920 resultados para research methods - non-active role-playing method


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Sales and operations research publications have increased significantly in the last decades. The concept of sales and operations planning (S&OP) has gained increased recognition and has been put forward as the area within Supply Chain Management (SCM). Development of S&OP is based on the need for determining future actions, both for sales and operations, since off-shoring, outsourcing, complex supply chains and extended lead times make challenges for responding to changes in the marketplace when they occur. Order intake of the case company has grown rapidly during the last years. Along with the growth, new challenges considering data management and information flow have arisen due to increasing customer orders. To manage these challenges, case company has implemented S&OP process, though initial process is in early stage and due to this, the process is not managing the increased customer orders adequately. Thesis objective is to explore extensively the S&OP process content of the case company and give further recommendations. Objectives are categorized into six different groups, to clarify the purpose of this thesis. Qualitative research methods used are active participant observation, qualitative interviews, enquiry, education, and a workshop. It is notable that demand planning was felt as cumbersome, so it is typically the biggest challenge in S&OP process. More proactive the sales forecasting can be, more expanded the time horizon of operational planning will turn out. S&OP process is 60 percent change management, 30 percent process development and 10 percent technology. The change management and continuous improvement can sometimes be arduous and set as secondary. It is important that different people are required to improve the process and the process is constantly evaluated. As well as, process governance is substantially in a central role and it has to be managed consciously. Generally, S&OP process was seen important and all the stakeholders were committed to the process. Particular sections were experienced more important than others, depending on the stakeholders’ point of views. Recommendations to objective groups are evaluated by the achievable benefit and resource requirement. The urgent and easily implemented improvement recommendations should be executed firstly. Next steps are to develop more coherent process structure and refine cost awareness. Afterwards demand planning, supply planning, and reporting should be developed more profoundly. For last, information technology system should be implemented to support the process phases.


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Traditionally metacognition has been theorised, methodologically studied and empirically tested from the standpoint mainly of individuals and their learning contexts. In this dissertation the emergence of metacognition is analysed more broadly. The aim of the dissertation was to explore socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) as part of collaborative learning processes taking place in student dyads and small learning groups. The specific aims were to extend the concept of individual metacognition to SSMR, to develop methods to capture and analyse SSMR and to validate the usefulness of the concept of SSMR in two different learning contexts; in face-to-face student dyads solving mathematical word problems and also in small groups taking part in inquiry-based science learning in an asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. This dissertation is comprised of four studies. In Study I, the main aim was to explore if and how metacognition emerges during problem solving in student dyads and then to develop a method for analysing the social level of awareness, monitoring, and regulatory processes emerging during the problem solving. Two dyads comprised of 10-year-old students who were high-achieving especially in mathematical word problem solving and reading comprehension were involved in the study. An in-depth case analysis was conducted. Data consisted of over 16 (30–45 minutes) videotaped and transcribed face-to-face sessions. The dyads solved altogether 151 mathematical word problems of different difficulty levels in a game-format learning environment. The interaction flowchart was used in the analysis to uncover socially shared metacognition. Interviews (also stimulated recall interviews) were conducted in order to obtain further information about socially shared metacognition. The findings showed the emergence of metacognition in a collaborative learning context in a way that cannot solely be explained by individual conception. The concept of socially-shared metacognition (SSMR) was proposed. The results highlighted the emergence of socially shared metacognition specifically in problems where dyads encountered challenges. Small verbal and nonverbal signals between students also triggered the emergence of socially shared metacognition. Additionally, one dyad implemented a system whereby they shared metacognitive regulation based on their strengths in learning. Overall, the findings suggested that in order to discover patterns of socially shared metacognition, it is important to investigate metacognition over time. However, it was concluded that more research on socially shared metacognition, from larger data sets, is needed. These findings formed the basis of the second study. In Study II, the specific aim was to investigate whether socially shared metacognition can be reliably identified from a large dataset of collaborative face-to-face mathematical word problem solving sessions by student dyads. We