1000 resultados para Aeronàutica


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Mesh adaptation based on error estimation has become a key technique to improve th eaccuracy o fcomputational-fluid-dynamics computations. The adjoint-based approach for error estimation is one of the most promising techniques for computational-fluid-dynamics applications. Nevertheless, the level of implementation of this technique in the aeronautical industrial environment is still low because it is a computationally expensive method. In the present investigation, a new mesh refinement method based on estimation of truncation error is presented in the context of finite-volume discretization. The estimation method uses auxiliary coarser meshes to estimate the local truncation error, which can be used for driving an adaptation algorithm. The method is demonstrated in the context of two-dimensional NACA0012 and three-dimensional ONERA M6 wing inviscid flows, and the results are compared against the adjoint-based approach and physical sensors based on features of the flow field.


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The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier-Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.


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The design of an electrodynamic tether is a complex task that involves the control of dynamic instabilities, optimization of the generated power (or the descent time in deorbiting missions), and minimization of the tether mass. The electrodynamic forces on an electrodynamic tether are responsible for variations in the mechanical energy of the tethered system and can also drive the system to dynamic instability. Energy sources and sinks in this system include the following: 1) ionospheric impedance, 2) the potential drop at the cathodic contactor, 3) ohmic losses in the tether, 4) the corotational plasma electric field, and 5) generated power and/or 6) input power. The analysis of each of these energy components, or bricks, establishes parameters that are useful tools for tether design. In this study, the nondimensional parameters that govern the orbital energy variation, dynamic instability, and power generation were characterized, and their mutual interdependence was established. A space-debris mitigation mission was taken as an example of this approach for the assessment of tether performance. Numerical simulations using a dumbbell model for tether dynamics, the International Geomagnetic Reference Field for the geomagnetic field, and the International Reference Ionosphere for the ionosphere were performed to test the analytical approach. The results obtained herein stress the close relationships that exist among the velocity of descent, dynamic stability, and generated power. An optimal tether design requires a detailed tradeoff among these performances in a real-world scenario.


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In the recent decades, meshless methods (MMs), like the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM), have been widely studied and interesting results have been reached when solving partial differential equations. However, such solutions show a problem around boundary conditions, where the accuracy is not adequately achieved. This is caused by the use of moving least squares or residual kernel particle method methods to obtain the shape functions needed in MM, since such methods are good enough in the inner of the integration domains, but not so accurate in boundaries. This way, Bernstein curves, which are a partition of unity themselves,can solve this problem with the same accuracy in the inner area of the domain and at their boundaries.


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An experience developed by the authors in the design of educational tools, funded on multimedia support for using in teaching, will be presented. These tools have been used on the subject of Helicopters, http://ocw.upm.es/ingenieriaaeroespacial/ helicopteros at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (E.U.I.T. Aeronáutica). Throughout more than ten years, these didactical and educational elements have been defined and developed. It has the singularity that most of them have been designed for undergraduate students, as a part of their end of degree projectwork. This peculiarity has led to a wide range of proposals and solutions, as well as an appropriate approach. depending on the level of knowledge. The evolution of tools for developing these materials will be presented, discussing advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we will advance the new materials which are being prepared at present.


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Systems integration is the origin of most major difficulties found in the engineering design of aeronautical vehicles. The whole design team must assure that each subsystem accomplishes its particular goals and that, together with the rest of the systems, they all meet the general aircraft requirements.Design and building of UAS is a field of actuation to which leading Universities, research Centers and Aeronautical designers have dedicated a lot of effort. In recent years, a team of students, lecturers and professors at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) have been working on the design and building of a UAS for civil observation. The design of multi-mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has seen a rapid progress in the last years. A wide variety of designs and applications, some of them really ingenious, have been proposed. The project, which has been going on as a teamwork experience for the last ten years, consists of the design and building of a UAV, and its peculiarity is that it has been carried out entirely by undergraduate students, as part of their Final Research Project. The students face a challenge that includes all the features and stages of an authentic engineering project. We present the current moment of evolution in the process, together with a description of the main difficulties the project has undergone, as a global experience in engineering design and development.


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Using the relation proposed by Weinberg in 1972, combining quantum and cosmological parameters, we prove that the self gravitational potential energy of any fundamental particle is a quantum, with physical properties independent of the mass of the particle. It is a universal quantum of gravitational energy, and its physical properties depend only on the cosmological scale factor R and the physical constants ℏ and c. We propose a modification of the Weinberg’s relation, keeping the same numerical value, but substituting the cosmological parameter H/c by 1/R.


