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El objetivo de esta investigación es describir la calidad de vida y la calidad del sueño en los pacientes con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Apnea Hipoapnea del sueño, mediante el uso de un grupo de cuestionarios para obtener datos demográficos, la evaluación del grado de somnolencia diurna percibida, la percepción de la calidad del sueño y la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud con encuestas en sus respectivas versiones validadas para Colombia.


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Introducción: La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una enfermedad crónica benigna, rara y de etiología desconocida; tiende a confundirse con otras enfermedades debido a síntomas similares. Este estudio pretende identificar y cuantificar las características demográficas, los antecedentes ginecoobstétricos relevantes y las manifestaciones clínicas prediagnósticas de esta enfermedad Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con análisis agrupado de datos tipo meta análisis. Se utilizó una estrategia de búsqueda en PubMed. Todos los estudios relacionados con la definición, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática fueron elegibles. Las variables de interés fueron edad, país, antecedente de contracepción hormonal, tiempo de evolución, tiempo desde el último embarazo, diagnóstico inicial, y manifestaciones clínicas previas a la consulta. No hubo restricción en fechas de publicación. Resultados: Fueron incluidas 641 mujeres con diagnóstico de MGI reportadas en 68 publicaciones que cumplieron los criterios de selección. La edad media fue 35.9 años, 14.1% de ellas estaba embarazada o lactando, el antecedente de consumo de anticonceptivos hormonales fue 21% y el tiempo promedio desde el último parto fue de 3.9 años. La afectación ocurre principalmente en mama izquierda y en cuadrante superoexterno. El cáncer de mama y el absceso mamario son diagnósticos diferenciales en la consulta. Discusión: El diagnóstico de MGI es un reto para el ginecólogo desde la consulta inicial. Debido a que sus manifestaciones clínicas no son específicas, su diagnóstico parece apuntar a la necesidad de un proceso de descarte de otras patologías más frecuentes e incluso de peor pronóstico. Palabras clave mastitis granulomatosa idiopática


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Introducción: La de uveítis pediátrica tiene una prevalencia mundial de aproximadamente 30 casos por 100.000 y constituye la segunda causa de ceguera en niños en Colombia. Sin embargo, no existen estudios que caractericen esta entidad en nuestro medio. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de uveítis en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional y en un centro privado de consulta oftalmológica en Bogotá entre enero de 2000 y julio de 2013. Resultados: Se describe un total de 311 pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de uveítis, 51.8% niñas. La edad promedio de presentación fue de 10.1 años. La uveítis posterior fue la más frecuente (57.8%), siendo más común de aparición insidiosa (87.5%) y crónica (78.1%). La etiología más frecuente fue infecciosa (58.2%) causada por toxoplasmosis (76.8%). Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la agudeza visual de la uveítis anterior (20/67) e intermedia (20/69), en comparación con la uveítis posterior (20/417) y panuveítis (20/209) (p <0,05). Discusión: Los datos de este estudio proporcionan el primer reporte de las características clínicas de la uveítis en pacientes pediátricos en Colombia, donde las uveítis infecciosas son la primera causa de esta entidad. Este estudio mejorará el conocimiento de la uveítis en nuestro medio, así como es un instrumento para el desarrollo de políticas públicas para la población pediátrica colombiana, con el fin de mejorar los resultados del tratamiento de estos pacientes.


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es el tercer cáncer más diagnosticado en los hombres y el segundo en las mujeres a nivel mundial. Hasta 1.000 casos nuevos se diagnostican en Colombia cada año, por lo que es importante conocer la experiencia con esta patología en un centro de experiencia recientemente creado en el “Méderi, Hospital Universitario Mayor”. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal de la población con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal atendida entre agosto 2012 y diciembre 2014 que corresponde al tiempo de funcionamiento del servicio de Coloproctología. Resultados: Se atendieron un total de 152 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en la institución. Se operó el 91% de los pacientes. El estadío más frecuente fue el IV. Solo el 4.9% presentó dehiscencia de anastomosis, datos concordantes con la literatura cuando el manejo es a cargo de expertos. El subtipo histológico más frecuente fue adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado y la mortalidad perioperatoria de 2.63%. Discusión: El cáncer colorrectal es una entidad con alta morbimortalidad lo cual puede cambiar si se realizan pruebas de tamizaje, para realizar un manejo temprano y oportuno. Además juega un papel importante la experiencia del cirujano y la discusión de los pacientes en juntas multidisciplinarias. Palabras clave: cáncer de colon, cáncer de recto, epidemiología, estadificación


