934 resultados para Adhesion Molecule
Chronic rejection, the most important cause of long-term graft failure, is thought to result from both alloantigen-dependent and -independent factors. To examine these influences, cytokine dynamics were assessed by semiquantitative competitive reverse transcriptase-PCR and by immunohistology in an established rat model of chronic rejection lf renal allografts. Isograft controls develop morphologic and immunohistologic changes that are similar to renal allograft changes, although quantitatively less intense and at a delayed speed; these are thought to occur secondary to antigen-independent events. Sequential cytokine expression was determined throughout the process. During an early reversible allograft rejection episode, both T-cell associated [interleukin (IL) 2, IL-2 receptor, IL-4, and interferon gamma] and macrophage (IL-1 alpha, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IL-6) products were up-regulated despite transient immunosuppression. RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) peaked at 2 weeks; intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) was maximally expressed at 6 weeks. Macrophage products such as monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) increased dramatically (to 10 times), presaging intense peak macrophage infiltration at 16 weeks. In contrast, in isografts, ICAM-1 peaked at 24 weeks. MCP-1 was maximally expressed at 52 weeks, commensurate with a progressive increase in infiltrating macrophages. Cytokine expression in the spleen of allograft and isograft recipients was insignificant. We conclude that chronic rejection of kidney allografts in rats is predominantly a local macrophage-dependent event with intense up-regulation of macrophage products such as MCP-1, IL-6, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. The cytokine expression in isografts emphasizes the contribution of antigen-independent events. The dynamics of RANTES expression between early and late phases of chronic rejection suggest a key role in mediating the events of the chronic process.
When expressed as part of a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein the NH2-terminal domain of the lymphocyte cell adhesion molecule CD2 is shown to adopt two different folds. The immunoglobulin superfamily structure of the major (85%) monomeric component has previously been determined by both x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. We now describe the structure of a second, dimeric, form present in about 15% of recombinant CD2 molecules. After denaturation and refolding in the absence of the fusion partner, dimeric CD2 is converted to monomer, illustrating that the dimeric form represents a metastable folded state. The crystal structure of this dimeric form, refined to 2.0-A resolution, reveals two domains with overall similarity to the IgSF fold found in the monomer. However, in the dimer each domain is formed by the intercalation of two polypeptide chains. Hence each domain represents a distinct folding unit that can assemble in two different ways. In the dimer the two domains fold around a hydrophilic interface believed to mimic the cell adhesion interaction at the cell surface, and the formation of dimer can be regulated by mutating single residues at this interface. This unusual misfolded form of the protein, which appears to result from inter- rather than intramolecular interactions being favored by an intermediate structure formed during the folding process, illustrates that evolution of protein oligomers is possible from the sequence for a single protein domain.
E-Cadherin, a cell adhesion molecule, which plays a key role in maintaining the epithelial phenotype, is regarded as an invasion-suppressor gene in light of accumulating evidence from in vitro experiments and clinical observations. In an attempt to clarify the mechanism responsible for inactivation of this gene in carcinomas, we investigated the methylation state around the promoter region by digestion of DNA with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme Hpa II, as CpG methylation of the promoter has been postulated to be a mechanism of transcriptional inactivation of some genes. We found that E-cadherin expression-negative carcinoma cell lines were accompanied by the hypermethylation state, whereas E-cadherin-positive cell lines were not. Furthermore, treatment of E-cadherin-negative carcinoma cells with the demethylating agent 5-azacytidine resulted in reexpression of the gene and reversion of scattered spindle-shaped cells to cells with epithelial morphology. These results suggest that hypermethylation around the promoter may be a mechanism of E-cadherin inactivation in human carcinomas and that treatment of E-cadherin-inactivated cells with a demethylating agent may cause gene expression reversion leading to epithelial morphogenesis with acquisition of the homophilic cell-cell adhesive property.