specifically examined different difficulty levels of tasks as well as the function and focus of socially shared metacognition. Furthermore, the presence of observable metacognitive experiences at the beginning of socially shared metacognition was explored. Four dyads participated in the study. Each dyad was comprised of high-achieving 10-year-old students, ranked in the top 11% of their fourth grade peers (n=393). Dyads were from the same data set as in Study I. The dyads worked face-to-face in a computer-supported, game-format learning environment. Problem-solving processes for 251 tasks at three difficulty levels taking place during 56 (30–45 minutes) lessons were video-taped and analysed. Baseline data for this study were 14 675 turns of transcribed verbal and nonverbal behaviours observed in four study dyads. The micro-level analysis illustrated how participants moved between different channels of communication (individual and interpersonal). The unit of analysis was a set of turns, referred to as an ‘episode’. The results indicated that socially shared metacognition and its function and focus, as well as the appearance of metacognitive experiences can be defined in a reliable way from a larger data set by independent coders. A comparison of the different difficulty levels of the problems suggested that in order to trigger socially shared metacognition in small groups, the problems should be more difficult, as opposed to moderately difficult or easy. Although socially shared metacognition was found in collaborative face-to-face problem solving among high-achieving student dyads, more research is needed in different contexts. This consideration created the basis of the research on socially shared metacognition in Studies III and IV. In Study III, the aim was to expand the research on SSMR from face-to-face mathematical problem solving in student dyads to inquiry-based science learning among small groups in an asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. The specific aims were to investigate SSMR’s evolvement and functions in a CSCL environment and to explore how SSMR emerges at different phases of the inquiry process. Finally, individual student participation in SSMR during the process was studied. An in-depth explanatory case study of one small group of four girls aged 12 years was carried out. The girls attended a class that has an entrance examination and conducts a language-enriched curriculum. The small group solved complex science problems in an asynchronous CSCL environment, participating in research-like processes of inquiry during 22 lessons (á 45–minute). Students’ network discussion were recorded in written notes (N=640) which were used as study data. A set of notes, referred to here as a ‘thread’, was used as the unit of analysis. The inter-coder agreement was regarded as substantial. The results indicated that SSMR emerges in a small group’s asynchronous CSCL inquiry process in the science domain. Hence, the results of Study III were in line with the previous Study I and Study II and revealed that metacognition cannot be reduced to the individual level alone. The findings also confirm that SSMR should be examined as a process, since SSMR can evolve during different phases and that different SSMR threads overlapped and intertwined. Although the classification of SSMR’s functions was applicable in the context of CSCL in a small group, the dominant function was different in the asynchronous CSCL inquiry in the small group in a science activity than in mathematical word problem solving among student dyads (Study II). Further, the use of different analytical methods provided complementary findings about students’ participation in SSMR. The findings suggest that it is not enough to code just a single written note or simply to examine who has the largest number of notes in the SSMR thread but also to examine the connections between the notes. As the findings of the present study are based on an in-depth analysis of a single small group, further cases were examined in Study IV, as well as looking at the SSMR’s focus, which was also studied in a face-to-face context. In Study IV, the general aim was to investigate the emergence of SSMR with a larger data set from an asynchronous CSCL inquiry process in small student groups carrying out science activities. The specific aims were to study the emergence of SSMR in the different phases of the process, students’ participation in SSMR, and the relation of SSMR’s focus to the quality of outcomes, which was not explored in previous studies. The participants were 12-year-old students from the same class as in Study III. Five small groups consisting of four students and one of five students (N=25) were involved in the study. The small groups solved ill-defined science problems in an asynchronous CSCL environment, participating in research-like processes of inquiry over a total period of 22 hours. Written notes (N=4088) detailed the network discussions of the small groups and these constituted the study data. With these notes, SSMR threads were explored. As in Study III, the thread was used as the unit of analysis. In total, 332 notes were classified as forming 41 SSMR threads. Inter-coder agreement was assessed by three coders in the different phases of the analysis and found to be reliable. Multiple methods of analysis were used. Results showed that SSMR emerged in all the asynchronous CSCL inquiry processes in the small groups. However, the findings did not reveal any significantly changing trend in the emergence of SSMR during the process. As a main trend, the number of notes included in SSMR threads differed significantly in different phases of the process and small groups differed from