379 resultados para riding


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Absolute abundances (concentrations) of dinoflagellate cysts are often determined through the addition of Lycopodium clavatum marker-grains as a spike to a sample before palynological processing. An inter-laboratory calibration exercise was set up in order to test the comparability of results obtained in different laboratories, each using its own preparation method. Each of the 23 laboratories received the same amount of homogenized splits of four Quaternary sediment samples. The samples originate from different localities and consisted of a variety of lithologies. Dinoflagellate cysts were extracted and counted, and relative and absolute abundances were calculated. The relative abundances proved to be fairly reproducible, notwithstanding a need for taxonomic calibration. By contrast, excessive loss of Lycopodium spores during sample preparation resulted in non-reproducibility of absolute abundances. Use of oxidation, KOH, warm acids, acetolysis, mesh sizes larger than 15 µm and long ultrasonication (> 1 min) must be avoided to determine reproducible absolute abundances. The results of this work therefore indicate that the dinoflagellate cyst worker should make a choice between using the proposed standard method which circumvents critical steps, adding Lycopodium tablets at the end of the preparation and using an alternative method.


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In recent years we have observed, in Brazil, the expansion of democratic spaces, providing the use of participatory management strategies in common-pool areas. However, the existence of a co-management model does not guarantee its practice, neither that it will prevent the depletion of common features characterizing the tragedy proposed by Hardin. In this work we analysed the management of Acaú-Goiana RESEX which is located in the cities of Acaú (PB) and Goiana (PE), eight years after its legal creation. We evaluated how much the users of RESEX possess information (even if non formalized) regarding the common use of area and whether they exhibit collectivist values. We used as an interpretative tool the facilitators principles of common resource management (PGRC) identified by Elinor Ostrom and the questionnaire of human values proposed by Schwartz. The human values questionnaire was applied to 240 individuals, half beneficiary and the other half non-beneficiary, only the beneficiaries were submitted to the questionnaire of PGRC. Interviews were conducted in the period of May to September 2014. We tested three hypotheses: 1) The degree of dependence from RESEX resources will play an important role on indirect knowledge of the PGRC; 2) the inclusion of individuals in a communal area (RESEX) increases collectivists values; 3) higher collectivist value rates increases knowledge of PGRC. To this end, we defined levels of socio-economic dependence of RESEX resources, knowledge of PGRC and individual values. GLM statistic analysis of mean comparison and correlation were employed. Our results showed that the knowledge on six of the seven items analyzed in the basic principles (PGRC) is still low. The extended land area and the high number of users may be exerting a detrimental effect on the development of a co-management. Contrary to expected, it was not the dependency who influenced knowledge on the PGRC, but the time spent in contact with the RESEX. This indicates that direct contact with the environment, not the dependence of it, that raises awareness about PGRC. According to our hypothesis, individuals with collectivist values showed greater knowledge of PGRC and reduced hours of work within the RESEX, indicating a greater tendency of individuals refrain their use of the common resource. Individualistic values correlated with less knowledge of a PGRC. Among the beneficiaries, individuals with higher individualistic values had higher monthly income, while among non-beneficiaries there was no such correlation, demonstrating the economic advantages of individualism (free-riding) in situations of non-private use of resources. Our data emphasize the importance of guiding the main actors in the development of a co-participatory management in the direction of the basic principles, and to develop collectivist values among users of a common good can raise awareness of these principles.


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This article examines how the nature of competition between brands in a therapeutic category changes after generic entry and provides a framework for analyzing the effect of generic entry on consumer welfare that takes into account the generic free riding problem. It demonstrates that changes in competition along dimensions other than retail price - such as competition in research and development efforts and in promotional activities - may, in certain situations, result in generic entry having an overall negative impact on consumer welfare.


