945 resultados para AIR-WATER-INTERFACE


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Suspended particles and dissolved substances in water provide reactive surfaces, influence metabolic activity and contribute to the net sediment deposition. It therefore plays an important part in the ecology and quality of the water mass. The water quality in reservoirs is crucial and it is naturally maintained by flushing and sedimentation, which continuously remove phosphorus from the water. In some reservoirs, however, these removal processes are countered by recycling of ions which could play a key role to start and/or maintain the eutrophic state. The combination of macro-, trace- and microanalysis techniques can be useful to trace pollution sources through a chemical fingerprint, whether be during an acute environmental disaster or a long-term release of pollutants. The water quality and total metal content of reservoir sediments were assessed in a reservoir, situated in the capital of the Parana State, in the South-Eastern part of Brazil. The goal of this paper was to determine the metal presence in the sediment and metal and ionic speciation in the Green River reservoir water. Water and bed sediment samples, collected from various sites during 2008 and 2009, were investigated using XRF, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, XRD and zeta potential measurements. Based on the results, the heavy metal concentration and chemical composition of the suspended matter in the water samples, as well as the sediment's chemical composition will be discussed.


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(formula presented) The air, water, and highly thermally stable sulfur-containing palladacycles, mainly derived from the ortho-palladation of benzylic thioethers, are exceptional catalyst precursors for the Heck reaction. The reaction can be performed with aryl iodides, bromides, and chlorides, with acrylic esters and styrene, leading to turnover numbers up to 1 850 000.


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Cationic lipids have been used in the development of non-viral gene delivery systems as lipoplexes. Stearylamine, a cationic lipid that presents a primary amine group when in solution, is able to compact genetic material by electrostatic interactions. In dispersed systems such as nanoemulsions this lipid anchors on the oil/water interface confering a positive charge to them. The aim of this work was to evaluate factors that influence DNA compaction in cationic nanoemulsions containing stearylamine. The influence of the stearylamine incorporation phase (water or oil), time of complexation, and different incubation temperatures were studied. The complexation rate was assessed by electrophoresis migration on agarose gel 0.7%, and nanoemulsion and lipoplex characterization was done by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The results demonstrate that the best DNA compaction process occurs after 120 min of complexation, at low temperature (4 ± 1 °C), and after incorporation of the cationic lipid into the aqueous phase. Although the zeta potential of lipoplexes was lower than the results found for basic nanoemulsions, the granulometry did not change. Moreover, it was demonstrated that lipoplexes are suitable vehicles for gene delivery. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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The Ribeira de Iguape River basin received intense mining activities for lead exploiting and, as a result, the river received the discharges of estimated amounts of 5.5 tons/month of material rich in As, Ba, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr and Zn. In this article, the toxicity of waters and sediments collected in Ribeira de Iguape River was assessed aiming to estimate environmental quality. Three sampling campaigns were conducted, from 2009 to 2010. Toxicity tests with the cladoceran Daphnia similis were done for water samples and for sediments, in this case using sediment-water interface exposure. Results showed in general absence of toxicity for sediments and waters, and only eventually were acute effects registered (marginal toxicity). Results are consistent with the conditions indicated by the literature, of low concentrations of metals in waters and sediments; however they differ from the monitoring made by the state environmental agency, which registered chronic toxicity. The occurrence of eventual acute toxicity indicates that although Ribeira de Iguape River quality is being restored, conditions still are not totally under control.


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Taphonomy of the pygocephalomorpha (Crustacea, Peracarida, Malacostraca), Permian, Paraná Basin, Brazil, and its paleoenvironmental meaning. Crustaceans (Pygocephalomorpha, Peracarida) are the main fossil invertebrates recorded in the Early Permian Assistência Formation, Irati Subgroup, State of São Paulo, Paraná Basin. For this study, samples taken from the base of the Ipeúna Member, Bairrinho Bed, State of São Paulo, were analyzed and complemented by fossils from the Irati Formation, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The taphonomic spectrum of the pygocephalomorphs includes three main preservational modes: Type 1. Complete pygocephalomorphs (with outstretched or flexed abdomen), which are associated to cream-colored mudstones and more commonly to black shales. In rare cases, molds of soft parts are preserved. They suffered rapid burial (hours to days) by mud blankets associated to storm events in anoxic bottoms, below storm wave base with minimum bottom disruption, followed by low rates of background sedimentation; Type 2. Partly articulated (carapace and abdomen, with or without caudal fan and without appendages) pygocephalomorphs, with extended or flexed abdomen, which are present in cream-colored pelites, associated with hummocky cross-stratifications, intercalated with black shales. These may represent individuals or remains lying in the sediment-water interface preserved by rapid burial associated to episodic sedimentation events; Type 3. Disarticulated pygocephalomorphs, with isolated carapaces, abdomen, or abdominal segments. This is the predominant preservational mode in our samples. The skeletal remains can be found isolated or in dense, bioclast-supported concentrations (micro-coquines), representing proximal to distal tempestites. Finally, the extreme preservational quality seen in crustaceans of the Type 1 recorded in black shales, occasionally with molds of soft parts, indicates that the host rocks may represent Konservat-Lagerstätten deposits, as already suggested to coeval occurrences of the Irati Formation in Uruguay. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.