each other. Although student participation was seen as highly dispersed between the students, there were differences between students and small groups. Furthermore, the findings indicated that the amount of SSMR during the process or participation structure did not explain the differences in the quality of outcomes for the groups. Rather, when SSMRs were focused on understanding and procedural matters, it was associated with achieving high quality learning outcomes. In turn, when SSMRs were focused on incidental and procedural matters, it was associated with low level learning outcomes. Hence, the findings imply that the focus of any emerging SSMR is crucial to the quality of the learning outcomes. Moreover, the findings encourage the use of multiple research methods for studying SSMR. In total, the four studies convincingly indicate that a phenomenon of socially shared metacognitive regulation also exists. This means that it was possible to define the concept of SSMR theoretically, to investigate it methodologically and to validate it empirically in two different learning contexts across dyads and small groups. In-depth micro-level case analysis in Studies I and III showed the possibility to capture and analyse in detail SSMR during the collaborative process, while in Studies II and IV, the analysis validated the emergence of SSMR in larger data sets. Hence, validation was tested both between two environments and within the same environments with further cases. As a part of this dissertation, SSMR’s detailed functions and foci were revealed. Moreover, the findings showed the important role of observable metacognitive experiences as the starting point of SSMRs. It was apparent that problems dealt with by the groups should be rather difficult if SSMR is to be made clearly visible. Further, individual students’ participation was found to differ between students and groups. The multiple research methods employed revealed supplementary findings regarding SSMR. Finally, when SSMR was focused on understanding and procedural matters, this was seen to lead to higher quality learning outcomes. Socially shared metacognition regulation should therefore be taken into consideration in students’ collaborative learning at school similarly to how an individual’s metacognition is taken into account in individual learning.


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This paper explores transparency in the decision-making of the European Central Bank (ECB). According to ECB´s definition, transparency means that the central bank provides the general public with all relevant information on its strategy, assessments and policy decisions as well as its procedures in an open, clear and timely manner. In this paper, however, the interpretation of transparency is somewhat broader: Information is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by the decisions. Moreover, the individuals shall be able to master this material. ECB´s negative attitude towards publication of documents has demonstrated central bank´s reluctance to strive towards more extensive transparency. By virtue of the definition adopted by the ECB the bank itself is responsible for determining what is considered as relevant information. On the grounds of EU treaties, this paper assesses ECB`s accountability concentrating especially on transparency by employing principal-agent theory and constitutional approach. Traditionally, the definite mandate and the tenet of central bank independence have been used to justify the limited accountability. The de facto competence of the ECB has, however, considerably expanded as the central bank has decisively resorted to non-standard measures in order to combat the economic turbulences facing Europe. It is alleged that non-standard monetary policy constitutes a grey zone occasionally resembling economic policy or fiscal policy. Notwithstanding, the European Court of Justice has repeatedly approved these measures. This dynamic interpretation of the treaties seems to allow temporarily exceptions from the central bank´s primary objective during extraordinary times. Regardless, the paper suggests that the accountability nexus defined in the treaties is not sufficient in order to guarantee the accountability of the ECB after the adoption of the new, more active role. Enhanced transparency would help the ECB to maintain its credibility. Investing in the quality of monetary dialogue between the Parliament and the ECB appears to constitute the most adequate and practicable method to accomplish this intention. As a result of upgraded transparency the legitimacy of the central bank would not solely rest on its policy outputs.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan palveluprosessien kehittämistä asiakaslähtöisestä näkökulmasta. Asiakas on osa palveluprosessia ja siksi onkin tärkeä osallistaa asiakasta prosessien kehittämiseen ja innovointiin. Teoriaosassa esitellään keskeisimmät palveluprosessien kehitykseen vaikuttavat elementit ja pureudutaan käyttäjien sekä asiakkaiden rooliin ja motivaatioon kehittämishankkeissa. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen menetelmänä käytettiin toimintatutkimusta. Tutkimustulosten voidaan todeta tukevan teoreettista viitekehystä. Tutkimuksen perusteella havaittiin, että käyttäjillä ja asiakkailla on paljon ns. hiljaista tietoa, jonka esiin saaminen vaatii interventiota, puuttumista. Henkilökohtainen keskustelu on hyvä keino saada selville asiakkaiden mielipiteitä ja odotuksia palvelua kohtaan. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden asiakkaiden palautteen perusteella myöskin voidaan todeta, että asiakkaiden motivaatio osallistua kehittämiseen vastaa teoriaosuudessa esitettyjä perusteluja.


