866 resultados para women’s right over her body
Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.
El trabajo de investigación surge en el año 2001, ante la necesidad de hacer frente a una nueva realidad jurídica, el mobbing. Para ello fue decisivo el estudio de lo publicado (básicamente de ramas ajenas al Derecho) pero sobre todo las entrevistas con las víctimas de mobbing y sus asociaciones; este extremo, unido a la ausencia de un tratamiento internacional, obligó a un camino autodidacta para definir mobbing jurídicamente. La Tesis define mobbing como la presión laboral tendente a la autoeliminación de un trabajador mediante su denigración (presión laboral tendenciosa), y con ello por primera vez se tiene una definición de mobbing en línea y media, con plena validez jurídica, que es susceptible de ser memorizada y por lo tanto divulgada, para corregir el problema. El denominado "concepto uniformado de mobbing" recalca la denigración como mecanismo frente a los tratos degradantes y recalca la autoeliminación como finalidad de un comportamiento doloso. El trabajo aporta fórmulas para deslindar casos de mobbing de otras figuras próximas, y en este sentido debe citarse "la regla del 9" para saber si hay mobbing; en sede de estadísticas se critican metodológicamente muchas de ellas presentadas hasta el momento y se aporta alguna en sede de Tribunales; pero sobre todo se advierte de los riesgos jurídicos de una previsible regulación específica antimobbing, mediante el examen de las distintas definiciones que se han esgrimido hasta el momento. La segunda parte de la Tesis profundiza sobre el grado de sensibilización de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico y Tribunales, a cuyo fin se ha trabajado con más de un centernar y medio de sentencias dictadas sobre la materia, y por supuesto la totalidad de las recogidas en las bases de datos de las editoriales. El análisis sirve para apreciar la bondad de la sistemática aquí defendida, poniendo en evidencia errores, y contradicciones. La Tesis advierte que la presión laboral tendenciosa más allá de vulnerar el derecho constitucional al trabajo, o los derechos fundamentales a la integridad moral y el honor, es una transgresión a todo un "espíritu constitucional", y en este sentido se analiza con detalle tanto la posibilidad de recurrir en amparo, como el derecho a la indemnidad para quien se enfrenta a esta situación. Advirtiendo de las ventajas de efectuar esta reacción mediante la modalidad procesal de tutela de los derechos fundamentales, se analiza la recurrida acción del art.50 ET, donde se realizan aportaciones sugerentes como el plazo prescripción o la "doctrina de los antecedentes", y se otorgan respuestas a las preguntas sobre obligación de seguir trabajando y ejecución provisional. En sede de acciones de Seguridad Social, la Tesis distingue entre la incapacidad temporal y permanente (depresiones) y la muerte y supervivencia, aportándose sobre la primera la técnica denominada "interpretación en tres niveles" y descartando la posibilidad de considerar accidente de trabajo el suicidio tras un mobbing por imperativo legal, pero aportando un sucedáneo bastante razonable como es el accidente no laboral. Junto a ello se razona por la viabilidad del recargo del art.123 LGSS. Civilmente, la Tesis se posiciona de "lege ferenda" por reconducir este tipo de acciones resarcitorias del daño psíquico y moral al orden civil, por una mayor explicación sobre el origen del quantum, pero sobre todo considera inadmisible la STS 11-3-04, y ello por una pluralidad de argumentos, pero sobre todo por cuanto viene a autorizar "de facto" este tipo de conductas. La posibilidad de accionar administrativamente frente a este riesgo psicosocial se analiza en un doble terreno, la empresa y la Administración. Si bien el cauce sobre el primero tiene algunos meandros que se desbelan, la situación es radicalmente frustrante en la Administración -donde se encuentra el mayor caldo de cultivo del mobbing- , y ello por el RD 707/2002, pero todavía en mayor medida por el Criterio Técnico 34/2003 mediante el cual la interpretación del Director General de la Inspección de Trabajo y Seguridad Social ha venido tácitamente a derogar parcialmente la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales para la Administración. En materia penal, la Tesis se decanta "a priori" por dos tipos penales, los delitos contra los derechos de los trabajadores, y el delito de trato degradante; sin embargo, en la práctica sólo este segundo es el camino que puede alcanzar buen puerto. Finalmente se realiza un estudio detallado de la Ley 62/2003, ley que se divulgó como reguladora del acoso moral, y que después se defiende como un avance frente al mobbing. La Tesis advierte que no es cierto ni lo uno, ni lo otro, habiendo creado un "espejismo legal" que puede perjudicar a las víctimas de mobbing, además de no servir su estructura para una futura regulación explícita antimobbing.
