989 resultados para îlot de Langerhans


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In this paper, we propose three novel mathematical models for the two-stage lot-sizing and scheduling problems present in many process industries. The problem shares a continuous or quasi-continuous production feature upstream and a discrete manufacturing feature downstream, which must be synchronized. Different time-based scale representations are discussed. The first formulation encompasses a discrete-time representation. The second one is a hybrid continuous-discrete model. The last formulation is based on a continuous-time model representation. Computational tests with state-of-the-art MIP solver show that the discrete-time representation provides better feasible solutions in short running time. On the other hand, the hybrid model achieves better solutions for longer computational times and was able to prove optimality more often. The continuous-type model is the most flexible of the three for incorporating additional operational requirements, at a cost of having the worst computational performance. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2012) 63, 1613-1630. doi:10.1057/jors.2011.159 published online 7 March 2012


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Setup operations are significant in some production environments. It is mandatory that their production plans consider some features, as setup state conservation across periods through setup carryover and crossover. The modelling of setup crossover allows more flexible decisions and is essential for problems with long setup times. This paper proposes two models for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with backlogging and setup carryover and crossover. The first is in line with other models from the literature, whereas the second considers a disaggregated setup variable, which tracks the starting and completion times of the setup operation. This innovative approach permits a more compact formulation. Computational results show that the proposed models have outperformed other state-of-the-art formulation.


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Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease characterized by proliferation of Langerhans-type cells that express CD1a, Langerin (CD207) and S100 protein. Birbeck granules are a hallmark by ultrastructural examination. LCH presents with a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from solitary lesions of a single site (usually bone or skin) to multiple or disseminated multisystemic lesions, which can lead to severe organ dysfunction. Most cases occur in children. Gastrointestinal tract involvement is rare and has been associated with systemic illness and poor prognosis especially in children under the age of 2 years. Adult gastrointestinal LCH is very rare. We report a case of a previously healthy, nonsmoking 48-year-old male who was referred for routine screening colonoscopy. Two sessile, smooth, firm and yellowish LCH polyps measuring 0.2 cm and 0.3 cm were detected in the sigmoid colon. Fifteen months later a second colonoscopy found two histologically confirmed hyperplastic polyps at the sigmoid colon. No other LCH lesions were seen. A third colonoscopy after 28 months of follow-up found a submucosal 0.5 cm infiltrated and ulcerated LCH polyp in the cecum, close to the ostium of the appendix. The patient had been asymptomatic for all this period. Imaging investigation for systemic or multiorgan disease did not find any sign of extracolonic involvement. On histology all lesions showed typical LCH features and immunohistochemical analysis showed strong and diffuse staining for CD1a and CD207. This case illustrates two distinct clinicopathologic features not previously reported in this particular clinical setting: metachronous colonic involvement and positivity for CD207.


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Wiederherstellung einer physiologischen Blutzuckerregelung durch Xenotransplantation mikroenkapsulierter Langerhans-Inseln in zwei diabetische Maus-modelle. Die Inseltransplantation ist ein vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Behandlung des Typ 1 Diabetes. Das Verfah-ren ist nicht invasiv, erfordert jedoch eine lebenslange Immunsuppression der Patienten. Zudem sind nur be-grenzte Spenderorgane verfügbar. Es wäre ein großer Fortschritt, wenn man transplantierte Inseln im Empfänger von dessen Immunsystem abschirmen könnte. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass es möglich ist, funktionsfähige Inseln von Ratten in Alginatkügelchen (Beads) einzuschließen und in dieser Form in diabetische Mäuse zu trans-plantieren. Mit dem ultrahochviskosem Alginat stand erstmals ein speziell für die klinische Anwendung konzipiertes und hergestelltes Alginat zur Verfügung. Im Gegensatz zu den kommerziell erhältlichen Alginaten konnte dieses Al-ginat in hoher Reinheit reproduzierbar produziert werden. Zudem war es erstmals möglich, durch eine interne Kapselstabilisierung auf die bislang benötigte, äußere Stützmembran zu verzichten. Ziel der Arbeit war es, das ultrahochviskose Alginat und das neue „thermodynamisch-stabilisierte“ Verkapse-lungssystem für die Transplantation der Langerhans-Inseln zu optimieren. In der anschließenden Studie sollten verkapselte Inseln von Ratten in zwei Typen diabetische Mäuse transplantiert werden und Tauglichkeit des Ver-fahren in vivo geprüft werden. In vitro wurden die Parameter (insbesondere die Alginatkonzentration) zur Verkapselung der Langerhans-Inseln optimiert. Die Vitalität (Überleben der Inseln) und die Funktionalität (Sekretion von Insulin) des enkapsulierten Gewebes dienten zur Bewertung der Verkapselungsmethode. Die Zugabe von humanem Serumalbumin führte sowohl zur Langzeitstabilisierung der Alginatbeads als auch zur Verbesserung der Nährstoffversorgung des enkapsulierten Gewebes. Durch Transplantationen von Leerkapseln mit verschiedenen Albumin-Konzentrationen wurde die benötigte Albumin-Supplementation bestimmt. Als Empfänger dienten Streptozotozin-diabetische Balb/c- und spontan diabetische NOD-Mäuse. Die intraperitoneale Transplantation von 1.800 mikroenkapsulierten, adulten Ratteninseln bewirkten in Streptozotozin-diabetischen Balb/c-Mäusen eine langanhaltende (>30 Wochen) Normalisierung des Blutzuckerspiegels. Die Glucose-Clearance-Raten des intraperitonealen-Glucose-Toleranz-Tests in der 3., 9. und 16. Woche zeigten aber einen sukzes-siven Verlust der Transplantatfunktion, der aber in den „non fasting“ Blutzuckerwerten nicht evident wurde. Der Diabetes der NOD-Maus wird durch eine autoimmunogene Zerstörung der ß-Zellen durch ein hyperkompe-tentes Immunsystem ausgelöst, da die NOD-Tiere schon auf ß-zellspezifische Antigene konditioniert waren. Auch hier führte die Alginatkapsel zu einem deutlich verlängerten Überleben des Transplantates im Vergleich zu den unverkapselten Kontrollzellen. Jedoch trat dann nach 4-5 Wochen ein spontanes Transplantatversagen auf. Konventionell polymerisierte Kapseln zeigten inhomogene Vernetzungen des Alginates. Dies führte mit zunehmender Transplantationsdauer zu Instabilitäten der Alginatbeads, so dass schließlich Inselgewebe oder ß-Zell-spezifische Antigene frei wurden. Diese Antigene induzierten im hyperkompetenten Immunsystem der NOD-Mäuse eine massive Abwehrreaktion mit rascher Zerstörung der transplantierten Inseln. Im Rahmen der Weiterentwicklung der Verkapselungstechnik konnte mit Hilfe der neuen „Crystal Gun Verkap-selung“ erstmals eine homogene Vernetzung des gesamten Alginatbeads sichergestellt werden. Gegen Ende die-ser Arbeit konnte bei einer dreiwöchigen Kultur in vitro gezeigt werden, dass das „Crystal Gun Verfahren“ zur Mikroenkapsulierung von Langerhans-Inseln geeignet ist. Daher ist zu erwarten, dass mit Hilfe des „Crystal Gun Verfahrens“ auch ein Durchbruch bei der Transplantation von Inseln in NOD-Mäusen zu erreichen sein wird.