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The over-riding perceptions of Victor Hugo’s attitudes towards women are intensely coloured by his deep-seated Romanticism and his well-testified, stifling and over-bearing treatment of women in his personal life. As such, Hugo’s contribution to the feminist struggle of his time has been woefully overlooked in the larger scheme of his social and political activism. Through a close examination of his largely unstudied public discourse on women’s rights, this thesis situates Hugo’s feminist views firmly in the context of Enlightenment feminism and 19th century feminism, while also drawing heavily on the illuminating principles of Enlightenment feminism. In particular, this thesis examines Hugo’s support for several of the most determining issues of 19th century French feminism, including women’s right to education, equal citizenship, universal suffrage rights, and the issue of regulated prostitution. Further, by examining the way in which Hugo’s views on women’s maternal role extended far beyond the limited vision of domesticity bolstered by the ideology of ‘republican motherhood’, this thesis engages in a re-appraisal of Hugo’s literary representation of maternity which identifies the maternal as a universal quality of devotion and self-sacrifice to which all humankind must aspire for the creation of a just, egalitarian, and democratic society. Though at times inevitably constrained by his Romanticism, this thesis demonstrates the extent to which Hugo’s feminism is grounded in his wider vision of social emancipation and is underpinned by a profound empathy, compassion, and moral conscience – qualities which are just as fundamental today, as they were for Hugo when participating in the fitful, though decisive, feminist struggle in 19th century France.


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The topic of the following thesis is cruelty in fairy tales. For the work on hand the following fairy tales were used to examine the historical roots of the topic as well as pedagogical background: Red Riding Hood from the Brothers Grimm and Perrault as well as Han-sel and Gretel another tale of the Grimm Collection, the Tom Thumb-Version of Perrault and Ninillo und Nennella from Basile. Af-ter a short introduction to the meaning of fairy tales, the stories are retold and analyzed as well as compared to their most probable historical background and it shows that what seems to be cruel to-day had a very different meaning in the past.


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Class has always been at the heart of the television crime drama. Whether it is the post-war paternalism of Dixon of Dock Green (1955 – 1976), the harsh social realism of The Sweeney (1975-1978), or the almost mythical evocations of Britain in Heartbeat (1992 – 2010) and Midsomer Murders (1997- present), class and crime have always been seen as being inextricably linked. Since the 1990s, the British crime drama has been influenced by successive waves of cultural imports from, firstly, the US and then from Scandinavia. There is now a recognisable ‘genre’ for what we might think of as British TV Noir. Beginning with shows such as Cracker (1993 – 2006), Prime Suspect (1991 – 2006) and Messiah (2001) and continuing with dramas like Red Riding (2008), Southcliffe (2013) and Hinterland (2013 – present), the British TV Noir employs narratives and stylistic tropes that might usually be associated with the cinema of the 1940s. Although drawing influence from high profile shows such as Twin Peaks (1990 – 1991), Millennium (1996) and (latterly) The Wire (2002 – 2008), CSI (2000 – present) and The Killing (2007) these British Noir shows also articulate the nation’s shifting class system. As Susan Sydney-Smith has ably demonstrated, the crime drama is “historically contingent” (Sydney-Smith, 2002, p. 5) and shaped by the surrounding socio-political, as well aesthetic, context. To this end, this chapter traces the depiction of class in three key crime series – Prime Suspect, Red Riding and Southcliffe - and explores how social class, and more importantly, its changing face provides a constant background to the narratives and characterisations. These three texts were each produced at pivotal moments in Britain’s relationship to class – Prime Suspect was shown 6 months after Margaret Thatcher vacated office; Red Riding was produced in the midst of the global recession in 2008 and Southcliffe was made in the shadows of stringing welfare and immigration reforms. These texts span three successive political administrations and over two decades of social and political change. Understanding the relationship between criminal activity and class in these dramas however is far more complicated than simply reading the historical context through the text. Commensurate with its cinematic incarnation, TV Noir is both reflective and productive, employing visual and narrative tropes to manipulate, as well reflect, its audience’s moral and social positioning. The picture that emerges from an examination of class and the British TV Noir is one of suspicion and discontent. As Andrew Spicer suggests (with reference to British cinema) the Noir sensibility both depicts and critiques a society that it sees as being “class-ridden, racist and misogynist” (Spicer, 2002, p.202). This is certainly the case with the texts that are being examined here, as social positions and taxonomies are constantly being redefined and renegotiated.