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E-Commerce is not a new phenomenon, but strictly speaking, it has breakthrough during the past 15 years. E-commerce is adopted differently across European countries, even though almost all of them are considered to be advanced industrialized nations. These notions are made at the same time as E-Commerce markets grow year by year. Countries seem to evolve at a different pace. At the same time, customers get more and more experienced with the Internet and perceive online marketplace more critically. Also, companies have their important role in the development of E-Commerce. E-Commerce research has been conducted on three levels of analysis: individual, company, and country. In this thesis, the primary focus is on the differences between B2C retail E-Commerce in Finland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The research is conducted with an exploratory method by collecting data from secondary sources. The research suggests that there are no significant differences between delivery methods in Finland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. When it comes to payment methods, the results suggests that there is a statistically significant difference between Germany and United Kingdom.


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Occupational therapists have always recognized playas an important part of a child's life. However, until recently play has been viewed as a medium for reaching treatment goals, rather than as an activity that is valuable in and of itself. If occupational therapists think of playas the primary activity or occupation of childhood, then play should be a very important area of focus for paediatric clinicians. In order to assist children to become as independent as possible with play and to have fulfilling play experiences the occupational therapist needs to have a clear understanding of how to assess, set goals which lead towards competence in play, and promote play. Recent play literature has placed importance on play behaviours and looking at the relationship between the child and both the human and nonhuman environment. Believing that play and playfulness can and should be promoted, for children with physical disabilities, requires that therapists learn new assessment and intervention strategies. A new assessment tool, The Test of Playfulness, was developed by Bundy in 1994. It addressed play behaviours and environmental influences. The author, a co-investigator and eight occupational therapists were involved in a playfulness study using this test to compare the playfulness of children with physical disabilities with their able-bodied peers. After the study was completed the author questioned whether or not involvement in the playfulness study was enough of a change agent to bring about transformative learning in order to further the eight occupational therapists' education about play.This study investigated changes in either the therapists' thinking about play or their behaviour in their clinical practice. The study also examined the participants' retention of knowledge about the Test of Playfulness. The eight therapists who had been involved in the playfulness study (participants) were matched with eight therapists who had not been involved (nonparticipants). The therapists were interviewed 9 to 12 months after completion of the playfulness study. They were asked to describe various scenarios of play and open ended prompts were used to elicit the therapists' perceptions of play, good play, the role or value of play, environmental and gender influences on play, play assessment and intervention, and play research, for children with and without disabilities. The participants were also prompted to discuss their experience with the playfulness study. A self-report questionnaire was also completed at the end of the interview. The results of the study demonstrated that: (a) the play research project was a good format for continuing the participants' education about play; (b) their thinking had changed about play; (c) according to self report, they had used this new knowledge in their clinical practice; and (d) the participants remembered the items on the Test of Playfulness and could use them in describing various aspects of play. This study found that participating in a play research project had been an effective method of professional development. It also highlighted the need for increased awareness of the recent literature on play and the developing role of the occupational therapist in the assessment and intervention of play.