El ensayo examina el proceso judicial de una monja en Cuenca, a inicios del siglo XVIII, que buscaba regresar a la ""vida mundana"" y anular su profesión y hábito. Este caso permite mostrar la mentalidad barroca, acercarse a la construcción cultural del cuerpo y a la situación de las mujeres. A partir de los fragmentos disponibles del juicio, el artículo sugiere que Martina Catalina de Barzallo reivindicó el retomo a la vida mundana y el rechazo a las prácticas coercitivas propias de la vida monástica.
Drawing on discussions within a CEPS Task Force on the revised EU emissions trading system, this report provides a comprehensive assessment of the pros and cons of the various measures put forward by different stakeholders to address the level and stability of the price of carbon in the EU. It argues that the European Commission, the member states, the European Parliament and other stakeholders need to give serious consideration to introducing some kind of ‘dynamic’ adjustment provision to address the relatively inelastic supply. The report also suggests that there is a need to improve communication of market-sensitive information, for example by leaving the management of the ETS to a specialised body.
The atmospheric composition of the central North Atlantic region has been sampled using the FAAM BAe146 instrumented aircraft during the Intercontinental Transport of Ozone and Precursors (ITOP) campaign, part of the wider International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT). This paper presents an overview of the ITOP campaign. Between late July and early August 2004, twelve flights comprising 72 hours of measurement were made in a region from approximately 20 to 40°W and 33 to 47°N centered on Faial Island, Azores, ranging in altitude from 50 to 9000 m. The vertical profiles of O3 and CO are consistent with previous observations made in this region during 1997 and our knowledge of the seasonal cycles within the region. A cluster analysis technique is used to partition the data set into air mass types with distinct chemical signatures. Six clusters provide a suitable balance between cluster generality and specificity. The clusters are labeled as biomass burning, low level outflow, upper level outflow, moist lower troposphere, marine and upper troposphere. During this summer, boreal forest fire emissions from Alaska and northern Canada were found to provide a major perturbation of tropospheric composition in CO, PAN, organic compounds and aerosol. Anthropogenic influenced air from the continental boundary layer of the USA was clearly observed running above the marine boundary layer right across the mid-Atlantic, retaining high pollution levels in VOCs and sulfate aerosol. Upper level outflow events were found to have far lower sulfate aerosol, resulting from washout on ascent, but much higher PAN associated with the colder temperatures. Lagrangian links with flights of other aircraft over the USA and Europe show that such signatures are maintained many days downwind of emission regions. Some other features of the data set are highlighted, including the strong perturbations to many VOCs and OVOCs in this remote region.
Tomato plants inoculated with Meloidogyne javanica juveniles infected with Pasteuria penetrans were grown in a glasshouse (20-32degreesC) for 36, 53, 71 and 88 days and in a growth room (26-29degreesC) for 36, 53, 71 and 80 days. Over these periods the numbers of P penetrans endospores in infected M. javanica females and the weights of individual infected females increased. In the growth room, most spores (2.03 x 10(6)) were found after 71 days. However, in the glasshouse the rate of increase was slower and spore numbers were still increasing at the final sampling at 88 days (2.04 x 10(6)), as was the weight of the nematodes (72 mug). Weights of uninfected females reached a maximum of 36.2 and 43.1 mug after 71 days in the growth room and glasshouse, respectively.
1. Fig trees (Ficus) are pollinated only by agaonid wasps, whose larvae also gall fig ovules. Each ovule develops into either a seed (when pollinated) or a wasp (when an egg is also laid inside) but not both. 2. Ovipositing wasps (foundresses) favour ovules near the centre of the enclosed inflorescence (syconium or 'fig'), leaving ovules near the outer wall to develop into seeds. This spatial stratification of wasps and seeds ensures reproduction in both partners, and thereby enables mutualism persistence. However, the mechanism(s) responsible remain(s) unknown. 3. Theory shows that foundresses will search for increasingly rare inner ovules and ignore outer ovules, as long as ovipositing in outer ovules is sufficiently slow and/or if inner ovules confer greater fitness to wasps. The fig-pollinator mutualism can therefore be stabilized by strong time constraints on foundresses and by offspring fitness gradients over variation in ovule position. 4. Female fig wasps cannot leave their galls without male assistance. We found that females in outer ovules were unlikely to be released. Inner ovules thus have added value to foundresses, because their female offspring are more likely to mate and disperse. 5. For those offspring that did emerge, gall position (inner/outer) and body size did not influence the order in which female pollinators exited syconia, nor did early emerging wasps enjoy increased life spans. 6. We also found that the life spans of female wasps nearly doubled when given access to moisture. We suggest that conflict resolution in the fig-pollinator mutualism may thus be influenced by tropical seasonality, because wasps may be less able to over-exploit ovules in dry periods due to time constraints.