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A percentagem de utilização de motociclos tem vindo a crescer relativamente à utilização de veículos automóveis. Provavelmente, este número continuará a aumentar anualmente devido a diversos fatores: a mobilidade, a flexibilidade de circulação e o menor gasto de combustível. No entanto, um dos principais problemas da condução de motociclos é o elevado risco de acidente, comparativamente com os veículos automóveis. A segurança do condutor e passageiros, quando sujeitos a um acidente, merece total atenção. Convém, pois, encontrar soluções com capacidade de prevenir ou ajudar a minimizar o número de mortalidade que possam ocorrer diariamente. Uma maior atenção às medidas de segurança rodoviária veio diminuir o número de acidentes, no entanto, quando estes acontecem, a ajuda das unidades médicas demora algum tempo a chegar. Sabe-se que nestas situações, qualquer segundo pode fazer a diferença. Este é o problema que o autor deseja resolver. Na presente dissertação, o autor pretende demonstrar como desenvolveu um sistema para motociclos com a capacidade de reconhecer um acidente, enviando um alerta (SMS) com a informação do local da ocorrência (GPS). Este sistema foi preparado para operar em locais isolados com pouco ou nenhum tráfego rodoviário. Implementou-se no referido sistema uma tecnologia sem fios e fiabilizou-se um método capaz de ser utilizado em diversos modelos de motociclos. Procedeu-se à realização de interfaces que permitem monitorizar e possibilitar o reconhecimento da informação sobre o condutor e sobre o acidente, em tempo real.


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Host specificity tests on Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal) and Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmerman) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) have shown that under experimental conditions, G. ficorum will induce leaf galls on both Ficus benjamina L. and Ficus microcarpa L. f. (Rosales: Moraceae), but G. uzeli will induce galls only on F. benjamina. A further interesting aspect of the results is that gall induction by G. uzeli on F. benjamina appears to have been suppressed in the presence of F. microcarpa plants in the same cage. Liothrips takahashii (Moulton) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), an inquiline in the galls of these Gynaikothrips, is reported for the first time from Australia, mainland China, Malaysia, Costa Rica, and western USA.


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Don Juan Suárez de Peralta nació en la ciudad de México-Tenochtitlán en 1541, habiendo sido sus padres Don Juan Suárez Marcayda y Doña Magdalena de Peralta; el padre también conocido como Juan Suárez de Ávila, o como Juan Suárez “El Viejo”, hizo la campaña militar de la conquista del Imperio Azteca como compañero de armas de Don Hernán Cortés. Suárez de Peralta escribió tres grandes obras: “Tractado de Alveiteria” hacia 1575, “Tractado de Cavallería de la Gineta y Brida” en 1580 y “Tractado del Descubrimiento de las Indias y su Conquista” en 1589. Estos tres tratados hacen de Suárez de Peralta, una inevitable y riquísima fuente de información para todo historiador investigando las vetas de la Historia Virreinal Novohispana y de la Historia de España del siglo XVI. Su obra sobre medicina equina y zootecnia de los caballos, es un magnífico y estupendo trabajo que se levanta como el primer libro de su tipo escrito en América. Suárez de Peralta asociado con su hermano mayor, Don Luis, establece un criadero de caballos de raza fina en Tacubaya, en el poniente de la antigua ciudad de México, y es ahí en donde aprende el arte científico de la médica equina, de la reproducción y de la zootecnia caballar y sus habilidades como jinete y gran caballista. En 1579, Don Juan debido a una serie de circunstancias decide exiliarse a España arribando al puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, como huésped en el Palacio de su pariente el VII Conde-Duque de Medina Sidonia, para después habitar en Trujillo y en Sevilla en donde escribe y publica sus otras dos grandes obras. Se muda a Madrid en donde contrae nupcias con una aristócrata dama de la alta nobleza castellana, Doña Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, perteneciente a la poderosa Casa del Infantado. Con ella procrea un hijo, llamado Don Lorenzo Suárez de Peralta, quien viaja a la Nueva España para tomar posesión de los bienes de su padre, su abuelo y de su tío Luís. Don Juan, nuestro albéitar, quien “alladese enfermo de calenturas”, fallece el 8 de enero de 1613 y es enterrado en la Iglesia del Spiritu Sanctus de los Clérigos Menores en el Madrid de los Austrias. Su manuscrito “Libro de Alveitería”, permaneció olvidado y sin publicar durante más de tres cientos años en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, hasta que finalmente ve la luz en la ciudad de México, en ocasión del Centenario de la fundación de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia y del IV Centenario de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México, ahora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) en 195