We have developed a paracrine signaling assay capable of mimicking inductive events in the early vertebrate embryo. RNA encoding one or more secreted proteins is microinjected into a Xenopus laevis oocyte. After a brief incubation to allow translation, a piece of embryonic tissue competent to respond to the signaling protein is grafted onto the oocyte. The secreted protein's effect on the grafted explant is then scored by assaying expression of tissue-specific markers. Explants of ectodermal tissue from blastula or gastrula stage embryos were grafted onto oocytes that had been injected with RNA encoding activin or noggin. We found that the paracrine assay faithfully reconstitutes mesoderm induction by activin and neural induction by noggin. Blastula-stage explants grafted onto activin-expressing oocytes expressed the mesodermal marker genes brachyury, goosecoid, and muscle actin. Gastrula-stage explants grafted onto noggin-expressing oocytes expressed neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and formed cement gland. By injecting pools of RNA synthesized from a cDNA expression library into the oocyte, we also used the assay to screen for secreted neural-inducing proteins. We assayed 20,000 independent transformants of a library constructed from LiCl-dorsalized Xenopus laevis embryos, and we identified two cDNAs that induced neural tissue in ectodermal explants from gastrula-stage embryos. Both cDNAs encode noggin. These results suggest that the paracrine assay will be useful for the cloning of novel signaling proteins as well as for the analysis of known factors.
Glycoproteins expressing the Lutheran blood group antigens were isolated from human erythrocyte membranes and from human fetal liver. Amino acid sequence analyses allowed the design of redundant oligonucleotides that were used to generate a 459-bp, sequence-specific probe by PCR. A cDNA clone of 2400 bp was isolated from a human placental lambda gt 11 library and sequenced, and the deduced amino acid sequence was studied. The predicted mature protein is a type I membrane protein of 597 amino acids with five potential N-glycosylation sites. There are five disulfide-bonded, extracellular, immunoglobulin superfamily domains (two variable-region set and three constant-region set), a single hydrophobic, membrane-spanning domain, and a cytoplasmic domain of 59 residues. The overall structure is similar to that of the human tumor marker MUC 18 and the chicken neural adhesion molecule SC1. The extracellular domains and cytoplasmic domain contain consensus motifs for the binding of integrin and Src homology 3 domains, respectively, suggesting possible receptor and signal-transduction function. Immunostaining of human tissues demonstrated a wide distribution and provided evidence that the glycoprotein is under developmental control in liver and may also be regulated during differentiation in other tissues.
The circulating blood exerts a force on the vascular endothelium, termed fluid shear stress (FSS), which directly impacts numerous vascular endothelial cell (VEC) functions. For example, high rates of linear and undisturbed (i.e. laminar) blood flow maintains a protective and quiescent VEC phenotype. Meanwhile, deviations in blood flow, which can occur at vascular branchpoints and large curvatures, create areas of low, and/or oscillatory FSS, and promote a pro-inflammatory, pro-thrombotic and hyperpermeable phenotype. Indeed, it is known that these areas are prone to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Herein, we show that cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4D (PDE4D) activity is increased by FSS in human arterial endothelial cells (HAECs) and that this activation regulates the activity of cAMP-effector protein, Exchange Protein-activated by cAMP-1 (EPAC1), in these cells. Importantly, we also show that these events directly and critically impact HAEC responses to FSS, especially when FSS levels are low. Both morphological events induced by FSS, as measured by changes in cell alignment and elongation in the direction of FSS, and the expression of critical FSS-regulated genes, including Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and thrombomodlin (TM), are mediated by EPAC1/PDE4D signaling. At a mechanistic level, we show that EPAC1/PDE4D acts through the vascular endothelial-cadherin (VECAD)/ platelet-cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM1)/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) mechanosensor to activate downstream signaling though Akt. Given the critical role of PDE4D in mediating these effects, we also investigated the impact of various patterns of FSS on the expression of individual PDE genes in HAECs. Notably, PDE2A was significantly upregulated in response to high, laminar FSS, while PDE3A was upregulated under low, oscillatory FSS conditions only. These data may provide novel therapeutic targets to limit FSS-dependent endothelial cell dysfunction (ECD) and atherosclerotic development.