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Objective: Epilepsy is a common neurologic disorder affecting 1% of the world population with one-third of these patients failing to have seizure control for more than one year. Clobazam is a long-acting benzodiazepine used worldwide for the treatment of epilepsy. This antiepileptic drug has demonstrated great clinical benefits with mild side effects. The objective of this study was to better understand the efficacy of clobazam treatment on adult patients with refractory epilepsy. Design: A retrospective review of 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy that were seen at our Epilepsy Clinic between January 2014 and May 2015. Setting: An outpatient epilepsy clinic at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Participants: 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy. Measurements: Seizure frequency, adverse effects and the use of concomitant AEDs were reviewed in each of the patient´s clinical charts. Results: The responder rate of patients with clobazam was 52% at 3 months, 50% at 6 months and 55% at 12 month. Seizure freedom rates at 3, 6 and 12 months were 18%, 25% and 25% respectively. Clobazam related adverse events occurred only in four patients (9%) at the end of the twelve months with somnolence being the most common. Conclusion: These findings suggest that clobazam treatment in adult patients with focal or generalized epilepsy is effective and safe. Its use should be considered early when first-line agents fail to provide seizure control.


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Apesar de a prevalência de psicopatologia entre candidatos de cirurgia bariátrica ser superior à da população não obesa, sabe-se pouco sobre o impacto da cirurgia em termos psicopatológicos. O principal objectivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a evolução de morbilidade psicopatológica em doentes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica. Estudo observacional longitudinal. Foram incluídos todos os doentes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica entre Março 2008 e Junho 2010 num hospital geral da região sul de Portugal. A avaliação psicológica foi feita através de entrevista clínica estruturada, com aplicação do MCMI-III (mesmo protocolo antes e 12 meses após a cirurgia). Participaram 20 doentes (19 mulheres). Os síndromes de eixo 1 do DSM-IV mais prevalentes antes da cirurgia foram: ansiedade (40%), distimia (20%), perturbação somatoforme e perturbação delirante (15% cada). Depois da cirurgia, os mais prevalentes foram: ansiedade (40%), perturbação bipolar, distimia, e perturbação delirante (15% cada). A perturbação da personalidade mais prevalente (pré-cirurgia) foi a compulsiva (15%). Depois da cirurgia, foram: histriónica, compulsiva, e paranóide (10% cada). Em conclusão, a cirurgia bariátrica parece não ser eficaz, por si só, para a remissão de psicopatologia associada à obesidade severa.


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Past research into doll play narratives has been productive in elucidating children's inner experiences, their determinants, and their role in child behaviour problems. The current volume takes this work forward in several directions: first, it indicates the value of designing story stems and coding schemes to address more specific questions about the developmental process of specific syndromes. Second, contributions demonstrate the "added value" provided by children's narratives, over and above information derived from other sources. Third, this recent research enhances our understanding of the role of parental representations and states of mind in influencing children's narratives; how these may come to influence child functioning via co-constructed parent-child dialogues is an important area for future research. Finally, possibilities of extending the clinical utility of doll play narratives are explored.


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With increasing age, there are greater numbers of older people who will be diagnosed with cancer. It must be remembered that such individuals have increased frailty and have a number of geriatric syndromes and conditions particularly pertinent to older age, including incontinence, poor cognition and impaired nutrition. It is often difficult to define the effects of cancer and its treatment or complications, and separate these from the effects of normal ageing and geriatric syndromes. The documentation of poor nutrition and its management must combine knowledge from both geriatric medicine and oncology. Nutrition serves to identify key healthcare professionals who are all essential in any patient at risk or suffering from malnutrition. Incontinence must be actively sought, its cause identified and efforts made to either 'cure' it or, in certain circumstances, 'manage' it. Older patients with cancer are cared for predominantly by older relations and informal care mechanisms and special consideration of their physical and practical needs are paramount. In this area, nurses, doctors, therapists and social workers should work to identify formal and informal mechanisms to support particularly the older carer.


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Theoretical and empirical studies of life history aim to account for resource allocation to the different components of fitness: survival, growth, and reproduction. The pioneering evolutionary ecologist David Lack [(1968) Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds (Methuen and Co.,London)] suggested that reproductive output in birds reflects adaptation to environmental factors such as availability of food and risk of predation, but subsequent studies have not always supported Lack’s interpretation. Here using a dataset for 980 bird species (Dataset S1), a phylogeny, and an explicit measure of reproductive productivity, we test predictions for how mass-specific productivity varies with body size, phylogeny,and lifestyle traits. We find that productivity varies negatively with body size and energetic demands of parental care and positively with extrinsic mortality. Specifically: (i) altricial species are 50% less productive than precocial species; (ii) species with female-only care of offspring are about 20% less productive than species with other methods of parental care; (iii) nonmigrants are 14% less productive than migrants; (iv) frugivores and nectarivores are about 20% less productive than those eating other foods; and (v) pelagic foragers are 40% less productive than those feeding in other habitats. A strong signal of phylogeny suggests that syndromes of similar life-history traits tend to be conservative within clades but also to have evolved independently in different clades. Our results generally support both Lack’s pioneering studies and subsequent research on avian life history.