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Frank C. (Case) McCordick (1873-1946) was the son of William Henry (1849-1930) and Emily D. Howell (1851-1927) McCordick. William H. McCordick was in the coal business. The McCordick family included Frank Case, Mabel Gertrude, Ethel Howell and Arthur Stanley. Frank C. McCordick was educated in St. Catharines, and worked with his father in the coal business and eventually opened up a leather tanning operation. McCordick was active in the Lincoln Regiment and in 1906 was promoted to captain and in command of Company A, 19th Regiment. He was promoted to major and at the outbreak of war he was sent overseas as a commander of the 35th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces (CEF). Upon arrival in France he was made officer commanding the 15th Battalion, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI). After the war and his return to Canada he continued to play an active role in the local military units in the area as well as in Hamilton. After his retirement from the military in 1927 McCordick served as alderman and then mayor of St. Catharines from 1930 to 1931. He was a member of a large number of civic clubs, including St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., Lion’s Club, St. Catharines Golf Club, Detroit Boat Club, the St Catharines Club, as well as a member of several Masonic lodges. He continued to operate McCordick Tannery and other local investments. In 1903 Frank C. McCordick married May Beatrice Simson, daughter of Thomas E. Simson of Thorold. They had three children, E. (Edward) Frank McCordick, Bruce McCordick and (Margaret) Doris McCordick (m. Hubert Grigaut, d. 1977). The McCordick family resided at 82 Yates Street, near Adams Street. May Simson McCordick (b. 1873) was the daughter of Thomas Edward (1836-1908) and Julia Headlam (1844-1887) Simson of Thorold. Her siblings included: Edward, Frances, John, Augusta, Georgia and Gertrude. E. (Edward) Frank McCordick (1904-1980) was born in St. Catharines, Ont., attended Lake Lodge School in Grimsby, Ridley College in St. Catharines, Beechmont Preparatory School in England, Upper Canada College in Toronto and graduated from Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. in 1925. Upon graduation he was made a lieutenant in the 10th (St. Catharines) Field Battery. In 1929 he married Helen Stanley Smith, daughter of Stanley George and Mary Walker Smith of St. Catharines. Col. McCordick, now promoted to Major, played an active role in the 10th (St. Catharines) Field Battery, being officer commanding the battery. In late 1939 McCordick headed to England for artillery tactical training and on December 6, 1939 the battery began the long trek overseas. McCordick saw action in Italy and in Holland. Upon his return to Canada at the end of the war he was the Liberal candidate in the federal election for Lincoln County. He remained active in the local military serving as honorary lieutenant-colonel of the 56th Field Regiment (ARCA) and in 1976 as the honorary colonel of the regiment. Col. McCordick held the Efficiency Decoration, the Order of the British Empire, granted in 1945 and was made an officer in the Order of St. John in 1978. He continued to serve his community in various capacities, including the Unemployment Insurance Canada Board, Royal Trust Company and the St. John Ambulance Society. He remained an active member of the alumni of Royal Military College, editing and compiling a newsletter and organizing reunion weekends. He kept in close contact with many of his classmates. Helen Stanley Smith McCordick lived in St. Catharines, Ont., attended Robertson School, and graduated from the University of Toronto in 1926 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages. During the war years (1939-1945) Helen was active in the Transport division of the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross and the Women’s Auxiliary of the 10th Field Battery. In 1932 E. Frank and Helen McCordick welcomed their only child, (Catharine) Anne McCordick. Helen continued to play an active role in her community until her passing in 1997. Stanley George Smith (1865-1960) was born in St. Catharines, Ont., the only child of William Smith (d. June 16, 1876) a native of Edinburgh, Scotland and his wife Hannah Louisa Maria Bulkeley a native of Fairfield, Connecticut. Stanley George Smith married Mary Walker of Guelph, Ont.(d. 1956) Mary was the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth (d. 1924) Walker. Her siblings included Margaret, Agnes, Jessie, Isabella, Lorne, Ada, Alice, Eva, Alexander and George. Hugh Walker was a prominent fruit and vegetable merchant in Guelph. On 1904 their only child, Helen Stanley Smith was born. He was a post office clerk, and the treasurer for the James D. Tait Co. Ltd., a clothing and dry goods retailer in St. Catharines. The family lived at 39 Church Street in St. Catharines, Ont.