Male-biased sexual size dimorphism is typical of polygynous mammals, where the degree of dimorphism in body mass is related to male intrasexual competition and the degree of polygyny. However, the importance of body mass in monogamous mammals is largely unknown. We investigated the effect of body mass on life-history parameters and territory size in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), a socially monogamous canid with slight sexual dimorphism. Increased body size in males appeared to confer an advantage in territory acquisition and defense contests because heavier males held larger territories and exerted a greater boundary pressure on smaller neighbors. Heavier male foxes invested more effort in searching for extrapair matings by moving over a wider area and farther from their territories, leading to greater reproductive success. Males that sired cubs outside their own social group appeared to be heavier than males that only sired cubs within their social group or that were cuckolded, but our results should be treated with caution because sample sizes were small. Territory size, boundary pressure, and paternity success were not related to age of males. In comparison, body mass of females was not related to territory size, probability of breeding, litter size, or cub mass. Only age affected probability of breeding in females: younger females reproduced significantly less than did older females, although we did not measure individual nutritional status. Thus, body mass had a significant effect on life-history traits and territory size in a socially monogamous species comparable to that reported in polygynous males, even in the absence of large size dimorphism.
Physiological parameters measured by an embedded body sensor system were demonstrated to respond to changes of the air temperature in an office environment. The thermal parameters were monitored with the use of a wireless sensor system that made possible to turn any existing room into a field laboratory. Two human subjects were monitored over daily activities and at various steady-state thermal conditions when the air temperature of the room was altered from 22-23°C to 25-28°C. The subjects indicated their thermal feeling on questionnaires. The measured skin temperature was distributed close to the calculated mean skin temperature corresponding to the given activity level. The variation of Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) reflected the evaporative heat loss through the body surfaces and indicated whether sweating occurred on the subjects. Further investigations are needed to fully evaluate the influence of thermal and other factors on the output given by the investigated body sensor system.
Background: Soy isoflavones show structural and functional similarities to estradiol. Available data indicate that estradiol and estradiol-like components may interact with gut "satiety hormones" such as peptide YY (PYY) and ghrelin, and thus influence body weight. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial with 34 healthy postmenopausal women (59 ± 6 years, BMI: 24.7 ± 2.8 kg/m2), isoflavone-enriched cereal bars (50 mg isoflavones/day; genistein to daidzein ratio 2:1) or non-isoflavone-enriched control bars were consumed for 8 weeks (wash-out period: 8-weeks). Seventeen of the subjects were classified as equol producers. Plasma concentrations of ghrelin and PYY, as well as energy intake and body weight were measured at baseline and after four and eight weeks of each intervention arm. Results: Body weight increased in both treatment periods (isoflavone: 0.40 ± 0.94 kg, P < 0.001; placebo: 0.66 ± 0.87 kg, P = 0.018), with no significant difference between treatments. No significant differences in energy intake were observed (P = 0.634). PYY significantly increased during isoflavone treatment (51 ± 2 pmol/L vs. 55 ± 2 pmol/L), but not during placebo (52 ± 3 pmol/L vs. 50 ± 2 pmol/L), (P = 0.010 for treatment differences, independent of equol production). Baseline plasma ghrelin was significantly lower in equol producers (110 ± 16 pmol/L) than in equol non-producers (162 ± 17 pmol/L; P = 0.025). Conclusion: Soy isoflavone supplementation for eight weeks did not significantly reduce energy intake or body weight, even though plasma PYY increased during isoflavone treatment. Ghrelin remained unaffected by isoflavone treatment. A larger and more rigorous appetite experiment might detect smaller differences in energy intake after isoflavone consumption. However, the results of the present study do not indicate that increased PYY has a major role in the regulation of body weight, at least in healthy postmenopausal women.
Over the last 25years, "mindblindness" (deficits in representing mental states) has been one of the primary explanations behind the hallmark social-communication difficulties in autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, highlighting neural systems responsible for mindblindness and their relation to variation in social impairments has remained elusive. In this study we show that one of the neural systems responsible for mindblindness in ASC and its relation to social impairments is the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ). Twenty-nine adult males with ASC and 33 age and IQ-matched Controls were scanned with fMRI while making reflective mentalizing or physical judgments about themselves or another person. Regions of interest within mentalizing circuitry were examined for between-group differences in activation during mentalizing about self and other and correlations with social symptom severity. RTPJ was the only mentalizing region that responded atypically in ASC. In Controls, RTPJ was selectively more responsive to mentalizing than physical judgments. This selectivity for mentalizing was not apparent in ASC and generalized across both self and other. Selectivity of RTPJ for mentalizing was also associated with the degree of reciprocal social impairment in ASC. These results lend support to the idea that RTPJ is one important neural system behind mindblindness in ASC. Understanding the contribution of RTPJ in conjunction with other neural systems responsible for other component processes involved in social cognition will be illuminating in fully explaining the hallmark social-communication difficulties of autism.