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Combining the kinematical definitions of the two dimensionless parameters, the deceleration q(x) and the Hubble t 0 H(x), we get a differential equation (where x=t/t 0 is the age of the universe relative to its present value t 0). First integration gives the function H(x). The present values of the Hubble parameter H(1) [approximately t 0 H(1)≈1], and the deceleration parameter [approximately q(1)≈−0.5], determine the function H(x). A second integration gives the cosmological scale factor a(x). Differentiation of a(x) gives the speed of expansion of the universe. The evolution of the universe that results from our approach is: an initial extremely fast exponential expansion (inflation), followed by an almost linear expansion (first decelerated, and later accelerated). For the future, at approximately t≈3t 0 there is a final exponential expansion, a second inflation that produces a disaggregation of the universe to infinity. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for this disaggregation to occur. The precise value of the final age is given only with one parameter: the present value of the deceleration parameter [q(1)≈−0.5]. This emerging picture of the history of the universe represents an important challenge, an opportunity for the immediate research on the Universe. These conclusions have been elaborated without the use of any particular cosmological model of the universe


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A method is presented to construct computationally efficient reduced-order models (ROMs) of three-dimensional aerodynamic flows around commercial aircraft components. The method is based on the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) of a set of steady snapshots, which are calculated using an industrial solver based on some Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. The POD-mode amplitudes are calculated by minimizing a residual defined from the Euler equations, even though the snapshots themselves are calculated from viscous equations. This makes the ROM independent of the peculiarities of the solver used to calculate the snapshots. Also, both the POD modes and the residual are calculated using points in the computational mesh that are concentrated in a close vicinity of the aircraft, which constitute a much smaller number than the total number of mesh points. Despite these simplifications, the method provides quite good approximations of the flow variables distributions in the whole computational domain, including the boundary layer attached to the aircraft surface and the wake. Thus, the method is both robust and computationally efficient, which is checked considering the aerodynamic flow around a horizontal tail plane, in the transonic range 0.4?Mach number?0.8, ?3°?angle of attack?3°.


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The current I to a cylindrical Langmuir probe with a bias Φp satisfying β≡eΦp/mec2∼O(1) is discussed. The probe is considered at rest in an unmagnetized plasma composed of electrons and ions with temperatureskTe∼kTi≪mec2. For small enough radius, the probe collects the relativistic orbital-motion-limited (OML) current I OML , which is shown to be larger than the non-relativistic result; the OML current is proportional to β1/2 and β3/2 in the limits β≪1 and β≫1, respectively. Unlike the non-relativistic case, the electron density can exceed the unperturbed density value. An asymptotic theory allowed to compute the maximum radius of the probe to collect OML current, the sheath radius for probe radius well below maximum and how the ratio I/I OML drops below unity when the maximum radius is exceeded. A numerical algorithm that solves the Vlasov-Poisson system was implemented and density and potential profiles presented. The results and their implications in a possible mission to Jupiter with electrodynamic bare tethers are discussed density value. An asymptotic theory allowed to compute the maximum radius of the probe to collect OML current, the sheath radius for probe radius well below maximum and how the ratio I/IOML drops below unity when the maximum radius is exceeded. A numerical algorithm that solves the Vlasov-Poisson system was implemented and density and potential profiles presented. The results and their implications in a possible mission to Jupiter with electrodynamic bare tethers are discussed.


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Aircraft Operators Companies (AOCs) are always willing to keep the cost of a flight as low as possible. These costs could be modelled using a function of the fuel consumption, time of flight and fixed cost (over flight cost, maintenance, etc.). These are strongly dependant on the atmospheric conditions, the presence of winds and the aircraft performance. For this reason, much research effort is being put in the development of numerical and graphical techniques for defining the optimal trajectory. This paper presents a different approach to accommodate AOCs preferences, adding value to their activities, through the development of a tool, called aircraft trajectory simulator. This tool is able to simulate the actual flight of an aircraft with the constraints imposed. The simulator is based on a point mass model of the aircraft. The aim of this paper is to evaluate 3DoF aircraft model errors with BADA data through real data from Flight Data Recorder FDR. Therefore, to validate the proposed simulation tool a comparative analysis of the state variables vector is made between an actual flight and the same flight using the simulator. Finally, an example of a cruise phase is presented, where a conventional levelled flight is compared with a continuous climb flight. The comparison results show the potential benefits of following user-preferred routes for commercial flights.


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Desarrollo de algoritmo de interpolación basado en descomposición octree y funciones radiales de soporte compacto para movimiento de mallas en problemas aerolásticos


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In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In this paper, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. Finally, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) multiobjective optimization is applied to the design space. The result is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget, which gives a useful insight to the design team at the early phases of the design.


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The separation of the lower stage of the ARIANE 5 Vehicle Equipment Bay (VEB) Structure is to be done using a pyrotechnic device. The wave propagation effects produced by the explosion can affect the electronic equipment, so it was decided to analyze, using both physical and numerical modeling, a small piece of the structure to determine the distribution of the accelerations and the relative importance of damping, stiffness, connections, etc. on the response of the equipment.


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Archaeopteryx has played a central role in the debates on the origins of avian (and dinosaurian) flight, even though as a flier it probably represents a relatively late stage in the beginnings of fl ight. We report on aerodynamic tests using a life-sized model of Archaeopteryx performing in a low turbulence wind tunnel. Our results indicate that tail deflection significantly decreased take-off velocity and power consumption, and that the first manual digit could have functioned as the structural precursor of the alula. Such results demonstrate that Archaeopteryx had already evolved high-lift devices, which are functional analogues of those present in today's birds.