Le sommeil est un besoin vital et le bon fonctionnement de l’organisme dépend de la quantité et de la qualité du sommeil. Le sommeil est régulé par deux processus : un processus circadien qui dépend de l’activité des noyaux suprachiasmatiques de l’hypothalamus et qui régule le moment durant lequel nous allons dormir, et un processus homéostatique qui dépend de l’activité neuronale et se reflète dans l’intensité du sommeil. En effet, le sommeil dépend de l’éveil qui le précède et plus l’éveil dure longtemps, plus le sommeil est profond tel que mesuré par des marqueurs électroencéphalographiques (EEG). Des études ont montré que le bon fonctionnement de ces deux processus régulateurs du sommeil dépend de la plasticité synaptique. Ainsi, les éléments synaptiques régulant la communication et la force synaptique sont d’importants candidats pour agir sur la physiologie de la régulation du sommeil. Les molécules d’adhésion cellulaire sont des acteurs clés dans les mécanismes de plasticité synaptique. Elles régulent l’activité et la maturation des synapses. Des études ont montré que leur absence engendre des conséquences similaires au manque de sommeil. Le but de ce projet de thèse est d’explorer l’effet de l’absence de deux familles de molécule d’adhésion cellulaire, les neuroligines et la famille des récepteur Eph et leur ligand les éphrines dans les processus régulateurs du sommeil. Notre hypothèse est que l’absence d’un des membres de ces deux familles de molécule affecte les mécanismes impliqués dans le processus homéostatique de régulation du sommeil. Afin de répondre à notre hypothèse, nous avons étudié d’une part l’activité EEG chez des souris mutantes n’exprimant pas Neuroligine‐1 (Nlgn1) ou le récepteur EphA4 en condition normale et après une privation de sommeil. D’autre part, nous avons mesuré les changements moléculaires ayant lieu dans ces deux modèles après privation de sommeil. Au niveau de l’activité EEG, nos résultats montrent que l’absence de Nlgn1 augmente la densité des ondes lentes en condition normale et augment l’amplitude et la pente des ondes lentes après privation de sommeil. Nlgn1 est nécessaire au fonctionnement normal de la synchronie corticale, notamment après une privation de sommeil, lui attribuant ainsi un rôle clé dans l’homéostasie du sommeil. Concernant le récepteur EphA4, son absence affecte la durée du sommeil paradoxal ainsi que l’activité sigma qui dépendent du processus circadien. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que ce récepteur est un élément important dans la régulation circadienne du sommeil. Les changements transcriptionnels en réponse à la privation de sommeil des souris n’exprimant pas Nlgn1 et EphA4 ne sont pas différents des souris sauvages. Toutefois, nous avons montré que la privation de sommeil affectait la distribution des marques épigénétiques sur le génome, tels que la méthylation et l’hydroxyméthylation, et que l’expression des molécules régulant ces changements est modifiée chez les souris mutantes pour le récepteur EphA4. Nos observations mettent en évidence que les molécules d’adhésion cellulaire, Nlgn1 et le récepteur EphA4, possèdent un rôle important dans les processus homéostatique et circadien du sommeil et contribuent de manière différente à la régulation du sommeil.
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is an autosomal recessive chronic hemolytic anemia, caused by homozygosity for the HBB:c.20A>T mutation. The disease presents with high clinical heterogeneity, stroke being the most devastating manifestation. This study aimed to identify genetic modulators of severe hemolysis and stroke risk in children with SCA, as well as understand their consequences at the hemorheological level. Sixty-six children with SCA were categorised according to their degree of cerebral vasculopathy (Stroke/Risk/Control). Relevant data were collected from patients’ medical records. Several polymorphic regions in genes related to vascular cell adhesion and tonus were characterized by molecular methodologies. Data analyses were performed using R software. Several in silico tools (e.g. TFBind, MatInspector) were applied to investigate the main variant consequences. Some genetic variants in vascular adhesion molecule-1 gene promoter and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene were associated with higher levels of hemolysis and stroke events. They modify important transcription factor binding sites or disturb the corresponding protein structure/function. Our findings emphasize the relevance of the genetic variants in modulating the degree of hemolysis and development of cerebral vasculopathy due to their effect on gene expression, modification of protein biological activities related with erythrocyte/endothelial interactions and consequent hemorheological abnormalities in SCA.
