879 resultados para socio-historical psychology
El Niño conditions developed in the tropical Pacific during the latter half of 2015, peaking in December 2015 as one of the strongest El Niño events on record, comparable with the 1997-98 “El Niño of the century”. Conditions in the tropical Pacific are forecast to return to normal over the coming months, with the potential to transition into La Niña conditions during 2016-17. If this was to occur it would act as a further strong perturbation, or ‘kick’, to the climate system and lead to further significant socio-economic impacts affecting many sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, health and energy. This report analyses La Niña events over the last 37 years of the satellite era (1979-present) and aims to identify regions where there is an increased likelihood of impacts occurring. It is important to note that this analysis is based on past analogous events and is not a prediction for this year. No two La Niña events will be the same – the timing and magnitude of events differs considerably. More importantly, no two La Niña events lead to the same impacts – other local physical and social factors come into play. Therefore, the exact timings, locations and magnitudes of impacts should be interpreted with caution and this should be accounted for in any preparedness measures that are taken. This report has been produced for Evidence on Demand with the assistance of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) contracted through the Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods Professional Evidence and Applied Knowledge Services (CEIL PEAKS) programme, jointly managed by DAI (which incorporates HTSPE Limited) and IMC Worldwide Limited.
Este estudo, tem como objetivo, a tentativa de estabelecimento dos determinantes históricos relacionados à emergência da noção de personalidade em psicologia. Deste modo, no que se refere à metodologia, colocamo-nos em referência a uma analise histórica centrada nas condições de emergência do saber, ou seja, uma analise dos determinantes sócio-ideológicos atuantes na constituição da psicologia da personalidade. Assim, nosso estudo pode ser delimitado como a tentativa de articular as relações entre produtos e lugares de produção. O trabalho, foi dividido em, basicamente, duas partes. A primeira, corresponde a uma abordagem antropológica, que tem como objetivo central, a desnaturalização das questões relativas à personalidade como categorias humanas inatas. Nesta perspectiva, as condutas individuais, para terem seu sentido apreendido, devem ser remetidas a uma rede de relações simbólicas, a uma estrutura propriamente sociológica. A segunda parte, abordagem propriamente histórica objetiva buscar nas ideias e doutrinas ocidentais, as bases de elaboração do conceito de personalidade, no século XIX, relacionado à individualidade e à interioridade. Em suma, podemos indicar nosso objetivo como a tentativa de demonstração da articulação passada de uma realidade histórica atual, mostrando suas condições de produção e seus efeitos de controle, que necessariamente irão atuar sobre o corpo dos elementos integrantes da sociedade.
Background: Studies on functional capacity in community-dwelling older people have shown associations between declines in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and several factors. Among these, age has been the most consistently related to functional capacity independent of other variables. We aimed at evaluating the performance of a sample of healthy and cognitively intact Brazilian older people on activities of daily living and to analyze its relation to social-demographic variables. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of data collected for previous epidemiological studies with community-dwelling subjects aged 60 years or more. We selected subjects who did not have dementia or depression, and with no history of neurological diseases, heart attack, HIV, hepatitis or arthritis (n = 1,111). Functional capacity was assessed using the Brazilian version of the Older American Resources and Services Questionnaire (BOMFAQ). ADL performance was analyzed according to age, gender, education, and marital status (Pearson's chi(2), logistic regression). Results: IADL difficulties were present in our sample, especially in subjects aged 80 years or more, with lower levels of education, or widowed. The logistic regression analysis results indicated that "higher age" and "lower education" (p <= 0.001) remained significantly associated with IADL difficulty. Conclusions: Functional decline was present in older subjects even in the absence of medical conditions and cognitive impairment. Clinicians and researchers could benefit from knowing what to expect from older people regarding IADL performance in the absence of medical conditions.
This is a research paper in which we discuss “active learning” in the light of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), a powerful framework to analyze human activity, including teaching and learning process and the relations between education and wider human dimensions as politics, development, emancipation etc. This framework has its origin in Vygotsky's works in the psychology, supported by a Marxist perspective, but nowadays is a interdisciplinary field encompassing History, Anthropology, Psychology, Education for example.
