968 resultados para pirolisi, PFU, syngas, char, impianto pilota, pneumatici


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As the largest contributor to renewable energy, biomass (especially lignocellulosic biomass) has significant potential to address atmospheric emission and energy shortage issues. The bio-fuels derived from lignocellulosic biomass are popularly referred to as second-generation bio-fuels. To date, several thermochemical conversion pathways for the production of second-generation bio-fuels have shown commercial promise; however, most of these remain at various pre-commercial stages. In view of their imminent commercialization, it is important to conduct a profound and comprehensive comparison of these production techniques. Accordingly, the scope of this review is to fill this essential knowledge gap by mapping the entire value chain of second-generation bio-fuels, from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives. This value chain covers i) the thermochemical technologies used to convert solid biomass feedstock into easier-to-handle intermediates, such as bio-oil, syngas, methanol, and Fischer-Tropsch fuel; and ii) the upgrading technologies used to convert intermediates into end products, including diesel, gasoline, renewable jet fuels, hydrogen, char, olefins, and oxygenated compounds. This review also provides an economic and commercial assessment of these technologies, with the aim of identifying the most adaptable technology for the production of bio-fuels, fuel additives, and bio-chemicals. A detailed mapping of the carbon footprints of the various thermochemical routes to second-generation bio-fuels is also carried out. The review concludes by identifying key challenges and future trends for second-generation petroleum substitute bio-fuels.


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Questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto sull’ impianto di produzione di polioli presso lo stabilimento Cargill di Castelmassa (RO) con lo scopo di ottimizzare la gestione dello ione Ni2+, derivante dal nichel metallico utilizzato come catalizzatore (nichel Raney) nella reazione di idrogenazione del glucosio condotta a 42 bar. Il nichel, infatti, a seguito di fluttuazioni di pH che avvengono durante il corso della reazione aumenta la sua solubilità passando in fase liquida sotto forma di ione bivalente. Nel successivo step di raffinazione e demineralizzazione del prodotto mediante una serie di resine a scambio ionico, il Ni2+ è trattenuto assieme ad altri ioni e separato dal prodotto stesso. Infine quando si va a rigenerare la resina, a seguito della sua saturazione, si producono dei reflui contenenti nichel, che, seppur presente in quantità modeste, non potranno essere inviati al depuratore comunale in quanto il metallo avvelenerebbe i microorganismi deputati al trattamento delle acque reflue, quindi dovranno essere smaltiti come rifiuti speciali. L’azienda è già dotata di un impianto di nichel recovery che utilizza una batteria di resine chelanti, in grado di catturare selettivamente metalli pesanti, in modo tale da avere un refluo con la concentrazione di Ni2+ più alta possibile per ridurre al minimo i costi, non esigui, di smaltimento. L’obbiettivo del mio lavoro di tesi è quello di trovare soluzioni alternative per la concentrazione del nichel e verificare mediante semplici bilanci economici se queste soluzioni proposte siano sostenibili dal punto di vista industriale, ed eventualmente possano essere concorrenti alla soluzione impiantistica già adottata.


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L’obiettivo di questo trattato è lo studio di un aeromobile militare a pilotaggio remoto (APR), volto ad una sua conversione per usi prettamente civili: il velivolo in questione è il Predator Canard-Long. Tale studio è basato sulle problematiche dovute alla sostituzione del propulsore originale Rotax 914 (4 cilindri da 115 CV del peso di 95 kg) con un Peugeot HDi Fap (4 cilindri da 175 CV del peso di 240 kg). L’aeromobile in questione dovrà svolgere compiti di monitoraggio e sorveglianza di siti archeologici, dunque si richiederà un alto livello di autonomia affinché le missioni vengano svolte nel modo più efficiente possibile. Preso un modello pre-esitente, costruito al CAD tramite il software Solidworks2016, è stato studiato il comportamento del velivolo tramite simulazioni CFD. Data l’insufficienza della portanza a causa dell’aggiunta di peso dovuta alla rimotorizzazione, sono state provate diverse soluzioni atte a colmare lo scompenso. Scelta come soluzione migliore l’installazione di alette canard e la modifica del profilo aerodinamico, è stato infine necessario verificare che la risposta ai comandi dell’aeromobile modificato soddisfacesse le richieste desiderate.