STUDY HYPOTHESIS Using optimized conditions, primary trophoblast cells isolated from human term placenta can develop a confluent monolayer in vitro, which morphologically and functionally resembles the microvilli structure found in vivo. STUDY FINDING We report the successful establishment of a confluent human primary trophoblast monolayer using pre-coated polycarbonate inserts, where the integrity and functionality was validated by cell morphology, biophysical features, cellular marker expression and secretion, and asymmetric glucose transport. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Human trophoblast cells form the initial barrier between maternal and fetal blood to regulate materno-fetal exchange processes. Although the method for isolating pure human cytotrophoblast cells was developed almost 30 years ago, a functional in vitro model with primary trophoblasts forming a confluent monolayer is still lacking. STUDY DESIGN, SAMPLES/MATERIALS, METHODS Human term cytotrophoblasts were isolated by enzymatic digestion and density gradient separation. The purity of the primary cells was evaluated by flow cytometry using the trophoblast-specific marker cytokeratin 7, and vimentin as an indicator for potentially contaminating cells. We screened different coating matrices for high cell viability to optimize the growth conditions for primary trophoblasts on polycarbonate inserts. During culture, cell confluency and polarity were monitored daily by determining transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and permeability properties of florescent dyes. The time course of syncytia-related gene expression and hCG secretion during syncytialization were assessed by quantitative RT-PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. The morphology of cultured trophoblasts after 5 days was determined by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Membrane makers were visualized using confocal microscopy. Additionally, glucose transport studies were performed on the polarized trophoblasts in the same system. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE During 5-day culture, the highly pure trophoblasts were cultured on inserts coated with reconstituted basement membrane matrix . They exhibited a confluent polarized monolayer, with a modest TEER and a size-dependent apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) to fluorescently labeled compounds (MW ∼400-70 000 Da). The syncytialization progress was characterized by gradually increasing mRNA levels of fusogen genes and elevating hCG secretion. SEM analyses confirmed a confluent trophoblast layer with numerous microvilli, and TEM revealed a monolayer with tight junctions. Immunocytochemistry on the confluent trophoblasts showed positivity for the cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin, the tight junction protein 1 (ZO-1) and the membrane proteins ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1). Applying this model to study the bidirectional transport of a non-metabolizable glucose derivative indicated a carrier-mediated placental glucose transport mechanism with asymmetric kinetics. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION The current study is only focused on primary trophoblast cells isolated from healthy placentas delivered at term. It remains to be evaluated whether this system can be extended to pathological trophoblasts isolated from diverse gestational diseases. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS These findings confirmed the physiological properties of the newly developed human trophoblast barrier, which can be applied to study the exchange of endobiotics and xenobiotics between the maternal and fetal compartment, as well as intracellular metabolism, paracellular contributions and regulatory mechanisms influencing the vectorial transport of molecules. LARGE-SCALE DATA Not applicable. STUDY FUNDING AND COMPETING INTERESTS This study was supported by the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research, NCCR TransCure, University of Bern, Switzerland, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 310030_149958, C.A.). All authors declare that their participation in the study did not involve factual or potential conflicts of interests.
One way of controlling the activity of E-cadherin - a protein that is, simultaneously, a major cell-adhesion molecule, a powerful tumour suppressor, a determinant of cell polarity and a partner to the potent catenin signalling molecules - is to keep it on the move. During the past two decades, many insights into the fundamental role of E-cadherin in these processes have been garnered. Studies during the past five years have begun to reveal the importance of intracellular trafficking as a means of regulating the functions of E-cadherin. E-cadherin is trafficked to and from the cell surface by exocytic and multiple endocytic pathways. In this article, we survey the vesicle-trafficking machinery that is responsible for the sorting, transport, actin association and vesicle targeting of E-cadherin to regulate its movement and function during growth and development and, possibly, in cancer.