Socio economic inequalities in adult health behaviour are consistently observed. Despite a well-documented pattern, social determinants of variations in health behaviour have not been sufficiently clarified. This article therefore presents sociological pathways to explain the existing inequalities in health behaviour. At a micro level, control beliefs have been part of several behavioural theories. We suggest that these beliefs might bridge the gap between sociology and psychology by emphasising their roots in fundamental socio-economic environments. At a meso level, social networks and support have not been explicitly considered as behavioural determinants. This contribution states that these social factors influence health behaviour while being unequally distributed across society. At a macro level, characteristics of the neighbourhood environment influence health behaviour of its residents above and beyond their individual background. Providing further opportunity for policy makers, it is shown that peer and school context equalise inequalities in risky behaviour in adolescence. As a conclusion, factors such as control expectations, social networks, neighbourhood characteristics, and school context should be included as strategies to improve health behaviour in socially disadvantaged people.
This research was a complex study of the economic and socio-cultural aspects of the development of Russian private publishing in the second half of the19th and early 20th centuries, during the periods of 'war communism' and the New Economic Policy of 1917 to 1930, and during the reform of book publishing in 1986-1999. Conclusions about private book publishing in Moscow and St. Petersburg were extrapolated to Russia-wide problems of the development of this field. Svichenskaya sees her main achievement as having identified the economic and legal concepts behind the development of private book publishing over the period in question in the context of state and corporate regulation of publishing. Here the state was the main influence on its development and there was a paradox in the relations between the state authorities and private publishers, in that the latter constantly suffered from repression by the former but at the same time were dependent on state support. The research identified the administrative process of the liquidation of private publishing at the end of the 1920s and showed that its present flourishing is closely linked with the establishment of a preferential mode for the development of this sector. Private publishing now represents around 80% of domestic publishing, in terms both of the number of publishing houses and of the number of volumes published, and so plays the major role in satisfying the demand for books in Russia. Svichenskaya predicts that in the coming years private publishing will see a further concentration of growth and a tendency to monopolies and also the increasing specialisation of the publishing repertoire. She outlines a suggested concept of state management in publishing and ways to optimise this. In the transitional period of adaptation to the market regulation of publishing, these include a continuing degree of state protectionism, the creation of a favourable investment climate, privatisation of the printing companies with the aim of modernising these, and the development of coordinated corporate policies.
Background information: During the late 1970s and the early 1980s, West Germany witnessed a reversal of gender differences in educational attainment, as females began to outperform males. Purpose: The main objective was to analyse which processes were behind the reversal of gender differences in educational attainment after 1945. The theoretical reflections and empirical evidence presented for the US context by DiPrete and Buchmann (Gender-specific trends in the value of education and the emerging gender gap in college completion, Demography 43: 1–24, 2006) and Buchmann, DiPrete, and McDaniel (Gender inequalities in education, Annual Review of Sociology 34: 319–37, 2008) are considered and applied to the West German context. It is suggested that the reversal of gender differences is a consequence of the change in female educational decisions, which are mainly related to labour market opportunities and not, as sometimes assumed, a consequence of a ‘boy’s crisis’. Sample: Several databases, such as the German General Social Survey, the German Socio-economic Panel and the German Life History Study, are employed for the longitudinal analysis of the educational and occupational careers of birth cohorts born in the twentieth century. Design and methods: Changing patterns of eligibility for university studies are analysed for successive birth cohorts and gender. Binary logistic regressions are employed for the statistical modelling of the individuals’ achievement, educational decision and likelihood for social mobility – reporting average marginal effects (AME). Results: The empirical results suggest that women’s better school achievement being constant across cohorts does not contribute to the explanation of the reversal of gender differences in higher education attainment, but the increase of benefits for higher education explains the changing educational decisions of women regarding their transition to higher education. Conclusions: The outperformance of females compared with males in higher education might have been initialised by several social changes, including the expansion of public employment, the growing demand for highly qualified female workers in welfare and service areas, the increasing returns of women’s increased education and training, and the improved opportunities for combining family and work outside the home. The historical data show that, in terms of (married) women’s increased labour market opportunities and female life-cycle labour force participation, the raising rates of women’s enrolment in higher education were – among other reasons – partly explained by their rising access to service class positions across birth cohorts, and the rise of their educational returns in terms of wages and long-term employment.