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Before the advent of genome-wide association studies (GWASs), hundreds of candidate genes for obesity-susceptibility had been identified through a variety of approaches. We examined whether those obesity candidate genes are enriched for associations with body mass index (BMI) compared with non-candidate genes by using data from a large-scale GWAS. A thorough literature search identified 547 candidate genes for obesity-susceptibility based on evidence from animal studies, Mendelian syndromes, linkage studies, genetic association studies and expression studies. Genomic regions were defined to include the genes ±10 kb of flanking sequence around candidate and non-candidate genes. We used summary statistics publicly available from the discovery stage of the genome-wide meta-analysis for BMI performed by the genetic investigation of anthropometric traits consortium in 123 564 individuals. Hypergeometric, rank tail-strength and gene-set enrichment analysis tests were used to test for the enrichment of association in candidate compared with non-candidate genes. The hypergeometric test of enrichment was not significant at the 5% P-value quantile (P = 0.35), but was nominally significant at the 25% quantile (P = 0.015). The rank tail-strength and gene-set enrichment tests were nominally significant for the full set of genes and borderline significant for the subset without SNPs at P < 10(-7). Taken together, the observed evidence for enrichment suggests that the candidate gene approach retains some value. However, the degree of enrichment is small despite the extensive number of candidate genes and the large sample size. Studies that focus on candidate genes have only slightly increased chances of detecting associations, and are likely to miss many true effects in non-candidate genes, at least for obesity-related traits.


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Agonists of protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)) evoke hyperexcitability of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons by unknown mechanisms. We examined the cellular mechanisms underlying PAR(2)-evoked hyperexcitability of mouse colonic DRG neurons to determine their potential role in pain syndromes such as visceral hyperalgesia. Colonic DRG neurons were identified by injecting Fast Blue and DiI retrograde tracers into the mouse colon. Using immunofluorescence, we found that DiI-labelled neurons contained PAR(2) immunoreactivity, confirming the presence of receptors on colonic neurons. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings of acutely dissociated neurons demonstrated that PAR(2) activation with a brief application (3 min) of PAR(2) agonists, SLIGRL-NH(2) and trypsin, evoked sustained depolarizations (up to 60 min) which were associated with increased input resistance and a marked reduction in rheobase (50% at 30 min). In voltage clamp, SLIGRL-NH(2) markedly suppressed delayed rectifier I(K) currents (55% at 10 min), but had no effect on the transient I(A) current or TTX-resistant Na(+) currents. In whole-cell current-clamp recordings, the sustained excitability evoked by PAR(2) activation was blocked by the PKC inhibitor, calphostin, and the ERK(1/2) inhibitor PD98059. Studies of ERK(1/2) phosphorylation using confocal microscopy demonstrated that SLIGRL-NH(2) increased levels of immunoreactive pERK(1/2) in DRG neurons, particularly in proximity to the plasma membrane. Thus, activation of PAR(2) receptors on colonic nociceptive neurons causes sustained hyperexcitability that is related, at least in part, to suppression of delayed rectifier I(K) currents. Both PKC and ERK(1/2) mediate the PAR(2)-induced hyperexcitability. These studies describe a novel mechanism of sensitization of colonic nociceptive neurons that may be implicated in conditions of visceral hyperalgesia such as irritable bowel syndrome.


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Comprehension deficits are common in stroke aphasia, including in cases with (i) semantic aphasia (SA), characterised by poor executive control of semantic processing across verbal and nonverbal modalities, and (ii) Wernicke’s aphasia (WA), associated with poor auditory-verbal comprehension and repetition, plus fluent speech with jargon. However, the varieties of these comprehension problems, and their underlying causes, are not well-understood. Both patient groups exhibit some type of semantic ‘access’ deficit, as opposed to the ‘storage’ deficits observed in semantic dementia. Nevertheless, existing descriptions suggest these patients might have different varieties of ‘access’ impairment – related to difficulty resolving competition (in SA) vs. initial activation of concepts from sensory inputs (in WA). We used a case-series design to compare WA and SA patients on Warrington’s paradigmatic assessment of semantic ‘access’ deficits. In these verbal and non-verbal matching tasks, a small set of semantically-related items are repeatedly presented over several cycles so that the target on one trial becomes a distractor on another (building up interference and eliciting semantic ‘blocking’ effects). WA and SA patients were distinguished according to lesion location in the temporal cortex, but in each group, some individuals had additional prefrontal damage. Both of these aspects of lesion variability – one that mapped onto classical ‘syndromes’ and one that did not – predicted aspects of the semantic ‘access’ deficit. Both SA and WA cases showed multimodal semantic impairment, although as expected the WA group showed greater deficits on auditory-verbal than picture judgements. Distribution of damage in the temporal lobe was crucial for predicting the initially beneficial effects of stimulus repetition: WA cases showed initial improvement with repetition of words and pictures, while in SA, semantic access was initially good but declined in the face of competition from previous targets. Prefrontal damage predicted the harmful effects of repetition: the ability to re-select both word and picture targets in the face of mounting competition was linked to left prefrontal damage in both groups. Therefore, SA and WA patients have partially distinct impairment of semantic ‘access’ but, across these syndromes, prefrontal lesions produce declining comprehension with repetition in both verbal and non-verbal tasks.