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The current dissertation examined role differences in the perception of injustice; specifically, differences in how victims and offenders respond to a situation that they both agree is unfair. Past research has demonstrated that role affects reactions to transgressions and injustice, including recall of transgressions, and attributions of blame and responsibility (e.g., Baumeister, Stillwell, & Wotman, 1990; Mikula, Athenstaedt, Heschgl, & Heimgartner, 1998). However, to date, little work has examined role differences in perceptions of why an event is perceived as unfair (i.e., how an injustice is framed) or how justice should be restored. These were the perceptions I focused on in the present thesis. I also examined potential concerns that may motivate victims' and offenders' justice reactions, as well as the potential interaction between role and relationship quality in predicting justice reactions. In Studies 1 and 2, several of the predicted role differences in concerns were found; however, these did not lead to the expected differences in framing and restoration. In Study 1, using a vignette methodology, I found differences primarily in how victims and offenders believed justice should be restored. Overall, the significant role effects showed an accommodating response pattern (e.g., offenders proposed punishment more than did victims and neutral observers, whereas victims recommended minimal compensation more than did offenders and neutral observers), inconsistent with previous research and my hypotheses. Study 2, which employed a sample of romantic couples, substantiated the accommodating pattern found in Study 1. Study 3, which sampled a broader range of relationships, also showed i \ examples of accommodating reactions. In addition, Study 3 provided some support for the hypothesized interaction between role and relationship quality, such that responses were more accommodating as relationship quality increased. For example, offenders more strongly endorsed methods of restoration such as offender apology and recognition of the relationship with increasing relationship quality. Overall, the results from this dissertation support the general notion that victims and offenders respond to injustice differently, and, in-line with previous research on other justice-related responses (e.g., Mikula et at, 1998), suggest that victims and offenders show an other-serving, accommodating tendency in justice reactions when relationship quality is high.


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This project is about a reflective research journey taken by a Masters student in the Child and Youth Studies Department at Brock University in St. Catharines Ontario. This journey consisted of a mixed method approach using the qualitative method of autoethnography along with the Indigenous research method of storytelling. The research was done using the concept of two-eyed seeing which consisted of trying to balance the two eyes of research: Indigenous and Western. The Non-Aboriginal researcher not only reflected on her own learning journey but also the lessons she learned from the voices of 48 women from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. Like the trickster character Coyote, the researcher struggled, stumbled and was transformed by this journey.


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The Woodruff Family Collection: From the time the Woodruff Family came to Canada from the United States in 1795, they took an active role in the forming of their communities both in a civic and social manner. This is evident through the documents contained in this collection. The Woodruffs played an active role in the battles fought in Upper Canada and they were an integral part of the Village of St. Davids. They were educated, business-minded and socially engaged. They accumulated much of their fortune through land dealings. Much of this collection focuses on Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff who was principally a businessman. His dedication to his work is shown through his numerous undertakings. He made his mark on the Niagara Peninsula through his work on the railways, roads, marsh land revisions, canals and the paper industry. He was also involved with the founding of the Long Point Company and he took control of building DeVeaux Hall down to the last detail. His offspring inherited his work ethic and his business acumen. The people who married into the Woodruff Family also possessed key social, political and business ties. Anne and Margaret Clement were from a staunch Loyalist background. Samuel Zimmerman was instrumental to the founding of Niagara Falls and Judge Samuel DeVeaux left behind a legacy for poor and homeless boys in Niagara Falls, New York. The Woodruff Family undoubtedly left a mark on the Niagara Peninsula. This collection brings to light many endeavours of the family and their varied contributions.