Primary olfactory neurons project axons from the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity to,the olfactory bulb in the brain. These axons grow within large mixed bundles in the olfactory nerve and then sort out into homotypic fascicles in the nerve fiber layer of the olfactory bulb before terminating in topographically fixed glomeruli. Carbohydrates expressed on the cell surface have been implicated in axon sorting within the nerve fiber layer. We have identified two novel subpopulations of primary olfactory neurons that express distinct alpha-extended lactoseries carbohydrates recognised by monoclonal antibodies LA4 and KH10. Both carbohydrate epitopes are present on novel glycoforms of the neural cell adhesion molecule, which we have named NOC-7 and NOC-8. Primary axon fasciculation is disrupted in vitro when interactions between these cell surface lactoseries carbohydrates and their endogenous binding molecules are inhibited by the LA4 and KH10 antibodies or lactosamine sugars. We report the expression of multiple members of the lactoseries binding galectin family in the primary olfactory system. In particular, galectin-3 is expressed by ensheathing cells surrounding nerve fascicles in the submucosa and nerve fiber layer, where it may mediate cross-linking of axons. Galectin-4, -7, and -8 are expressed by the primary olfactory axons as they grow from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb. A putative role for NOC-7 and NOC-8 in axon fasciculation and the expression of multiple galectins in the developing olfactory nerve suggest that these molecules may be involved in the formation of this pathway, particularly in the sorting of axons as they converge towards their target. (C) 2004Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The cadherin superfamily members play an important role in mediating cell-cell contact and adhesion (Takeichi, M., 1991. Cadherin cell adhesion receptors as a morphogenetic regulator. Science 251, 1451-1455). A distinct subfamily, neither belonging to the classical or protocadherins includes Fat, the largest member of the cadherin super-family. Fat was originally identified in Drosophila. Subsequently, orthologues of Fat have been described in man (Dunne, J., Hanby, A. M., Poulsom, R., Jones, T. A., Sheer, D., Chin, W. G., Da, S. M., Zhao, Q., Beverley, P. C., Owen, M. J., 1995. Molecular cloning and tissue expression of FAT, the human homologue of the Drosophila fat gene that is located on chromosome 4q34-q35 and encodes a putative adhesion molecule. Genomics 30, 207-223), rat (Ponassi, M., Jacques, T. S., Ciani, L., ffrench, C. C., 1999. Expression of the rat homologue of the Drosophila fat tumour suppressor gene. Mech. Dev. 80, 207-212) and mouse (Cox, B., Hadjantonakis, A. K., Collins, J. E., Magee, A. I., 2000. Cloning and expression throughout mouse development of mfat 1, a homologue of the Drosophila tumour suppressor gene fat [In Process Citation]. Dev. Dyn. 217, 233-240). In Drosophila, Fat has been shown to play an important role in both planar cell polarity and cell boundary formation during development. In this study we describe the characterization of zebrafish Fat, the first non-mammalian, vertebrate Fat homologue to be identified. The Fat protein has 64% amino acid identity and 80% similarity to human FAT and an identical domain structure to other vertebrate Fat proteins. During embryogenesis fat mRNA is expressed in the developing brain, specialised epithelial surfaces the notochord, ears, eyes and digestive tract, a pattern similar but distinct to that found in mammals. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Adhesion of erythrocytes infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to human host receptors is a process associated with severe malarial pathology. A number of in vitro cell lines are available as models for these adhesive processes, including Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells which express the placental adhesion receptor chondroitin-4-sulphate (CSA) on their surface. CHO-745 cells, a glycosaminoglycan-negative mutant CHO cell line lacking CSA and other reported P. falciparum adhesion receptors, are often used for recombinant expression of host receptors and for receptor binding studies. In this study we show that P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes can be easily selected for adhesion to an endogenous receptor on the surface of CHO-745 cells, bringing into question the validity of using these cells as a tool for P. falciparum adhesin expression studies. The adhesive interaction between CHO-745 cells and parasitized erythrocytes described here is not mediated by the known P. falciparum adhesion receptors CSA, CD36, or ICAM-1. However, we found that CHO-745-selected parasitized erythrocytes bind normal human IgM and that adhesion to CHO-745 cells is inhibited by protein A in the presence of serum, but not in its absence, indicating a non-specific inhibitory effect. Thus, protein A, which has been used as an inhibitor for a recently described interaction between infected erythrocytes and the placenta, may not be an appropriate in vitro inhibitor for understanding in vivo adhesive interactions. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Primary sensory neurons in the vertebrate olfactory systems are characterised by the differential expression of distinct cell surface carbohydrates. We show here that the histo-blood group H carbohydrate is expressed by primary sensory neurons in both the main and accessory olfactory systems while the blood group A carbohydrate is expressed by a subset of vomeronasal neurons in the developing accessory olfactory system. We have used both loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches to manipulate expression of these carbohydrates in the olfactory system. In null mutant mice lacking the alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase FUT1, the absence of blood group H carbohydrate resulted in the delayed maturation of the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb. In addition, ubiquitous expression of blood group A on olfactory axons in gain-of-function transgenic mice caused mis-routing of axons in the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb and led to exuberant growth of vomeronasal axons in the accessory olfactory bulb. These results provide in vivo evidence for a role of specific cell surface carbohydrates during development of the olfactory nerve pathways. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.