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We describe the case of a 55-year-old man who presented with parasternal swelling. The chest CT scan showed a large tumor of the chest wall infiltrating the subcutaneous tissue. To assume histologic diagnosis an open biopsy was performed. Between the myofibrils a coarse, white tumor with infiltrative growth was noted. Histopathologic examination revealed expanded atrophic skeletal muscle that was infiltrated by histiocytic cells. Numerous eosinophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes CD20 and CD3 positive could be detected and immunohistochemical staining was also positive for S-100 proteins and CD1a. Histologic findings were characteristic of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). To the best of our knowledge a LCH originating from the mediastinum in an adult as presented has not been previously described.


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An 80-year-old nonsmoking man was referred to our hospital with bilateral perihilar pulmonary opacities. He had a history of epilepsy, sclerosing cholangitis, cutaneous lesions previously diagnosed as localised Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Symptoms included dry cough and dyspnea. Chest CT showed bilateral perihilar alveolar consolidation with bronchiectasis. Histological examination of a lung biopsy showed typical features of Langerhans cell granulomatosis. Investigations revealed anterior and posterior hypopituitarism. An important improvement occurred with corticosteroid and vinblastine treatment.


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Langerhans cell histiocytosis, a rare disease that occurs mainly in children, may produce a broad range of manifestations, from a single osseous lesion to multiple lesions involving more than one organ or system. The clinical course varies widely in relation to the patient's age. Multisystem disease may demonstrate especially aggressive behavior in very young children, with the outcome depending largely on the stage of disease and the degree of related organ dysfunction at the time of diagnosis. Extraosseous manifestations are less commonly seen than osseous ones and may be more difficult to identify. To accurately detect extraosseous Langerhans cell histiocytosis at an early stage, radiologists must recognize the significance of individual clinical and laboratory findings as well as the relevance of imaging features for the differential diagnosis. The pattern and severity of pulmonary, thymic, hepatobiliary, splenic, gastrointestinal, neurologic, mucocutaneous, soft-tissue (head and neck), and salivary involvement in Langerhans cell histiocytosis generally are well depicted with conventional radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. However, the imaging features are not pathognomonic, and a biopsy usually is necessary to establish a definitive diagnosis.


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We consider an economic order quantity model where the supplier offers an all-units quantity discount and a price sensitive customer demand. We compare a decentralized decision framework where selling price and replenishment policy are determined independently to simultaneous decision making. Constant and dynamic pricing are distinguished. We derive structural properties and develop algorithms that determine the optimal pricing and replenishment policy and show how quantity discounts not only influence the purchasing strategy but also the pricing policy. A sensitivity analysis indicates the impact of the fixed-holding cost ratio, the discount policy, and the customers' price sensitivity on the optimal decisions.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus associated with many malignant and nonmalignant human diseases. Life-long latent EBV persistence occurs in blood-borne B lymphocytes, while EBV intermittently productively replicates in mucosal epithelia. Although several models have previously been proposed, the mechanism of EBV transition between these two reservoirs of infection has not been determined. In this study, we present the first evidence demonstrating that EBV latently infects a unique subset of blood-borne mononuclear cells that are direct precursors to Langerhans cells and that EBV both latently and productively infects oral epithelium-resident cells that are likely Langerhans cells. These data form the basis of a proposed new model of EBV transition from blood to oral epithelium in which EBV-infected Langerhans cell precursors serve to transport EBV to the oral epithelium as they migrate and differentiate into oral Langerhans cells. This new model contributes fresh insight into the natural history of EBV infection and the pathogenesis of EBV-associated epithelial disease.