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Objectifs : Ce mémoire propose de répertorier par une revue systématique les instruments de mesure clinique des conduites addictives établies et émergentes; de les comparer au moyen d’une grille d’analyse afin de de déterminer si ces conduites sont cohésives au plan conceptuel. Méthode : La stratégie analytique employée s’est déroulée en trois étapes : 1) Via les moteurs de recherche Pubmed, Psychinfo, HAPI et Embase, nous avons cherché, pour l’ensemble des conduites addictives, les questionnaires ayant fait l’objet d’une étude de validation interne au plan psychométrique. 2) Une grille d’analyse a été développée et validée, couvrant 21 paramètres tirés de 4 catégories conceptuelles : les critères diagnostiques de dépendance (DSM-IVTR), le tempérament (Cloninger et Zuckerman), le processus de production du handicap social (Fougeyrollas) et une grille d’analyse cognitivo-comportementale (Beck). 3) tous les instruments ont été analysés et comparés au moyen de cette grille qui a été développée est validée par un accord inter-juge élevé. Résultats : Nous avons répertorié 191 questionnaires répartis sur 21 conduites addictives. On constate que les conduites les plus prévalentes sont également celles pour lesquelles on retrouve le plus grand nombre de questionnaires. Les catégories que les questionnaires évaluent le plus sont celles des critères de la dépendance et l’analyse cognitivo-comportementale, les catégories beaucoup moins bien représentées étant celles du tempérament et du processus de production du handicap social. On note des tendances semblables pour les paramètres entre les questionnaires portant sur la toxicomanie et ceux portant sur les addictions sans drogues. Conclusion : Ce mémoire confirme une cohésion clinique dans la mesure des addictions, tel que déterminé par une grille validée appliquée sur un ensemble exhaustif de questionnaires répertoriés par une revue systématique.


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Tous mes travaux ont été réalisés à l'aide du logiciel stata 11.


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Les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov (MCMC) sont des outils très populaires pour l’échantillonnage de lois de probabilité complexes et/ou en grandes dimensions. Étant donné leur facilité d’application, ces méthodes sont largement répandues dans plusieurs communautés scientifiques et bien certainement en statistique, particulièrement en analyse bayésienne. Depuis l’apparition de la première méthode MCMC en 1953, le nombre de ces algorithmes a considérablement augmenté et ce sujet continue d’être une aire de recherche active. Un nouvel algorithme MCMC avec ajustement directionnel a été récemment développé par Bédard et al. (IJSS, 9 :2008) et certaines de ses propriétés restent partiellement méconnues. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de tenter d’établir l’impact d’un paramètre clé de cette méthode sur la performance globale de l’approche. Un second objectif est de comparer cet algorithme à d’autres méthodes MCMC plus versatiles afin de juger de sa performance de façon relative.