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La presente tesi muove da un interesse dell'autore verso tematiche affrontate nel corso di Idrologia T e prende in esame la valutazione di un impianto micro-idroelettrico presso il Fosso di Canepa nella Repubblica di San Marino. Si è partiti da una raccolta di dati disponibili in territorio sammarinese per poi poter svolgere uno studio che partendo da essi arriva a mostrare la possibilità di sfruttare l'acqua della sorgente di Canepa non solo per l'acquedotto ma anche per la produzione di energia elettrica. Nell'elaborato il potenziale impianto valutato sarà inserito nel contesto energetico sammarinese e ne saranno svolte analisi economiche per mostrarne la fattibilità. Si è inoltre preso in esame il discorso delle energie rinnovabili in generale, delineando le potenzialità che la Repubblica di San Marino potrebbe avere in tale campo.


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Il presente elaborato di tesi si concretizza in un inquadramento generale relativo alle emissioni odorigene: cosa sono, i riferimenti normativi, come si misurano. Si è poi fatto riferimento a un caso reale, ovvero un impianto operante nella lavorazione dei semi oleosi che ha subito una modifica della propria configurazione impiantistica. Le emisisoni odorigene sono state modellate, mediante l'utilizzo del software Calpuff, in relazione a due stati: prima e dopo la modifica. Questo ha permesso di fare un confronto in termini di impatto sull'ambiente.


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The preparation of structured catalysts active in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane to syngas, was performed by electrosynthesis of hydroxides on FeCrAlloy foams and fibers. Rh/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-type compounds were prepared by co-precipitation of metallic cations on the support and successive calcination. Electrochemical reactions have been studied during the electrodeposition by linear sweep voltammetry. The experiments were performed at supports immersed in KNO3, KCl, Mg2+ and Al3+ aqueous solutions, starting by different precursors (nitrate and chlorides salts) and modifying the Mg/A ratio. Rh/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-type compounds were deposited on metal foams by applying a -1.2V vs SCE potential for 2000s with a nitrate solution of 0.06M total metal concentration. Firstly it was studied the effect of Mg on the coating propierties, modifying the Rh/Mg/Al atomic ratio (5/70/25, 5/50/45, 5/25/70 e 5/0/95). Then the effect of the amount of Rh was later investigated in the sample with the largest Mg content (Rh/Mg/Al = 5/70/25 and 2/70/28).The results showed that magnesium allowed obtaining the most homogeneous and well adherent coatings, wherein rhodium was well dispersed. The sample with the Rh/Mg /Al ratio equal to5/70/25 showed the best catalytic performances. Decreasing the Rh content, the properties of the coating were not modified, but the catalytic activity was lower, due to a not enough number of active sites to convert the methane. The work on metal fibers focused on the effect of precursor concentration, keeping constant composition, potential and synthesis time at the values of Rh/Mg/Al =5/70/25, -1.2V vs SCE and 1000s. However fibers geometry did not allow to obtain a high quality coating, even if results were quite promising.


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Abstract not available


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Rapporto tecnico per l’Istituto di Biologia Cellulare e Neurobiologia del CNR, registrato con prot. CNR n. 0012494 del 24/02/2016, riguardante lo studio di fattibilità di un grande impianto fotovoltaico da installare all'interno del Campus di Monterotondo del CNR.