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Caracterizada por défices sociais e da comunicação e por comportamentos restritos e repetitivos, a Intervenção Psicomotora no âmbito da Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo (PEA) ainda é uma área pouco explorada, apesar da intervenção psicomotora poder constituir uma resposta de intervenção em vários domínios e contextos. Este relatório pretende descrever o trabalho realizado no estágio no Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora. Realizado no Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão (CRI) e no Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais (CAO) da APPDA-Lisboa, ao longo de 8 meses, a intervenção psicomotora destinou-se a um total de 50 crianças, jovens e adultos e foi desenvolvida em contexto de ginásio, meio aquático, equitação terapêutica e sala snoezelen. Este documento divide-se numa revisão teórica da PEA, fundamentos da intervenção psicomotora, enquadramento institucional e legal do estágio, seguido da prática profissional onde se descreve a intervenção com três crianças do CRI e com 11 adultos inseridos do CAO, desde o processo de avaliação, objetivos e plano de intervenção, intervenção psicomotora e análise dos resultados. No final, é realizada uma conclusão reflexiva sobre as atividades de estágio.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Processamento de Linguagem Natural e Indústrias da Língua, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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No seguimento do Tirocínio para Oficiais formados na Academia Militar, temos como último momento avaliativo o Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada. Neste âmbito e pertencendo à Arma de Cavalaria vimos a necessidade de expor sobre uma das componentes que a Cavalaria tem na sua panóplia de atribuições, a Equitação, mais propriamente na Academia Militar. Como tal, temos por base verificar o que cada Mestre e Instrutor de Equitação, que esteve a exercer funções na Academia Militar pensa que serão os objetivos a atingir com a Equitação Militar, nesta mesma instituição de ensino. Assim, o presente trabalho visa analisar de que forma os vários Mestres e Instrutores de Equitação Militar percecionam o modo de dar instrução na Academia Militar e quais os objetivos que se pretendem atingir. Não obstante, pretende-se também alertar para o facto de apesar de hoje a Equitação não ser uma exigência operacional, tem valor a nível da instrução, a nível histórico, a nível desportivo e um valor a nível militar operacional que atualmente não o é em efetividade, mas que pode voltar a ser num futuro próximo. Deste modo, devemos manter o “Know-how” de uma forma de combate que não está tão desatualizada como se possa pensar. Portanto, de forma geral, vamos refletir sobre quais são os objetivos a atingir com a Equitação Militar na Academia Militar, segundo a perspetiva dos Mestres e Instrutores e respetivas mais-valias deste tipo de instrução tão único, que envolve outro ser vivo nas nossas decisões.


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Free-riding behaviors exist in tourism and they should be analyzed from a comprehensive perspective; while the literature has mainly focused on free riders operating in a destination, the destinations themselves might also free ride when they are under the umbrella of a collective brand. The objective of this article is to detect potential free-riding destinations by estimating the contribution of the different individual destinations to their collective brands, from the point of view of consumer perception. We argue that these individual contributions can be better understood by reflecting the various stages that tourists follow to reach their final decision. A hierarchical choice process is proposed in which the following choices are nested (not independent): “whether to buy,” “what collective brand to buy,” and “what individual brand to buy.” A Mixed Logit model confirms this sequence, which permits estimation of individual contributions and detection of free riders.


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Dual-tasking is intrinsic to many daily activities, including walking and driving. However, the activity of the primary motor cortex (M1) in response to dual-tasks (DT) is still not well characterised. A recent meta-analysis (Corp in Neurosci Biobehav Rev 43:74-87, 2014) demonstrated a reduction in M1 inhibition during dual-tasking, yet responses were not consistent between studies. It was suggested that DT difficulty might account for some of this between-study variability. The aim of this study was to investigate whether corticospinal excitability and M1 inhibition differed between an easier and more difficult dual-task. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied to participants' abductor pollicis brevis muscle representation during a concurrent pincer grip task and stationary bike-riding. The margin of error in which to maintain pincer grip force was reduced to increase task difficulty. Compared to ST conditions, significantly increased M1 inhibition was demonstrated for the easier, but not more difficult, DT. However, there was no significant difference in M1 inhibition between easy and difficult DTs. The difference in difficulty between the two tasks may not have been wide enough to result in significant differences in M1 inhibition. Increased M1 inhibition for the easy DT condition was in opposition to the reduction in M1 inhibition found in our meta-analysis (Corp in Neurosci Biobehav Rev 43:74-87, 2014). We propose that this may be partially explained by differences in the timing of the TMS pulse between DT studies.


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In this issue...Bell Creek Field, Vegas Club, Sigma Rho, Columbia Riding Stables, Economic Geology, Larry Hoffman, Green Stamps, Tijuana, Stone Creek