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La recherche explore le rapport à l’école et aux savoirs scolaires de jeunes d’origine haïtienne en contexte scolaire défavorisé. Considérant des trajectoires contrastées d’élèves en réussite scolaire, d’élèves vulnérables et de jeunes décrocheurs, elle examine les processus qui concourent à la réussite socioscolaire des uns et à la moindre réussite des autres en interrogeant le sens que les jeunes accordent à l’école et à l’acte d’apprendre. La recherche documente par ailleurs la manière dont ce sens s’est construit dans la trajectoire socioscolaire depuis la maternelle. Cette approche basée sur des entretiens approfondis à caractère biographique permet d'avoir des hypothèses explicatives sur un résiduel non expliqué par les recherches quantitatives. Elle bonifie aussi la perspective de Charlot (2001) jugée trop centrée sur l'élève (Thésée, 2003). L’élève est au centre de la démarche, mais son rapport aux savoirs scolaires est analysé à travers l’exploration de la trajectoire de socialisation scolaire, familiale et communautaire et en croisant les regards des jeunes, des parents, enseignants et autres personnes significatives sur cette trajectoire. Selon les résultats de notre recherche, le rapport à l’école et aux savoirs scolaires semble plus complexe et critique chez les élèves en réussite qui identifient la valeur formative, qualifiante et socialisante de l’école. Ces derniers se mobilisent fortement dans leur apprentissage. En comparaison, les élèves en difficulté mettent plutôt l’accent sur la socialisation et la qualification et ils font preuve d’une moindre mobilisation scolaire. Certains d’entre eux se rapprochent des jeunes décrocheurs avec un rapport aux savoirs de non-sens et de désengagement. Mais au-delà de ces grandes lignes, le rapport à l’école et aux savoirs scolaires se décline différemment d’un jeune à l’autre, suivant des caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et sociales spécifiques et suivant le savoir/apprentissage scolaire considéré et son mode de transmission par l’enseignant. Les résultats de la recherche mettent en évidence le rôle d’acteur de l’élève dans son apprentissage, mais aussi celui des principaux contextes dans lesquels il évolue. L’école est particulièrement interpellée. Les élèves dénoncent la forme scolaire scripturale, perçue monotone lourde et rigide, et certaines pratiques enseignantes qui ne favorisent pas l’apprentissage (Fabre, 2007 ; Pépin, 1994). Les familles sont aussi interpellées quant à leurs valeurs, pratiques et cohésion. Enfin, la recherche souligne l’influence du réseau des pairs et des milieux communautaires. Apprendre et réussir à l’école se révèlent un enjeu individuel et social qui implique une mobilisation collective.


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Introduction: Bien que l'importance de transférer les données de la recherche à la pratique a été largement démontrée, ce processus est toujours lent et fait face à plusieurs défis tels que la conceptualisation des évidences, la validité interne et externe de la recherche scientifique et les coûts élevés de la collecte de grandes quantités de données axées sur le patient. Les dossiers dentaires des patients contiennent des renseignements valables qui donneraient aux chercheurs cliniques une opportunité d'utiliser un large éventail d'informations quantitatives ou qualitatives. La standardisation du dossier clinique permettrait d’échanger et de réutiliser des données dans différents domaines de recherche. Objectifs: Le but de cette étude était de concevoir un dossier patient axé sur la recherche dans le domaine de la prosthodontie amovible à la clinique de premier cycle de l’Université de Montréal. Méthodes: Cette étude a utilisé des méthodes de recherche-action avec 4 étapes séquentielles : l'identification des problèmes, la collecte et l'interprétation des données, la planification et l’évaluation de l'action. Les participants de l'étude (n=14) incluaient des professeurs, des chercheurs cliniques et des instructeurs cliniques dans le domaine de la prosthodontie amovible. La collecte des données a été menée à l’aide d’une revue de littérature ciblée et complète sur les résultats en prosthodontie ainsi que par le biais de discussions de groupes et d’entrevues. Les données qualitatives ont été analysées en utilisant QDA Miner 3.2.3. Résultats: Les participants de l'étude ont soulevé plusieurs points absents au formulaire actuel de prosthodontie à la clinique de premier cycle. Ils ont partagé leurs idées pour la conception d'un nouveau dossier-patient basé sur 3 objectifs principaux: les objectifs cliniques, éducatifs et de recherche. Les principaux sujets d’intérêt en prosthodontie amovibles, les instruments appropriés ainsi que les paramètres cliniques ont été sélectionnés par le groupe de recherche. Ces résultats ont été intégrés dans un nouveau formulaire basé sur cette consultation. La pertinence du nouveau formulaire a été évaluée par le même groupe d'experts et les modifications requises ont été effectuées. Les participants de l'étude ont convenu que le cycle de recherche-action doit être poursuivi afin d'évaluer la faisabilité d’implémentation de ce dossier modifié dans un cadre universitaire. Conclusion: Cette étude est une première étape pour développer une base de données dans le domaine de la prothodontie amovible. La recherche-action est une méthode de recherche utile dans ce processus, et les éducateurs académiques sont bien placés pour mener ce type de recherche.