This article compares two approaches to teaching Asian theatre at undergraduate level in the United Kingdom. One approach samples a variety of different traditions as a means to challenge students to produce performance for a combined audience of hearing and deaf, whereas the other focuses on the effect of exploring one geographical area intensively over the course of one academic year. The article seeks to highlight the merits and pitfalls of both approaches, and questions whether student work that actively questions ethnicity and identity, as well as the tension between innovation and tradition, might be considered diasporic in character.
We studied how the integration of seen and felt tactile stimulation modulates somatosensory processing, and investigated whether visuotactile integration depends on temporal contiguity of stimulation, and its coherence with a pre-existing body representation. During training, participants viewed a rubber hand or a rubber object that was tapped either synchronously with stimulation of their own hand, or in an uncorrelated fashion. In a subsequent test phase, somatosensory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to tactile stimulation of the left or right hand, to assess how tactile processing was affected by previous visuotactile experience during training. An enhanced somatosensory N140 component was elicited after synchronous, compared with uncorrelated, visuotactile training, irrespective of whether participants viewed a rubber hand or rubber object. This early effect of visuotactile integration on somatosensory processing is interpreted as a candidate electrophysiological correlate of the rubber hand illusion that is determined by temporal contiguity, but not by pre-existing body representations. ERPmodulations were observed beyond 200msec post-stimulus, suggesting an attentional bias induced by visuotactile training. These late modulations were absent when the stimulation of a rubber hand and the participant’s own hand was uncorrelated during training, suggesting that pre-existing body representations may affect later stages of tactile processing.
Although the somatosensory homunculus is a classically used description of the way somatosensory inputs are processed in the brain, the actual contributions of primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices to the spatial coding of touch remain poorly understood. We studied adaptation of the fMRI BOLD response in the somatosensory cortex by delivering pairs of vibrotactile stimuli to the finger tips of the index and middle fingers. The first stimulus (adaptor) was delivered either to the index or to the middle finger of the right or left hand, whereas the second stimulus (test) was always administered to the left index finger. The overall BOLD response evoked by the stimulation was primarily contralateral in SI and was more bilateral in SII. However, our fMRI adaptation approach also revealed that both somatosensory cortices were sensitive to ipsilateral as well as to contralateral inputs. SI and SII adapted more after subsequent stimulation of homologous as compared with nonhomologous fingers, showing a distinction between different fingers. Most importantly, for both somatosensory cortices, this finger-specific adaptation occurred irrespective of whether the tactile stimulus was delivered to the same or to different hands. This result implies integration of contralateral and ipsilateral somatosensory inputs in SI as well as in SII. Our findings suggest that SI is more than a simple relay for sensory information and that both SI and SII contribute to the spatial coding of touch by discriminating between body parts (fingers) and by integrating the somatosensory input from the two sides of the body (hands).
Although tactile representations of the two body sides are initially segregated into opposite hemispheres of the brain, behavioural interactions between body sides exist and can be revealed under conditions of tactile double simultaneous stimulation (DSS) at the hands. Here we examined to what extent vision can affect body side segregation in touch. To this aim, we changed hand-related visual input while participants performed a go/no-go task to detect a tactile stimulus delivered to one target finger (e.g., right index), stimulated alone or with a concurrent non-target finger either on the same hand (e.g., right middle finger) or on the other hand (e.g., left index finger = homologous; left middle finger = non-homologous). Across experiments, the two hands were visible or occluded from view (Experiment 1), images of the two hands were either merged using a morphing technique (Experiment 2), or were shown in a compatible vs incompatible position with respect to the actual posture (Experiment 3). Overall, the results showed reliable interference effects of DSS, as compared to target-only stimulation. This interference varied as a function of which non-target finger was stimulated, and emerged both within and between hands. These results imply that the competition between tactile events is not clearly segregated across body sides. Crucially, non-informative vision of the hand affected overall tactile performance only when a visual/proprioceptive conflict was present, while neither congruent nor morphed hand vision affected tactile DSS interference. This suggests that DSS operates at a tactile processing stage in which interactions between body sides can occur regardless of the available visual input from the body.