Background Disordered interpersonal communication can be a serious problem in schizophrenia. Recent advances in computer-based measures allow reliable and objective quantification of nonverbal behavior. Research using these novel measures has shown that objective amounts of body and head movement in patients with schizophrenia during social interactions are closely related to the symptom profiles of these patients. In addition to and above mere amounts of movement, the degree of synchrony, or imitation, between patients and normal interactants may be indicative of core deficits underlying various problems in domains related to interpersonal communication, such as symptoms, social competence, and social functioning. Methods Nonverbal synchrony was assessed objectively using Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) in 378 brief, videotaped role-play scenes involving 27 stabilized outpatients diagnosed with paranoid-type schizophrenia. Results Low nonverbal synchrony was indicative of symptoms, low social competence, impaired social functioning, and low self-evaluation of competence. These relationships remained largely significant when correcting for the amounts of patients‘ movement. When patients showed reduced imitation of their interactants’ movements, negative symptoms were likely to be prominent. Conversely, positive symptoms were more prominent in patients when their interaction partners’ imitation of their movements was reduced. Conclusions Nonverbal synchrony can be an objective and sensitive indicator of the severity of patients’ problems. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of nonverbal synchrony may provide novel insights into specific relationships between symptoms, cognition, and core communicative problems in schizophrenia.
En el presente artículo se presentan los principales lineamientos de la estrategia teórico-metodológica que se está implementando en la investigación en curso, en la que se busca dar cuenta de las transformaciones en la estructura social hortícola platense, acaecida en los últimos 20 años. Este enfoque busca superar los dualismos acción y estructura e individuo y sociedad, pensándolos como aspectos complementarios en el abordaje de la realidad social. En este sentido, se revisan los aportes y limitaciones de dos paradigmas que se pronuncian como antagónicos en la explicación de la conducta social, como así también los aportes teóricos que buscan reconciliar ambas posturas. Se propone el concepto de trayectorias como concepto mediador, que permite reunir en el análisis tanto la historicidad de los procesos sociales, las constricciones estructurales y la agencia de las sujetos. A su vez, enlazado a esta postura teórica, se implementa una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, a partir de la utilización de entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación participante. Finalmente, en este trabajo se sostiene que las principales transformaciones acaecidas en el espacio social periurbano platense durante los '90, han afectado a la posición de productor.
En el presente artículo se presentan los principales lineamientos de la estrategia teórico-metodológica que se está implementando en la investigación en curso, en la que se busca dar cuenta de las transformaciones en la estructura social hortícola platense, acaecida en los últimos 20 años. Este enfoque busca superar los dualismos acción y estructura e individuo y sociedad, pensándolos como aspectos complementarios en el abordaje de la realidad social. En este sentido, se revisan los aportes y limitaciones de dos paradigmas que se pronuncian como antagónicos en la explicación de la conducta social, como así también los aportes teóricos que buscan reconciliar ambas posturas. Se propone el concepto de trayectorias como concepto mediador, que permite reunir en el análisis tanto la historicidad de los procesos sociales, las constricciones estructurales y la agencia de las sujetos. A su vez, enlazado a esta postura teórica, se implementa una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, a partir de la utilización de entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación participante. Finalmente, en este trabajo se sostiene que las principales transformaciones acaecidas en el espacio social periurbano platense durante los '90, han afectado a la posición de productor.
En el presente artículo se presentan los principales lineamientos de la estrategia teórico-metodológica que se está implementando en la investigación en curso, en la que se busca dar cuenta de las transformaciones en la estructura social hortícola platense, acaecida en los últimos 20 años. Este enfoque busca superar los dualismos acción y estructura e individuo y sociedad, pensándolos como aspectos complementarios en el abordaje de la realidad social. En este sentido, se revisan los aportes y limitaciones de dos paradigmas que se pronuncian como antagónicos en la explicación de la conducta social, como así también los aportes teóricos que buscan reconciliar ambas posturas. Se propone el concepto de trayectorias como concepto mediador, que permite reunir en el análisis tanto la historicidad de los procesos sociales, las constricciones estructurales y la agencia de las sujetos. A su vez, enlazado a esta postura teórica, se implementa una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, a partir de la utilización de entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación participante. Finalmente, en este trabajo se sostiene que las principales transformaciones acaecidas en el espacio social periurbano platense durante los '90, han afectado a la posición de productor.
The ISSP Position Stand on Career Development and Transitions of Athletes draws attention to viewing athletes from the perspective of their career development and their broader historical and socio‐cultural contexts. The particular focus of this paper is on career transitions as turning phases in career development. Successfully coping with transitions both within and outside of sport allows greater opportunity for an athlete to live a long and successful life in sport as well as being able to adjust effectively to the post‐career. Alternatively, failure in coping with a transition is often followed by negative consequences (e.g., premature dropout from sport, neuroses, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.). Therefore, helping athletes prepare for and/or cope with career transitions should be of primary concern for coaches, managers, athletes’ parents, and sport psychology consultants. In this paper we emphasize the role of contextual factors in career development/transition research and practice. Based on the literature review, we propose six statements and related recommendations for athletes and their significant others, as well as for researchers and consultants