexidade extra aos escreventes, desde o início do processo de alfabetização, como atestam os resultados de Chacon e Berti (2008), quando analisam dados de Educação Infantil. As ocorrências de hipossegmentação que envolvem o clítico ‘se’, como ‘ciesconder’, ‘cecasar’, chamam a atenção por serem grafadas com a letra ‘C’, que apresenta o valor de [s] somente quando seguida das letras ‘I’ e ‘E’, como em ‘cidade’ e ‘cebola’. Tem-se, pois, a consideração, por parte do aluno escrevente, de uma possibilidade de representação do sistema ortográfico. Assim, a flutuação na forma de grafar itens gramaticais pode ser interpretada como evidência de hipóteses do escrevente sobre o que seja palavra na escrita, particularmente, quando em jogo as formas dependentes (nos termos de CÂMARA Jr., 1970) ou os clíticos prosódicos (nos termos de BISOL, 2000). As hipóteses (conflitantes, por vezes) do que seja palavra na escrita – e que buscamos explicitar – são ancoradas, principalmente, em informações prosódicas, sobre o estatuto prosódico do clítico, e informações letradas, que dizem respeito à colocação de espaços em branco indicadores de palavra na escrita (que não se confunde com a palavra fonológica, nem com o grupo clítico) e à escolha de letras relacionadas às convenções ortográficas.


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This paper aims to use the theoretical framework developed by Hyman P. Minsky for understanding the concept of financial fragility observed in the capitalist system. It is intended to clarify the concept of intrinsic instability to which capitalism is subject, which is responsible for generating more economic cycles - periods of prosperity and crashes that affect global economies - particularly the one initiated in the United States in 2008. Thus, we made theoretical analysis of the theory of economic cycles and financial instability beyond historical reviews on the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Standard Oil Company foi resultado da forte industrialização que ocorreu nos Estados Unidos após a Guerra de Secessão. Anterior ao conflito, os americanos estavam divididos entre ser tornarem um país exportador de matérias primas ou serem industrializados. Mesmo que ambas as estruturas econômicas foram aplicadas concomitantemente, trazendo recursos financeiros para a Nação, os estados do Norte acabaram vencendo a guerra e incentivaram a expansão industrial. O reflexo desse processo foi notado pelo empresário J.D. Rockefeller que inicia sua empresa baseada na exploração de petróleo, a Standard Oil Company. Utilizando-se de métodos eficientes, inovadores e eficazes, proporcionou um aumento na produção petrolífera de forma exorbitante, podendo manter altos níveis de lucro, mesmo que a preços razoáveis ao consumidor. O impacto da organização industrial e as estratégias encontradas pelo monopólio marcaram profundamente a economia americana. Mesmo sendo um tema de história econômica, no decorrer deste trabalho utilizaremos aspectos sociológicos, biográficos e estatísticos para compreendermos de que forma a Standard Oil Company representa a essência do espírito capitalista da instituição americana


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The X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is an important technique for the qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical components in a sample. It is based on measurement of the intensity of the emitted characteristic radiation by the elements of the sample, after being properly excited. One of the modalities of this technique is the total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF). In TXRF, the angle of refraction of the incident beam tends to zero and the refracted beam is tangent to the sample-support interface. Thus, there is a minimum angle of incidence that there is no refracted beam and all the incident radiation undergoes total reflection. As it is implemented in very small samples, in a film format, self-absorption effects should not very relevant. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of using code MCNPX (Monte Carlo N - Particle eXtended), to simulate a measure implemented by the TXRF technique. In this way, it was verified the quality of response of a system by TXRF spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation as excitation beam for a simple setup, by retrieving the characteristic energies and the concentrations of the elements in the sample. The steps of data processing, after obtaining the excitation spectra, were the same as in a real experiment and included the obtaining of the sensitivity curve for the simulated system. The agreement between the theoretical and simulated values of Ka characteristic energies for different elements was lower than 1 % .The obtained concentration of the elements of the sample had high relatively errors ( between 6 and 60 % ) due mainly to lack of knowing about some realistic physical parameters of the sample , such as density . In this way, this result does not preclude the use of MCNPX code for this type of application


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This paper focuses data from discussions done with teachers who work with the three early years of nine-years elementary chool, in two Municipal schools of São Paulo inland, in order to investigate the students’ literacy degree. Considering a test applied to students of three early years of those schools, this study deals with the literacy performance results of 153 children of third school year. It also relates data of this test with some aspects that have characterized the literacy teachers’ practices. Initially, it presents considerations about the literacy process in extent of nine-years elementary school and some implications for the teachers’ practices. Then, it emphasizes the test results of third year students, pointing out what skills were already developed by them in literacy process and what skills must be improved. Results show that those children are not literated. They demonstrate difficulties in the appropriation of reading and writing skills, even in the third school year. It suggests the teachers’ need to reorganize their practices in classroom and to revise students’ literacy process, allowing to every student the full appropriation of reading and writing.