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Aims: To test for an association between rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep, as assessed according to polysomnographic criteria for sleep bruxism (RMMA-SB), and myofascial pain (MFP), as well as the chance of occurrence of MFP in patients with RMMA-SB. Methods: Thirty MFP patients (diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) and 30 age- and gender-matcbed asymptomatic controls underwent a polysomnographic examination. Also, any self-reporting of daytime clenching (DC) was registered in 58 of these subjects. Results: Most MFP patients reported mild or moderate pain (46.67% and 43.33%, respectively), and only 3 (10%) reported severe pain. Pain duration ranged from 2 to 120 months (mean 34.67 +/- 36.96 months). Significant associations were observed between RMMA-SB and MFP as well as between DC and MFP. Conclusions: (1) RMMA-SB is significantly associated with MFP; (2) although RMMA-SB represents a risk factor for MFP, this risk is low; and (3) DC probably constitutes a stronger risk factor for MFP than RMMA-SB.


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We report our pediatric experience with lacosarnide, a new antiepileptic drug, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as adjunctive therapy in focal epilepsy in patients more than 17 years old. We retrospectively reviewed charts for lacosamide use and seizure frequency outcome in patients with focal epilepsy (Wilcoxon signed rank test). Sixteen patients (7 boys) were identified (median dose 275 mg daily, 4.7 mg/kg daily; mean age 14.9 years, range 8-21 years). Patients were receiving a median of 2 antiepileptic drugs (interquartile range [IQR] 1.7-3) in addition to having undergone previous epilepsy surgery (n = 3), vagus nerve stimulation (n = 9), and ketogenic diet (n = 3). Causes included structural (encephalomalacia and diffuse encephalitis, 1 each; stroke in 2) and genetic abnormalities (Aarskog and Rett syndromes, 1 each) or cause not known (n = 10). Median seizure frequency at baseline was 57 per month (IQR 7-75), and after a median follow-up of 4 months (range 1-13 months) of receiving lacosamide, it was 12.5 per month (IQR 3-75), (P < 0.01). Six patients (37.5%; 3 seizure free) were classified as having disease that responded to therapy (>= 50% reduction seizure frequency) and 10 as having disease that did not respond to therapy (<50% in 3; increase in 1; unchanged in 6). Adverse events (tics, behavioral disturbance, seizure worsening, and depression with suicidal ideation in 1 patient each) prompted lacosamide discontinuation in 4/16 (25%). This retrospective study of 16 children with drug-resistant focal epilepsy demonstrated good response to adjunctive lacosamide therapy (median seizure reduction of 39.6%; 37.5% with >= 50% seizure reduction) without severe adverse events. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Chromosomal microarray (CMA) is increasingly utilized for genetic testing of individuals with unexplained developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), or multiple congenital anomalies (MCA). Performing CMA and G-banded karyotyping on every patient substantially increases the total cost of genetic testing. The International Standard Cytogenomic Array (ISCA) Consortium held two international workshops and conducted a literature review of 33 studies, including 21,698 patients tested by CMA. We provide an evidence-based summary of clinical cytogenetic testing comparing CMA to G-banded karyotyping with respect to technical advantages and limitations, diagnostic yield for various types of chromosomal aberrations, and issues that affect test interpretation. CMA offers a much higher diagnostic yield (15%-20%) for genetic testing of individuals with unexplained DD/ID, ASD, or MCA than a G-banded karyotype (similar to 3%, excluding Down syndrome and other recognizable chromosomal syndromes), primarily because of its higher sensitivity for submicroscopic deletions and duplications. Truly balanced rearrangements and low-level mosaicism are generally not detectable by arrays, but these are relatively infrequent causes of abnormal phenotypes in this population (<1%). Available evidence strongly supports the use of CMA in place of G-banded karyotyping as the first-tier cytogenetic diagnostic test for patients with DD/ID, ASD, or MCA. G-banded karyotype analysis should be reserved for patients with obvious chromosomal syndromes (e.g., Down syndrome), a family history of chromosomal rearrangement, or a history of multiple miscarriages.