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An integrated analysis of naproxen adsorption on bone char in batch and packed-bed column conditions has been performed. Kinetic, thermodynamic and breakthrough parameters have been calculated using adsorption models and artificial neural networks. Results show that naproxen removal using bone char in batch conditions is a feasible and effective process, which could involve electrostatic and non-electrostatic interactions depending mainly on pH conditions. However, the application of packed-bed column for naproxen adsorption on bone char is not effective for the treatment of diluted solutions due to the low degree of adsorbent utilization (below 4%) at tested operating conditions. The proposed mechanism for naproxen removal using bone char could include a complexation process via phosphate and naproxen, hydrogen bonding and the possibility of hydrophobic interactions via π–π electron. This study highlights the relevance of performing an integrated analysis of adsorbent effectiveness in batch and dynamic conditions to establish the best process configuration for the removal of emerging water pollutants such as pharmaceuticals.


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The main objective of this research was to investigate pyrolysis and torrefaction of forest biomass species using a micropyrolysis instrument. It was found that 30-45% of the original sample mass remained as bio-char in the pyrolysis temperature range of 500 - 700˚C for aspen, balsam, and switchgrass. The non-char mass was converted to gaseous and vapor products, of which 10-55% was water and syngas, 2-12% to acetic acid, 2-12% to hydroxypropanone, 1-3% to furaldehyde, and 5-15% to various phenolic compounds. In addition, several general trends in the evolution of gaseous species were indentified when woody feedstocks were pyrolyzed. With increasing temperature it was observed that: (1) the volume of gas produced increased, (2) the volume of CO2 decreased and the volumes of CO and CH4 increased, and (3) the rates of gas evolution increased. In the range of torrefaction temperature (200 - 300˚C), two mechanistic models were developed to predict the rates of CO2 and acetic acid product formation. The models fit the general trend of the experimental data well, but suggestions for future improvement were also noted. Finally, it was observed that using torrefaction as a pre-curser to pyrolysis improves the quality of bio-oil over traditional pyrolysis by reducing the acidity through removal of acetic acid, reducing the O/C ratio by removal of some oxygenated species, and removing a portion of the water.


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In this study, rice husk and corn stalk have been pyrolyzed in an auger pyrolysis reactor at pyrolysis temperatures of 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 °C in order to investigate the effect of the pyrolysis temperature on the pyrolysis performance of the reactor and physicochemical properties of pyrolysis products (this paper focuses on char and gas). The results have shown that the pyrolysis temperature significantly affects the mass yields and properties of the pyrolysis products. The mass yields of pyrolysis liquid and char are comparable to those reported for the same feedstocks processed in fluidized bed reactors. With the increase of the pyrolysis temperature, the pyrolysis liquid yield shows a peak at 500 °C, the char yield decreases, and the gas yield increases for both feedstocks. The higher heating value (HHV) and volatile matter content of char increase as the pyrolysis temperature increases from 350 to 600 °C. The gases obtained from the pyrolysis of rice husk and corn stalk mainly contain CO2, CO, CH4, H2, and other light hydrocarbons; the molar fractions of combustible gases increase and therefore their HHVs subsequently increase with the increase of the pyrolysis temperature.


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La tesi in oggetto è stata svolta presso la Galletti spa. L'obiettivo iniziale era quello di studiare un percorso all'interno dello stabilimento produttivo al fine di enfatizzare le peculiarità della produzione tenendo conto dei fattori riguardanti la sicurezza. E' stata inoltre realizzata, con l'aiuto di una agenzia di comunicazione, una piattaforma di comunicazione. Analizzando il processo produttivo è emersa un'ulteriore problematica: l'elevata quantità di work in progress stoccati a bordo linea. In particolare, in questa tesi è stata fatta un'analisi preliminare circa una linea di produzione. Sono stati analizzati, in termini di quantità, i prodotti che vengono assemblati in essa, e i codici dei semilavorati utili. In seguito sono state studiate le operazioni che vengono svolte in ogni postazione di lavoro e, in funzione del ciclo di lavoro gli sono stati assegnati i codici dei semilavorati. L'analisi si è conclusa studiando i consumi medi. Le prossime fasi dell'analisi prevedono lo studio dei volumi dei codici e di conseguenza la definizione delle aree di stoccaggio e lo studio dei lotti di produzione.