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The present study aimed to assess the sediment quality in a tropical estuary located in the northeast of Brazil under semi-arid conditions and multiple sources of contamination, using both toxicity bioassays and metal distribution. The metal distribution followed a concentration gradient decreasing one order of magnitude from the inner station toward the outer estuary, with amounts in the following order: Fe > Al > Zn > Cr > Pb > Cu. The index of geoaccumulation indicated a metal enrichment in the Ceará river sediment, mainly at inner sites, considered from moderately to strongly contaminated by Al, Cu, Cr and Zn. Sediment samples were considered toxic by means of whole sediment tests with copepods (reproduction) and amphipods (survival), and also elutriate fraction and sediment-water interface with sea urchin embryos (development). Acute and chronic toxicity did not exhibit a significant correlation with metals, emphasizing the influence of other contaminants mainly related to the pollution sources installed in the mid-estuary. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El objetivo de esta evaluación del desempeño ambiental del Perú es precisamente ayudar al país a evaluar los avances logrados en la consecución de sus objetivos ambientales, enriquecer y asegurar la constancia del diálogo de políticas y promover una mayor rendición de cuentas y una concientización más profunda entre los actores que contribuyen al desarrollo económico y social. Las 66 recomendaciones que se incluyen en este estudio están enfocadas en algunos de los principales desafíos del país en materia ambiental.


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The aim of this environmental performance review is precisely to help Peru assess its progress towards achieving its environmental goals, enrich and ensure that the necessary policy dialogue continues uninterrupted, promote better accountability and deepen the awareness of all actors involved in the economic and social development of Peru. The 66 recommendations included in this study target some of the country’s main environmental challenges.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPAs) são poluentes de efeito tóxico, prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, fazem parte de um grupo de compostos poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs), que por suas características tem impactado o ambiente, sendo por esse motivo bastante estudados. Podem estar presentes nas formas particulada, dissolvida e/ou gasosa, estando presentes em diferentes ambientes; solo, sedimento, ar, água, material particulado na atmosfera, organismos e alimentos (Kennish, 2007). As fontes naturais de HPAs incluem atividades vulcânicas, queimadas naturais, exsudação de óleos, além de processos biogênicos. HPAs antrogênicos podem ocorrer pela combustão incompleta de óleos combustíveis (automotores e industriais), queima intencional de madeira e plantações, efluentes domésticos e/ou industriais, drenagens pluviais urbanas, derrames acidentais de óleos e derivados. Hidrofóbicos e lipofílicos, essas substâncias podem ser facilmente adsorvidas em sedimentos, sendo este compartimento um importante reservatório desses poluentes. Para avaliar a presença desses compostos no ambiente, utilizou-se nesse trabalho a Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. As amostras utilizadas no desenvolvimento e otimização da metodologia foram coletadas na baia do Guajará (Belém – PA). O presente trabalho constituiu-se dessa forma em um desenvolvimento de um procedimento metodológico (com adaptações e otimizações) para quantificar 16 HPAs em 10 pontos na baia do Guajará, Belém – PA, em duas etapas de campo, totalizando 20 amostras analisadas. Na etapa de desenvolvimento do método analítico foram testados sistemas de eluição, polaridade do sistema e fluxo do eluente entre outros. Para validação do método foram avaliados os parâmetros fidelidade, linearidade, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação do método. Razões diagnósticas foram calculadas para identificação das fontes primárias do HPAs encontrados na baia. Foram identificadas, a partir de razões diagnósticas da ΣHPAs BMM/ΣHPAsAMM; Fen/Ant; Flt/Pir; Ant/Σ178; Flt/Σ202; B(a)P/Σ228 e Ind(123cd) pireno/Σ276 as fontes primárias dos 16 HPAs estudados no sedimento da baia. A somatória das concentrações dos HPAs leves na primeira etapa de campo, variou de 132,13 ng.g-1 a 1704,14 ng.g-1, a ΣHPAs dos pesados de 125,82 g.g-1 a 1269,71 ng.g-1 e ΣHPAs totais de 317,84 ng.g-1 a 3117,06 ng.g-1.. Na segunda etapa de campo, as concentrações dos HPAs leves variou de 76,12 ng.g-1 a 1572,80 ng.g-1 ; a ΣHPAs pesados variou entre 213,90 ng.g-1 a 1423,03 ng.g-1, e Σ HPAs totais teve concentrações de 290,02 ng.g-1 a 2995,82 ng.g-1. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se classificar a baia do Guajará como moderadamente impactada. A combustão constitui a fonte predominante de HPAs nos sedimentos da baia do Guajará, seguida da combustão de biomassa vegetal e aporte de petróleo e derivados. A maioria dos pontos estudados nesse trabalho, nas duas etapas de campo, apresentaram concentrações de HPAs individuais acima dos VGQS.