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Australian mosquitoes from which Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) has been recovered (Culex annulirostris, Culex gelidus, and Aedes vigilax) were assessed for their ability to be infected with the ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, with yellow fever vaccine virus 17D (YF 17D) from which the backbone of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine is derived and with JEV-Nakayama. None of the mosquitoes became infected after being fed orally with 6.1 log(10) plaque-forming units (PFU)/mL of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, which is greater than the peak viremia in vaccinees (mean peak viremia = 4.8 PFU/mL, range = 0-30 PFU/mL of 0.9 days mean duration, range = 0-11 days). Some members of all three species of mosquito became infected when fed on JEV-Nakayama, but only Ae. vigilax was infected when fed on YF 17D. The results suggest that none of these three species of mosquito are likely to set up secondary cycles of transmission of ChimeriVax-JE in Australia after feeding on a viremic vaccinee.


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Influenza is a widespread disease occurring in seasonal epidemics, and each year is responsible for up to 500,000 deaths worldwide. Influenza can develop into strains which cause severe symptoms and high mortality rates, and could potentially reach pandemic status if the virus’ properties allow easy transmission. Influenza is transmissible via contact with the virus, either directly (infected people) or indirectly (contaminated objects); via reception of large droplets over short distances (one metre or less); or through inhalation of aerosols containing the virus expelled by infected individuals during respiratory activities, that can remain suspended in the air and travel distances of more than one metre (the aerosol route). Aerosol transmission of viruses involves three stages: production of the droplets containing viruses; transport of the droplets and ability of a virus to remain intact and infectious; and reception of the droplets (via inhalation). Our understanding of the transmission of influenza viruses via the aerosol route is poor, and thus our ability to prevent a widespread outbreak is limited. This study explored the fate of viruses in droplets by investigating the effects of some physical factors on the recovery of both a bacteriophage model and influenza virus. Experiments simulating respiratory droplets were carried out using different types of droplets, generated from a commonly used water-like matrix, and also from an ‘artificial mucous’ matrix which was used to more closely resemble respiratory fluids. To detect viruses in droplets, we used the traditional plaque assay techniques, and also a sensitive, quantitative PCR assay specifically developed for this study. Our results showed that the artificial mucous suspension enhanced the recovery of infectious bacteriophage. We were able to report detection limits of infectious bacteriophage (no bacteriophage was detected by the plaque assay when aerosolised from a suspension of 103 PFU/mL, for three of the four droplet types tested), and that bacteriophage could remain infectious in suspended droplets for up to 20 minutes. We also showed that the nested real-time PCR assay was able to detect the presence of bacteriophage RNA where the plaque assay could not detect any intact particles. Finally, when applying knowledge from the bacteriophage experiments, we reported the quantitative recoveries of influenza viruses in droplets, which were more consistent and stable than we had anticipated. Influenza viruses can be detected up to 20 minutes (after aerosolisation) in suspended aerosols and possibly beyond. It also was detectable from nebulising suspensions with relatively low concentrations of viruses.


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In this study on the basis of lab data and available resources in Bangladesh, feasibility study has been carried out for pyrolysis process converting solid tire wastes into pyrolysis oils, solid char and gases. The process considered for detailed analysis was fixed-bed fire-tube heating pyrolysis reactor system. The comparative techno-economic assessment was carried out in US$ for three different sizes plants: medium commercial scale (144 tons/day), small commercial scale (36 tons/day), pilot scale (3.6 tons/day). The assessment showed that medium commercial scale plant was economically feasible, with the lowest unit production cost than small commercial and pilot scale plants for the production of crude pyrolysis oil that could be used as boiler fuel oil and for the production of upgraded liquid-products.